Strength in numbers, power or truth?
In his Christmas speech, recorded in the secular space of the former chapel of the Middlesex Hospital, King Charles lauded the ‘great religions’. Although he quoted Gospel, the monarch is not the ‘defender of the faith’ as claimed in the past, but ‘defender of faith’.
Charles III is a leading proponent of a one-world religion, although he is careful not to use such terminology. More work must be done in schools to prepare upcoming generations for such incongruence. And of course the status of the ‘chosen people’ will not be undermined.
The abominations following the alleged Hamas terrorist act of 7th October 2023, with the massacre of civilians in Gaza by Israeli forces, supported by the UK, USA and other Western governments, have stirred another awakening. Writers like me, previously immersed in the Left versus Right paradigm, had seen through the establishment defiance of the Brexit vote, the climate scam, and the contrived pandemic, to realise that all politicians (whatever their colours) are following the same agenda. But whose agenda?
In my book Moralitis: a Cultural Virus (with Robert Oulds, 2020) I described how the psychosocial affliction known as Woke’ spreads like a contagious disease. I traced this back to the subversive ideology of the Frankfurt School. For using the term ‘Cultural Marxism’ the book was vilified by online news media such as Vice for peddling anti-Semitic tropes.
Of course I was aware that the Marxist professors were Jewish – that’s why they fled Germany in the 1930s. But I regarded this as coincidental; I was naïve to the International Jews’ role in the Bolshevik revolution in Russia, and to the targeting of Germany by an element that obsessed Adolf Hitler. Until a few years ago, I would not have doubted official history of the Second World War.
I have no animosity to individual people who are Jewish, any more than to people who are Muslim. But as a Christian I have found the last fifteen months revelatory about the relations between the Abrahamic religions. First, it became undeniable to me that Zionists are bent on destroying Christianity.
The 35% Christian population of Gaza has been ignored by Western media. It is abhorrent for any nation or community to be subjected to genocide, but would you not expect the likes of the Daily Telegraph or the Church of England to be more concerned with the blitzing of Christians and their places of worship? An uninformed Westerner could be forgiven for thinking that Palestine is a ghetto of extreme Islamists. Israeli government ministers have overtly described the people of Gaza as subhuman and exhorted their annihilation.
It is objectively true that Jews run the world. They control the banking system, academe, the media and Hollywood. They have incredible power over US politics. The UK is no different: both major political parties have close links to Israel, and soon a Holocaust museum and memorial will be built next to the Houses of Parliament. Schoolchildren are taught that the Second World War was all about saving Jews from the Nazis (when I was at school, the Holocaust was hardly mentioned; I heard that one-and-a-half million Jews perished; this was later increased to four million, and now six million).
If Jews are so powerful, what is their goal? Is it just greed? Most Jewish citizens are not unfathomably rich. But undeniably the upper rungs of institutions and corporations are disproportionately occupied by members of a religion that comprises merely 0.2% of the global populace. Or is it a strategy of world domination? Ordinary Jews have no designs on a New World Order with them as masters and all gentiles as servants. But an emerging technocracy, as propounded by the World Economic Forum, will surely be led by people who are already rich and powerful — many of whom are nominally Jewish.
More sinister is the perceived onslaught on Christianity. Again, I doubt whether ordinary Jews harbour murderous hostility to their Christian neighbours. But powerful Jewish interests are behind the various means of the fall of Western civilisation: mass immigration using Muslims as storm-troopers, imposition of transgender ideology, the audacious Black Lives Matter campaign and ‘decolonisation’ agenda, the contrived climate crisis and Net Zero puritanism, and exploitation of health and safety fears to build a surveillance society.
My understanding, until recently, was that the Jews are distinct from Zionists and the nasty government of Israel. And for most people who actually practise Jewish relgion, that certainly holds. But the Jewish faith, with its identity as God’s special people, has been manipulated by malign agents into something more akin to the Synagogue of Satan.
Last year I came across a highly controversial speculation on Islam. The Koran is known for its many verses hostile to the Jews. Yet globalist NGOs and oligarchs such as George Soros keenly promote migration of Muslims to the West, and seem as concerned by Islamophobia as anti-Semitism. The state of Israel draws widespread support from right-wing Christians, because it is apparently surrounded by nations of Islamic hotheads who would like to wipe it off the map. Shouldn’t Jews be less supportive of sworn enemies?
The aforementioned conjecture is this: Islam was a Jewish invention. That would understandably be deeply offensive to Muslims, and it would also be too far-fetched to be taken seriously by any mainstream commentator (or indeed most of the independent media). I shall leave readers to look into this more (don’t rely on Google), with the historical indicators. However, while I cannot say that I believe it, it makes some sense to me. In my journey from having no interest in the Jews, to viewing this group as architects of multiculturalism, I can see that Christians are foolish to think of Israel or Zionists as their friends.
Having crucified Jesus Christ, Jewish leaders were troubled by the propagation of Christianity in the following centuries. In the seventh century the Arabian merchant Mohammed was divine conduit for a new religion that would be spread by the sword. Its blatant hostility to Judaism is perhaps a cover for the real source and purpose of Islam.
The three Abrahamic faiths co-exist, mostly in mundane harmony, but sometimes in conflict. While Muslims recognise Jesus as a prophet, to the Jews he was nothing but a criminal and impostor. Christians, who are taught tolerance to the nonsensical extent that they are not allowed to fight for their survival, are the butt of Talmudic disgust. Is it too much to believe that the Jews would create a massive army of outsiders to destroy the faith that they thought was extinguished on Calvary?
No religion is more dangerous than Christianity for its followers. That has always been the plight, but in the secularised world of today, the defences are so weakened that the Jews may finally claim victory. But while the Jewish religion has the privilege of power, and Islam strength in number and zeal, Christianity has the trump card of truth.
This is not the first time that Islam itself has been described here as a deliberate Jewish invention, which will surprise not only Muslim “historians” but Christian researchers like Robert Spencer and Andrew Bostom. More convincing evidence is needed, asap.
King Charles is Supreme Governor of the “Church” of “England” (or what remains of either of them) and anointed in that hereditary Anglican role, but his private religious views are complex, influenced by Jung and Rumi, believing in a transcendental deity and concern for planetary health. He is well aware of the demographic problem and communist ideology which much exercised his father. His previous writings and speeches show a decided affection for England and its cultural heritage, but as constitutional monarch of a united kingdom he cannot discriminate between his subjects, and his platitudes on law and harmony must operate within guidance from his ministers. The fracas between Jews and Muslims during his visit to Walthamstow was a lesson in reality. It is up to the electorate to change the government, preferably before he dies from cancer.
I must object. The Third World hordes of Britain (Muslim or otherwise) are not subjects of Charles. They certainly don’t regard themeselves as such and they’re right – they’re not English or British, regardless of whether they are legally “citizens.” They’re invaders who need to be sent back if Britain has any chance of surviving. Charles himself is as much of a traitor to his people and the West as any European politician or bureaucrat.
Some ethnic communities in Britain profess loyalty to the King. Others cannot be regarded as truly British and do not so regard themselves. The census recognises the difference. Islamic criminals should be deported. This is a matter for legislation by the elected government. Whatever is the law, the Monarch is required to uphold it. Change the law.
On another matter raised here, “Christian” Zionism has been refuted by several competent scholars. One of the best in England, Stephen Sizer, was promptly jumped on by the “Church” at the behest of the Jewish lobby.
It is a misleading exaggeration to describe King Charles as a “leading” proponent of some content-unspecified world religion. He is not a Zionist. He has publicly attacked the persecution of Christians in Muslim countries.
George Soros and his son have had an adverse impact in many ways. He has also often attacked Israel, and Zionists have attacked him in return.
It is quite true that the British declaration and conduct of war has been rewritten as a crusade against Nazi antisemitism, rather than a pretended attempt to rescue Poland and a misguided war effort to defend our own nation against Germany, which had offered to support the Empire. However, Jewish pressures were indeed responsible behind the scenes; see David Irving’s “Churchill’s War”; the US Communist booklet “The Jewish People and the War” sponsored during the Nazi-Soviet Pact in 1940; & the “British Report on the Treatment of German Nationals” issued in 1939 (summarised by the online Jewish Virtual Library).
However, the scale and nature of the NS wartime actions have been inflated since WW2 as “a unique and unprecedented episode in history” when “six million Jewish men, women and children” were “systematically murdered”, primarily in “industrial gas-chambers”.
Belated discovery that Jews were strongly attracted to communism, and its leadership, a century ago, for explicable motives, however needs a refined analysis, if relevant to their by no means unified activities at present. The claim that currently renascent “antisemitism” is a revival of ancient or medieval Judeophobia is of course chutzpah on stilts, when it is driven by worldwide outrage over Netanyahu’s implementation of I Samuel 15.3.
Many non-Jews want hostile Muslims out of Europe; so do some Jews. More effort should be put into securing this outcome than jabbering about “controlled opposition”.
Excellent article! I love Jesus, but I hate Christianity.
And, if Ashkenazim Jews are God’s ‘chosen’ people, then why are they so ugly?
Same here Tim.
‘Most’ of organized Christianity anyway.
A commentator over at Unz once referred to Jews as spiteful mutants.’
They don’t all look like David Baddiel or Deborah Lipstadt.
God also created elephant-seals, mole-rats, proboscis monkeys, warthogs and blobfish.
Deut. 4.27 & 28.9. Psalm 44.13-14. Amos 8.4-10 [Auschwitz?]
Thank you for this article. I wish more Christians would wake up to the threat that secular Jews, religious Jews, and Zionist Jews bring to the Christian faith.
You may already be aware of it, but a number of Christians reject ‘Christian Zionism,’ and these folks are mostly among those in the Reformed or Calvinistic religious tradition. They rightly recognize that the promises made to Abraham and his descendants are fulfilled in Christ, and that the Mosaic Law in its covenantal sense has been done away with or ‘fulfilled’ in the person of Christ. Christians are under a new law, the law of Christ, the New Covenant as directly predicted by the ancient prophet Jeremiah (see Jeremiah 31).
The Book Hebrews in no uncertain terms makes it clear that the entire Old Testament sacrificial system, the Temple, its priestly line required for service, kosher food laws, and its land promises have all been abolished under the rule of Christ. All those things were from an old age that has been done away (Heb. 8:13). They were temporary to begin with, and the writer of Hebrews makes it clear that they were merely shadows of what was to come. Christians, then, do not seek a plot of land in the Palestinian desert, but in a heavenly country that has been prepared for them. The point being that ‘Christian Zionism’ has no place among careful Bible students who actually read and study their bibles. The problem is that most Christians don’t. Thus, they fall prey to the most absurd doctrines.
One last thing. Jews didn’t ‘invent’ Islam any more than Jews ‘invented’ Christianity as is often claimed by some people (see my article here at TOO under the name ‘RockaBoatus’ where I critique this theory). It sounds good at first until the theory is pressed with serious and carefully thought-out questions. The entire theory gives far too much credit to Jews, but most people who espouse it have not assiduously worked through the implications of it. They fail to ask the harder questions about it.
Re..Rocka Boatus.. beautiful writing. Cheers. We Intuit that 2025 and soon after…will reveal many hidden truths..defrock..debunk.and .disassemble many churchocentric..adulterations
of The Word”. Carry on. God bless.God speed .
We earnestly hope millions more of the really decent folk will firmly Rearm Now*
@ RockaBoatus
Wasn’t Jesus a circumcised Jew of the tribe of Judah (Hebrews 7.14, Revelation 5.5)?
What about Matthew 15.24 & John 4.22?
Aren’t there theological contradictions in the New Testament?
This fine author is rising to deeper consciousness about the Synagogue of Satan.We recognize it normatively takes decades of unlearning the Neuro linguistic jewdevil preprogramming on a plethora of levels to come to grips with the insidious filth that we Non Jews have been subjected to from THE JEWS……a trillion lies and Cherry
picked *facts*about Hitler..about Ukraine 1932..1934..about massive innumerable millions of Russian Slavic Christians mass murdered by Jews all prior to WW2..prior to any case..we tip our metaphorical hat to The Occidental Observer for being the premiere voice in amplifying the awareness of the JQ. … multitudes of young and old folks still..resolurely..seeking truth..sick to death of traditional isreali-jewdeviil atrocity propaganda fobbed off as fact..**Yes…’s..worse…far..far..worse than that…as our British author friend is on the Great path to discovering…”*Rearm Now**
As someone who regards the “Bible” not as an inerrant factual record, but as a collection of diverse documents subject to historical and literary criticism, may I comment as follows?
1. The origin of “woke” in the lucubrations of activists like Herbert Marcuse is acknowledged by “Modern Jewish History: the New Left”, Jewish Virtual Library, 2025 online. However, a position-change has developed since the Israelis were included among “white” oppressors; cf. Adam Kirsch, “On Settler Colonialism” (2024).
2. Views on Jesus have fluctuated enormously over centuries; see esp. the excellent account by Charlotte Allen, “The Human Christ” (1999). This applies also to Jewish writers, who have departed from earlier attacks on him as a mamzer magician, hanged and punished in hell boiling in excrement; see e.g. Peter Schaefer et al (eds), “Toledot Yeshu Revisited” (2011). Some (e.g. Geza Vermes) now see him as an admirable if unorthodox rabbi, a view in several respects shared by Christian Zionists, liberals and “Jews for Jesus”.
3. However, mainstream monotheistic Judaism remains hostile to Christianity, regarding its supersession concept as necessarily antisemitic, and usually attributing “The Holocaust” to centuries of persecution, and propaganda most notably the Catholic Chrysostom and the Protestant Luther.
4. St Paul is painted as the chief villain, for deifying Jesus as a sacrificial victim, and asserting that “the Jews, who put to death the Lord Jesus…incur God’s displeasure, setting themselves against everyone…filling up in every way the measure of their sins. Thus ‘Wrath to the full has fallen on them'” (Schonfield Tr. 1962); see also Amy-Jill Levine & Marc Brettler (eds) “The Jewish Annotated New Testament” (2017) @ I Thess. 2.13-16 & Essays. For Hyam Maccoby Paul was Solon, the first Gentile proto-Nazi; for Alfred Rosenberg he was Shuel, the first Jewish proto-Bolshevik!
5. Hitler seems early on to have modelled himself on Jesus as an Aryan “young man” who took a whip to the Temple racketeers (in actual fact, presided over by the corrupt and greedy Annas). On his religious views in general, see e.g. Rainer Bucher, “Hitler’s Theology” (2011). He expressed the opinion that Jesus was biologically fathered by a Gentile soldier.
“Is it too much to believe that the Jews would create a massive army of outsiders to destroy the faith that they thought was extinguished on Calvary?”
Several books written on this theory. “Islam is the broom of Zionism”
Some big Islam/Judaism crossovers: foreskin chopping, fussy eaters, their God allows/encourages them to rape, kill women and children, steal and tell lies. The big difference seems to be that if the Muslims have conquered your village, you might have a chance to survive if you convert quickly enough.
Supposedly: Mohammed’s first wife was a rich, older jewish woman, who pushed him into preaching. The original Koran was just an arabic translation of the five books of the Old Testament. This was lost after Mohammed died.
Jews were big in Saudi at that time. They were a majority in Medina.
Three books were written by Catholic priests as part of their historical studies. It’s possible that this is now part of official Catholic doctrine: Islam is just an arabised, simplified form of Judaism. Ask your local catholic priest what he thinks!
P Thery: Vrai Mohammed et faux Coran
J Beruel: L’Islam:ses veritables origines (1983)
P Curzio Nitoglia: Islam et Judaism (1996 – Sodalitium)
Quite a few jewish writers mention the similarities between Islam and Judaism.
Bernard Lewis, Princeton prof, mentions it a few times
Katsh: Judaism in Islam (1962)
Or way back in 1830: A Geiger: Was hat Mohammed aus den Judenthume aufgenommen?
Various Rabbis boast of how easy it is to talk to Muslims because of the similarity of their religions.
Israel Shahak notes that while the Talmud treats Mohammed as a fool, the Koran is just an ordinary book. However, Jesus is described as evil and cursed in detail and the pious Jew is instructed to destroy any copies of the New Testament he can get his hands on.
Is this a fair summary? The Jewish and Muslim religions require their followers to hate each other. But they also require their followers to hate Christians a lot more than they hate each other!
Muhammad cribbed bits from the “OT” and Christian sectarians.
See also James Arlandson, “Muhammad’s atrocity against the Quarayza Jews”, online.