Entries by Ann Coulter

Black Women in Charge 

      The Claudine Gay affair reminds me that we need a reckoning on how the “intersectionality” project is going.      The idea was that after centuries of being kept down by racism and sexism — although that didn’t seem to hurt accomplished Black women like Barbara Jordan, Condi Rice, Jessye Norman, Zora Neale […]

Happy Kwanzaa! The Holiday Brought to You by the FBI

One of this year’s major news stories is how Republicans, like Gov. Ron DeSantis of Florida, are trying to BAN the teaching of history — which, as everyone knows, consists exclusively of lessons about slavery; queer studies; Lewis Latimer, the Black inventor of the light bulb (“not a white guy named Edison,” as President Biden said); “mass […]

Biden’s Three Paths to Victory

Democrats have three paths to victory next November, all being eagerly embraced by Republicans. PLAN A: Enrage Republicans by bringing a string of ludicrous indictments, civil suits and ballot disqualifications against Donald Trump, thus tricking the GOP into making him the nominee. RESULT: Joe Biden easily wins a second term. If Trump behaves as we […]

All I Want for Christmas Is To Be Treated Like Nikki Haley

The media are trying to pick the GOP nominee for us just like they did with John McCain. (Remember how great that worked out?) Once again, their pick is the whiny warmonger — this time, Nikki Haley. No wall and guaranteed to lose! What’s not to like? (Democrats: Please! Anyone but Gov. Ron DeSantis!) This week, headlines hyped the […]

Haley Vows War with Iran, China, Russia and TikTok

GOP mega-donors are appalled that Gov. Ron DeSantis prohibited kindergarten teachers from sharing anal sex cartoons with their students. Must be some kind of fundamentalist nut.       But a candidate who wants to entirely ban a social media app as bad for children? That’s our gal! Nikki Haley has vowed to shut down TikTok, right after she declares […]

Cuomo Aide: How We Killed New York

I’ve just finished reading the hilariously terrible book “What’s Left Unsaid” by Melissa DeRosa, secretary to former Gov. Andrew Cuomo (New York) that is so unself-aware, so arrogant, so embarrassing that I have to review it. I only read it in the first place because I wanted to interview Cuomo on my Substack, figuring that […]

This Thanksgiving, Joy-Ann Reid Has Much To Be Thankful For

[This column is adapted from one that originally ran Thanksgiving Week 2021.] Why such a sourpuss, Joy-Ann? On the whole, life and MSNBC are treating you pretty well. And yet, over the last 10 years, you have complained pretty much nonstop about how badly you, and “people who look like [you],” are treated in America. […]