Joining the dots on Satanic subversion: A speculation
What is the connection between occultist Aleister Crowley, the horror movie Rosemary’s Baby, and recent US president George W Bush? Fasten your seatbelts, for I will be taking you on a journey through time of exactly a hundred years, into the realm of dark magic fictionalised in The Devil Rides Out by Crowley’s acquaintance Dennis Wheatley.
This is admittedly speculative and would be labeled a “conspiracy theory,” but since the covid-19 debacle, a critical thinking movement has grown. There are doubts about almost any official narrative, and the movement rejects the presumed authority of ‘experts’. Prominent people and events in history are reconsidered and counter-narratives are formed. Among some far-fetched ideas there is many a reasoned conjecture, and sometimes perceived links between happenings seem too much for coincidence. Nonetheless, conspiracy theories remain speculative and readily dismissed by the establishment, partly because facts are hidden and mainstream media act as gatekeepers for the truth.
Take, for example, the Skull & Bones Club. The existence of this sinister association is undeniable: its lodge is in the grounds of Yale University, and its membership includes numerous leading American figures, many of whom graduated at the law school. But newspapers and broadcasters and books for popular consumption omit mention of it, and consequently few citizens are aware that the institutions of society are led by men initiated to occult beliefs and practice.
Crowley’s influence on society cannot be overestimated. On amicable terms with Aldous Huxley and George Orwell, he would undoubtedly have given these authors material for their dystopian classics Brave New World and Nineteen Eighty-Four. A spy for British security services, Crowley had contacts at the highest level of the British state. He would have shared the vision of a technocratic regime, although his motive was not order and control, but a ‘beast system’ of sexual degeneracy.
Referring to himself as the embodiment of 666, Crowley was described as the wickedest man in the world. He was deeply immersed in Kabbalistic teachings and the idea of a higher realm of consciousness, creating a pseudo-religion of Thelema. He devised ritual practices that typically entailed sadomasochism and sexual depravity. He inspired the Babalon Working rite, first performed in the Mojave Desert by L Ron Hubbard (founder of scientology) and rocket scientist Jack Parsons. The objective was to incarnate the Thelema goddess Babalon, also known as the Scarlet Woman.
The aforementioned Rosemary’s Baby dramatised such demonic pursuit. Roman Polanski’s film was based on the book by Ira Levin, who later wrote The Stepford Wives and The Boys from Brazil. A child of Satan is born to an innocent woman who had the misfortune to live next door to Devil worshippers on the exclusive upper west side of Manhattan. Allegedly Levin was not merely an author, but a secret service propagandist. The forces of evil are revealed to use through fiction.
In 1925 a daughter was born to American socialite Pauline Pierce. Several months earlier, Pierce had participated in a sexual magic ritual similar to the Babalon Working, with Crowley and his novelist friend Frank Harris. She was Crowley’s mistress at the time, before returning to her husband and raising the child, who they named Barbara.
The girl went on to marry George Bush, who in 1976 was appointed as director of the CIA. Bush is suspected of organising the assassination of John F Kennedy in 1963. After serving as Ronald Reagan’s vice-president in the 1980s, Bush was elected as 41st president. Barbara Bush would have known she was marrying into the dark side: Bush was a Skull & Bones man (indeed, this secret society is believed to be a recruiting ground for US intelligence).
The facial likeness of Barbara Bush and Crowley is remarkable; see here for a discussion. If we consider the possibility that the president’s wife was conceived by Satanic ritual, we could also wonder on the offspring of George and Barbara’s union. It was on the watch of George W Bush, 43rd president, when the 9/11 event shocked the world.
Critical thinkers deny the official story of the Twin Towers, believing that this was an inside job to justify a giant stride towards totalitarian security and surveillance. Bush Junior would have known in advance. Like all presidents he was an actor on stage, but was he something more than that? Perhaps the destruction of the World Trade Center was a sacrificial offering to Satan. After all, the sitting president had the seed of Crowley – his grandfather.
i used to look into that stuff too, but you know what? it’s all jewish gobbeldygook
to hell with everything that came from jews. that includes the religion of cowardice and inaction that we call christianity
How is it Jewish?
Gobbledygook, anyway. The Bush-Crowley story was exposed by Bayliss Wagner, USA Today, online. Like Helena Blavatsky, Aleister Crowley was a erudite egotistic fraud though much nastier (John Symonds wrote a critical biography of them both; “a marriage to be made in Hell”.) Anthony Sutton’s book on Skull and Bones can be read in full on the Internet Archive.
As for the destruction of the Three Towers, Brandon Martinez was among the first to assemble real-world evidence of a Zionist conspiracy, only to be attacked as a sayan or shill.
How much more fun to think the planes that hit the WTC could have “really” been demons conjured up in a secret chamber at the presidential Crawford Ranch.
You can read about Yale’s “secret” Skull & Bones fraternal club in The Atlantic magazine:
Does The Atlantic constitute “popular consumption”?
That is a revealing article by an established Jewish journalist.
The towering trinity of recent US history – Weinstein, Epstein & Silverstein.
George W. Bush just simply hasn’t got the intelligence to be possibly genetically related to Aleister Crowley.
End of story.
Sailer’s estimates George W. Bush’s IQ at about 120. Not genius level but definitely within regression to the mean. Even siblings can vary by that much.
It is probably unnecessary to posit Crowley as Satanic when all across America, pastors fail to mobilize the men in their congregations to take up the slack from the public schools so as to ensure the young men of their congregations have built their own homesteads by the age of 18.