Entries by Jonathan Sawyer

Divided We Stand?  A Truncated Future

Introduction According to recent estimates of population diversity, America will be a very different country demographically over the next few decades.  By the year 2050 or even before, there will be much more ethnic diversity than today.   For example, the White majority that exists in 2023—approximately 58% of the total population—will slowly disappear in yearly […]

Democratizing “Democracy” in the World of Woke

Prologue Democracy (from the Greek Demos [people] and Kratos [rule]:  Demokratia) is a system of government in which people first expressed themselves and their wishes by means of elected or chosen representatives. It originated in ancient Athens—in the sixth century B. C. to be precise and lasted until approximately 338 B. C.–where all citizens had […]

Faith and Logic: dueling masters over the years

Once upon a time in the distant and not so distant past there was a privileged caste of scholarly notables and monastic scribes who oversaw, in written form, the power of knowledge and proper thinking and thrived apart from the less prescient masses below–those who muddled along in thought-free mediocrity, or so those above believed.  In […]

Wach auf!  Wach auf!  Arise!  Arise!

The swollen waves of dislodged souls Are rushing to our shores; Like flood waters tainted with despair They crest our tall fences at the border And empty willy-nilly onto foreign soil. Abetting voices lift in unison and trumpet to the downtrodden many: Run toward freedom, slaves of poverty no more, Flee your hostile enclaves from […]