David Brooks: Donald Trump’s Nineteenth-Century American Mindset — Optimistic, Confident, Risk-taking
I liked Brooks description of 19th-century America and I agree that Trump would like to get back to that mindset:
It was a time when the national character was being forged not among the establishment circles in Boston, Philadelphia and Virginia but out on the frontier, by the wild ones, the uncouth ones. It was the rugged experience of westward expansion, the historian Frederick Jackson Turner declared in 1893, that had given America its vitality, its egalitarianism, its disinterest in high culture and polite manners. …
Herman Melville captured, without endorsing, the nationalist fervor in his novel “White Jacket”: “We Americans are the peculiar, chosen people — the Israel of our time. God has predestinated, mankind expects, great things from our race; and great things we feel in our souls.” Walt Whitman joined the chorus: “Have the elder races halted? / Do they droop and end their lesson, wearied over there beyond the seas? / We take up the task eternal.” There’s no confidence like adolescent confidence, for a person or a country.
I can see why this image of a wild, raw, aspiring America appeals to Trump. It is sometimes said that Trump appeals to those left behind, the losers of the information age. And this is a nationalism filled with aspiration, daring, hope and future-mindedness.
This jibes with Ed Dutton’s featured article. Americans have become risk-averse at least partly because of the rise of women to positions of power, but also, like the nineteenth-century Brahmins, people like Brooks are opposed to rocking the boat because they are ensconced in the elite. Thus he hates the disruption threatened by Trump 2.0 and predicts disastrous results.
Of course, what Brooks doesn’t like is that
Today’s populist ire is directed not at the European establishments living across an ocean but at the American ones on the east and west coasts. Democrats are mistaken if they think they can rebuff Trump by howling the words “fascism” or “authoritarianism,” or by clutching their pearls every time he does something vulgar or immoral. If they decide to continue the culture war between the snooty elitists and the masses, I think we know how that’s going to turn out.
Of course, east and west coast establishments are decidedly Jewish and Brooks, as a Jew faux conservative, hates Trump and predicts he will utterly fail.
The history of the world since at least the French Revolution is that rapid disruption makes governments cataclysmically worse. Trump, the anti-institutionalist, is creating an electoral monarchy, a system in which all power is personalized and held in his hands. That’s a recipe for distorted information flows, corruption, instability and administrative impotence. As we’ve seen over and over again down the centuries, there’s a big difference between people who operate in the spirit of disruption and those who operate in the spirit of reform. [Trump understands America’s problems,] But when it comes to building structures to address those problems — well, the man is just hapless and incompetent.
We’ll see. Like 19th-century Americans, I remain an optimist.

Over the past few months, and especially in his second Inaugural Address, Trump has gone all 19th century on us. He seems to find in this period everything he likes: tariffs, Manifest Destiny, seizing land from weaker nations, mercantilism, railroads, manufacturing and populism. Many presidents mention George Washington or Abraham Lincoln in their inaugurals. Who was the immortal Trump cited? William McKinley.
You can tell what kind of conservative a person is by discovering what year he wants to go back to. For Trump, it seems to be sometime between 1830 and 1899. “The spirit of the frontier is written into our hearts,” he declared in his address.
It’s easy to see the appeal. We were a boisterous, arriviste nation back then, bursting with energy, bombast and new money. In 1840, there were 3,000 miles of railroad track in America. By 1900, there were roughly 259,000 miles of track. Americans were known for being materialistic, mechanical and voracious for growth. In his book “The American Mind,” the historian Henry Steele Commager wrote of our 19th-century forebears: “Whatever promised to increase wealth was automatically regarded as good, and the American was tolerant, therefore, of speculation, advertising, deforestation and the exploitation of natural resources.” So Trumpian.
It was a time when the national character was being forged not among the establishment circles in Boston, Philadelphia and Virginia but out on the frontier, by the wild ones, the uncouth ones. It was the rugged experience of westward expansion, the historian Frederick Jackson Turner declared in 1893, that had given America its vitality, its egalitarianism, its disinterest in high culture and polite manners. The West was settled by a rising tide of hucksterism — the spirit of the circus master P.T. Barnum more than that of the aristocratic novelist Henry James.
It was a golden age of braggadocio, of Paul Bunyan-style tall tales. It was also an age when to be American was to be wreathed in glory. Many Americans believed that God had assigned a sacred errand to his new chosen people, to complete history and to bring a new heaven down to earth. (Kind of like the way God saved Trump in that Pennsylvania field so that he could complete the sacred mission of deporting more immigrants.)
I can see why this image of a wild, raw, aspiring America appeals to Trump. It is sometimes said that Trump appeals to those left behind, the losers of the information age. And this is a nationalism filled with aspiration, daring, hope and future-mindedness. (It helps if, like Trump, you whitewash a few minor details about 19th-century America from your portrait — like, you know, slavery and Reconstruction.)
Maybe the century’s key appeal for Trump is that in those days America was firmly anti-establishment. Across the Atlantic were the old states — Europe. Periodically, Europeans like Fanny Trollope (herself a novelist and the mother of a rather more famous one) would visit America and turn up their noses at the vulgar money-loving people they found here. The English writer Morris Birkbeck summarized his view of the American spirit this way: “Gain! Gain! Gain!” Americans were proud to defy the snobs with their refined manners, class-ridden societies and inherited luxuries.
You can draw a straight line from this (semi-mythical) image of America to the movement Trump leads today. He too leads a band of arrivistes, establishment-haters, money-seekers and unreconstructed nationalists. Many Democrats accuse Trump of ushering in an oligarchy, but new-money moguls like Elon Musk have often sided with the populists against the bien pensants. This is not oligarchy; this is what populism looks like.
Trump is drawing on themes that have been deep in the American psyche at least since Andrew Jackson became president in 1829. Populist movements, like most movements that represent the dispossessed, tend to be led by men who radiate power, masculinity and wealth. They harness American’s natural distaste for rules, regulations and bureaucratic moralists.
The quintessential thing Trump did this week was to announce an artificial intelligence development project of up to $500 billion while also revoking a Biden executive order for A.I. safety. Even Musk says the whole project is mythical hype because some of the companies involved don’t have the money. Meanwhile, weakening the safety control on the technology? What could go wrong?
Today’s populist ire is directed not at the European establishments living across an ocean but at the American ones on the east and west coasts. Democrats are mistaken if they think they can rebuff Trump by howling the words “fascism” or “authoritarianism,” or by clutching their pearls every time he does something vulgar or immoral. If they decide to continue the culture war between the snooty elitists and the masses, I think we know how that’s going to turn out.
The problem with populism and the whole 19th-century governmental framework is that it didn’t work. Between 1825 and 1901 we had 20 presidencies. We had a bunch of one-term presidents; voters kept throwing the incumbents out because they were not happy with the way government was performing. The last three decades of that century saw a string of brutalizing recessions and depressions that profoundly shook the country. The light-footprint government was unable to cope with the process of industrialization.
Many populists were ill equipped to even understand what was happening. In his classic book “The Age of Reform,” Richard Hofstadter writes, “Populist thought showed an unusually strong tendency to account for relatively impersonal events in highly personal terms.” In other words, they thought they could solve the disruptions of industrialization if only they could find the evil conspirators who were responsible for every ill. Their diagnoses were simple-minded, their rhetoric over the top; their proposals, Hofstadter noted, wandered “over the border between reality and impossibility.” Sound familiar?
Here’s how America recovered: Populist indignation finally got professionalized. In the 20th century, members of the progressive movement took the problems the populists were rightly angry about and built the institutions that were required to address them effectively — like the Food and Drug Administration, the Federal Trade Commission and the Federal Reserve. Populists had trouble thinking institutionally; the progressives, who were well trained, morally upright, self-disciplined, disgusted by corruption, intellectually rigorous (and sometimes priggish and arrogant) did not have that problem.
There’s a reason the 20th century happened. The United States had to build a stronger central government and a leadership class if it was going to take responsibility — responsibility for the people who were marginalized and oppressed in our own country and, as the century wore on, responsibility to establish a peaceful and secure world order. Americans have a perpetual problem with authority, but for a time — from say 1901 to 1965 — Americans built authority structures that voters trusted.
Now we live amid another crisis of authority. Our system has not managed to keep up with the savage inequalities produced by the information age — especially between the college educated and the less educated. Populists are again indignant and on the march. But, as before, they have no compelling theory of change.
The colorful menagerie of people who make up the proposed Trump cabinet all have one thing in common: They are self-identified disrupters. They aim to burn the systems down. Disruption is fine in the private sector. If Musk wants to start a car company and it flops, then all that’s been lost is investor money and some jobs. But suppose you disrupt and dismantle the Defense Department or the judicial system or the schools? Where are citizens supposed to go?
The history of the world since at least the French Revolution is that rapid disruption makes governments cataclysmically worse. Trump, the anti-institutionalist, is creating an electoral monarchy, a system in which all power is personalized and held in his hands. That’s a recipe for distorted information flows, corruption, instability and administrative impotence. As we’ve seen over and over again down the centuries, there’s a big difference between people who operate in the spirit of disruption and those who operate in the spirit of reform.
If I were running the Democratic Party (God help them), I would tell the American people that Donald Trump is right about a lot of things. He’s accurately identified problems on issues like inflation, the border and the fallout from cultural condescension that members of the educated class have been too insular to anticipate. But when it comes to building structures to address those problems — well, the man is just hapless and incompetent.
There was a lot of Hitler saluting in the Juden-News again today (their unrivaled favorite topic), if only because “Israel friend” (quote by genocider Satanyahu) Musk repeatedly formed his arm into one the most horrible symbolism without apparently intending to do so.
The BBC podcast says Unity Mitford was “confused”. Indications of her confusion include: 1. she was anti-Semitic, 2. she was in love with Hitler, 3. she was not a lesbian, 4. she was not a feminist, 6. she did not hate Germany but loved it.
A Jewish “psychoanalyst” claimed that the never-ending general interest in Nazism could be explained by the “fascination with evil”. In order for Hitler to be perceived as evil at all, he has of course had to be villainized, stigmatized and demonized by the Jewish-controlled media for decades.
But who knows whether the alleged Mitford diary, which appeared out of the blue 90 years after it was supposedly written – the moral antagonism to the fake “Anne Frank diary”, so to speak – was not also the product of a Jewish psychopath’s wet fantasy?
Since the names of the owners have not been mentioned to date, and is very likely just such a cheap forgery as the alleged “Nazi map of world domination plans” presented by the judeophile destructor Roosevelt in order to drag America into a world war.
Since the Asian wisdom of the two-facedness – i.e. duopolarity – of everything that exists, the world has known that absolute evil, as the schizophrenic Jews portray it, cannot exist without its opposite. The opposite of the Aryan devil Hitler would therefore be the flawless Semitic Son of God Jesus.
This is why everything the Jews concoct always has the opposite effect. Instead of being fascinated by evil, the skeptical Goy brain tries to find out whether the Jewish atrocity propaganda can correspond to the truth at all, and if not, what goal (the annihilation of the hated white race a.k.a. “Amalek”) it is actually pursuing.
My music tip today is a Ukrainian woman with a German surname, unknown to me until now, whose parents fled to Venezuela after WW2 (were they “collaborators”?), where she was born. Is there anything more erotic than women fiddling around with gearshifts, knobs and sliders?
“PBS showed an episode of ‘Britain on Film’, which included 16mm ‘home movie’ footage of the Britannia Youth Movement at a summer camp at St. Mary’s Bay, Dymchurch, in August 1936, at which the Movement hosted some fifty members of the Hitler Youth (see here to view the film and for a synopsis of it).
This included not only scenes at the Dymchurch holiday camp but also Shoreham-by-Sea (possibly), the South Downs, Littlestone and Canterbury, before finally that of a wreath laying ceremony at the Cenotaph.
The Hitler Youth returned that hospitality the following month, when some fifty members of the Britannia Youth Movement went to Germany, spending a week in Silschede, in the Ruhr, before visiting the 1936 Olympic Games, in Berlin, and the Nazi Party Nuremburg Rally in September 1936. The Britannia Youth Movement was founded by H C Andrews in early 1936.”
Unfortunately without sound. The only thing missing here is a suitable contemporary soundtrack as background music. https://www.iwm.org.uk/collections/item/object/1060047698
Quite a nonsense-fabrication of typical British kind.
That should be crystal clear: Only Jews and semi-Jews like “Baron” Skidelsky write undistorted and unadulterated biographies about fascists that everyone should believe!
The British gossip press believes that Max, who resembles his father Oswald, could have been Hitler’s illegitimate child. The impetus for such Orwellian considerations was apparently provided by Orwell himself, who was not always logical in his thinking. https://archive.ph/1Pz0g
Unity, who was conceived in Swastika, Ontaria, is even said to have kicked at a girl who was already brainwashed at the time, at least according to this former girl, who is a still-brainwashed granny these days. https://archive.is/GPlUf
Incidentally, there are no German-language sources web-wide that support the British lie that the pistol with which Unity Mitford shot herself in the head was given to her by Hitler (“for self-protection”). It would also be difficult to imagine, given that his niece had already shot herself with his pistol.
But Hitler is said to have visited Unity in hospital. However, it cannot be ruled out that Hitler suffered from such a fundamental malfunction of his empathy on an individual level that he would not have been able to anticipate what a “fan girl” (see also groupies) lying at his feet was capable of.
But he is said to have shown a very attentive, tactful, almost shy behavior towards ladies in high circles. Of course, all this could have been an extremely sophisticated chess move, but to keep it up in the long run without attracting attention required an almost psychopathic disposition.
Incidentally, these two cases counteract the propaganda lie launched by American pseudo-nation lists and gun lobbyists about the allegedly “inhumanly strict” gun laws in the Third Reich. You can also compare that time, when a life was not worth the dirt under your fingernail, with today.
In every large city there were riverbanks where young women regularly took their own lives (e.g. as unmarried pregnant women or out of lovesickness). There were even suicide cemeteries. “She went into the water” was a euphemistic way of saying ‘she killed herself’.
Two terms come to mind when looking at large National Socialist processions: cohesion and swarm intelligence. Here, movement was meant symbolically, and not just, as today, digestive movements like cows in the pasture.
Other terms appear significant: organization, coordination, alignment and endowment meaning. Nowadays, everything is uncoordinated, unstructured, meaningless and directionless; organization is practically absent.
When the liberal, consumerist, individualist Anglo-American hears the word “collectivist”, he has always been gripped by nothing but disgust and horror. Collectivist is synonymous with communist, with Stalin or Mao.
However, this does not stand up to scrutiny on closer inspection. Ancient societies such as those of the Romans or Vikings were presumably quite collectivist, which only dissolved as a result of sedentarization and commerce (see Hanseatics).
East Asian societies such as the Japanese or Koreans are still collectivist today in terms of following and preserving their ritual traditions. However, this is often sublimated into an export-oriented way of doing business.
Collectivism is ultimately team thinking, team feeling and team action: “Together we are strong, individually we are nothing.” (Symbolism of the Fasces) “You are nothing, your people are everything.” (Hans Grimm) You see yourself as the link in a chain.
Only genuine, hand-picked and certified “experts” like Libby Purves are competent enough to give sound and profound advice and information. Mimi Pond has created a comic series called “The Miford Sisters and I”. Queen Mum died too early to live to see this. Mimi Pond https://i.ibb.co/B2FjPwy/True-Love.png
Three years ago: “Yasmin Alibhai-Brown” vs. Carole Malone: “One Britain, One Nation: Government song for kids compared to Hitler Youth”. A country that lets its women decide has forfeited any right to its continued existence anyway. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1CYJtLsZfOk
@ Harald
The Mitford sisters were a mixed bunch in looks and opinions. The Mosleys refuted a lot of stuff about Unity in the Pryce-Jones “bio”. The odd thing was her LIFELONG cordial mutual friendship with sister Jessica, even after the latter married a Jewish Communist whose politics she shared. Diana strongly denied that her sister was sexually intimate with Hitler, though they were both close to him, and very “fond” of him, like Winifred Wagner. As one of his private secretaries said, “It is hard to believe now, but he was very charming in his private ways”.
I was not much impressed, however, by the funny old guy with a drooping moustache leading the “Britannia Youth Movement” in the recommended video, and nor very obviously was at least one HJ member during the parade inspection. There were a number of friendly sport and ex-servicemen contacts between Britain and Germany, until Kristallnacht and the invasion of Czecho-Slovakia soured relations; as with “Farve” Mitford and Lord Londonderry.
The Nazis fought the communists, the Jews and the homos (which is ultimately synonymous). They pledged their fullest support to the British Empire. They embraced American segregation. What in this f-ing world could the Anglo-Muricans want more?n Maybe bomb the whole of Germany into rubble?
So what force was at work that sought to stultify and destroy this solidarity and turn it into deadly self-destructing hostility? Was it a British/American force? Of course not! It was the Jews, to whom the British and Americans gave full authority over their racial and genetic future!
Are we surrounded by complete idiots here? Of course not, because these dishonorable bastards are bought Jew-whores! Imagine: Anglo-American liberalism had nothing better in mind than to unite with Stalin to destroy this “evil” German-Aryan force! “Dis iss komplete nuts, mental PERVERSION!”
On the Spenglerian vision of America as Rome to Europe as Greece, the imperial Felon and spaceflight Elon are the Caesars of final formlessness, whereby Faustian technics, finance and Jerusalem-focussed “second religiousness” contrast in some respects with the more earth-bound classical predecessor. Will, as the German sage feared nine decades ago, racial outsiders and underclass insiders make an end of the baby-deficit white world, and negro dancing become the funeral march of the greatest civilization? “No, it cannot, it must not, be!”
I fail to see what there is to like about Brooks’s tendentious analysis of nineteenth-century America and especially about his stereotyped, trite, hackneyed assessment of the frontier and the frontier spirit, for which he resorts to pejorative clichés in preference to facts: “the wild ones, the uncouth ones … a band of arrivistes, establishment-haters, money-seekers and unreconstructed nationalists.”
Anyone who ever read Roger McGrath’s “Gunfighters, Highwaymen, and Vigilantes: Violence on the Frontier” (1987) would immediately recognize that New York Jews and their Hollywood cousins have been lying through their teeth about this aspect of history (i.e., frontier violence), as about many, many others, for as long as they have been in positions of influence and power. Nor is it difficult to discern the two millennia–old Jewish agenda when Brooks refers to the [ahem] scandal of twenty presidents in seventy-six years via his dismayed reference to “voters [who] kept throwing the incumbents out because they were not happy with the way government was performing.” How revealing that Brooks, a “democracy” votary if ever there was one, should express misgivings on this adroitly gamed system only when voters fail to do what Jews and their bribed or blackmailed Gentile epigones have told the voters to do.
In short, to interpret agreement with one or two things Brooks writes about as evidence of anything more than the momentary intersection of two roads whose resultant vectors are 180 degrees apart would be a grave error.
I completely agree that Brooks is evil. He hates 19th-century White Americans because of their confidence, their optimism and their expansive deeds in conquering the continent. That’s certainly true. Brooks is part of the bicoastal Jewish elite that see this as threatening to their power. I thought I made that clear.
You did make it clear. I never meant to imply that you yourself had any illusions about Brooks. I regret that what I wrote led you to think otherwise.
Mr MacDonald, Trump showed he’s been either lying to us from the beginning about his agenda or has been gained control of by Musk, Ramaswamy etc and blackmailed, maybe they threatened to take his wealth away and he sold out. He’s advocating the imposition of the Club for Rome’s agenda of a US being just a component of region 6, with Canada and Greenland. Look it up. A brave risk taking populist wouldn’t fall in with doubling down on the policies destroying the US, displacing the people who were the reason America was great with the scamming, low level IQ corrupt denizens of India. Why are we paying $20 billion per year to Elon Musk’s SpaceX scam which shall never advance beyond limping along and falling apart, exploding, as he is no great mind, no inventor, who never achieved anything not gained by hostile takeover to profit by abusing investor funds and then Obama putting him on yearly taxpayer subsidies in 2010. Trump’s doge will serve as a conduit to outsource the duties of the so depts Trump does really plan to do away with and others and our national security, and other data to Musk and his other black marketeer h1bs. He breaks the promises to end the h1b, he lies he never said the visa was harmful to citizens and he would do away with it, and says he wants to comply with Ramaswamy’s Thiel’s and Musk’s demand for millions more.
no more than false fronts for him, firing the visa workers along with the diversity hires that have ended invention etc in the US and allied with the want to be oligarchs of big tech who call for the imposing big brother and the economic and otherwise genocide of the American citizen. Bell Labs is no more, due to Indian visa workers our former centers of invention and research are little more than farces and taxpayers are burdened with trillions in new debt to subsidize corporations like Musk’s Thiel’s Palantir, India Inc controlled Boeing whose planes are now crashing and falling apart in flight, and subsidize their substandard visa workers. NASA only returns to it’s former standard if we fire all visa workers and diversity hires and hire qualified citizens, but Trump wants to keep replacing NASA with the mentally ill, dangerously unstable ketamine abuser Musk’s SpaceX. He’s committed to vile globalist Larry Ellison’s wet dream of fascist Big Brother. Trump is not good for America and even the weak praise by Brooks and his alliances with Gates and Zuckerberg ought to warn you of that.
Trump is even greater than I thought. He filled up a bunch of planes with Colombian Brown illegals and was about to have the planes fly over Colombia and dump the trash, but the Colombian government said they would not allow the planes to land. So, Trump went ahead and immediately implemented economic protocols to completely and utterly collapse the Colombian economy, resulting in the death of the entire Brown population of Colombia via starvation, thirst, and disease. Trump immediately signed the executive orders, and Colombia was about to economically collapse, but the Colombian government immediately contacted Trump and told him they will do whatever he commands. Think about it – Trump was going to kill off the entire Brown population of Colombia as punishment for sending all their Brown illegals into USA. Trump is a true White soldier. He seems to have learned from the Israelis and will use Israeli tactics to Make America White Again. Zionism for Whites, this is what Trump wants. Trump has been studying Israel for many years so that he can finally implement Zionism for Whites. This is why he hangs out with Netanyahu and the Likud Party so much – it’s so that he can learn their successful strategies so that he can use it to advance the White race.
“Hitler’s Death Squadrons – Uncensored [sic]”
The title already indicates from the outset that there can only be one culprit here. So that no doubts arise in the first place. As if anti-German lies and atrocity propaganda needed to be censored by Judentube. Ridiculous. The exact opposite is the case: the “documentary”, which is already 10 years old, is being pushed by the Algorhythms to such an extent that the first part alone has already had two million views after just 4 days.
There should be no doubt about the enthnic-religious background of the “director”. https://archive.is/4oir4
Prazan’s narrator: “Belarus has liberated by the Red Army.” (The Belarusians must have been “dead happy” to be under Stalinist tyranny for another 80 years.)
At the end of the first part, Prazan in all seriousness incorporates excerpts from a disgusting propaganda machination fabricated in the communist Soviet empire (narrator: “the gripping realism of this 1985 fictional account”), which was filmed according to the script of a Belarusian ‘partisan’ (euphemism for sneaky underground killer in civilian clothes), and disfigures the “fascists” as the most despicable, cowardly sadists.
In the second part, from minute 7:15 onwards, Prazan does not even bother to have it spoken by a German, but by a Frenchman with a clearly recognizable accent, possibly himself or one of his fellow propanadists, in a kind of megaphone speech supposedly of German origin, rambling on about “successful purges in France”.
Devastated smalltowns like Lidice or Oradour are undoubtedly tragic, sad events, but what is that compared to countless destroyed German big cities that have not been restored as “living memorials”?
P.S. If it is not already preset, activate the original English-language audio track.
My theory is as follows: It is already written in the Unholy Scriptures of the Jews that the destruction of all earthly peoples must take place in a creeping, imperceptible way so as not to provoke a riot.
One could also speak of poison being injected into the nations. However, as can be seen from these videos by the Jew Prazan, which are full of lies mixed with half-truths, most people allow themselves to be duped into believing that they are seeing “the truth”.
The German mind is profound and thorough because it is able to recognize precisely those lies that are hidden in the details like the devil. Most peoples lack this articulation, the antigen, so to speak, the serum to unmask the Jew.
They lament the consequences of everything the Jew has done, but do not mentally grasp the causes. They lack the consistent, structured, scanning, open-eyed thinking to get to the bottom of the lies.
That is why the Jews’ ultimate goal was and is to destroy the German people precisely because of their inquiring, detective-like thoroughness of thought, which the Germans were able to do because of their precise and exact language.
Language is reality and a vehicle for mentally grasping and describing the world. The Anglo-Americans, with their liberal way of thinking, who dominate the world with their consumerism, are a breakfast for the Jews, who exploit their gullibility and naivety unscrupulously and uninhibitedly.
The Jews have no danger or resistance to fear from this direction. That is why the Anglo-Americans were their willing servants against Hitler. Nothing is as easy to instrumentalize for the Jews as Anglo-American useful idiots! They can be fobbed off with any filth and celebrate it a “cultural gain”!
Of course, Anglo-Americans are not to blame for the fact that their language is a consequence of linguistic degeneration, which is unsuitable as an optimal means of expressing subtantial thoughts. But it must be made clear to them that linguistically they are at best playing in the third league.
“Language is the house of being” (Heidegger). Many Anglo-Americans are nevertheless able to develop their minds to unexpected heights by reading and reflecting on German literature. Goethe and Shakespeare were still intellectual equals, but after that something must have gone colossally wrong in the English language. Perhaps it was the conquest of America.
The Jews always claim that “their fate is synonymous with that of Jesus”. Imagine this hypocrisy. I reply: The white race is synonymous with the fate of the German people!
Whoever destroys the German people as a white-faced SOAB destroys himself. It is exactly the same with the Jews: they have destroyed themselves with Jesus!
When I was still a guileless victim of Jewish brainwashing, I believed the myth that the Germans were a “pathological people”. Now it is clear that the Germans were Europe’s soul!
If you take a closer look at WWII, it becomes clear that it was about the global struggle for supremacy between two main cosmic forces: order and chaos.
Liberalism is and must inevitably lead to total chaos. We are already halfway there. All beauty is built on order. Hierarchy is the healthy order of nature.
Perversely, we now have an upside-down pyramid, a pseudo-hierarchy where the apes rule the zoo and are therefore despised and cursed by the caged humans.
Of course, we could now continue our research: Why did the branches and twigs take axe to their own roots? Both the French and the British emerged from the Germans.
Then we very soon end up with the Donar’s Oak. Nevertheless, the oak is still the most sacred German tree to this day. Irish priests in particular served Judaism on the continent in what is now Germany by rejecting paganism.
So the axe was not wielded by Germanic brothers, but by the J*daic mind virus. This was also the case in both world wars, which amputated the heart region (Central Europe) of the white race.
It is worth noting on this occasion that the eastern part of Germany has Slavic genes. But this is excusable in view of the fact that Irish America shares the same genes with the Bashkirs. https://i.ibb.co/pWP2DpX/slavism.jpg
Even today, I cannot comprehend why Great Britain would enter into a mutual assistance pact with Poland in the 1930s purely for strategic reasons, promising to come to its aid if attacked?
Behind this, one can only suspect pure arbitrariness! What the hell does Great Britain have to do with the Danzig question or the Corridor (which it itself provoked by cutting down German territories)? This should basically be completely irrelevant to them!
It would be like Germany making a pact with Ireland, and being obligated to attack England whenever it militarily moves on the Irish island (which it has been doing for centuries)?
Or, which seems even more far-fetched, making a pact with Egypt that would attack Great Britain for its use of the Suez Canal? Why would Germany do something like that?
Only to harass England! As if the British were so Slavophilic that they would ally with both the Poles and the Russians. Which is, of course, pure hypocrisy!
After the First World War, Great Britain, which has no stake on the European continent and was a arch-enemy of France, stole 20 percent of Germany’s ancestral territory, just because it came to Austria’s aid, thus not even starting the war itself!
Apart from that, this is not how one treats Germanic siblings, especially not one with whom one has shared the same royal house for centuries! And by what right do the British cut all German overseas cables to America as a first measure, as if America had no say in the matter?
The same is happening today with the Nord Stream pipelines! It’s clear what ‘perfidious Albion’ means! These people have no sense of honor, but instead stab you in the back the moment you turn around!
And as for America’s “traditional co-operation” with the Brits (“Five Eyes”): In the event of war, has Germany ever mobilized its descendants in America, who make up their largest population, against it?
So what were these English-babbling idiots, who were never attacked by Germany, doing on the European mainland! They should hide away on their island or in their prairie! That would be better for world peace!
The Anglos claim German would be “rude” (German rüde).
Crap! German is music! Take compliments like this: “After I bang your mom, I’ll piss in your gob!” or “You’ll drown in your own blood after I cut your throat!”
Is that rude? Then call me Rüdiger (Rudi for short), related to Dutch Rutger and English Roger. “Rüde” capitalized means male dog. https://www.dict.cc/?s=R%C3%BCde
Here is a typical name bearer:
As we already know, Jermain means Germanic.