Scott Adams on how Dilbert started

6 replies
  1. Hinz
    Hinz says:

    There is a Dave Rubin episode, guess it will be still on Youtube, with Scott as a guest, and he talks about that being a good thing and worth it for progress.

  2. Freddy
    Freddy says:

    Please do not allow yourselves to be confused by the extremely Jewish faces of the two well-informed and highly competent experts or their almost unbearable mode and style of presentation and expression, because this is a deadly serious world threat that has so far been concealed by the secret Nazi elites in order to achieve total world domination!

    The campaign, which is vital for the survival of the world, was not sent from the psychiatric ward in the Kremlin, but from the “Center for Global Disinformation”, which is based in Haifa. Both subjects are sitting in the same apartment on the 13th floor of a residential complex, separated only by a closed wooden door (like the one in the “gas chamber”).

    • Freddy
      Freddy says:

      PS: Note also the large L on the forehead of the exopolitician. At first I deduced that it could have been the result of a bloody accident when PhD Anfalov unexpectedly hit the edge of his heavy safe door on the head while he was absent-mindedly counting thick bundles of shekels of black money. But then it struck me like a flash in the night: the L stands for Lubavitcher, and was carved into his skin with a shechita knife for kosher camel meat as punishment for interfering in their shady dealings. In Israel, this is a clear, unmistakable warning: “We have stamped you with the mark of Cain for life, and you will not get a foot on the ground anywhere, at best as a pseudo-expert on Nazi UFOs for an esoterically stultified goy audience!”

    • Freddy
      Freddy says:

      Dr. Joseph P. Farrell (aka “Mr Giza Death Star”), who is considered the most sought-after authority in the field of extrasensory Nazi technology, will never leave the house from embarrassment and fear for the continued guaranteed “credibility” of his bestsellers!

      For this extremely serious problem there is only one blatant method in the original style of the real and documented Nazi conspiracy: the Russian-Israeli opponent, who exposes all of Farrel’s theories to comedy-ripe ridicule, must be eliminated as an unwanted intruder in the established SS alien community!

      He has been unreachable for months and has even taken down the contact form on his website. Now it also explains why he was even forced to go to weirdo Brian Ruhe’s “show” and patiently watch him stroke his homosexual tomcat. But Farrell is a fighter and won’t give up. He has announced his big comeback.

      This time he unpacks the whole unvarnished truth and will shock the community until they fly out of their gamer seats. Farrell is certain that Hitler not only survived in Antarctica, but has already bred a hyper-Aryan UFO clan there with the help of the big Farma companies, which are of course in cahoots with the CIA and Xi Jinping!

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