The Jimmy Carter Magic
Carter is so often maligned for his stupidity, it tends to be forgotten that he was also self-righteous, incompetent, and backstabbing.
Out of respect for my old pal, Pat Caddell, I’ve let the encomiums to former President Jimmy Carter pollute the airwaves for the past two weeks without a peep out of me. Time’s up.
As you listen to liberals gloat about Carter’s dedication to “human rights,” recall just some of the human suffering this imbecile launched on the world.
Example No. 1: Carter went wild on the Helsinki accords, which were intended (by morons) to curb the Soviet Union’s monstrous repression of its own citizens, In fact, however, the Soviets not only ignored the accords, but actually used them to crackdown on dissidents. Anyone who attempted to monitor Soviet abuses under the agreement was arrested, imprisoned or exiled.
Paul Johnson described the policy in Modern Times:
“[T]he Helsinki process led directly to a resumption of widespread repression [in the USSR]…reaching a climax in the years after 1977. Leaders of the monitoring groups were the chief victims. In some cases the KGB followed a new policy of issuing dissenters with exit visas and driving them out of their own country. But many others got long prison sentences with forced labour.”
On the other hand, Carter got to brag about his deep commitment to human rights.
Example No 2: Carter’s gift to the world: Islamic lunacy.
Liberals had spent a quarter century bellyaching about the CIA’s role in toppling their beloved Mohammed Mossadegh and helping return the Shah of Iran to power back in 1953.
Mossadegh was the sort of authentic Third World dictator the left admires. Mossadegh may have impoverished his country, but he was lifey: He cried, fainted, and consulted his two-year-old granddaughter before making important government decisions. By contrast, the Shah was pro-Western and didn’t dress like a clown. He did not threaten to hurl Scud missiles at Israel. Liberals found him a bore.
To their delight, in 1978, Carter ostentatiously withdrew American support for the Shah, then stood idly by when, weeks later, he was deposed by a mob of Islamic fanatics.
Richard Falk of Princeton famously predicted that the incoming Ayatollah Khomeini “may yet provide us with a desperately needed model of humane governance for a third-world country.” Carter’s U.N. ambassador Andrew Young said Khomeini would “eventually be hailed as a saint.”
Like night follows day, soon after Carter allowed the pro-Western Shah to be deposed by a bloodthirsty Islamic mob, the mob seized the American embassy and took fifty-two Americans hostage. It was a living testament to liberal “diplomacy”: American citizens being held captive by angry barbarians in a frightening land.
For 444 days, the human rights of Americans suffered mightily, until the voters wisely removed Carter, and replaced him with Ronald Reagan, who preferred manly force to patient suasion when dealing with violent crazies.
The hostages were released the day Ronald Reagan was inaugurated — an event memorialized in a Jeff MacNelly cartoon showing Khomeini reading a telegram: “It’s from Ronald Reagan. It must be about one of the Americans in the Den of Spies, but I don’t recognize the name. It says ‘Remember Hiroshima.'”
According to the “Jewish News Syndicate”, January 3, 2025, “America’s 39th President profoundly damaged the Jewish state, especially with his deceitful book” [on Palestine] and was a “traditional old-fashioned Christian antisemite”, claiming that Judaism teaches Jews to feel superior to non-Jews [and their] religious practices are “a ‘sleazy trick’ to enhance personal wealth… Carter attacked Israel by retreading antisemitic tropes” formulated “between the first and fifth centuries CE, ensuring well over a millennium of institutional, lethal antisemitism….” etc. You can read the rest.
“Happy is he who does enough rsearch” (attrib. Euripides).
It’s time for a lovely bedtime story. Breathe deeply and evenly. Feel your muscles relax, one by one. You’re in a peaceful place. So quiet. So still. With each breath, you sink deeper into the ground, feeling the earth gently envelop you.
Imagine lying on soft, cool grass. The sky above you is a gentle gray. Old trees stand around you, their branches spread like protective arms. Enjoy the absolute silence. Next to you, you see smooth, cold stones of marble and granite. Tombstones. Yes, you’re lying in a graveyard. But don’t worry. You’re safe here. You’re never alone here.
Focus on your breath. Inhale and exhale. Each breath takes you deeper into the earth, deeper into eternal rest. You hear only your own breathing and maybe… that soft scratching beneath you. The graves beside you are peaceful. Everything is peaceful. Forever peaceful.
Suddenly, you feel a gentle touch. An ice-cold, blue-tinged arm tenderly caresses your cheek. It’s the lovable Pastor Benedikt, who years ago entered the eternal hunting grounds through a stroke when a screeching cat jumped on his shoulder. He was the overseer of this churchyard and now welcomes you.
With each breath, the scent of decay penetrates deeper into your lungs. The soft scratching? Just a few lively worms working their way through your future shroud. The graves open invitingly, while from afar, the choir of the damned intones its lullaby.
Pastor Benedikt lovingly holds a stuffed choirboy in his arm. ‘This is little Johannes,’ he whispers. ‘He secretly read anti-church comics. Confession became his last confession.’
‘Psst, newbie!’ hisses your grave neighbor, the alcoholic bell-ringer Romulus. He once wanted to strangle the pastor with the church tower clock rope because the pastor was blackmailing him for his pronounced lust for animal cruelty.
‘Quiet over there!’ a stern voice sounds. ‘People are trying to rest here!’
‘Oh, shut up, all of you!’ screeches from the left. It’s the former church cleaning lady, who choked for two terrible hours on an inside-out rubber glove she mistook for a cheese sandwich.
You close your eyes, ready to entrust yourself to the earth. But when you open them again, you find yourself back in your everyday life – in a multicultural hell full of crime, deceit and lies. You long for the peace of the cemetery, where at least your neighbors were of your ilk.
A Soundgarden Crowd Surf Catastrophe
In Seattle’s rock scene, a tale unfolds
Of a crowd surf gone wrong, brashly bold
Shaina Shepherd, with activist might
Leaped up, but the crowd said, “Not tonight!”
Her body descended with thunderous thud
A face-plant so epic, it splashed like a flood
“Too heavy,” she cried, with rockstar despair
As fans scattered quickly without much care
In this Sound Garden of rock’s wild terrain
Where pipes once sang, now echoed her pain
A crash more musical than any wind’s song
Proving crowd surfing can so swiftly go wrong!
The band’s legacy crumbled, Chris Cornell would sigh
At this moment of chaos beneath the stage’s sky
A gospel-meets-metal attempt gone astray
Soundgarden’s new chapter – oh what a display!
From grunge rock to woke, how the mighty have fallen
A crowd surf disaster, dramatically callin’
The end of an era, with comedic flair
A rock ‘n’ roll moment beyond compare!
By today’s standards Carter would be a right wing Republican. He was against gays in the military not just don’t ask don’t tell. He was against women in combat. He was against what is now O’Bama care. During his administration the budget deficit was minuscule by today’s numbers.
During the Camp David talks he had an epiphany when he realized that the Israelis and Began did not want peace. They desired conflict and antisemitism. This keeps their group together.
Carter was no worse than any other prez. Why are you knocking yourself out slagging him.
Teddy Roosevelt was pretty good on race and eugenics.
Ronald Reagan was fairly good on communism and defense.
Richard Nixon more sinned against by the Hiss-fans than sinning with expletives deleted.
Who will succeed King Donald is the Big Question?
“American voters are so stupid they will end up with a President as stupid as themselves” & voter IQ has not improved since Mencken voiced this opinion at greater length.