Entries by Niall McCrae

Joining the dots on Satanic subversion: A speculation

What is the connection between occultist Aleister Crowley, the horror movie Rosemary’s Baby, and recent US president George W Bush? Fasten your seatbelts, for I will be taking you on a journey through time of exactly a hundred years, into the realm of dark magic fictionalised in The Devil Rides Out by Crowley’s acquaintance Dennis […]

Trahison des clercs: civil servants waging class war on White Britons

In the aftermath of the jailing of Axell Rudakabana, the son of Rwandan asylum-seekers who massacred young girls outside a dance class in Southport, the authorities are doing their usual tactic of obfuscating and generalising. Society is being encouraged to attribute the horrific incident to ‘knife crime’ and harmful content online. Meanwhile, the vague but […]