UK Jews joining Reform Party

Probably better if they don’t, but another example where Jews differ on what’s good for Jews. The usual issues matter—holocaust comments  and pro-World War II neutrality of some party members, Palestinian sympathizers, Tommy Robinson.

4 replies
  1. Fred
    Fred says:

    Timothy “Reibach” has sweated out another gigantic article. After all, you can’t warn enough on behalf of those who make the most profit from the status quo: “Beware the beginnings!” From an authoritarian point of view, the “Hitler Gang” had achieved a masterstroke: within 53 days, the “democracy” of the Weimar years of misery had been completely swept out of Germany with an iron broom!

    One year before:

    In view of what has become of even stone-rich and “grassroots democratic” Switzerland, I would argue today for a reintroduction of the Kaiserreich. And with a claim to the Wilhelmine oversea colonies! Just like Greenland for America, this would not least benefit the population living there.

  2. K M Landis
    K M Landis says:

    Which Jews are joining the Reform Party? Reform Jews? That makes sense.

    In any case, this should help Nigel Farage and his party get some “respectability” and some protection from accusations of being pro-White, which is the worse crime in Britain right now. Gang rape of White girls is OK. It’s in not even a crime in “woke” Britain, but using the wrong pronoun is a serious felony.

  3. English Patriot
    English Patriot says:

    United we stand.
    Divided they fall.
    Farage’s Chairman is a Muslim moneybags from Sri Lanka.
    The issues that really matter are: Britain for the British & Britain Strong and Free, in 2025 as in 1935.

    • Emma Smith
      Emma Smith says:

      Key item on the page: “reduce the numbers coming in from all places, then that’s going to appeal to them”.

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