Tragic Lessons from the Life of Sally McNeil

I recently watched the 2022 Netflix documentary, Killer Sally, which unfurls the tragic life of Sally McNeil (born Sally Dempsey in 1960) who murdered her husband, Ray McNeil (a black Mr. Olympia competitor), on Valentine’s Day in 1995.

Sally and Ray met while they were in the U.S. Marine Corps, and both had an obsession with bodybuilding. They dated for about two months before getting married in 1987 which was perhaps the first indicator that their marriage would not last. Sally’s first marriage to Anthony Lowden (a black marine she met at Parris Island) lasted about four years, and it produced two children – Shantina, John, and a third from another man. Sally claimed that toward the end of her marriage with Anthony, he became abusive toward her.

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After marrying Ray, Sally became the main breadwinner in the family. Ray had left the marine corps to pursue full-time his passion for bodybuilding which was not lucrative enough to support either himself or his family.

Sally, then, took up a career performing on wrestling videos with various men for $300 an hour (a rather bizarre proclivity among some men even though no sexual contact occurs), taking on the moniker “Killer Sally.” As was common in the 90s bodybuilding scene, both Ray and Sally began to use steroids which only made their already volatile relationship even more so. Sometimes Sally would drive to Tijuana, Mexico with her two children to score steroids for herself as well as to sell to those at her gym. She conceded in the Netflix documentary that it was “bad parenting” on her part.

Sally’s children from her first marriage were alleged to have been routinely beaten by Ray using his belt. John said he began to hate Ray for the beatings he received, and Shantina was often terrified of him during his explosive outbursts or when she witnessed him brutally beat Sally which was a common occurrence in their home.

The local police were periodically dispatched to their Oceanside (CA) apartment for domestic violence incidents. According to Sally McNeil’s entry in Wikipedia, “Child services frequently visited her for reports of abuse to her children by her neighbors, teachers and family members. The children suffered from malnutrition, the apartment was unlivable, and they were both left alone for multiple days in a row while Sally would go to the gym, out of town, out of the state, and out of the Country.”

The marriage progressively got worse when Ray began seeing other women, and it wasn’t long before he began to make plans to leave Sally. Understandably, this drove Sally a bit off the deep end with jealousy and rage, and she threatened the woman who was dating Ray at the time.

On February 14th, 1995, Ray returned late in the evening to their apartment, and an argument ensued between the couple over his whereabouts. According to the investigative report, Ray “slapped her, pushed her down on the floor, and started choking her. McNeil squirmed away, ran into the bedroom, and took her sawed-off shotgun out of its case in the closet.” She then unloaded twice on Ray, striking him in his abdomen and in his jaw. He later died at the hospital. An autopsy revealed that Ray had five kinds of steroids in his body at the time of his death.

Although Sally argued during her trial that she was a victim of ongoing domestic violence by Ray (known as ‘battered wife syndrome’) and that she was only defending herself, she was convicted in 1996 of second-degree murder and sentenced to the Central California Women’s Facility in Chowchilla. Sally was granted parole on May 29th, 2020, after having served 25 years in prison.

Sally’s competitive nature was evident from a young age. She was both athletic and physically strong. She was also impulsive and had a volatile temper that she seemingly had little control over. This was obvious during her time in the Marine Corps. Sally was demoted from her sergeant’s position because of poor behavioral performance, anger issues and violence. All of this eventually led to her to being discharged from military service.

Upon entering the civilian world, Sally appeared to have learned nothing from the disciplinary measures that were taken against her in the Marine Corps because the same sort of behavior continued: “McNeil was arrested in 1990, for brandishing a firearm at Lowden and smashing the windows of his vehicle with a metal bar. She had been arrested previously for assaulting a mailman who had slapped her son John after he had a fight with the mailman’s son. McNeil attacked one of Ray’s lovers at a bodybuilding show, pinning her to the floor and hitting her repeatedly. This resulted in the National Physique Committee suspending her for a year. It is thought she also physically took her anger out on her husband, pulling a gun on him for the first time before being pepper-sprayed by police officers. In 1993, Sally was confronted by a club bouncer for dancing on the tables. Drunk and not wanting to do what he told her, Sally kicked him in the face three times. When police arrived, she threatened to kill them” (Wikipedia).

In short, Sally McNeil was one crazy lady!

Yet, one of the things that most stood out for me about Sally’s life was how frequently she sought out black men as boyfriends and for marriage. For example, Sally got into trouble with her mother as a teenager when it was discovered that she was dating a black guy. Later, after she joined the military, she married a black man who she alleges had repeatedly abused her. Her second husband, another black man, not only physically beat her on many occasions, but did the same to her children!

You’d think that Sally would have learned by now to avoid black males altogether, especially ones who were violent and criminal. But her many years in a California prison, apparently, did little to sober her up to racial realities. When she was released in 2020, Sally went on to date and eventually marry another black man (Norfleet Stewart). Think about it: Sally literally brought enormous levels of dysfunction and violence upon herself and the lives of her children because she couldn’t stop chasing after black men!

I don’t know if the same pattern of violence will continue in this more recent marriage of hers or not, but for me it underscored yet again just how racially naive and foolish so many white women are to date and marry black men who have a long and documented history of domestic violence, rape, murdering their white spouses and white girlfriends, and of abandoning them and any offspring that’s produced.

It’s not that white men haven’t done the same, but the crime statistics show a hugely disproportionate number of violent and sexual crimes committed by black males.

These same white women utterly devalue themselves by pursuing black men, and they throw away their precious European genes to produce mongrel children who often don’t quite fit into either black society/culture or white society/culture. The threat that miscegenation poses to the future of European whites staggers the mind when one stops to think about it.

Large numbers of whites may speak positively about miscegenation in the presence of others, but in their personal lives they are determined never to do it. They know, perhaps instinctively, that it’s wrong or, at least, wrong for them. It would not be unusual for white males to be racially triggered at the sight of a black and white couple. I suspect it happens more often than people think. Our internal defense system, it seems to me, subconsciously recognizes when something is not right, and it would be a natural reaction to view such relationships as contrary to the natural order or perhaps even dangerous – particularly if one looks at the FBI crime statistics!

The 1933 film, King Kong, is considered by many to be one of the most iconic movies of all time. Moviegoers at the time were horrified by the sight of the beastly primate clinging to the Empire State Building while clutching in his swarthy hand a white lady (actress Faye Wray) after his destructive tour of Manhattan before finally being killed. The savage gorilla provided a sharp visual contrast to that of the beautiful white woman. King Kong is aesthetically ugly, violent and primitive. The white woman is aesthetically attractive, innocent, as well as socially and culturally civilized. One did not have to be told that the gorilla was physically abhorrent when compared to the white woman. It was patently obvious. The only ones who might deny it would be the blind, the mentally deficient, or shameless liars and propagandists.

It’s no stretch, then, in the minds of many people who experience a similar revulsion at the sight of a black male romantically involved with a white woman, particularly if any physical affection is displayed. Whites may claim to not be bothered by such unions, but I’m inclined to believe that such opinions are more the result of propaganda and the suppression of what they really think. No westerner wants to look like a bigot to others even though inwardly they may harbor what is considered by society to be bigoted opinions. We are all inclined to restrain ourselves from expressing what we really think or feel about such racial unions because we know the consequences for doing so.

Yet it doesn’t detract from the reality that most whites are not inclined to pursue a racially mixed marriage or relationship unless there is tremendous social and cultural pressure placed on them to do so. It doesn’t come easy, and this may explain why Hollywood and every media outlet does all in its power to glorify race mixing. They’re not content with suggesting it nor speaking in glowing terms of its virtues. No, they must constantly confront whites with it. Every television commercial must portray a racially mixed couple. The benefits of miscegenation must be extolled continually. Black and white unions must be ‘celebrated’ and universally deemed as ‘perfectly normal.’ Whites who choose to do otherwise and prefer those of their own race are labeled ‘xenophobic’ or ‘white supremacist.’ The Left must guilt and shame every last white person who fails to comply.

The push toward miscegenation isn’t a recent thing either. It can be traced to at least the 1967 film, Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner, starring Sidney Poitier, Katherine Hepburn, and Spencer Tracy.

Despite the push for unnatural unions, our Bolshevik elites are fighting an uphill battle at every turn. We are not as naturally inclined to date, marry and produce children outside of our own race. Yes, there are many whites who engage in this sort of thing (mostly white women), but it’s not as common as one might be led to believe. The greater number of white women, for instance, are not particularly drawn to Asian men. This could be due to the perception that they are viewed as less masculine than black and white males. I would tend to think their more reserved and seemingly less confident personas may conflict with what many women desire – namely, men who are tall, who possess strong masculine traits, and who exude social confidence. Granted, some Asian men do, but the general perception seems to be that Asian men are much too polite and reserved and this may cause them to be less desirable in the eyes of white women.

White males are not generally attracted to black women. These kinds of unions are comparably rare. I would even say that the greater number of them are repulsed by black females unless they are unusually attractive with light-skinned features (e.g., actress Halle Berry). But even then, it’s rare for white males to marry black women. Black women with very dark pigmentation, in fact, seem to be universally rejected by white males. The black wife of former mayor of NYC, Bill de Blasio, is typical of the kind of black woman I’m referring to. Everything about her is visually repugnant, and most men with good eyesight and sound judgment would not be inclined to produce children with such a beast. De Blasio’s marriage to Chirlane McCray, then, was both unusual and rare.

Many black men find even their own black women to be far less desirable compared to white women – a frequent complaint on the part of many black women. This is mostly the fault of the modern black woman who is often marked by an overly aggressive persona, seemingly high testosterone levels, foul-mouthed, morbidly obese, and often completely deficient of the most basic social graces and femininity. Is it any wonder why so many black men turn to women outside of their own race?

Black women are outclassed in every conceivable way when compared to the infinitely more attractive white woman (assuming they are not obese nor afflicted with same problems as black women in terms of being brutish, loud-mouthed, rude, or lacking femininity) and Asian woman. Russian and eastern European women seem to have what a lot of men want in that they are trim, very feminine, genuinely seek marriage and motherhood, and appear not to have been poisoned by ‘woke’ rhetoric nor the kind of radical feminism that prevails in the West.

The kind of white woman, generally, who seeks out black men tend to be young and racially naïve. White college girls often fall into this trap as they are aggressively pursued by smooth-talking black bucks. For some, it’s a form of rebellion against their conservative father. Most of these white girls engage in dating outside their race for the simple reason that they’ve been endlessly propagandized by racial ‘diversity’ lies and see nothing wrong with it. They have no reason to date or marry only those among their own race. They see no benefit to it. They haven’t the foggiest notion about racial realities nor understand the importance of preserving one’s racial ancestry. They don’t even have a framework in which to make sense of such matters even if it were carefully explained to them.

A good many of these white women who mix with black males are morbidly obese. Walk through any big city in America, and you’ll witness it for yourself. Although they’re generally rejected by white males, they’re gladly welcomed by black men who practically worship their rotund bodies, ginormous buttocks, and all the jiggling cellulite that one could straddle.

Perhaps it may be due to a greater acceptance among American blacks of fat people? Or maybe it’s just a widespread preference among black males for larger women? Although I wouldn’t rule out such possibilities, I’m inclined to think that when black males secure for themselves a white woman – even a repulsive ham-beast as previously described – it’s seen as a step up for them. It improves their lot in life (or so it seems) and increases their status among other black males. Consider, for example, how many black male celebrities and sports stars surround themselves with white women and end up marrying one too. Much of this is due to the superior beauty of white women, no doubt, but there may also be a signaling of one’s wealth and status to others as well.

Yet, for the white woman, it devalues her. It’s a step down, not a step up. She throws away her genes, including her racial heritage. Truth is, it’s a huge turn off when white guys discover that their girlfriend had previously dated or slept with black guys. As the saying goes, “Once you go black, we don’t want you back!” Contrary to current thinking, a normal guy doesn’t want to wife-up a woman who has a high bed notch, especially if those same notches came by way of the typical pants saggin’ black ghetto thug!

White women who date black men place themselves in a precariously dangerous relationship as Sally McNeil discovered. The number of news reports of black men severely beating, disfiguring and even murdering their white girlfriends is at astonishing levels. Mainstream media outlets, as one might expect, do their best to downplay such stories or ignore them altogether. For instance, a simple Google or Duck Duck Go search of “Black man murders White girlfriend” will instead provide page after page documenting occasions where white women killed their black boyfriends or white men who murdered black males because they made sexual advances toward their wives or girlfriends. Rather than finding precise articles about black-on-white female violence, one is instead bombarded with articles on the history of lynching in America, the death of Emmett Till, or stories about ‘Central Park Karen,’ etc. This is not meant to deny that white women have on occasion killed their black boyfriends, but it’s comparatively rare when one considers the staggering number of white females who have been ruthlessly beaten and murdered by their black lovers.

If one wants to find reliable and detailed information on the rising crime statistics of black males who have murdered their white girlfriends, the American Renaissance website edited by Jared Taylor is a good source. Paul Kersey has written a plethora of sobering articles on the skyrocketing levels of violence committed by black men against white females.

The danger that dating black men presents lies in the nature of blacks themselves. Having on average much lower intelligence compared to whites and Asians and coupled with high testosterone levels, including a persistent pattern of neglecting to consider the consequences of their actions (known to those in the human bio-diversity community as ‘poor future time orientation’), far too many black men in America have proven to be emotionally volatile and are easily triggered into violent fits of rage against their white wives or girlfriends when things don’t quite turn the way they want.

Black men also have a long history of abandoning their wives and children. The common notion of the missing black father or black children raised by a single mother with no father in sight is not ‘racist’ mythology as the Left would want us to believe. It’s evident in the astronomical numbers that plague every community or inner city where blacks live in the U.S. In the cities I worked in as a police officer, it was rare indeed to encounter an intact black family with an involved father. Most of the black women were single mothers and they complained constantly at the lack of financial support they receive from their ‘baby Daddies.’

Entire generations of American blacks have been raised on government welfare and absent fathers is nothing new. This explains, at least in part, why a hugely disproportionate amount of the ‘wilding,’ looting, and murders that occurs in our cities is committed by young black males. They have no fathers present in the home to teach them about such things as integrity and basic morality nor to model such qualities before them. The greater number of them are being raised by impoverished single mothers (or grandmothers) who have no real influence or guiding hand on their sons.

This problem is evident even in the animal kingdom, and there are lessons we can learn here as well. Several years ago, for instance, 60 Minutes investigated the serious problem of young male elephant delinquencies in the Pilanesburg National Park (a game reserve in South Africa). The young elephant males and their mothers were separated from their fathers who remained at the Kruger National Park because of a growing population that the park could not sustain. What seemed like a simple solution turned out to be a nightmare.

In a fascinating account of what occurred, Fr. Gordon J. MacRae, writes: “Rangers at Pilanesburg began finding the dead bodies of endangered white rhinoceros. At first, poachers were suspected, but the huge rhinos had not died of gunshot wounds, and their precious horns were left intact. The rhinos appeared to be killed violently, with deep puncture wounds. Not much in the wild can kill a rhino, so rangers set up hidden cameras throughout the park. The result was shocking. The culprits turned out to be marauding bands of aggressive juvenile male elephants, the very elephants relocated from Kruger National Park a few years earlier. The young males were caught on camera chasing down the rhinos, knocking them over, and stomping and goring them to death with their tusks. The juvenile elephants were terrorizing other animals in the park as well. Such behavior was very rare among elephants. Something had gone terribly wrong. Some of the park rangers settled on a theory. What had been missing from the relocated herd was the presence of the large dominant bulls that remained at Kruger. In natural circumstances, the adult bulls provide modeling behaviors for younger elephants, keeping them in line. Juvenile male elephants, Dr. Horn pointed out, experience ‘musth,’ a state of frenzy triggered by mating season and increases in testosterone. Normally, dominant bulls manage and contain the testosterone-induced frenzy in the younger males. Left without elephant modeling, the rangers theorized, the younger elephants were missing the civilizing influence of their elders as nature and pachyderm protocol intended” (“In the Absence of Fathers: A Story of Elephants and Men,” Beyond These Walls, 6/20/2013).

If the same problem of fatherless boys exists in America’s Black communities – a significantly deeper and wider problem than that of rogue elephants on a game reserve in South Africa – how likely is it that racially naïve white women will choose a black man as their mate who isn’t also a criminal thug or who hasn’t been previously incarcerated? If a healthy marriage was never modeled before him by his own parents, what are the chances of having a functional marriage with such a person? Since character and personal integrity plays no meaningful role in the lives of a hugely disproportionate number of American blacks as is evident in their crime statistics and incarceration rates, what sense does it make for any white woman to look to them for a potential life partner?

Black males become particularly volatile when it dawns on them that they are about to lose their white princess, especially so if he realizes that he will never again snag such a pretty white woman. This reality provokes many of them to savagely beat and in some not-so-rare instances to brutally murder their white lovers. Why any white woman would want to take such risks in dating a black man is beyond me. But most of them know little or nothing about racial differences nor the unstable and eruptive nature of black men in America. Modern ‘diversity’ lies, then, help to keep our women blind to the real and ever-present danger that black males in America pose.

Finally, there is an entire set of unique problems that producing racially mixed children brings. Offspring from a black and white couple tend to be racially confused as they grow older, especially in their later teens as they try to figure out just who they are. As mulattos, they don’t quite fit into either a black or white racial paradigm. Often, they feel inferior or inauthentic. Though they tend to favor their ‘black side’ in terms of culture, music or personal identity, they are not always seen as ‘truly black’ by their black peers. This often results in a mission to prove their ‘blackness’ which may explain why mulattos are seemingly always out to show to their racial kin that they’re ‘down for the cause.’ Many of them turn out to be radically pro-black and determined to prove that they’re the ‘blackest’ of the blacks. I’m not a psychologist, but it sure smacks of some kind of identity crisis that they’re undergoing.

Finally, there’s evidence that mixed-race people have higher rates of mental health issues, including that of substance abuse. For instance, a multi-authored article published in the Journal of Youth and Adolescence concluded that “multiracial youth were found to have higher levels of mental health issues than their monoracial minority and majority peers. Specifically, multiracial youth had higher levels of depressive symptoms than their African American and Caucasian counterparts. Multiracial and Caucasian youth had similar levels of anxiety, but these levels were significantly higher than African Americans” (“Examining Multiracial Youth in Context: Ethnic Identity Development and Mental Health Outcomes,” 8/7/2014).

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8 replies
  1. David Smith
    David Smith says:

    One aspect of the case which wasn’t covered in the article, is that when Sally claimed that she was the victim of domestic violence, the judge and the prosecution simply didn’t believe that such a strong, muscular woman could possibly be the victim of domestic violence. I suppose it never occurred to them that her husband was even bigger and stronger.

  2. Jane Doe
    Jane Doe says:

    It is actually easy to see why Sally kept hooking up with Black men, her personality resembled that of a Black woman. White men would have thought she was off, Black men would be used to the type.

  3. Jane Doe
    Jane Doe says:

    (Literally) a freak on steroids! This also explains why a movie was made about her. Would a movie be made about a normal, let alone admirable, White woman?

  4. Sean
    Sean says:

    The article mentions how violent black men are to White women, which is true. They are also just as violent to black girlfriends or girlfriends of any race.

  5. Birhan Dargey
    Birhan Dargey says:

    Will the USA survive? 1) With more than 30million Unassimilated illegal migrants inside the country 2)with OPEN borders under the Control of Mexican Narco Cartels which account for 80% of the drug traffic into the USA. 3) WOKE culture which is AntiMale/AntiWhite/AntiFamily/AntiAmerican/ 4)Fighting more Neocons WARS with trillions wasted on death, is Iran next 5) Being the worlds TRADE economic patsy for China/Mexico/Canada…America buys more than 90% of their exports. 6) Should Mexico/Canada undesrtand/accept/RESPECT the USA National ineterests in their economic relationships with American’s global competitors? 7) Can America survive without an American WORKERS First policies (manufacturing) ??

  6. Andreas
    Andreas says:

    I would never want to have anything to do with a White woman that has been with any non-White partner, even if they are only half non-White.

    • Mike Bennett
      Mike Bennett says:

      In Canada one sees many abandoned white females with black men and mulatto “children”!
      Going with a black man is a red-line that YOU don’t cross, and if you do, you don’t come back!


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