Meet the L.A. fire chiefs

by WorldTribune Staff, January 10, 2025 Real World News

Early the next morning Abraham got up and returned to the place where he had stood before the Lord. He looked down toward Sodom and Gomorrah, toward all the land of the plain, and he saw dense smoke rising from the land, like smoke from a furnace. — Genesis 19:27-28

Whether “Judgement Day,” a failure of “common sense” or something else including arson, the devastation in the “city of the Angels” is heartbreaking and on a Biblical scale.

The wildfires burning in vast areas of Los Angeles have destroyed nearly 10,000 structures. One estimate of the damage and economic loss already caused by the fires is $135-$150 billion.

From left: LAFD Chief Kirstina Crowley and Deputy Chiefs Kristine Larson and Kristina Kepner









The medical examiner’s office said in a statement it was notified of the 10 fatalities as of 9 p.m. PST Thursday but the actual toll could be much higher. Identification could take weeks, it said, as the examiner is unable to reach the locations of the deaths due to the fires.

The Palisades Fire between Santa Monica and Malibu on the city’s western flank and the Eaton Fire in the east near Pasadena, which have destroyed some 53 square miles and engulfed entire neighborhoods, now rank as the most destructive in Los Angeles history, Reuters reported.

President-elect Donald Trump wrote in a Truth Social post: “Governor Gavin Newscum should immediately go to Northern California and open up the water main, and let the water flow into his dry, starving, burning State, instead of having it go out into the Pacific Ocean. It ought to be done right now, NO MORE EXCUSES FROM THIS INCOMPETENT GOVERNOR. IT’S ALREADY FAR TOO LATE!

“Fire is spreading rapidly for 3 days — ZERO CONTAINMENT. Nobody has ever seen such failed numbers before! Gross incompetence by Gavin Newscum and Karen Bass….And Biden’s FEMA has no money — all wasted on the Green New Scam! L.A. is a total wipeout!!!”

Then there are the DEI hires at the top of the Los Angeles Fire Department.

Turning Point USA founder Charlie Kirk noted in a post to Telegram:

Meet the people in charge of LA’s fire response.

All of them lesbians named Kristin.

Kristina Crowley – First LGBTQ Fire Chief LAFD.

Salary: $439,722

Kristina Kepner – First Lesbian Assistant Chief LAFD.

Salary: $264,468

Kristine Larson – First black lesbian Equity Bureau Chief LAFD.

Salary: $399,000

The LAFD’s focus on diversity, equity and inclusion over actual fire protection has come under fire this week.

A resurfaced clip of Larson reveals that her priority is that residents in crisis see first responders that “look like” them and that complaints she’s heard about her ability to carry a man out of a burning building have more to do with that man being in the wrong place.

Conservative Hollywood comedian Evan Sayet posted the following:

It’s all really very simple: when DEI is an agency’s mission, its mission is NOT what it was created for. The LAFD couldn’t fight the fires effectively because its mission is no longer to fight fires; it is “social justice.”

Further, every additional iteration of DEI only takes that agency even further away from its mission and it does so by magnitudes of order.

When DEI goes from “find me the best firefighter” to “find me the best FEMALE firefighter” and then “find me the best GAY female firefighter” and then “find me the best BLACK gay female firefighter” the firefighting agency becomes less and less capable of fighting fires at every turn.

When DEI is the mission, funding that would otherwise go to training, equipment and the retention of experienced firefighters goes, instead, to “reeducation” and “sensitivity training” with budgets cut to fund participation in “gay” and “ethnic” parades and other non-firefighting causes.

Other Woke policies, that have taken priority over fighting fires include the environmental extremism that ensured that needed water would not be available, providing sanctuary to criminal aliens and coddling those criminals who were born here and thus arson, looting and the vandalizing of fire hydrants was simply to be expected (even if it was successfully covered up until it was needed.)

Add to all of this the Woke’s politically motivated firing of nearly ten thousand of the best and most experienced firefighters for refusing to be forcibly injected with an untested drug that has nothing to do with one’s ability to fight fires, the prioritizing of Ukraine over the citizens of California (and thus the redirecting of equipment from LA’s streets to the Ukrainians) and California’s refusal to employ even the most basic of precautionary forestry and vegetation practices and just how these fires became unstoppable infernos becomes not only obvious but utterly predictable.

Add to all of that the usual incompetence, malfeasance and self-serving nature of the kind of bureaucracy we associate with Leftism wherever it exists and Wokeism is a recipe for utter disaster. These horrific fires might well be just the start as other disasters — natural and manmade; foreign-sourced or domestic — next test our world. …




1 reply
  1. A. Christian
    A. Christian says:

    The jewish supremacist (zionist) federal government is waging total war against the American people and murdering millions through weather warfare and corrupt, treasonous, and unconstitutional federal agencies like the FEMA blocking supplies to try to have as many Americans as possible die.

    They spray us with aluminum nano-particles that act as an accelerant and they use Direct Energy Weapons (DEW) weapons to target Americans in their homes and in their cars, melting car glass and metal, while the trees less than 20 feet away are left untouched by the “wild” fires. Did you know FEMA has already been plotting to kidnap and mass murder millions of Americans? It’s called “Readiness Exercise 1984” or “REX84” they want to mass murder Americans and then cover it up with the jew media, like they’re already doing with these “natural” disasters where they massively under-report the death toll. Then jew financiers like BlackRock come in to buy up the land from murdered Americans, murdered by weather warfare, committed by the jewish supremacist (zionist) federal government.

    It doesn’t take long of looking into jewish beliefs to see they openly call for genocide of not only Palestinians, but they use the exact same language when they talk about Whites and about Christians, and these psychopathic synagogue of satan pedophiles (their religious book, the Talmud, literally promotes pedophilia — that’s why Israhell is a hotbed of child trafficking — and their people literally argued for their “right” to rape and sodomize prisoners — and these are prisoners who’ve never been tried or convicted, just kidnapped by the Israhell Genocide Forces).

    It also doesn’t take long to see geoengineering in all this, you can look at for more detailed information on that, but it’s all so apparent and obvious; but they have deniability because the common person doesn’t know about weather warfare (despite that the traitor and jew Lyndon Banes Johnson who presided over the Israhelli attack on the USS Liberty and covered it up talked about controlling the weather decades ago).

    p.s. They like the terms “woke” and “deep state” because they’re meaningless. Instead of “woke”, you should really just say “jewish”, and instead of “deep state” (if you ever use the term), you should really just say “zionist” or “jewish supremacist” (it’s the same thing, zionism is jewish supremacism and these beliefs come directly from the jews’ religious book the talmud, the myth that jews and zionists are separate is a lie to cover for the evil of the jews and their evil religion; zionism is worse than all the stories, even the fabricated ones like the death camp holohoax myth, you’ve ever heard about the German National Socialists). The only way those Jewish supremacist mass murderers got the Germans to confess to the holohoax is by torture, every single German at the nuremberg trial was tortured into confession, many Germans had been tortured to death. That’s how Jews want to treat Americans, just how they treated Germans in/after WWII with open air prisons where POWs and civilians are starved to death, just how they treat Palestinians and Gazans, and just how they mass murder millions with secret military tech like laser weapons that demolish homes but leave trees untouched and the jew zio-nazi media covers up for them.

    Just look up Martin Luther’s On the Jews and their Lies, the Jews are the most evil people in the entire world; and they’re like the Muslims in that the only thing they understand is violence. They don’t stop when you call out their genocide, they double down on it. The global jewish supremacist zionist genocide of the peoples of the world hasn’t ever stopped. They move from nation to nation, murdering hundreds of millions; and now that the God damned jews have their own state, they openly commit genocide and call you hateful for opposing these filthy pedophile child-raping kikes — their religion literally promotes raping kids.

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