The Tech-Bro Apocalypse

A must read.

Matthew Louis on Gallows Humor:

The Tech-Bro Apocalypse

The Trump 2.0 honeymoon is over, and the marriage may be doomed…and it’s all about race after all.

Welp, we can stick the old fork in Elon, Vivek, and maybe MAGA. It turns out, as many suspected, that the current Trump coalition is something less than America First. Yeah, damage control has begun, message softening and backpedaling is underway, but that’s like Jeffrey Dahmer telling you he’s just into shakes and burgers now. We can’t unknow what we know, and like a certain famous book says, increaseth your knowledge, increaseth your sorrow.

We’ve definitely increased our knowledge, and hence our sorrow, with regard to Trump’s main proxies, and the agenda of Trump 2.0.

It all began some time around Christmas, with a little harmless Twittering between Elon and his public, about the former’s desire to ramp up the importation of Indian “talent.” But it quickly spiraled, and then spiraled some more, and soon became the bitterest of debates about nothing but race…although many don’t want to admit the debate is about nothing but race.

Now the debate is an all-out right-wing dogfight, with not only no resolution in sight, but no resolution possible. Elon has, for practical purposes, imploded. When various MAGA hardliners and “far right” influencers began mauling him, “ratio-ing” him, embarrassing him on the issue of Indian imports, he—assuming he’s even a real person—responded by stripping his critics’ account privileges, actually nuking numerous accounts, and announcing a new shadow-banning algorithm. He further responded by shifting fully into blue-haired rage mode, calling his critics—what else?—racists, telling them to “take a big step back and FUCK [THEMSELVES] in the face,” and declaring that anyone more radical than Jeb Bush will be removed “root and stem” from the American right.

Yes, that is our flagship free-speech platform, as overseen by the era’s principal crusader against wokeness.

Then it got more absurd. Seeing that his comrade was self-immolating, Vivek showed up to douse the flames…with a bucket of kerosene. In a brief X essay, the swami of rami explained that American culture is garbage, due to its lionization of dumb jocks and its proclivity for brain-rotting entertainment…as opposed to the diligent nerd ethic that supposedly drives our deep-brown saviors…the implication being that Indians, and presumably any other aliens who manage to set foot on US soil, are objectively, quantitatively—by default, even—superior to Americans.

A rather insane thing to say to the blue- and white-collar white Americans who are the backbone of Trumpism…people whose dads, brothers, and grandpas—and who often enough, themselves—have regularly lined up to kill and die for whatever the fuck America is. But, you see, the vision of the “tech bros”—of the Elons and Viveks and the Silicon Valley kingpins who have purchased Trumpism—is not of a nation that some set of specific people call home, but simply of a place where profitability is maximized by whoever evinces the most cut-throat shrewdness, and whoever will work the hardest for the least pay.

Pick up my guitar and play, just like yesterday…

The desire to get rich, and the willingness to work 18-hour days and sleep 18 to a room, is—they are telling us—what makes one American. Period.

And that, folks, is the actual fault-line on the right; that’s what regularly causes our bitterest divisions, dating back to Pat Buchanan’s slug-fests with the neocons. Is America a Western nation with a particular history, or is it a mere rule-book that anyone “seeking a better life” can follow? That’s the very fault-line Trump stomped on, causing the political earthquakes we’re all familiar with, when he said Mexico isn’t sending its best. And that is, in fact, the only real theme of Trumpism. Reality-TV Trump became President Trump, you may remember, because he explicitly and unequivocally promised to wall us off from brown people, to give blue-collar jobs back to rednecks, and to end political correctness…i.e., to end the requirement that we mince words about this shit.

All else is window dressing. Like it or not, MAGA boils down, just like the commies say, to white America’s profound and utter fatigue with multiculturalism. The Trump base loves its bombastic blacks, its heroic Hindus, its face-tattooed hip-hop clowns, and its trannies and faggots, because it is presumed that these people will facilitate policy changes by attracting voters…and the precise nature of the hoped-for policy changes is, ironically enough, returning us to standards that minimize normal White Americans having to deal with the aforementioned.

MAGA, in short, is now and has never been anything but, an attempt to get back to Norman Rockwell America—or at all events, to move as far as possible in that direction—by enduring whatever freaks and aliens are necessary (Trump himself is a bit of a freak, after all), and attenuating and dressing up the message in whatever way is necessary.

That, and nothing more, is what the apocalyptic “crash-out” of Elon and Vivek illustrates. The underlying debate, as I said, is strictly racial. It’s been brought into high-def clarity by the fact that the race at issue is Indians who—Vivek and Mrs. Vance notwithstanding—are as aesthetically antithetical to Americanism as turds are to punch bowls. I mean, Blacks at least have jive and swagger, and they are at any rate baked into the American cake. Latinos, likewise, as our next-door neighbors, have been spicing up Americana from the beginning, and come with free chips and salsa, and decent beer. Indians, though, at scale—with any level of visibility or influence beyond the token Westernized pundit and a cartoon character warbling about slushies—offer essentially nothing…that is, nothing that Americans find intriguing, useful, or even pleasant. We share zero history with them, they have a peculiar relationship with feces, and they have peculiar smells and peculiarer physiognomy. They are, by every metric, on the average, an acute cramp in the national style.

But that’s just my sense of it. And probably yours. And in point of fact, the sense of alien repulsion is mutual. Scratch the surface of the typical Indian and you find seething anti-White hatred…as one of Elon’s top employees demonstrated…and as Vivek himself subtly but unmistakably demonstrated in his X essay.

Only bigots don’t want to import this.

But who says that every human group has to be in love with every other human group? What I’m saying—and what the Trump base is saying, whether it knows it or not—is that’s the whole point of nations. Why are we pretending that America wasn’t founded by a bunch of Anglo-Saxon racialists who envisioned a White, culturally Christian utopia? And why are we pretending that that wasn’t the central, presupposed, defining American vision right up to, like, yesterday? And the big question is: What in the fuck is wrong with that? Japan is Japan, with its own people. Nigeria is Nigeria. Mexico is Mexico. Etc. Mix in other people, put other people in charge, and soon enough Japan and Nigeria and Mexico are just going to be names for completely different cultures, societies, and aggregations of DNA.

Same with America. It’s a place where White immigrants came to seek opportunity, under an Anglo-Saxon ethos, and to continue themselves as new blends of White people, in perpetuity. Around the edges there was the holdover from the slave population, bleedover from Latin America, a few Indians of the feather variety, a Chinatown or two…but that was around the edges. There’s a reason why Norman Rockwell’s subject matter was exactly what it was. That reason is that America had—and underneath the encrusted grime of our current culture, still has—a very specific, very White, and very Christian identity.

The tech-bro vision completely, and intentionally, negates that history. In fact, the tech-bro vision is just the flipside of the shitlib vision. It is profit-seeking as an end in itself, as opposed to shitlibs’ wealth redistribution as an end in itself. But to what ultimate end are we seeking our profit? Elon talks about “winning”—but winning what, exactly? Spiritual questions aside, the less your ancestors’ legacies exist, the less physical territory is exclusive to your people, the less your cultural traditions and fucking DNA exist, the less you’re winning…period.

The tech bros tell us we must prioritize “competition” and “meritocracy,” but why? If Brad Pitt makes a play for my wife, should I shrug and say, “Well, Brad is richer and handsomer, after all”? Should I eat a bullet because I’m not Brad Pitt? Should I abstract it out to the improvement of mankind as a whole, because Brad has better genes to pass along? Or should I strive to keep what I have, and to continue myself, for no fucking other reason than that I am myself?

The tech-bro paradigm does, as I said, precisely what the shitlib paradigm does. It’s designed to put us—namely, “legacy Americans”—in the position of having to justify our existence. If we can’t explain why we’re good enough, within their arbitrary frameworks, we forfeit our right to continue as a people. If we’re not “anti-racist” enough according to the shitlibs, or “pro-competition” enough according to the tech bros, we are morally…and it just so happens, genetically…obsolete.

A crash course in Trumpism.

And, having put it in those terms, let’s just call the tech-bro op what it is: another globalist, even communistic, anti-White con. I reject all its premises. As Americans, we have every right to tell people to fuck off to wherever they come from, and to never show their alien faces in these parts again, no matter how many hours they want to work for how little pay. Why? For no other reason than they aren’t us. For no other reason than have a look at my Norman Rockwell calendar. Sure, give us a 10, 20, 50 percent reduction in marketplace viability…so what? We will still exist, as us. We can improve, as us, if we care to. We can share our wealth more equitably, or we can train for higher productivity. But first, and primarily, we have to exist. If we fail at that, we fail completely. If America continues under the title “America,” but every public place looks and smells like a third-world flea market, it doesn’t matter how much your bank account or mine runneth over. We’ve lost everything.

And, of course, the idea that we need non-Westerners is rank bullshit anyway. Indians, Africans, Latin Americans, and everyone else in the “developing world” is clawing over each other to gain entrance into white countries precisely because Westerners don’t need them. Our societies are clean, safe, technologically advanced, etc. because, to put it plainly, we’re fucking awesome. You know just like I do that without a single brown or black or even yellow face, every Western country—from down under to the whole of Europe to Canada to the US and throw in South Africa—would be operating at its respective optimum. The infrastructures, the courts, the art and culture, the general happiness, name it…all systems go, and no need for any paragons of diversity to subject themselves to any systemic injustice or microaggressions.

That is…if you want the unvarnished, Trumpian truth. Remember when the Donald said, “We don’t have time for political correctness,” and the whole right broke out into applause and cheering? Well, this is what that looks like. This is all we were ever talking about. Countries are shitholes, or countries are relative utopias, because of the aggregations of brainpower and social instincts of the people in the countries. Western countries are relative utopias, every single time, because Western peoples are what they are. America is America because of the “whiteness” that we associate with it. If we lie about that—if we have to lie about it because of “competition” or “anti-racism” or any other moralistic blackmail scheme—well, then, we might as well have run fucking Jeb in 2016, and just resigned ourselves to what the shitlibs and tech bros have planned for us.

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6 replies
  1. Freddy
    Freddy says:

    The Curious Invasion: A Complete Epic

    In a land once great and mighty,
    Arrived some folks, oh so flighty.
    “Tech pros!” they claimed with glee,
    But their habits? Oh my, you’ll see!

    They came with laptops and with code,
    But their manners? Quite à la mode!
    For when nature called, oh dear,
    They’d squat and drop without a care.

    Streets and parks, their porcelain thrones,
    Leaving “presents” midst the stones.
    The locals gasped, “What’s this we see?”
    As techies relieved themselves with glee.

    “We’re disrupting!” they would shout,
    As they let it all hang out.
    Innovation was their game,
    Public pooping brought them fame.

    Yet these “pros” with shameless pride,
    Claimed superiority far and wide.
    “We’re the best this land has seen!”
    They boasted, pants around their knees.

    “Our ways are new, your ways are old,
    Our ‘deposits’ are worth their weight in gold!”
    The natives scratched their heads in wonder,
    As their nation was torn asunder.

    This once-great nation, now perplexed,
    Wondered what would happen next.
    For in this digital revolution,
    Came an unexpected “solution”!

    So remember, when coders come to town,
    Watch your step, and look around.
    For these tech pros, without a doubt,
    Might just be caught with pants down!

    So beware of those who loudly preach,
    Of being better, as they befoul each beach.
    For in this tale of tech and trouble,
    The greatest boasts may just be bubble!

  2. Tom
    Tom says:

    Jamal Leroy Brown has been largely rehabilitated by his Jewish therapist Aya Katz and now only commits only one robbery a week. As part of the program, he has been assigned a monkey who considers him his own kind. Dr. Katz has the very best personal experience with this. Bonding with the monkey causes a substantial reduction in JL’s adrenaline and testosterone levels, while at the same time releasing the cuddle hormone oxytocin. The smacking monkey “Lil’ King” spends hours picking the parasites out of the former gang member’s matted fur (see channel)

    Dr. Katz

  3. Bart870
    Bart870 says:

    If only all these writers could apply Occam’s Razer and state a simple statement based on Behavioral Genetics/Evolutionary Psychology, something like “Musks behavior adds very strong evidence to the hypothesis that he is Individually Selected, not Group Selected.”. Trump of course agrees with Musk, but to maintain his support, will just pretend to not fully agree with him. And Vivek probably has his script written out for him from a panel consisting of representatives from the Likud Party and ADL.

    On a separate note:

    This all goes against Dr. Michael Anthony Woodley of Menie. East Asians would have less genetic diversity because a more harsh but steady environment such as in East Asia would not allow for more genetic variation – too divergent DNA would be weeded out. Europeans were allowed more genetic diversity than East Asians because Europe was a little less harsh, but since Europe and East Asia were much more similar in environment than either is from the very different Africa and other equatorial regions, Europeans would be more similar to East Asians and vice versa than either is to Africans. Africans would have the most genetic diversity due to immune system diversity to handle the multitude of pathogens there, and loose evolutionary pressures for genetic conformity. I’m not smart or educated, but this Chinese research seems false to me – when did any Chinese researcher ever discover something revolutionary?

    It would be nice if Mr. Taylor can study the findings of Dr. Jason Lisle, the European creationist physicist to compare his scientific model of the universe with the secular Europeans. Since the majority of Europeans are Christian, it would be nice to understand their view. Maybe Mr. Taylor can do a video or article covering Dr. Lisle’s science data, his videos are all over YouTube and he has his own website too. I find him personally interesting since he has a PhD in Astro- Physics and publishes papers in peer reviewed journals. He even made correct predictions about the findings of the new James Webb telescope while all the secular physicists were wrong (I’m agnostic, by the way).


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