JTA: Dozens of Jewish groups protest Trump’s plans for mass deportation

“Jewish families — past and present, here and elsewhere — know what it is to live in fear for the immediate and long-term safety of our families,” the letter says. “We have been forced to flee, denied access to safety, scapegoated, detained, and exploited. This history and our Jewish values [notoriously absent in Israel] make immigration policy – including ensuring a functioning and welcoming refugee program and protection of the right to seek asylum – deeply personal to the Jewish community.”

Dozens of Jewish groups protest Trump’s plans for mass deportation

Signatories to the open letter include leading Reform and Conservative Jewish organizations.

Dozens of Jewish organizations have signed an open letter to President Donald Trump protesting his planned mass deportations of undocumented immigrants.

The letter, published on Jan. 27, demonstrates that as Trump retakes office, a range of major Jewish organizations intend to continue to be vocal in opposing his policies on immigration. The signatories include a range of centrist and liberal Jewish groups with a national presence, including the leadership of the Reform, Conservative and Reconstructionist religious movements. Dozens of local Jewish groups and institutions also signed.

“[W]e write in opposition to your Administration’s plans to launch mass deportations, build massive detention camps, and conduct sweeping raids,” the letter says. “We urge you to chart a different course and change your stated plans for widespread persecution of immigrants. America has long prided itself on being a place of refuge, a beacon of hope for those fleeing persecution and seeking a better life.”

The letter comes as the Trump administration has begun immigration arrests in Chicago and is conscripting the military to deport migrants.

Immigration has historically been an issue of concern for American Jews, many of whom are descended from families that arrived in the United States around the turn of the 20th century, if not later. The letter notes that American Jewry has historically been supportive of immigrant rights.

“Jewish families — past and present, here and elsewhere — know what it is to live in fear for the immediate and long-term safety of our families,” the letter says. “We have been forced to flee, denied access to safety, scapegoated, detained, and exploited. This history and our Jewish values make immigration policy – including ensuring a functioning and welcoming refugee program and protection of the right to seek asylum – deeply personal to the Jewish community.”

When Trump began his first term in 2017, immigration was an animating, and relatively unifying, issue for many U.S. Jewish groups. Groups representing all four major Jewish religious movements opposed his travel ban on several Muslim-majority countries as well as his policy of separating families detained at the border. Jewish groups challenged immigration actions in court, protested at immigration facilities and volunteered and fundraised to aid migrants.

Since then, some major Jewish groups that spoke out during Trump’s first term have become less vocal about immigration. A number of major Jewish groups declined to comment on President Joe Biden’s order last June that effectively shut down the U.S.-Mexico border. Many of those groups also did not sign Monday’s letter.

The letter also opposed a Trump order last week allowing immigration officers to make arrests at houses of worship. “Proposed changes to the immigration policy, including allowing immigration authorities to enter sacred spaces, only serve to exacerbate feelings of fear, panic, and insecurity. People should be able to come together in peace and worship without fear of deportation, detention, or harassment,” it said.

Other signatories included the progressive group Bend the Arc: Jewish Action, the Chicago Board of Rabbis, the Jewish refugee aid group HIAS, Jewish Council for Public Affairs, Jewish Women International, the liberal Israel lobby J Street, the Jewish LGBTQ group Keshet, National Council of Jewish Women and the liberal rabbinic human rights group T’ruah. Jewish Community Relations Councils in eight cities also signed.

12 replies
    • Everyday I'm jew naming
      Everyday I'm jew naming says:

      Most of the so called ‘christians’ that I know, are ridiculously brainwashed cucks who watch disgusting jewish porn (and don’t see this as sinful or in any other way incompatible with their supposed ‘christian faith’), but ‘think’ that I’m not allowed to criticize and oppose the jews as a christian, because Jesus supposedly too was a jew! I mean, even if he was a jew, does this mean that I shoud let the jews destroy me without a fight like some pacifist cuck?

  1. K M Landis
    K M Landis says:

    All these Jews protest the deportation of illegal aliens. Unlike normal people they like illegal aliens. They want to encourage more. That proves conclusively that they are disloyal to America. They favor unlimited mass migration of non-Whites – into the US, UK, Europe, Canada, Australia.

    But not to Israel. No illegal aliens are allowed to stay in Israel. That proves that Jews are totally disloyal to their host nations.

  2. Phil
    Phil says:

    “Oy, gevalt!” … who doesn’t know this disgusting, hypocritical, whiny Yiddish exclamation, related to ‘Oy vey!’. Where the vey is related to the German “weh”, which means pain or suffering: “He cries out in pain while stabs your bag.” Violence does indeed cause suffering and pain, but the pain of the real victims is covered up. https://archive.is/DqldR


    “To My People”, Zündel’s biography (incl. photographs)


    In German, Gewalt significantly has two meanings, which ultimately indicate a deep connection to life. The German word walten means both violence and the exerciser or holder of power, as words such as Staatsgewalt (state power), Anwalt (lawyer), obwalten (prevailing, see also obiegen), or Verwalter (administrator) show.

    That is why it is a nightmare for those “in power” when their opponents use violence, even though they themselves use violence all the time. In “democracy” (which actually means “rule of the people” and not oligarchy and/or mob rule), violence is socially outlawed. It should be when it comes to black-on-white crime, for example.

    But the colored criminals are not seen as enemies of the system, but as its benefactors and stabilizers. Black-on-white crime is a kind of tacitly tolerated structural terror against the white indigenous population. This is why it is not addressed as a phenomenon, but rather each such crime is an “individual case” according to the agenda of the oppressive system.

    Hitler had clearly recognized: “Might makes right”. He saw the use of violence as an absolutely legitimate means of achieving and maintaining the goal of exercising power. In his eyes, there was no way around it, it was necessary (notwendig). “Not wenden” means turning the tide of need. However, his first attempt to seize power had failed miserably (see also J6). Only when the wind changed was he able to gather enough followers around him.

    • Phil
      Phil says:


      Rumpelstilzken-effect means to banish a danger by putting it into precise words: “Oh, what joy! What bliss sublime: No one knows my name in time!” https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/one-among-many/201308/rumpelstiltskin-in-psychology

      Figuratively speaking, Rumpelstiltskin is the Jew that no one is allowed to call by name. That’s why he can do whatever he wants. But as soon as he is called by name and thus recognized, his curse is disenchanted and banished.

      The Jew is also notorious as a child snatcher, but above all in a figurative sense: as the inventor and propagator of the “contraceptive pill”, as a sex changer and homosexualizer of the masses, as a “liberator of women” (see also Lilith), as a proponent of abortion, as a mass-migration promoter, as a race-mixer (not only by porn).

      The Jew Joe Juby filmed a horror version of the German fairy tale in 1995 with the Jews Grodénchik and Beasley (actually Tannenberg) in the leading roles. The “music” came from a Jew named Charles Bernstein. https://youtu.be/mJvj55f489E?feature=shared&t=875

      Interestingly, the Jew Errol Morris chose exactly this “melody” (or one strongly reminiscent of it), including the thunderbolt, as the background soundtrack for his documentary film “Mr. Death: The Rise and Fall of Fred A. Leuchter, Jr.”, produced four years later, in the scene when the cam heads towards the entrance of the alleged “gas chamber disguised as an air-raid shelter” in Auschwitz. https://youtu.be/jKOmXrptLQU?feature=shared&t=2123

      Mr. Leuchter appears to be the descendant of a Fred Arthur Leuchter from Massachusetts. However, in relation to the size of the population, there are just as many bearers of the name in Israel https://forebears.io/surnames/leuchter, which makes sense insofar as their “seven-armed candlestick” is one of their “national symbols”. https://archive.ph/Wbr8c

      The very choice of the title “Mr. Death” is intended as a defacement of Leuchter’s basic humanistic concern, and thus ultimately the same unmistakable method by which the Jews misinform about their “Holocaust”. A spook monstrance, a scare propaganda is being manufactured here. The machination was obviously concocted to “debunk” Leuchter as an incompetent, amateurish liar. A downright devastating verdict:

      “When Morris originally screened an early version of the film for a Harvard University film class, he found that the students reacted by either believing Leuchter’s side of the story or by condemning the film as a piece of Holocaust denial.” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mr._Death:_The_Rise_and_Fall_of_Fred_A._Leuchter,_Jr.


      • Phil
        Phil says:

        What do examples such as Leuchter or Zündel make us realize? All truth-loving people must eventually come up against the web of lies of “Almighty Judah”, sooner or later, a clash is inevitable and unavoidable, and due to the power of the Jews, it will ultimately fail. Jesus already acquired his status as Son of God through exactly this.

        Nevertheless, they have inflicted a few unsightly, embarrassing and unpleasant scratches on Judah and its hypocritical facade. This alone is an inestimable heroic deed, the bravest of all! Billions of other humiliated worker bees and Jew-servants who are worried about their “well-being” don’t even dare to manage that!

        The unholy Holocult is intended to replace Christianity, to bring the white race to its knees, to cause its cosmic disappearance: a thorn in Jesus’ heart. Nothing but parasitism can be based on lies, nature will destroy Europe and banish it to the orcus of history if white humanity does not succeed in striking a final liberation blow.

      • Phil
        Phil says:

        What these psychopathic creatures are doing to the boy there to make their f-ing low-budget “B-movie” is clearly child abuse under criminal law. He is totally frightened and his whole body and arms are trembling. https://youtu.be/mJvj55f489E?feature=shared&t=732

        As children of this age are very impressionable, they can be damaged and traumatized for life into a fearful disordered personality. Added to this is the fact that the child is at an age when he is normally afraid of strangers. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stranger_anxiety

      • Phil
        Phil says:

        At that age, bonding and trust are everything. A shock of this kind can lead to a lifelong loss of trust in any kind human relationship and existential fears.

        The same, when irresponsible parents leave their children alone in an overheated car. The child gets the fatal imprint of not being able to rely on anything.

      • Phil
        Phil says:

        The Js are a sick species. Imagine you are a swaddled child and a shabby, lousy, long-bearded, long-nosed rabbi bites off your foreskin! Imagine: this is supposed to establish their “covenant with God”! This is a systematic abuse of trust and the destruction of all basic security. They are producing paranoiacs on an assembly line who are destroying our societies.

  3. Tim
    Tim says:


    Mr. Cooper operates within the bounds of what is officially acceptable to say, specifically within the ahistorical post-war narrative of the victorious powers.

    This may be disappointing only for those who expected more fundamental insights and deeper perspectives.

    Why he makes his existence dependent on the goodwill of the rest of the world, which he thanks a thousand times for having “survived,” seems at best mysterious.

    However, it makes sense considering the self-chosen podcast title “Martyr Made” and the blood-red color scheme.

    Perhaps he actually suffers from a martyr complex fueled by an undefined death wish, possibly due to his hypersensitive, overly vulnerable, and easily shaken psyche as a fatherless child of a single mother?

    But this is purely intuitive speculation and can at best be extensively extracted and interpreted by Boy-Doctor Greg Johnson based on a comparable horizon of experience.

    One almost gets the impression that he wants to be saved or redeemed through recognition. Should this be denied to him, he makes his physical existence dependent on it.


  4. Everyday I'm jew naming
    Everyday I'm jew naming says:

    Civic ‘nationalism’ is gonna take us nowhere. We focus on secondary problems, while our greatest, most stubborn, most intelligent, most influential, most destructive enemy i.e. the jew remains untouched, or even… unnoticed.

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