Tucker interview on the JFK assassination: Israeli involvement?
Trump has ordered that all the files related to the assassinations of JFK, RFK, and MLK be released by a little more than a month. I very much doubt this will happen. The problem is that even if the CIA was willing to own up to their (almost certain) involvement—still doubtful because if all this was widely known, it would ruin the CIA’s reputation—the still very powerful Israel Lobby would stop it, just as has happened with the U.S.S. Liberty attack. Beginning around 22:00′ they discuss the idea that JFK strongly opposed the Israel nuclear program and wanted on-site inspections. Relevant documents exist but are heavily redacted. After the assassination, LBJ ordered the end of the request for on-site inspections.
Also discussed are a CIA mind-control program that may have been applied to Sirhan Sirhan and CIA following Lee Harvey Oswald for 4 years but denying any significant knowledge about him.
JFK Assassination Expert Reacts to Trump’s Effort to Declassify Files, and What You Should Expect
These freakish, anti-rational “symbolists” do not comprehend a fundamental insight: There are still deeper layers of our cultural history that cannot be penetrated without sliding into pure speculation. One seriously wonders what they believe they will finally perceive as further “knowledge” there. When I merely hear the word “Odin”, my bile rises!
Hitler would have imprisoned these people in concentration camps due to their impractical disposition. The organizationally fanatical but intellectually limited chicken breeder Himmler, with his occult quirk, would have then had such co-lunatics “released by decree” to provide a worthy home for their nonsense in his “Ancestral Heritage”.
The motive for a Mossad-CIA wet-job is well-known, but only one of several imagined possibilities. The usual evidence offered consists of tracing Jewish and Mafia connections, but all analysis must surely begin first with the ballistic evidence and secondly the activities of Oswald. The prompt response of the liberal media was to blame right-wing groups and/or oil magnates, in tune with Soviet propaganda, the evidence plausibly pointing to KGB involvement.
Hyper-conspiracists will however see sinister implications in defense on one hand of Warren by Gerald Posner and Jacob Cohen, and on the other the ethnicity of the author of “The Assassination Chronicles” and the welcome of Ion Pacepa’s “Programmed to Kill” by Michael Ledeen and Nestor Ratesh. But try the hypothesis that Khrushchev planned to initiate a civil war in the USA by getting both Kennedy and General Walker killed, but like the Cuba missile fiasco, it was bungled, and his “hare-brained scheme” upset the 1961 Sino-Soviet agreement to divide the world, the west under Moscow and the global south under Peking.
But then, of course, the Omnipotent Evil Jew is “behind” everything, isn’t he? So who needs Trump’s disclosures anyway?
Superstition in “Odin” is just as bad, devastating and fatal as superstition in “Yahweh” or “Allah”. Cancerous growths of humanity that seek revenge and subjugation. I feel deeply repulsed by all three.
Christianity is much closer to Buddhism than said religions, as both are peaceful religions. That is why Europe and East Asia went through an enlightenment and conquered the world. First us, then them.
Always be as human as you can, but don’t put up with anything! Certainly not k*ll everyone else! However, this basic ingredient is in Odinism, Y*hwidism, Allahism. They are all c*ncerous ulc*rs that contaminate humanity with pernicious ideas.
Due to their ego-centeredness, they are averse to the cosmic cause-and-effect principle. Odinism, however, perished with Himmler at the latest (who allegedly carried the Bhagavad-Gita around in his pocket without understanding what it said).
Christianity and Buddhism, despite their distinct origins and theological foundations, share several significant ethical similarities. Both religions place great emphasis on compassion and love towards others.
In Buddhism, compassion (bodhicitta) is central, while in Christianity, love is a fundamental principle. This shared focus extends to the concept of the Golden Rule, with both religions promoting versions of treating others as one would wish to be treated.
These two faith traditions also share common ethical prohibitions, forbidding actions such as murder, theft, sexual misconduct, and lying. They discourage negative traits like greed, jealousy, and pride.
Both Buddhism and Christianity emphasize the importance of self-discipline and personal transformation in pursuit of spiritual growth, advocating for non-violence and peaceful coexistence.
The religions teach that one’s moral conduct has spiritual consequences, whether in terms of karma and rebirth in Buddhism or judgment and afterlife in Christianity.
Both Jesus Christ and Gautama Buddha serve as infallible models of morality for their respective followers, encouraging ethical behavior as a means to achieve a higher spiritual state.
Generosity and charity are valued in both religions, with Buddhism emphasizing dana (giving) and Christianity focusing on charitable acts. Additionally, both traditions teach the importance of respecting and honoring one’s parents.
The Golden or Silver Rule is specified in all major “faiths” except Islam, though like Judaism love is primarily directed to “neighbours” i.e. fellow-believers, or members of the Ummah. Judaism resembles Zoroastrianism as an endogamous ethnic religion. Christianity shares with the “nation” of Islam the idea of converting people of different races, although missionaries of both have had a low opinion of black African intelligence. The former relies on black superstition and the latter on black wife-collection for recruitment.
Members of the three “Abrahamic” religions have clashed in wars against one another all through history, and Buddhists have never been totally pacifist, as distinct from self-denying.
To return to message: Prof. James Fetzer is the first port of call for anyone interested in Israeli involvement in the JFK assassination, though I agree that a communist conspiracy is more likely than a “lone nut” or “innocent patsy” explanation. Mossad has many overseas assassinations in its record, but so has Smersh.
It should come as no surprise that Judentube does not subject such psychopathic expressions of genocidal intent to any form of censorship. The comments below leave nothing to be desired.
New video of the Courageous Clergy with interesting background information.