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34 search results for: Krauthammer


Charles Krauthammer’s "Those Troublesome Jews"

Charles Krauthammer has always been extreme even by neocon standards. He was among the first to recommend that America seize the opportunity created by the fall of the Soviet Union to remake the entire Arab world in the interests of “democratic globalism.” Beyond power. Beyond interest. Beyond interest defined as power. That is the credo of democratic […]


Tucker’s interview with Jeffrey Sachs: Trump’s Plan to Stop WWIII, CIA Coups, and Warning of the Next Financial Crisis

Editor’s note: This is an interesting interview, mostly about foreign policy. You can’t come away without realizing that the CIA is basically running our foreign policy (e.g., men in dark suits telling the president to backtrack on making peace with the Russians). It’s been going on for decades, and the mainstream media are complicit in […]


David Ray Griffin and the Demonic

The individual most responsible for my high degree of confidence that the official 9/11 story is blatantly false is a most unlikely character for the job — a mild mannered, retired theology professor long ensconced in the pleasant Mediterranean region of Southern California. His name is David Ray Griffin, now 82 years old. For a […]


Une victoire historique, possiblement révolutionnaire !

 De Blanche Europe; Tradution de l’article de The Occidental Observer. C’est une victoire extraordinaire. Les étoiles étaient alignées. Tout d’abord, que Trump parvienne à être nommé candidat républicain. Puis il se retrouve face à la candidate la plus corrompue, la moins charismatique de l’Histoire (je pense que Joe Biden aurait battu Trump, et peut-être même Bernie […]