Denmark: Tone of debate makes immigrants want to leave
During the 2012 U.S. presidential election, Mitt Romney was roundly criticized for suggesting the common sense policy that illegal immigrants would deport themselves if there all the goodies were taken away — work, driver’s licenses and any public benefits, etc. Now it turns out, it may be even easier than that if Denmark is any indication. Just create a negative environment. From “Tone of debate makes immigrants want to leave“:
Immigration, and particularly Muslim immigration, is a perennial issue in the public debate in Denmark [but not in Sweden, see below]. From calls to make it harder for people from Muslim countries to enter Denmark to pleas from business leaders to change the way the nation discusses its newcomers, immigration is constantly under discussion.But for some immigrants, it has become too much. An opinion poll of Danish-Turks residing in Denmark revealed that three quarters of them have considered leaving Denmark altogether to escape the negative debate about immigration.In the poll, conducted by the magazine Opinionen, three out of four respondents said that they are either ‘strongly’ or ‘somewhat’ considering leaving Denmark for Turkey. And for nearly half of those who are thinking of leaving, the debate on immigration and Islam was cited as a primary reason. …
“The problems we see with parallel societies, extremism and the oppression of women are the reasons we discuss Islam and immigrants. I hope that the problems go away. If they disappear, so will the debate,” she told Berlingske.But Støjberg also added that Danes shouldn’t be expected to bite their tongue when it comes to the topic of immigration.“Denmark is a country in which we openly discuss religion and immigration and that’s the way it should continue to be as long as there are problems,” she said.Maria Ahmad, a 23-year-old Danish citizen with Pakistani roots, told Berlingske that she is also considering leaving Denmark even though she was born and raised here, has a job, speaks fluent Danish and feels she holds Danish values.“The debate on immigrants and Muslims never stops and I don’t think it ever will,” she said.“Politicians and the media, with all of their talk, leave the impression with some people that immigrants just can’t fit in to Danish society,” she added.Ahmad said that no matter what she does “it feels like it’s not enough to be acknowledged as a Dane”.The Opinionen poll spoke to 219 Danish-Turks. People of Turkish origin constitute the largest group of immigrants in Denmark,accounting for 9.8 percent of all immigrants and their descendants according to OECD figures from December.
On Christmas eve, the Former Prime Minister of Sweden, Fredrik Reinfeldt, came out with an anti-White rant saying that Sweden belongs to the immigrants who move there, not the Native Swedish.
He also said that Sweden’s borders are fictional and the Native Swedish are “uninteresting”. …
“Is this a land that is owned by those who have lived here for three or four generations,” he asked, “or is Sweden [a country] where people who come here in mid-life makes it to be and develops it?“
Three or four generations? How about ever since the glaciers receded, about 10,000 years ago (~400 generations).
“To me, it is obvious that it should be the latter and that there is a stronger and better society if it will be open [to more immigration].”
In Sweden, if you do not support mass immigration and Swedish areas being deliberately targeted for “diversity“, you are quite literally seen as a “Racist” and “Neo-Nazi” – an enemy to the government.
Despite the danger of holding a differing view on immigration, especially with a new law coming very soon which will criminalize criticism of immigration; many Swedes are waking up, even if they are still to scared to vote for their views.
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