The War on White Australia: Cheap Labor Importation Schemes
I have written extensively about the pivotal role played by Jewish intellectuals and activists as ideological and political handmaidens of the demographic transformation of Australia over the last fifty years (see here, here, here, here and here). In this essay I want to explore another key driver of this transformation: business interests fixated on suppressing wages and boosting profits through the expedient of mass immigration and cheap labor importation schemes.
The White Australia policy (1901–1973) was, while it lasted, a hugely successful attempt to preserve the genetic and cultural legacy of the founding racial stock of the nation. It was also an industrial relations policy designed to prevent the capitalist class from flooding the Australian economy with cheap labor. This was a key part of the original rationale for the policy as articulated by Alfred Deakin, Australia’s first Attorney-General, who argued that:
a white Australia does not by any means just mean the preservation of the complexion of the people of this country. It means the multiplying of homes, so that we may be able to defend every part of our continent; it means the maintenance of conditions of life fit for white men and white women; it means equal laws and opportunities for all; it means protection against underpaid labour of other lands, it means the payment of fair wages. A white Australia means a civilisation whose foundations are built on healthy lives, lived in honest toil, under circumstances which imply no degradation; a white Australia means protection.”[i]
An analogous view had been expressed as early as 1841 by James Stephen, the head of the British colonial office in London, who warned that large-scale non-White immigration to Australia would inevitably “beat down the wages of poor labouring Europeans … [and] cut off the resource for many of our own distressed people.”[ii] In the four decades before the enactment of the White Australia policy in 1901, some 60,000 South Sea Islanders (called “Kanakas”) were imported and indentured to Queensland sugar plantation owners who built a business model on this ultra-cheap imported labour and who regarded themselves as a “plantocracy” in the manner of the American south. This practice alarmed Australian scholar Charles Pearson who observed in 1893 that: “We know that coloured and white labour cannot exist side by side; we are well aware that China can swamp us with a single year’s surplus of population; and we know that if national existence is sacrificed to the working of a few mines and sugar plantations, it is not the Englishman and Australian alone, but the whole civilized world, that will be the losers.”[iii]
The closing down of this and other cheap labour importation schemes with the enactment of the Immigration Restriction Act of 1901 hugely benefited White Australian workers. Wages paid by business rose to secure labour. The sugar industry continued to thrive, but without cheap imported labour the plantation model struggled against the family farm model, and the industry came to comprise many smaller-scale enterprises. The White Australia policy was thus a policy of economic protectionism designed to benefit the entire racial group by preventing capitalists from importing cheap labour to undercut the living standards of White Australians. The policy reflected the desire of Australians to build a strong and prosperous society founded upon the principles of racial and cultural homogeneity. Reflecting this view, one commentator noted in 1939 that: “The Australian prides himself on his high standard of living; he wishes to do nothing that will endanger it. Neither does he wish to bring into being a colour problem such as he sees in South Africa.”[iv]
Advertisement for Australian-made furniture from the early twentieth century
Since the Jewish-led overthrow of the White Australia policy in the 1960s and 1970s, Australian policymakers have progressively embraced not only the Jewish diasporic strategic imperatives of increased racial diversity and multiculturalism, but also the cheap labor importation schemes prohibited under the White Australia policy. A dramatic increase in cheap labor importation into Australia took place after 1996 when the “conservative” government of Prime Minister John Howard created the Section 457 Visa for temporary workers—a visa program designed to be uncapped and totally driven by the putative needs of the Australian labor market.
The 457 Visa led to a massive increase in cheap non-White labor brought into the country, including in industries experiencing flat or no growth, such as cooks in the hotels/restaurant industry and shop assistants in the retail sector. One union noted how there was a 53% increase in the number of 457 Visa holders over a period when total employment in relevant industries fell by six per cent. Many businesses used 457 Visas to replace their existing workforces with cheaper migrant workers. Australia’s peak union body, the ACTU, noted how the proliferation of 457 temporary work visas meant that young people and graduates who previously would have been offered an apprenticeship or other entry-level opportunity have been effectively shut out of a number of industries.
Amid growing community anger and a Senate Inquiry into the scheme, the 457 Visa was replaced in 2018 with the Temporary Skill Shortage (TSS) Visa, which, while ostensibly including more rigorous labor market testing and salary assessment requirements, has had minimal effect in limiting temporary migrant numbers. There are currently about 2.2 million temporary visa holders in an Australian workforce of 12.9 million—or about 17 per cent of the total (not including illegal workers). This is a massive 54 per cent increase from a decade earlier. Almost a fifth of the nation’s cleaners, store packers, and food and hospitality workers are on temporary migrant visas—at a time when nearly two million Australians are either unemployed or underemployed.
International Student Explosion
In addition to creating the 457 temporary work visa, it was the Howard government that, from the early 2000s, encouraged overseas students to apply for permanent residence after completing their courses in Australia. This was partly in response to lobbying from the universities who sought to promote overseas student enrolments as another revenue source. The inevitable result was an explosion in overseas student enrolments, and by 2017–18 overseas students had become the largest contributor to Australia’s very high level of Net Overseas Migration (NOM) which numbered 271,700 people in 2019. According to Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) estimates, overseas students comprise around 44 per cent of total NOM. Between 2012 and 2017, the share of commencing overseas students of all commencing students in Australian universities grew from 21.8 per cent to 28.9 per cent and to around 40 per cent in Group of Eight (Go8) leading universities. The majority of these students were from China and India.
The head of The Australian Population Research Institute, Dr. Bob Birrell, estimates that around one in five overseas students is granted Permanent Residency each year, noting that “Most of these students had been in Australia for years. They had managed to stay here by transferring from one temporary visa to another before eventually finding a PR pathway, mainly by finding an employer to sponsor them or a resident to sponsor them as a partner.” An overseas student studying for a bachelor’s degree typically extends their stay to pursue a post-graduate qualification and then moves on to a 485 visa to work for up to 18 months. Overseas students (especially those from India) show a high propensity to seek and obtain another temporary visa each year, and an equally high propensity to appeal any decision to deny them an additional visa. This enables them to stay in Australia while their appeal is heard by the Administrative Appeals Tribunal.
Overseas students are by far the largest contributors to population growth in inner Sydney and Melbourne. As well as contributing to a collapse in academic standards at Australian universities (who have a vested financial interest in setting low English language standards for their courses), their presence in the labor market actively harms Australian workers:
Many thousands of overseas students are being enrolled who do not hold the funds needed to finance their stay in Australia for more than a short period. They have to rely on obtaining employment here. They have created an underclass of workers with little choice but to accept whatever terms employers are prepared to offer. Most of those holding an overseas student visa do not possess professional or trade qualifications accepted in Australia. And, because they hold temporary visas, employers are usually only willing to recruit them on a casual or part-time basis. They enter low-skilled labour markets (notably in hospitality, retail and other service industries). The costs are borne by the many young domestic workers who do not possess post-school qualifications and who are also seeking work in these occupations. These domestic job seekers face ferocious competition from overseas students and other temporary migrants. This has eroded wages and conditions.
While this labor supply abundance persists, employers don’t have to raise wages or invest in labor saving capital equipment. Real incomes have, consequently, stagnated in Australia for a decade and in 2018 the labor productivity growth rate fell to zero. Between 2008 and 2016 Australia’s labor market created an extra 474,000 full time jobs but only 74,000 went to people born in Australia. The bulk (400,000) went to migrants (both permanent and temporary)—the vast majority of whom arrived in the country after 2001. Close to 30 per cent of Australian residents are now born overseas.
The Scale of Recent Australian Immigration
In 2000, the Australian Bureau of Statistics forecast that Australia’s population wouldn’t reach 25.4 million until 2051. As a result of mass immigration and a population growth rate much faster than other developed countries, Australia got there in 2019. Jewish Monash University professor and leading immigration and diversity propagandist, Dr. Andrew Markus, recently enthused: “You have to pinch yourself. In 2006 our population was under 20 million, and now it’s over 25 million. I can’t think of a developed Western country that’s experienced a change of that magnitude.” The Chinese-born population of Australia grew by half to 650,000 in the five years to 2018 (more than eight times faster than the overall population), and by 2023 is on track to surpass the English-born. The Indian-born population grew even faster to 590,000. In 2019 more people from Nepal settled in Australia than from the United Kingdom, mainly due to the high number of students who come here and remain after graduation, and who then use chain migration to bring in their relatives.
Australia’s Nepal-born population is now about 95,000, compared with only 1,410 in 1996. Tara Gaire arrived from Nepal as a student in 2008, and now works as a trainer in the vocational education sector. Living with his family in the northern suburbs, Mr Gaire said he felt very at home in Melbourne’s multicultural environment. “We catch up with community members, we go to the temple, it doesn’t feel like overseas,” he said. … Dr Bob Birrell, from the Australian Population Research Institute, said Nepalese students had created a bridgehead in Australia from which the community grew rapidly. “We have former students who got permanent residency through skilled entry and marrying locals, and then inviting relatives from the homeland to join them,” he said.
Pro-immigration political commentator George Megalogenis recently noted that demographic trends in the city of Melbourne point “to a future in which Australia is no longer a majority white nation.” Melbourne is the first Australian city in which the largest ethnic community are migrants born in India, followed by those born in China. “Melbourne’s ethnic face, with the Indians first, the Chinese second and the English [born] third, is” he observes, “expected to become the nation’s before the end of the 2020s, as cities and regions increasingly rely on migration for population growth.” Megalogenis, a leftist with a longstanding animus to Anglo Australia, celebrates the fact “history will be made at the core of our identity. Indigenous Australians will outnumber the English-born for the first time since the 1820s. At that point we can stop pretending we are just a white nation.” While this is obviously a change Jewish intellectuals and activists will be cheering, it’s something unlikely to alarm White Australian business leaders devoid of any racial or national feeling.
Scene from Boxing Day sales in Melbourne 2019
Despite growing community unease, successive governments have steadfastly refused to reduce Australia’s high immigration intake due to the pleadings of ethnic lobbies, universities, and a business sector that finds it far easier to recruit cheap migrant workers than train locals. A report by the Committee for the Economic Development of Australia recently advocated totally unrestricted inflows of temporary migrants and the abolition of any labor-market testing for positions filled by migrants. Noting that Net Overseas Migration now accounts for about 60 per cent of Australia’s population growth, David Alexander, writing in The Australian, observes that:
Many of the policy themes of recent years echo those of earlier eras. Labour importing businesses argue that they shouldn’t be expected to pay market rates for labour, and on this basis deem there to be labour shortages that government must assist with. These businesses have increased competitiveness against those that do not use cheaper imported labour, and this is contributing to the structure of industries reverting to a more manorial model. Looking across historical episodes, we can identify the economic principles at work; high differentials between wealthy-country wages and poorer-country wages will always create incentives for some businesses to arbitrage away the difference through labour mobility schemes. And, correspondingly, the pressure for wage convergence with poor countries can be expected to elicit opposition from domestic workers.
Clearly racial and cultural imperatives would, in a sane country, override government support for large-scale cheap labor importation schemes. It is disingenuous to declare labor shortages on the basis that businesses decline to pay the market rate, and it is also unfair to give structural advantage to labor-importing firms over local-employing firms. The Indian government recently cited spurious “labor shortages” in Australia (i.e. the unwillingness of businesses to pay market wage rates) to argue for even greater access for Indian workers to “fill the gaps” in the Australian economy, proposing that Indian health workers, infrastructure specialists and security guards be given enhanced access to the labor market. The Indian population of Australia has, as mentioned, exploded in the last two decades: Melbourne and Sydney have been the destination of choice for more than 60 per cent of the 500,000 Indians and more than 70 per cent of the 500,000 Chinese who have migrated here since 2001. The Australian Chamber of Commerce has welcomed this unprecedented surge in permanent and temporary migration, noting “The biggest reason for the growth in our NOM (net overseas migration) is international students [with the right to work], something to be celebrated.”
Increased Scope for Worker Exploitation
Australia’s extremely high per capita level of immigration, fueled by uncapped temporary work and overseas student visas—where over two million workers in Australia are currently on visas—creates tremendous scope for worker exploitation. In 2015 it was revealed that thousands of workers, generally Indian students on visas, were paid as little as $5 an hour by 7-Eleven and were blackmailed, or threatened with deportation if they spoke up. The company apologized and paid back more than $160 million to thousands of workers in back pay. A long list of companies have since been caught underpaying staff or using fake traineeships to avoid paying workers their entitlements. A recent study found underpayment of wages to temporary workers is rife, with as many as a third being paid less than half the legal minimum wage. The underpayment of workers in the hospitality industry is so widespread as to be standard practice. Most recently, a restaurant fronted by Jewish celebrity chef Heston Blumenthal was found to owe employees at least $4.5 million “in what appears to be the worst case of underpayment yet in the high-end restaurant sector.”
Such practices inevitably have a flow on effect throughout the entire economy where high school and university students are widely underpaid and overworked. Business journalist Adele Ferguson noted how “These companies have come to symbolize what is wrong in a number of sectors of the economy, where underpayment or wage suppression is part and parcel of doing business and vulnerable workers are like lambs to the slaughter in this insidious practice. It isn’t an overstatement to say that worker exploitation is widespread and have become entrenched over time.” A lawyer leading a class action of former employees subjected to such practices observes how employers “have been allowed to build empires and expand their business portfolios on the backs of employees being paid less than their minimum award [legal] entitlements.”
Stagnant Wages in Australia
It is little wonder, in such an environment, that real wages in Australia have stagnated. Wage underpayment fueled by mass immigration (temporary and permanent) has seen Australian wage growth fall off a cliff since 2013 and remain at low levels. Economics professor Roger Wilkins notes over the last decade “the almost complete absence of any growth in household incomes. After tax, the typical Australian household earned $80,600 in 2009. In 2017 the same household earned $80,100. Meanwhile, ultra-low interest rate policies by Australia’s central bank has inflated asset prices, fanning inequality, and supercharged an already high debt burden without much increase in genuine economic activity.” Since 2000 the volume of loans outstanding in Australia—to households, businesses and governments—has soared from $740 billion to 2.9 trillion. The average mortgage on an existing dwelling in New South Wales recently hit an all-time high of $621,500.
Australian politicians are fond of boasting that, during a period of time when other major developed economies experienced several recessions, the Australian economy has experienced almost three decades of uninterrupted economic growth. This disguises the fact that, due to record high immigration, Australia’s annual growth in Gross Domestic Product per capita has, in the last decade, averaged less than one per cent, lower than America, Japan, and even the Eurozone. Per capita incomes have gone backwards during 18 quarters of the past 28 years (including two technical recessions). In per capita terms, both the Victorian and Melbourne economies have gone backwards four times in the past ten years. On that measure, it is the worst performing state and city in Australia—despite being the favored destination of new Chinese and Indian migrants. “The population growth has disguised the fact that Victoria has become a poor state,” notes economist Saul Eslake. “Let me put it this way, economic growth that’s only driven by population growth is not really worth having, as it is not improving people’s living conditions.”
Mass immigration has so transformed the demographics of Melbourne that more than 40 per cent of residents are now migrants. And this is only the start: if current trends continue a city the size of Brisbane will be piled on top of Melbourne in the next two decades. A consequence has been that house prices have risen to among the most expensive in the world as house size and quality have declined. A 2017 survey of 406 cities ranked Sydney the world’s second most expensive (housing costs against inflation) only behind Hong Kong (which it increasingly resembles). Melbourne came in sixth, more expensive that London, Tokyo and New York. Wage stagnation amid soaring house prices has made shelter a luxury, and priced a generation out of the property market. The amenity of local suburbs is declining, congestion is worse, there are fewer parks and “green spaces” and most modern apartment blocks are cheap eyesores. Meanwhile, Australia’s annual intake of around 20,000 mainly African and Middle-Eastern refugees has fueled a surge in violent crime.
Australia’s New Economic Strategy
Population growth fueled by mass immigration and the servicing of it with cheaply-built houses, apartments, and supermarkets has essentially become Australia’s economic strategy. Former Australian Foreign Minister, Bob Carr, pointed out that “Australia digs up and sells raw materials. In the cities the economy is based on building apartment blocks and shopping malls. The idea of Australia as a clever country is a myth, it’s an illusion.”
Unsurprisingly, surveys have found a steep fall in public support for immigration over the last decade. A 2018 survey found that more than 69 per cent of respondents felt the country didn’t need more people. Community concerns about the deleterious effects of mass immigration are not, however, represented by Australia’s political class. At the 2019 federal election, despite some clear differences between the two major political parties in a range of policy areas, they effectively ran a joint ticket on immigration. Economics journalist Judith Sloan notes that immigration is “a no go subject for many in the political class,” who are “in heated agreement in their support for high migrant intakes, both permanent and temporary, and the associated high population growth.”
Conscious of the public’s growing hostility to mass immigration, Prime Minister Scott Morrison announced a small cut in Australia’s permanent migrant intake (from 190,000 to 160,000) in 2019—while failing to mention the nation’s massive temporary migrant intake wouldn’t be constrained. According to the 2019-20 federal budget, Net Overseas Migration is expected to average 268,600 annually for the next four years—an increase on the 228,700 estimate from the previous budget. A former Department of Immigration bureaucrat notes that “If [Morrison] sticks to that plan [to lower permanent migration to 160,000], then Treasury’s rise in net migration inevitably means a huge surge in long-term temporary migration to more than offset the reduction in permanent migration.” Moreover, the 160,000 permanent immigration figure also does not include the 20,000 people granted permanent residence each year through Australia’s refugee program.
The Labor Party opposition in Australia, like its counterpart in the UK and the Democratic Party in the US, has essentially abandoned any pretense of representing the interests of the White working class. Most of the “creative destruction” that followed the economic globalization of the post-Cold War era has been in jobs lost by blue-collar White men. White manual workers across the West now face fewer jobs and, spurred by mass immigration (both legal and illegal) falling real wages and unaffordable housing. Rather than representing these people (their traditional constituency) by supporting immigration restriction, the Australian Labor Party panders to ethnic communities. In the wake of its shock 2019 election loss, the party is “prioritizing engagement with migrant communities” and will focus on “reviewing legislation from a multicultural perspective.”
Australia’s Plutocratic Elite and Mass Immigration
Noting the reasons for the major parties’ flagrant disregard for wishes of the electorate, Judith Sloan notes that “The lobbying behind immigration is so strong that both parties have concluded the views of ordinary folk can be ignored. These forces include the bureaucracy—check out the Treasury’s reports—big business, property developers, the universities, and various interest groups, some ethnically based.” These business and ethnic groups lobbying for unrelenting waves of mass immigration often overlap. Australia’s largest property developer, the Jewish tycoon Harry Triguboff (known as “high-rise Harry”) is a pro-immigration zealot for ethnic and business reasons. Born to Russian-Jewish parents who fled to China, Triguboff, who came to Australia as a young boy in 1948, pioneered selling apartments to the Chinese, and hopes mass immigration will see Australia’s population soar to 55 million by 2050 and 100 million by the end of the century.
High-rise Harry Triguboff
Fellow Jewish plutocrat, Frank Lowy, is also “an advocate for an ambitious immigration program.” In response to talk of a small cut to the permanent immigration intake in 2018, Lowy, claiming to be “disturbed by the negative tone of the debate over immigration,” protested that “we are moving in the wrong direction. We should bend that curve back upwards. We should be talking about targets, not caps.” Mass immigration proponents like Triguboff, Lowy, and fellow Jewish property tycoon John Gandel, were leading donors to both major political parties in the lead up to the 2019 election. All three, meanwhile, strongly support Israel’s ethnically-restrictive immigration policies, with Lowy recently moving to Israel after retiring from active involvement in his business affairs.
Downward Social Mobility of White Australians
Pivotal to the growing backlash against neo-liberal economics in the West has been the downward social mobility that has resulted from decades of the kind of plutocratic rentier capitalism championed by Triguboff, Lowy, Gandel and other pillars of Australia’s corporate elite. Analysis by a Harvard economist in 2016 found that just half of children born in the 1980s were better off than their parents, compared with 90 per cent of baby boomers. The downward social mobility of younger generations of White Australians is especially acute because of the crushing rise in house prices and the incredible corruption of the banking and financial systems that has accompanied it. Plutocratic rentier capitalism is an economic system where certain players are able to extract a “rent” from everybody else because they have an excess of economic and/or political power.
While these and other business interests are undoubtedly made better off as a result of mass immigration, its negative effects are mainly borne by White working people and taxpayers. Taking just public infrastructure—covering roads, public transport, hospitals, schools, electricity, water and sewage, policing, law and justice, parks and open space and much more—Sustainable Population Australia estimates every extra migrant requires well over $100,000 of infrastructure spending. A failure to make this kind of investment in infrastructure results in growing congestion on roads and public transport. Infrastructure Australia forecast that the annual cost of road congestion will increase from $19 billion in 2016 to $39 billion in 2031. Exacerbating this is the fact two-thirds of migrants settle in the already crowded cities of Sydney and Melbourne—each of whose populations are projected to reach 10 million in the next fifty years. The only way this doubling of the populations of Melbourne and Sydney can be occur so rapidly is by moving to a lot more high-rise living—a fundamental and profoundly negative change to the Australian way of life.
It is little wonder that, when asked, Australians feel their living standards are declining, especially those struggling to squeeze into an overheated housing market. Asked how they felt about the level of change during the past decade, more Australians opted for “concerned,” “overwhelmed,” and “fatigued” than “positive,” “empowered” and “energized,” according to research published late last year. These results reflect growing sentiment throughout the West where growing numbers of White working people are becoming heartily sick of plutocratic rentier capitalism fueled by unrelenting waves of permanent and temporary immigration.
[i] Ian Cook, Liberalism in Australia (Melbourne: Oxford University Press, 1999), 179.
[ii] Eric Richards, “Migrations: The Career of British White Australia,” In: Australia’s Empire, Ed. Deryck Schreuder & Stuart Ward, (New York: Oxford University Press, 2008), 163-185; 167-168.
[iii] Charles Pearson, National Life and Character: A Forecast, (London: MacMillan & Co., 1893), 16.
[iv] Richards, “Migrations: The Career of British White Australia,” 173.
Dear Brenton,
I would like to thank you for a very well stated article. We are loosing this war and our culture and standard of living are being subsumed before our eyes. Unfortunately, the average Aussie is not inclined to put down his beer, stop watching footy, and start educating himself on why things are going off the rails. Some older generation Australians can see it, but take the attitude that they won’t be around by the time it gets really bad, so why worry. I still choose to be informed. Ps “Prolonging the Agony: How the Anglo-American Empire Prolonged WW1 by 3.5 Years has four Chapters on Gallipoli. A bombshell of a book for Australians.
Thank you again
Anthony J. Hudson
I am wondering to what extent these policies are caused by falling White birth rates in the Western world.
These policies are partly a response to perceived low birth rates, though mass immigration itself depresses fertility rates (at least among White people). Australia’s extremely expensive housing and stagnant wages act as strong barriers to family formation.
The policies (mass immigration) have caused the declining white birth rate, not the other way around.
When wages are suppressed because of mass Third World immigration, whites don’t have babies because they don’t feel they can afford to provide them with a good life.
Another factor in the decline of the white birthrate is modern feminism, which was the creation of Jews like Gloria Steinem, Kate Millett and Betty Friedan. White women would rather have careers than have babies.
The destruction of the white race through mass Third World immigration, feminism, pornography, and attacks on Christianity and traditional family values, has been a Jewish project from the get-go.
The falling White birthrate is a symptom, not a cause. It has been falling throughout the West for sixty years, and the actions and propaganda of the (((Establishment))) have been instrumental in its decline, indeed critical to it.
As I see it, the most important prongs (though by no means the only ones) of the attack on the White birthrate have been three in number:
(1) Massive nonwhite immigration, which through its deformation of the labor market has radically undercut the prospects for financial stability based on the earnings of a single breadwinner, virtually always the husband, that are central to family formation, especially the formation of the White Christian families that have been the rock on which every morally and politically stable and successful Western society has been founded for almost two thousand years.
(2) The massive growth of the public sector, the bulk of whose activities focus on bettering the circumstances of people who are neither White nor native-born, a great many of them also being layabouts and frequently much worse—in short, the ever-expanding parasitic segment of society. The inevitable concomitant of public-sector expansion has been the enactment of a half-century’s worth of radically confiscatory tax schemes, all of which exempt the parasitic beneficiaries of the state’s largesse and the more dangerously parasitic overlords of the business, financial, and property-owning sectors of Western economies, a disproportionate number and percentage of whom are Jews.
(3) The creation and propagation of (((feminism))), a movement whose central aim has from the outset been to destabilize, even destroy, the natural balance and mutual affection and reliance of the two sexes—the only two sexes that have ever existed on planet earth—in favor of persuading (or is “brainwashing” an apter word?) women to believe that the essence of womanliness is to think and act just like men.
Is there anyone prepared to argue that this three-pronged attack on the White family, especially the feminist revolution, has been something other than a near-absolute success for the (((enemies of the West)))?
Brenton S: ‘The closing down of this and other cheap labour importation schemes with the enactment of the Immigration Restriction Act of 1901 hugely benefited White Australian workers. Wages paid by business rose to secure labour. The sugar industry continued to thrive, but without cheap imported labour the plantation model struggled against the family farm model, and the industry came to comprise many smaller-scale enterprises. The White Australia policy was thus a policy of economic protectionism designed to benefit the entire racial group by preventing capitalists from importing cheap labour to undercut the living standards of White Australians.”
For years after the Immigration Restriction Act of 1901, a common expression was that ‘the White Australia Policy cost us an extra halfpenny a pound for sugar’.
‘In addition to creating the 457 temporary work visa, it was the Howard government that, from the early 2000s, encouraged overseas students to apply for permanent residence after completing their courses in Australia. This was partly in response to lobbying from the universities who sought to promote overseas student enrolments as another revenue source. The inevitable result was an explosion in overseas student enrolments, and by 2017–18 overseas students had become the largest contributor to Australia’s very high level of Net Overseas Migration (NOM) which numbered 271,700 people in 2019.”
Yes Australia’s Universities today, are of their own making, with hardly an exception, corrupt, dumbed-down (much of the ‘academics’ included), brand stretched immigration factories.
Can I suggest that Australians on here post the address of this article as far and wide as possible on Australian youtube sites, starting with the Sky News sites.
The whole basis of the modern stock market owing companies/economies is impersonal and driven by greed.
Democracy has meant that the greed merchants buy up the media, politicians and ensure that greed driven self interest of bad people dominates. Social Darwinisn.
I was once a weaver and the family that set up our company made carpets for Mrs Lincoln and the White House. Like countless number of other factories in my area they have all gone and with them decent non soul destroying jobs.
In the late 1980 the movie Wall Street memorialized the “greed is good” of Boesky and junk bond scorched earth ethics of Milkin (which the current “president” has just pardoned). I am told that on the other side of the Atlantic the equivalent of The Apprentice says that “business is all about greed”. As it happens all three are Jews who were promised this world but no hope in the next.
Australia is going the way of the West because it has a corrupted media and political class modelled on the USA i.e. a doped slave nation run by evil people who worship an evil spirit they call god.
As long as the media is controlled and politicians are soo easily bought there is no hope for this world but at least for Christians they can take some consolation in the words of Jesus who rejected the offer of the world that the Jewish elite have accepted on the basis that it is no profit to a man if he gains the whole world but loses his soul.
Christianity , which includes quoting Jesus , provides no significant in-this-life option to the JQ . Christians say that worldly matters are not ultimately important other than your personal behavior that will determine your life-after-death prospects for entering heaven .
Agree. It is too late now the great whore rides and controls the beast. I am surprised that people are so blind. The kings of the earth commit fornication with her (cf. Andrew and Epstein) she has the money-power, the blackmail power and the media power to force compliance. By using the Hegelian Dialectic, cultural-Marxism and psyops she has screwed with and propagandized our collective mind. Moreover she is intent on war with Iran and eventually global dominance. Who can make war with the beast? I know someone who can and will. Jacob the deciever will meet his match. May that day come soon.
Henry Ford “got it right” when he CREATED a market for his cars by making them inexpensive while paying his workforce a decent wage. He realized that a well-paid workforce would be able to buy his products, among other things. It could be safely argued that Ford, CREATED the middle class. Automobiles, once “playthings for the rich” were made affordable for the “ordinary common man”.
Henry Ford KNEW who the banksters and vulture capitalists were and made no bones about calling them out and naming them, Father Charles Coughlin did the same thing and was ostracized by the Catholic Church for pointing out the TRUTH about our vulture capitalist society.
“Vulture capitalism” can be defined as the owners of businesses and industries that collude with each other, also in collusion with the “money types” (banksters) depressing wages solely to increase their stockholder “profits” at the top while impoverishing those who actually WORK, producing their products.
All one has to do is look at today’s CEOs, even in failing companies, being paid exorbitant salaries, along with stock options and other “perks” while pleading poverty, pushing down wages for their employees.
Today’s capitalist “mantra” is that labor costs must be as cheap as possible while the “value” (profit) to the stockholder must be as great as possible. Sacrificing labor on the altar of “maximum profits” NEVER works in the long term.
Of course, in the short term, with cheap Chinese goods flooding the market, the economy looks, good, but without CONSUMERS who hold jobs that pay reasonably well, all bets are off. There needs to be a balance between profits and labor.
Presently, labor is looked upon as a “necessary evil” to be minimized at all costs. The problem arises-without labor there are no consumers. As I previously stated, a “balance” must be maintained. Labor is not evil, but a necessary component of capitalism.
Pre-WW2 Germany’s economic successes and the rapid rise of the German economy was predicated on labor being assigned “value”and monetized-something that is (and has been) missing in capitalist societies today.
If labor costs need to be trimmed to assure “profit”, something is seriously wrong. In fact, in the well-paid American automobile industry, labor costs account only for approximately 10% of total costs.
Offshoring production results in consumers (customers) being “lost”.
As to “tariffs”, the American country ran on tariffs from its inception until 1913, when the “income tax” and “federal reserve” was established.
The American economy is being propped up by the “social safety net” which obscures the TRUE economic situation in the U S .
anarchyst says:
February 23, 2020 at 1:59 pm
“Presently, labor is looked upon as a “necessary evil” to be minimized at all costs. The problem arises-without labor there are no consumers. As I previously stated, a “balance” must be maintained. Labor is not evil, but a necessary component of capitalism.
Pre-WW2 Germany’s economic successes and the rapid rise of the German economy was predicated on labor being assigned “value”and monetized-something that is (and has been) missing in capitalist societies today.
If labor costs need to be trimmed to assure “profit”, something is seriously wrong. In fact, in the well-paid American automobile industry, labor costs account only for approximately 10% of total costs.
Offshoring production results in consumers (customers) being “lost”.”
In a sane world, with real money that has a positive value, labour’s money/savings were also needed to fund enterprises and R&D. This allowed labour to educate their young and provide for when labourers could no longer produce a surplus with their work/labour. Productive enterprise and labour were a positive symbiotic pair as they needed each other.
Enter the parasite and his illegitimate practice of ‘borrowing short to lend long’ – of which the concomitant long term result is debt money and all the ills that stem from that. Productive enterprise has a new master, no longer in need of labour’s money/savings for its capital. The parasite has firmly wedged itself between every transaction, from the manufacturing, the supply chain, to the retail – everything!
So labour has been relegated to be an ‘input cost’ to be screwed down to a bare minimum or even replaced.
We are being removed from productive labour to be herded powerless and then sacrificed to the ego of the megalomaniacs.
(politicians should carry most of the blame as they assured us they will represent us and they’ll ‘keep the bastards honest’ for the good of society – but they allowed themselves to be bribed and blackmailed by the parasites)
Not Australia, but an excellent example of the Jews’ attitudes and methods of their use of forced immigration in support of their plunder and destruction of our civilization is Barbara Spectre. In 2012, she made a rare forthright statement caught on video about her and her Jew compatriots’ desires to flood Europe with immigrants (2012?! i.e. Europe’s immigration crisis is part of a plan). She also spun the expected future angry response as “antisemitism,” hate. (A quick search brings up the video of her statement)
Fuel chaos, plunder and destroy, blame the victims. Repeat.
An excellent article. Reading it brought back beautiful memories of my life in Australia between 1994 and 2005. I went over there with a working visa valid for three years. I was a qualified master carpenter and was never out of work. Being of European descent (Italian) and speaking fluent English, I did not have a problem fitting in. Luckily most of my job mates were white, typical Australian types (i.e. from British racial stock). Being a believer in the goodness and importance of ethnic-nationalism, I was interested in local politics and joined the One Nation party.
Unfortunately, most Australians have two serious defects that they share with most white Americans and western Europeans: A) They are not ethnocentrically minded at all. Therefore they don’t see anything wrong with the influx of hundreds of thousands of aliens. B) They are too kind and considerate towards them. These terrible flaws are the product of nearly 60 years of Liberal/Marxist indoctrination. That is why the majority of Australians would not support Pauline Hanson’s party, like the British failed to appreciate the value of the BNP. Whites have been “vaccinated” against racial pride and national identity,
It is very painful for me to read this. Things will only get worse because of the majority of Australians (like most whites) are zombies who won’t listen to the voice of their race and ancestors. Forget about political solutions; there are none. Elections are rigged by the enemy. We have to carry on spreading the message of The Occidental Observer and like-minded groups. It is our duty. There is no other way.
Excellent article Brenton, telling some sad truths of the shambolic situation here.
“Indian students on visas, were paid as little as $5 an hour by 7-Eleven and were blackmailed, or threatened with deportation if they spoke up.”
Noteworthy is that most 7-Eleven franchises are owned by Indian Nationals , themselves exploiting their own fellow countrymen.
These opportunistic entrepreneurial parasites also obtain favorable government small business start-up assistance to begin such operations with, and therefore enables permanent residency status.
…Meanwhile, if you have a land-line telephone connection, expect scamming Indian call-centres to inundate you multiple times a day.
As much as I dislike Winston Churchill, he was spot on re: Indians.
And to add to that, they also run an immigration racket within that. This is VERY widespread. The low rates for this “skilled labour” is part of the payment for ultimately buying residency, then citizenship. And with a sympathetic “elite” ear and pathway, what’s there not to ‘like’.
Thank you for the informative article and an insight into Australians demise.
What has come to my attention is that the same protocols are being implemented in every white country:
– cheap importation of foreign, colored labor
– wages stagnate
– housing prices sky rocket due to influx in population size
– debt is subsequently incurred just survive
– gentile and jewish political elite either turn a blind eye or try to cure the natives qualms with half-measures or by means of simple manipulation
– each year quality of life for the founding stock diminishes while our demographics diminish
– massive propaganda from gentile and jewish media organization’s to promote said replacement
– massive propaganda instilled starting from birth via the infiltrate education system to accept the replacement
– distract and subdue white minds via media and other propaganda programs (video games, movies, sports, alcohol)
– any person not satisfied with the above programs and has the courage to speak out and ask will then have a multi-pronged character assassination via media and by most of the brainwashed population which subsequently means losing your job and the ability to provide for yourself and family.
It is of my opinion that, America was the testing ground on how to properly orchestrate this demographic genocide. It is clear, the above model is happening all over the white world and shows absolutely no signs of stopping.
Also as a side note – ethnocentrism has become some interest to me… particularly European ethnocentrism. This article showcases whites high ethnocentrism which is outlined in the laws mentioned here. Similarly – America, Canada and all of Europe had laws that expressed their preference toward group preservation. Contrary to what I’ve been reading this indicates to me that we posses a natural propensity for ethnocentrism.
It wasn’t until the long systematic repression of these tendencies coupled with the strategic lifestyle changes (promotion of alcohol, jewish-negro rap, long work hours, hormonal food, and other toxins reducing the average T levels) has turned us whites into docile poodles completely defenseless.
I would argue, whites naturally have this characteristic but this has been systematically removed. Whites are not natural – we are lab products, designed to be void of anything a white would natural posses. A jew’s work of art displayed in the living, breathing, form that we now call White Europeans
“What has come to my attention is that the same protocols are being implemented in every white country:
– cheap importation of foreign, colored labor
– wages stagnate
– housing prices sky rocket due to influx in population size
– debt is subsequently incurred just to survive
– gentile and jewish political elite either turn a blind eye or try to cure the natives qualms with half-measures or by means of simple manipulation
– each year quality of life for the founding stock diminishes while our demographics diminish
– massive propaganda from gentile and jewish media organization’s to promote said replacement
– massive propaganda instilled starting from birth via the infiltrate education system to accept the replacement
– distract and subdue white minds via media and other propaganda programs (video games, movies, sports, alcohol)
– any person not satisfied with the above programs and has the courage to speak out and ask will then have a multi-pronged character assassination via media and by most of the brainwashed population which subsequently means losing your job and the ability to provide for yourself and family.”
An excellent summary
White displacement is widely documented and empirical evidence supports it. The guilty pathogen is already identified (corrupt Jewish and political plutocrats, selling homeland).
The war is already underway and the battlefield is already drawn, and it is unfavorable for whites.
Is there any kind of strategy to use or planning to face our enemies?
The rhetoric without any action, whether political, socio-cultural, economic, legal and force, will not have any effect on our enemies. Time is moving against us.
“I am wondering to what extent these policies are caused by falling White birth rates in the Western world.”
A reasonable comment, but there are remedies that would not mean destroying your cultural and racial heritage forever. Why not;
1. Allow the population to shrink and accept a smaller economy. After all “they” did not mind murdering tens of thousands of Australian soldiers in World Wars 1 & 2, a guaranteed way to reduce demand and shrink an economy ;
2. Have a generous programme to pay women to have babies. It would be alright to create money for this purpose. After all, the government in Australia ordered the Commonwealth Bank of Australia to create lots of credit money, orders of magnitude in size overnight, to finance WW1.
Prime Minister Billy Hughes (the little piece of s**t) would have murdered even more Aussie soldiers if he had been successful in bringing in conscription. Thank goodness the Catholics (led by Mannix I think) stopped him. The Church was still uncorrupted in those days.
Even today, Aussies don’t know how the jewed-over British empire fooled them to make these huge sacrifices. Thinking seems to be a lot harder than watching football and guzzling beer. Meanwhile, Aussies are all wondering why their wages are tanking and every married woman has to work to pay their bills.
2. Have a generous programme to pay women to have babies
I believe they already tried this in France many years ago. Unfortunately, it back fired as the majority of women that eagerly signed up for this program were legal immigrant women.
I believe they have tried monetary incentives in a lot of countries (Japan, Hungary etc) and they don’t really improve birth rates.
Not having kids seems to be a rooted in pychology amongst Whites (and Japanese) rather than anything related to economic reasons.
In Japan, the parents don’t have kids until they know they have enough money to send them to the best private schools and buy the best gear for them, overall, this seems like a coping mechanism for simply not wanting to burden oneself with children. Why do White parents choose to buy BMWs and go on expensive overseas holidays instead of having more kids?
@A Guest
Your knowledge in this area is scant indeed. Family incentives have had a profound effect on European birthrate in Eastern Europe. Apparently and without surprise, they trigger the profound, though latent, desires in couples to produce the most precious thing that can consummate their coupling. Please try not to put out this disinformation till you have some truth to convey.
Great article, but also very depressing. Sadly Australia is doomed – I can only see things getting worse. As the author says, the major political parties (and most of the minor parties too) are all enthusiastically pro-immigration and multiculturalism, as are all the major cultural and educational institutions, and the MSM. And Australians are, sadly, among the most cucked and brainwashed people in the western world.
It’s amazing to think that Australia had very inauspicious beginnings as a convict dumping ground in the 1780’s, and by the 1840’s or thereabouts had developed into a prosperous and self-confident outpost of Western (mainly British and Irish) civilisation, with thriving farms, factories, cities and towns, with impressive local art and architecture, and a progressive and enlightened political culture (in the good sense of those words). However, we took a wrong turn after WWII and threw it all away. I fear there’s no recovering the Australia of old. It’s all very sad.
The author mentioned the former Liberal Prime Minister, John Howard. Howard not only contributed to the destructive immigration plan for Australia. The man was a complete disaster.
He was also the driving force to disarm law abiding Australians of their weapons after the Port Arthur massacre, carried out by a mental defective who had given the Tasmanian police plenty of notice of how dangerous he was. The result was the infamous gun buy-back scheme.
The Jews don’t have to lift a finger in Australia. The Liberals will do all the heavy lifting for them.
On the financial/fiscal front, Howard promised Aussies a NEW tax, the GST, BEFORE an election, and they voted him in! Possibly the stupidest people anywhere.
Howard was also a great panderer to the USA, always enthusiastic about participating in the next war as spear carrier for the Yanks.
The socialist Labor Party could hardly have done worse.
Yes, PM Howard contributed in more ways than I can write here, as did PM Hawke and before them both, PM Whitlam and PM Fraser. In fact, Fraser, had a mandate to stop the ‘rot’ started by, Whitlam, as the people voted overwhelmingly for Malcolm Fraser. He didn’t do that at all he continued down the same path albeit with a little more fiscal conservatism. Fraser was a champion of Asian migration to Australia and in fact held a several posts in refugee secretariats at the UN. He was also a fellow of the American Enterprise Institute.
Incidentally, in early, 2004 or 2005, I heard, Fraser, being interviewed on the ABC (Australia’s national public broadcaster – rabid left & jewish sycophants). He said that: Australians must get accustomed to not having control over their immigration as the burgeoning populations to their north are set to migrate here. He also said that: they (Australians) can no longer have the luxury of deciding to have a relatively small population. He said that: he can’t see any problem with Australia having a population of 80 million….. I couldn’t believe my ears. This was around about the time that the issue of a lack of water resources was in the popular consciousness and some environmentalists masquerading as “green” factions had candidates in elections calling for lowering and even, in some cases, stopping immigration. It was soon crushed or neutered by the media and political deal making.
After being swindled without redress by a crooked business partner, my parents took me as a little boy to make a fresh life in Australia, where we had distant relatives, but we travelled privately instead of on the government scheme – unable however to find suitable housing we came back with little money, but able to return, and started again without taking a penny from state welfare; but I am glad personally in retrospect that we did home to what-was-then-England. I remember being the only Pom in my Sydney maths class – which was crowded with east European or Dutch refugee white kids. Now I watch the tragedy being played out there too as predicted by Charles Pearson (quoted above) – and feared also by William McDougall in his “Ethics and Some Modern World Problems” (1924) which I recommend to readers here.
Cecil Rhodes may have been a greedy closet-gay, too close to the alien financiers of his day and responsible for a lot of suffering among both white and black Africans, but his pre-WW1 advocacy of an “England overseas” in Australasia and the African Highlands, by emigration and mass-population, would have been a boon to us and the world. Instead, we had one and then another war against the rival but racially related Germans, which became a major factor in the present Untergang des Abendlandes. All may not yet be lost altogether, but a common effort by civilized minds is needed.
“soaring house prices has made shelter a luxury, and priced a generation out of the property market.”
No coincidence that this is also happening in United States -United Kingdom -Ireland-New Zealand-
Regarding foreign students: It is widely known in the UK that foreign “students” get around their maximum 20 hours per week employment rule by taking 2 different jobs to make a total of 40 hours. 10’s of thousands of them (mainly Indian), are just bogus students that have never stepped one foot inside any learning institution. Meanwhile, indigenous workers are underemployed and underpaid. There is no going back from this.
The commenters desirous of a movement should do it themselves and start small, non-inciting groups. Otherwise wait for e mike to turn our winter of discontent into our summer of forgiving jews so we can convert them and they can kill us off while singing christmas carols .
I understand that Chinese and Korean immigration is very significant in Australia. The topic of the Chinese would be useful for us to dig into, because there are some parallels with Js.
The Chinese have their own group evolutionary strategy? What is it? It is related to Communism. It is to exploit the heck out of their own laborers, more than anyone else would, in order to out-compete others in the economic niche. Their communist government has in the past been intent on doing this in the manufacturing sector. That was their plan to out-compete other groups.
They do this in foreign countries as well. I recently read an article about Chinese factories in Italy:
These Chinese factory owners basically run sweat shops where they evade taxes and labor laws, working their people 12 hours per day, 6 days per week, at terrible wages. They have successfully taken over a huge portion of the Italian clothes and apparel manufacturing sector with about 30,000 Chinese people, ~10,000 of whom are illegal immigrants.
I think the reason your average Chinese worker goes along with this exploitation is that they know the group strategy, because otherwise, it would just be unacceptable to them. They have confidence that their group will end up on top in the end. So they are willing to make great sacrifices of their individual interests for their group’s interest. And it works very well.
I don’t really think Chinese are aware of their group evolutionary strategy until push comes to shove.
The reason Jews are so ethnocentric is because they are such a small group and have been persecuted time and time again, this has been drilled into them since childhood, especially the Holocaust legend.
Chinese meanwhile are the single largest ethnic group in the planet, most have not really interacted with any non-Chinese and so aren’t aware of non-Chinese behaviours.
In the case of Chinese in the West, many go on to achieve a lot and have access to many sensitive technologies. China has started various programs like ‘Thousand Talents’ and ‘Made in China 2025’. The latter program involves the aim of China to move away from making crappy low cost goods for the world and start competing with the West in making high-end R&D intensive tech. The Chinese (despite much gushing over their 105 IQ, a measure that is meaningless in my eyes) are not intelligent enough to do this by themselves, so they have the ‘Thousand Talents’ program to encourage technically skilled migration into China, most of these immigrants are ethnic Chinese coming back to China to transfer the knowledge they obtained from the West.
Chinese first came to the West to make a better life for themselves, before the Western politicians and CEOs sold out the White worker, China was not very impressive and was another Third World backwater. But they then started noticing China’s rise and increasingly grew patriotic and nationalistic.
Chinese chutzpah in Oceania is growing, a few months back one of their navy ships docked in Australia completely unannounced, Aussies couldn’t do anything about it as Australia is approaching Chinese satrapy status.
The head of ASIO recently said there are more spies operating in Australia than at the height of the Cold War! He didn’t mention the nationality of the spies but it was quite obvious given that all the spy rings that have been busted in Oz have been Chinese.
China will become the world leader, it is highly industrialised and it has a steady stream of White knowledge to keep it innovative. It has to be remembered that Japan and S.Korea have invented very little by themselves, but they became a big manufacturer of electronics by copying the West. China will do the same and it has a huge population to keep the momentum going.
China’s internal problems are no less daunting than America’s, albeit of a different nature. The Social Credit regime speaks to a phase of retrogression not advance.
Triads are happy to talk reason to uppity workers.
What’s going on in Australia is so similar to what has been happening in the United States, Canada, Britain, New Zealand, Ireland and Western Europe that there can be no doubt whatsoever that this is all part of a world-wide conspiracy.
Rhodesia and South Africa were the initial “dry-run” for what would come later.
Once the conspirators saw that white people would not support their fellow whites in those two countries, they knew that they had a clear path.
As is always the case – the people making the rules never have to deal with any of the adverse consequences their disastrous decisions bring about. Naturally, they are only on the receiving end of increased wealth, and can live in areas where the same type of people live.
It is not them that have to live in an ever-increasing migrant area which inevitably brings with it more crime. It is not their offspring that attend schools where 50% of the children do not speak English.
I read the three-part series a year or so on TOO back on the South African/Ukraine Jewish academics who journeyed to Australia joining universities and heading departments in the humanities sphere. One prong of this trident was in creating the triangle of indigenous Aborigine and other non-white European ethnics as the base line of ‘victim-hood, with Jews at the very pinnacle of the holocaust/genocide campaign: hierarchical grievance . A tactic to agitate and incite optimum loathing within the brown indigenous people of Australia. It was a compelling read.
Our train-hopping ex-Tory UK politician Michael Portillo interviewed a Jewish female member of the Parliament of Australia, who complained to him of ‘too many beige’ politicians in the aforementioned institution (!?).
‘Permanent to temporary migration’. Is it ever temporary?
If demography is destiny, compare the global populations and estimated average IQ of the Chinese and the Jews.
” I have written extensively about the pivotal role played by Jewish intellectuals and activists (…) / In this essay I want to explore another key driver of this transformation: business interests fixated on suppressing wages and boosting profits (…) ”
It sounds more reasonable to blame a number of culprits for the destruction of the West. Not just ZOG, but also big business and leftism… But all those groups are manipulated by Jewish networks. Big business doesn’t really defend its financial interests. The trade unions, the feminists, the environmentalists, etc, have been swallowed by the Jewish-led anti-White “far left”. They no longer care about White workers, White women, the environment… Instead, they support race replacement and LGBTism.
” In the four decades before the enactment of the White Australia policy in 1901, some 60,000 South Sea Islanders (called “Kanakas”) were imported and indentured to Queensland sugar plantation owners ”
Back then, the plantation owners didn’t claim to be defending the interests of Australian business owners as a whole. They pursued their own financial interests, the rest of the country be damned. The White government either didn’t care or was bribed. And the rest of the population probably didn’t think too much about it.
The situation is different today. Everyone can see the country being destroyed by immigration. Only a minority is benefiting. One would expect a strong reaction from the general population and from businesses that lose money to immigration. But they are intimidated into silence.
In Europe and the USA, a lot of the migrants are on welfare and do not work. It means that White people must work to take care of them. The capitalists would be much better off if White people worked for them instead of for the migrants.
In Australia, instead of creating high-tech businesses, the migrants simply take up unskilled jobs, which hurts Australian unskilled workers and doesn’t benefit the country. Theoretically, thanks to the productivity gains, everybody in the West should be much richer than fifty years ago. How come it didn’t work that way? Where did the money go? It’s hard to think that most of it went to the rentier capitalists. I think most of it went to finance the invasion.
If business interests were a real driving force behind the government’s immigration policy, we should be able to show that:
– Big business is really making money out of it (Which is dubious)
– They either own or bribe the government, the media and the courts (Can we have their names?)
– They are the ones persecuting White Nationalists (We know they are not!)
But first of all, if it was really about money, government politicians and business owners would come up with a scheme to directly channel White people’s money into the pockets of politicians and business owners without spending a single dollar on migrants, and without destroying the nation. The simple way to do that is to lower corporate taxes and give more government contracts to big business.
Anyway, if I was a corrupt government official, I wouldn’t bring in migrants in exchange for bribes from big business. I like better the idea of extorting bribes from big business by threatening to hurt their interests if they refuse to pay. Theoretically, it should be easier for the government to impose its terms on big business than the reverse. After all, Putin simply sent Mikhail Khodorkovsky to jail.