White-Papers: The White Interest In Syria
Some on the right are lamenting the fall of Assad, someone they viewed as a secular leader who stabilized a chaotic multiethnic nation. And opportunistic neoconservatives see it as another opportunity to promote “democracy” in the Middle East.
My first thought however was one of loyalty and sentiment to my own civilization. How will the fall of Syria affect the West and more importantly what are our real (not neoliberal imposed) interests now that Assad has fallen? …
As of today, most Syrian opposition groups have come together to form a Western and UN backed transitional government. The Kurds have not joined this government and continue to fight with a Turkish backed Syrian rebel group who have also not joined the transitional authority. Fighting has become isolated to the north of the country and most of Syria now exists in a state of tenuous peace.
As Whites, we have legitimate interests in the region because a peaceful Syria means a peaceful return of its refugees and their families who do not have cultural ties to Western nations and are contributing to our rapid demographic replacement.
There are more than 250,000 Syrians in Sweden and 1.3 million Syrian refugees in Germany. The vast bulk of these Syrians arrived in Europe after 2014 and therefore have extremely limited ties to our civilization. It is first and foremost in our interest as Westerners to send them home. Western nations have a unique opportunity to make demands on Syria’s new transitional government to take back their diaspora population in exchange for foreign aid.
For example, Western governments should demand that the 2018 Absentees Law, which stripped millions of refugee Syrians of their properties, be repealed. Financial support for Syria should be conditional on the return of properties and assets to the Syrian diaspora so that these refugees have something to return to.
In September of 2024, without the consent of my countrymen of course, the US government under Joe Biden announced $535 million in additional humanitarian assistance for Syria. Now that assistance will be redirected to helping rebuild the country in the wake of the end of its civil war. But we should be picky about the conditions. New hospitals, police stations, or apartment buildings funded by the West can be staffed by refugees returning home. In May of 2020, it was estimated that Syria needed $65 billion to repair its infrastructure. How many jobs could this create for former refugees returning home?
We can construct rows of homes and apartment complexes in Syria “from the American people” and ingratiate ourselves to the new Syrian regime while growing closer to our European allies by helping them repatriate migrants. It’s a win for everyone!
Remigration progressive countries like Sweden that have incorporated paid repatriation policies must also work with the new Syrian administration to facilitate the return of Syrians. Using the resources available in White Papers’ latest piece on the developments in Sweden I was able to find this article by the Swedish government about their new global development strategy. This strategy hinges on funding and cooperating with countries that cooperate with Sweden for the return and voluntary repatriation of non-Swedes. Now is the perfect opportunity for the Swedish state to put their new development policy into practice and lead the way for the rest of the West.
We can also use the opportunity in Syria to create a knock-on effect with other governments in the region. Western states could help fund the repatriation of the nearly 800,000 Syrians in Lebanon in exchange for Lebanon taking back the nearly 400,000 Lebanese in France or the 200,000 Lebanese who call Germany ‘home’ at present, a proposal we’ve presented before at White Papers in “A Vision for Arab Repatriation.”
Popular Black podcasters The Hodgetwins Interview
David Duke and agree on the Great Replacement.
Duke is eminently polite, rational, and loquacious if you let him talk. If you’ve ever had the opportunity to let him talk, you’d know it’s difficult to stop him once he gets started.
Keith and Kevin Hodge are two bearded conservative black podcasters and standup comics known professionally as The Hodgetwins. They have millions of followers across social media. Last Friday, they aired a convivial two-hour interview with David Duke.
Topics covered included:
– David Is Banned From Banking
– Zionism is What Created Nazism
– David Duke Exposes the Sackler Family
– Transgenderism in the Talmud
– The Origins of Porn
– America Went to War With Iraq Because of Israel?
– Is David Attracted to Black Women?
– David Duke Was the Original MAGA
At one point in the interview, Duke said, “When I ran for office, and I got elected to office two or three times, my slogan was, ‘Equal rights for all, special privileges for none,’ and I said unless we stop this immigration, it was gonna be bad news for all the American people – blacks, whites, everybody else that’s in the country.
It’s not Great Replacement theory, it’s Great Replacement fact. It’s happened.” One of the Hodges piped in: “Even blacks have been replaced. We used to be number two in this country.” “That’s exactly right,” said Duke. Even blacks have been replaced. That’s a really good point.”
Prof. Rieck: “The Toilet-Jaguar, Model 00*: Jaguar marketing is destroying the traditional British brand with pink prancing and a wok undertone. Game theory explains the decisions of the managers and the owners (Tata Motors from India). Spoiler: It could be stratagem 34 ‘hurting yourself’.” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gfb6vycTeVI
*) According to the legend this tradition was started by hotels in the 19th century. Unlike today there was a single bathroom for a whole floor. This room was at the beginning of the hallway and not a real guest room. Hoteliers therefore used the room number “00”.
Other common explanations include the shape of an opened toilet seat but as far as I know that question has not been finally settled yet. The hotel explanation seems like the most likely one.
Ode to Sudel-Ede: A Satirical Sonnet
Oh Schnitzler, master of communist spin,
Your “Black Channel” spewed propaganda’s grin,
With vitriol sharp and rhetoric so bold,
Your DDR tales were brazenly told!
“Sudel-Ede”, they called you with sardonic glee,
A mouthpiece dancing to the Party’s decree,
Your words like missiles, aimed with practiced hate,
Against the West – your ideological bait!
You ranted and raved on GDR TV,
A caricature of pure ideology,
Your mustache quivering with each zealous phrase,
Distorting truth in those Cold War-laden days!
When history judged, your narrative did fall,
Your propaganda – just a crumbling wall!
(Sudel-Ede = “Smear-Ed” or “Slander-Ed”)
Wall Down, Wits Up? Clueless in the Digital Age
Oh, Valley of the Clueless, a tale so droll,
Where Dresden’s folk missed Western TV’s control.
No ARD or ZDF to light their way,
Just party propaganda day by day.
They built a cable, hoping folks would stay,
But dissatisfaction grew, much to their dismay.
The Wall came down, and freedom rang so sweet,
Yet now we scroll our phones on every street.
In echo chambers, we’re all clueless now,
Trapped in bubbles, we don’t know quite how.
From Dresden’s valley to the world so wide,
We’re still not sure what’s on the other side.
Our smartphones ping, our tablets glow so bright,
But are we truly any more in light?
The Iron Curtain’s gone, yet walls remain,
Digital barriers cause a new refrain.
So here’s a thought, both funny and profound:
Are we all clueless, though info abounds?
From East to West, from offline to online,
The Valley of the Clueless – yours and mine!
Turning Tides: A Satirical Reflection
Once we fought with heart and might
Against communism, burning red,
Now, oh irony’s delight:
Comrades in our state instead!
From Stasi cadres, once outcast,
Some now sit in parliament,
Ideology – just slightly recast –
Transformed, yet its spirit unbent!
The Iron Curtain fell years ago,
But its ghosts still dance in the hall,
The party school played quite a show –
With unexpected curtain call! Satire?
Yes! For humor reveals
The truth that often hides from sight,
When communists, with newfound zeal,
“Enhance” democracy so bright!
Look at that: Suddenly, what supposedly doesn’t work otherwise does.
P.S. Proof once again that the only thing missing is a lack
of political will and that the whole invasion “business” is
planned, wanted and organized from the very beginning!
In Henrik’s place, I would have asked his British interviewer whether schoolchildren in his country are actually taught the devastating consequences that the “strategic bombing” by his heroic ancestors would have not only for Henrik’s city, but ultimately for the whole of Europe? Of course, the Brit can only answer this question in the negative, because for both him and Henrik, freedom apparently still primarily means consuming Anglo-American music and wearing jeans. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a26T4qYHY0U
There seem to be a lot more conversations like this on the channel, I’m quite curious.
That Azmon’s theory, according to which Jews conquer the discourse and non-Jews opt out, is true, can already be seen from the fact that I was not prepared to follow this discussion for more than 15 minutes. I was fed up with the subject. Azmon says this is precisely our mistake, that we are leaving the field to them.
PW Review with special guest Dr David Duke.
P.S. Just had a quick look (too late) and heard that Duke considers Syrians to be “Aryans” (possibly a serious consequence of his chemotherapy?). Doctor Doctor, this is (even more than) a full-blown culture shock! If Syrians are Aryans, why not Egyptians? If Egyptians are Aryans, why not Sudanese, etc. Mark, in his diplomatic way, unfortunately did not even deign to reply. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FUXTe8REap0
Just listened through Singapore Depress
Mutt fan channel. Lot effort in vids. Gore’s
The Big Muff (1981) too stretched, but pre-
cision analog sound generators preserved.
Four Depress Mutt albums were recorded in
Germany. As a German, I confess: the most
inferior IMHO. I generally think that everything
that came after A Broken Frame was garbage.
This can’t be a serious post. Is this the onion? You think syrians will return to an even bigger dump now? There’s going to be a flood of refugees that makes 2015 look like a walk in park. I saw one this morning in Bosnia, he’s ahead of the curve. Had an iphone but no documents and new Nike sneakers.
They might not want to go back, but politicians in Europe seem more than willing to get them to go back.