Oh, What a Lovely War!

It is important not to be romanticise war. Most people my age (I was born in 1980) had at least one grandfather who fought in World War II. When I was a child, I relished my grandfather telling me “war stories” of his time in Libya, Greece and Italy. But these were obviously highly sanitised. Once, when I was about 16 and we were watching a very realistic war film about the Normandy Landings, I looked over to him. His eyes were lachrymose and he was completely hypnotised by it. Obviously, there was a terrible side to the War which he had never discussed with me.

So, I do not say it lightly when I repeat the cliché that “What we need is a good war.” We need a good war because evolutionary psychology — in essence, the study of humans as an advanced form of ape with in-built adaptive drives — predicts that we need a good war. We are, I suggest, adapted to have a serious war every one hundred years or so. If we don’t have one, then we reach the situation that the West has now reached: polarisation, ethno-suicide, supreme decadence (including an invincibility complex with regard to war), maladaptive behaviour, and a general sense of dysphoria and ennui.

Before looking at the broader evolutionary mechanisms behind why we are adapted to have a massive war every century, let us look at what a war achieves.

In the absence of harsh selection pressures to be group-oriented, we can expect people to deviate more and more from the evolutionarily adaptive norm which, as I have shown in my book Woke Eugenics: How Social Justice is a Mask for Social Darwinism, is to be conservative and traditionally religious: These strongly genetic traits are correlated with strongly genetic mental and physical health. As this deviation increases, you will get a society that is more and more genetically and mentally diverse, more and more polarised and, generally, less and less cooperative. After a certain tipping point, the deviants may even hijack the culture — as they now have — and push people along a maladaptive roadmap of life. A war forces us to unite or die, it pushes us down Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, it makes us less concerned about decadent things (like feelings and being validated); it halts the descent into insanity.

It is also an example of mortality salience; of closeness to death. This is our “evolutionary match” — we are adapted to an ecology where child mortality was as high as 50% — so death induces our instincts, which tend to be adaptive. These include religiosity, which gives us a sense of eternal meaning and tends to sanctify that which is adaptive as the will of God, and group-orientation, essentially conservatism. In other words, we become higher in positive and negative ethnocentrism when we are exposed to mortality. It also increases our desire to have children; hence the documented post-War baby-booms. A war reverses the slide towards leftism which seems to be inevitable, as conservatives are concerned with all 5 moral foundations — in-group loyalty, obedience to authority and sanctity (group-oriented) and equality and harm avoidance (individually-oriented) — whereas the left only care about the individually-oriented ones. This asymmetric empathy means that conservatives continuously cede ground to liberals. A war means that balance is restored.

According to the book Fourth Turning, such a massive war and economic collapse seems to happen every four generations; approximately every eighty years. It may be that there is a sense in which mortality salience remains vivid for as long as there is a generation alive that knew serious mortality salience: they pass on stories about it and behave in response to it. Once this generation dies out — as has the War generation in the West — then mortality salience has completely collapsed. Thus, the reset it required or we are overwhelmed by decadence and dysphoria

That reset should’ve occurred in about 2007, with the economic collapse akin to that of 1929. But we were so wealthy, our resources so abundant, that were able to avoid, or at least postpone, the normal consequences of such a massive economic bust. Multiple lines of research indicate that a war should’ve occurred at this point. Peter Turchin’s 2016 book, Ages of Discord, predicts, based on various markers such as “elite-over-promotion” (too many qualified people for too few places), that there should have been a war around 2020. Finnish scholar Jani Miettinen has advanced a model whereby humans, like animals, change in the average presence of certain hormones — such as testosterone and oxytocin — across four generations. This renders them slightly different in behaviour and size across generations, making them less easily predictable from the perspective of predator and prey, meaning the process is adaptive. When the high testosterone generation gets into power, we have a collapse, a war and a reset. This should already have taken place but it hasn’t, presumably due to our unprecedented resources.

This has two consequences: runaway individualism, until men can be women because they say they are and you can’t disagree as it might hurt their feelings, and a growing portion of the population who have a sense that everything is meaningless. And, of course, society is increasingly polarised and unpleasant.

Hence, it may be that, at the group level, humans are literally evolved to have a massive war every four generations. It is this that keeps them group-oriented, and thus adaptive (as computer-models show that ethnocentric groups defeat and dominate their rivals on average), across time. The attendant economic collapse, under harsher conditions, is also likely to ensure genetic health across time. Over four generations without war, genetic mutations will have accrued, with genetic poor health being associated with liberalism. With a collapse into harsher conditions, these mutants will be purged and group mental and physical health will be restored.

Generation Z do not have grandfathers who fought in a War. When they were born, the country was run by Boomers who had never known any serious mortality salience. This wouldn’t have mattered if the economy had collapsed in 2007, resulting in war a decade later. But it didn’t. This is why we have reached the dysphoria and insanity that we have. The children need some new war stories and for that we need a new war.

17 replies
  1. D. H. Corax
    D. H. Corax says:

    Tell that to Carthage. Or Germany for that matter. Given that wars just toss the prime cuts of genetic meat into the grinder (despite the Woke ads, the military has far more normies than deviants) while leaving the gristle behind to rot and fester. Far better would be economic/social collapse, in which the best and most resourceful (high IQ) would be competing with the worst in the same nation, forcing the former to decimate the latter. THAT would be eugenic! War? NO WAY! It’s thought that IQs were highest in the Victorian age and it’s likely thanks to the dysgenic effects of WWI and WWI that they’re as much lower today as they are. Also, WWI led to nihilism, the loss of faith and the mass demoralization of European nations. The West needs an internal, ethnic Reconquista, not a war!

    • Death Bringer Smiles
      Death Bringer Smiles says:

      To be entirely clear, you are calling for civil war and the benefits that culling will bring. War (the struggle for life) takes different forms. Ever since WWII, a protracted civil war, at first covert, and then overt war against the white race, led by jews and white traitors has been waged. It is now time to go on the offense with maximum effort, and extreme prejudice. If we offer the war gods blood in the proper way, they will reward us. Culling/cleaning the white gene pool is absolutely necessary at this point, and we don’t do it, mother nature will.

    • GirlinTexas
      GirlinTexas says:

      “The West needs an internal, ethnic Reconquista, not a war!”


      I think, perhaps, the implication is that we (Europeans/Whites) need something significant for which to fight. By my analysis, Germans would have handily prevailed in WW1/WW2, both battles for German survival, were it not for the meddling to bring in the “denuded” Saxons, the Americans; of course, alien meddling was also a factor in the inception of both wars from the beginning. I don’t think Europeans, in general, fight each other with an intention to utterly destroy our genetic legacy; that is clearly the intention of our “meddlers.”

      We must accept that the intention to destroy the Germanic/Nordic/Anglo line of humanity is the objective, and we must accept that we are actually suffering from the ease by which we exist due to our own technological creations – modern life is easy (by historical standards) and we struggle/fight for nothing (mostly). Institutions which once sought to ensure a measure of resilience – Boy Scouts; intense P.E. requirements in grade school; academic rigor – are now relics of the past, which is what we will soon be if we continue to support the aliens who walk amongst us in their efforts to be like us, which they can not; who benefit greatly from our social/cultural/scientific endeavors, utterly refusing to appreciate or acknowledge that they are the beneficiaries, not the creators; who are often illegitimately elevated to positions of influence/power due to “social justice” initiatives; all of which is literally killing us.

      We are already at war, however most of us (Whites) don’t seem to realize it.

  2. Gerbils
    Gerbils says:

    1930s Germany pretty much proved the economic cycles were caused by jewish manipulation of banking and finance.

  3. BrandonMay
    BrandonMay says:

    It’s n-n-n-not the Jews pushing diversity and degeneration on the west! Please believe my pseudo-scientific eugenics theory instead!

  4. Birhan Dargey
    Birhan Dargey says:

    Even Trump has not yet taken power, many WOKE/DEM/Left/ establishment have vowed to destroy (Civl War) his presidency as they did during Trups first term. What seems obvious is that MAGA will not survive unless these conditions: 1) Pass ELECTION security/Integriy/Laws..2) IMMIGRATION Reform that priorizes the Interests of the American Workers/People/ Country 3)Maga Revolution/1776 II based on the Supremacy of the American Constitution, Manifest Destiny II, Monroe Doctrine II Americas (resources) for American..Stop the Chinese/Russian expansion into The West/American Continent 4) Expand American political/Economic/corporate HEGEMONY in the Continent (Kennedy’s Alliance for Pogress 1960s?) BUT MAGA/America will NOT survive/succeed unless IT embarks into a internal USA Revolutinary movement that permeates into Culural DNA of the country/Nation from Local level to National levels, specially starting with preK-Secondary EDUCATION, Colleges, Universities, Public Institutions, Civics. It’s time to encourage Employers/Corporate to develop American Values among workers (foreign) , which no longer just view them as (cheap) LABOR..Can Trump achieve all these in 4years? MAGA has a golden Historical opportunity to demolish the WOKE antiWhite/AntiFamily/AntiAmerican for inmediate USA Future…PD BUILD LOCAL MAGA POWER..

  5. torchy
    torchy says:

    The sword and its bloody conquest are master of all. That the White race is a cowardly race that is full of the effete, the weak, the pretenders who don’t want to get their nails dirty, doesn’t mean war isn’t the end all be all of existence. Nature commanded it from the start and it will be the command until this planet evaporates. Even beyond the existence of life on Earth, conflict is the nexus by which all creation rises, breaks down, and rises again.

    The White man should stop pretending he’ll ever do anything about his displacement, he won’t. Having become afraid of his own shadow and pretending that he is “morally” superior to other peoples because he’s such a pushover. Perhaps we should just accept the fact that the White race is the most prolific and industrious race of slaves to have ever existed, who work themselves to death to give away any and everything to their non-white masters. Perhaps you’d all feel better admitting that fact on the ground.

    Here’s to the IQ issue. For all of the supposed intelligence of the White race, where’s the benefit of it at? Our race can’t understand simple concepts that were never an issue for the ancients. The old civilizations of Europe knew what a Greek was, or a Roman (until the needs of empire polluted it), a Goth, a Gaul, a Jute. None of these people were stupid and they didn’t piddle their pants at the first signs of a booboo that may be got in the defense of their people or the expansion of their people. Heck, the ancient Greeks and Romans were already creating a scant few prototypes of computational machines. The great wisdom that sat in the Library of Alexandria (before being destroyed by the pig ignorant christians) would probably bring us to shame.

    You want to talk dysgenics, that’s the child of the industrial revolution and has proven its rotten fruit by ensuring the survival of blood lines that would have been ended otherwise, and saw a population boom of the type who are fitted to be bondsmen. We can see that this servile personality type is the predominant of the day, especially in WN.

    • Arnold Bannerman
      Arnold Bannerman says:

      @ “torchy”

      The whites who built the empires before WW2 and many who served in that war were not wimps, but they should not have fought one another. See the comments by Spengler in “Jahre der Entscheidung” (1933). You combine an insult of WN activists with a defeatism that we could well do without.

  6. Alan
    Alan says:

    Young Mr.Dutton wrote a fine and somewhat thoughtful article that we don’t really concur with at all .True , he highlights some aspectional evidences of consequential cultural -spiritual?–..supposed benefits from…war… upon reflection, but the very first commenter published here puts the final nail in the coffin of Mr Duttons central theme perfectly. Some have recently opened elsewhere that The Fuhrer was in actual fact a much more intelligent..brilliant.. and heartfelt Man than the scurrilous curmudgeon Biden or the Jewish warthog mob boss..the fake Christian djtrump… be that as it is..the gay Jewish disco meat grinder of Ukraine ..now descended into the depths of Jewish hellfire ..is ostensibly enough of a *war* for millennials..gen. Z..to figure out what if any..there bearings in life are..then there s Palestine..Lebanon..Syria..it seems clear in each generation a very particular cycle repeats ..point being…that a person of good conscience must inevitably resist Jewish bolshevist Totalitarianism. Still a good article Mr Dutton. Keep at it

  7. Arnold Bannerman
    Arnold Bannerman says:

    The deeply underlying explanation for warfare among humans is the instinctive and competitive drive for food security and breeding space; the rest is superstructure, like religion, hierarchy, weapons, funds, and other “dynamic variables” (Kenneth Boulding). This universal socio-biology has been recognised as the basic explanation only by a diverse intellectual minority, including Arthur Keith, Karl Pearson, Paul Colinvaux, Irenaus Eibl-Eibesfeldt, Adolf Hitler, Bradley Thayer, Paul Shaw & Yuwa Wong.
    War can have both dysgenic and eugenic consequences. White people have done themselves great harm, especially in relation to the outside populations, by killing one another. This tendency must be halted, and eugenic conflict-reduction policies instituted at home and overseas.

  8. z
    z says:

    People does not at all need ‘a good war’ (maybe your article is ironic, don’t know), people do not need to kill each other. It is as saying in the globalisttavistockenglish language; ‘we are to many, and the population has to be reduced’…ie their (the sionistentity) wars is just one of so many ways to kill us off. And.. wee, doon’t understand. We believe worldevents are episodic. No, big no, they are planned and designed. Maybe a schock to the inner system, but true anyway.

    What people need is a fight (verbaly or with fists, ie fistfighting in a ring that is).. to be angry, get the steam out.

    To be angry is absolutely ok, but from childhood we learn that, to be angry is noot ok. It iis ook, and it is necessary. If a person does not get angry, ever, then the risk to develop psychopaty is over the top.

    But to kill each other, is aabsolutely wrong. As long as it’s not in selfdefence, that is. If you and your family, friends or if you are just out walking, and you see a murderous attack on..lets say children, animals, elders. Theen it’s really the moment to get angry, and to defend..with the maybe consequence of someone getting killed.

    And btw, thaat is not against the 10 Natural laws/sc commandments which is the Old Testamente (nothing more, nothing less). To murder.., thaat is against OT. To defence with the consequens of someone being killed, is not to murder. Everything is about the intention..The original texts has been altered with, and it became the scofield falsescript. The correct version is King James bibel.

    So then, it’s about to be angry (not mean) aand to be kind (to say yes and no) in correct timing, that is what gets a developed person. So now you know Mr Dutton. We definitely do not need to kill each other. The sionistglobalist on the contrary not only wants us to do that, they need it to extract energy from the victims. They get ‘strenght’.. from it, and they are the one who initiate everything according to wars, terror, conspiracys, assasinations etc.

    But if you know how to fight, you do never have to be afraid or feel anxiety Just join a martial art club. Have done it for years and years, and it changes you and adds to become a whole person. My opinion anyway. To become that, takes many lifetimes. My opinion, anyway

    But your article, it is a good one. And in essence it’s correct to reason like that. But as i say, it’s the methods, our methods, that differentiate us from the globalistpsychokillerparasites.

    • Emma Smith
      Emma Smith says:

      Jews have contributed to specific wars, but they are not and have never been their sole or even major cause. The commandment against murder of course appears in a Hebrew document that celebrates wars against other peoples. But conflict is a human universal, driven usually by population pressure and ethnic hostility. Family planning in the Global South would reduce its misery and pain, which should not be introduced into the “western” world. The technics of war now introduced catastrophic developments which Jews understand as well as other intelligent peoples.

      • z
        z says:

        Well, i’m not talking about sc ‘jews’ (an undefined concept, according to Benjamin Freedman, a defector from the talmudic ‘society’). I said; the sionists, or with another name..the talmudistashkenazisThey are the ones who constantly are picking a fight. Not the ‘jews’. Do not know what that is. Explain…

  9. JBP
    JBP says:

    War: what is it good for? If it gets the jews out, that’s what. Hitler did that in Germany, but then mistakenly trusted zionists and afterwards allowed his small empire’s military to be overstretched.

  10. Jack Dobson
    Jack Dobson says:

    It would be nice to answer this with “madness!” but that would be wrong. The proper response to this is two words I never thought would be associated with you: utter stupidity.

    Who do you think would be sent to fight this war, Ed? Do you think the Muslim men who obviously would not be on the front lines would be less prone to rape the daughters and mothers of Britain while white fathers and brothers were sent abroad to die? Did the previous two world wars improve the genetic reality of Old Blighty?

    You chose to leave Britain. I will not criticize your decision as others have; the reason for it is plainly visible. Do you truly think the situation would improve with less white Britons? Who do you find the greater threat, the troublesome neighbor on the eastern border of you adopted country, or those imported to live in the place of your birth?

    I will pose two quick hypotheticals. In the first, London is for the most part leveled but other cities and rural areas retain their population. In the second scenario, London remains intact but white causalities are through the roof. Tell me, Ed, which has the better genetic result? There is a genetic war ongoing even now and Britons are losing.

    Everyone has a bad day, and I don’t recall any previously from you, but I will look at all of your further offerings with a very jaundiced eye. And speaking of eyes, if your grandfather could see Britain today, there certainly would be tears in both.

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