Disappointing interview of Mel Gibson by Joe Rogan

Around 26:40 they start discussing the resistance to Gibson’s Passion of the Christ movie, attributing what was an assault by Jewish Hollywood as just due to Hollywood secularism.

Some other material on Gibson from the TOO archives:

What’s Up with Mel Gibson

Mel Gibson’s father, Hutton, made several appearances before his passing. Hollywood media attacked him furiously for it, but he never backed down. AFP readers might remember that Hutton Gibson was also a friend of Willis Carto and spoke at some gatherings that Willis organized.

From the NYTimes obituary:

In 2003, as Mel Gibson was directing “The Passion of the Christ,” his film about the crucifixion, Hutton Gibson gave an interview to The New York Times laced with comments about conspiracy theories. The planes that crashed into the World Trade Center on Sept. 11, 2001, had been remote-controlled, he claimed (without saying by whom). The number of Jews killed in the Holocaust was wildly inflated, he went on.

“Go and ask an undertaker or the guy who operates the crematorium what it takes to get rid of a dead body,” Mr. Gibson said. “It takes one liter of petrol and 20 minutes. Now, six million?”

In a radio interview a week before the February 2004 release of “The Passion,” Mr. Gibson went further, saying of the Holocaust, “It’s all — maybe not all fiction — but most of it is.” The comments added to an already simmering controversy that the film was anti-Semitic; the chairmen of two major studios told The Times that they wouldn’t work with Mel Gibson in the future.

Interviewed by Diane Sawyer of ABC News, the actor was asked to repudiate his father’s statements. He stopped short of doing so, saying: “He’s my father. Gotta leave it alone, Diane. Gotta leave it alone.”

4 replies
  1. Captainchaos
    Captainchaos says:

    I don’t see that Gibson’s behavior is any different than the recent WN, Inc. genuflection towards Whiteshift racial dilution. Both are indicative of womanly cowardice and a feminine craving for acceptance.

  2. macabees theorizer
    macabees theorizer says:

    There are ways to make a Maccabees movie that is anti-Jews. It could be made as a kind of propaganda movie in favor of a religious uprising to overthrow a secular government, for instance. It could also go the angle of focusing on the fall of Judas Maccabeus and its aftermath; after he retakes the temple from the Greeks he becomes an insane genocider attacking surrounding Gentiles nations that had nothing to the Jews, and ultimately dies in battle, and then Israel is in a bad state because all the surrounding Gentiles want revenge, and so the Jews have to make a one-sided defense treaty with the Romans, thus inviting the Romans in to protect them; the Romans figure out the Jews tricked them, that they already had fomented war before signing the treaty, so in revenge take over Israel and conquer it and hold it. He could take that angle to show how Jews are evil genocidal maniacs and break treaties they make. It could be focuses on Jewish perfidy and backstabbing of Gentile “allies.”

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