Jewish Crypsis in American Buddhism

“From my conversations with many of these Buddhist leaders, they have spoken openly about how their commitments to social justice are shaped by their Jewish upbringings.”
Emily Sigalow, American JewBu: Jews, Buddhists, and Religious Change, 2019.

As mentioned in a 2017 review of The Jesuit Order as a Synagogue of Jews (2010) by Boston College’s Robert Aleksander Maryks, I am especially fascinated by aspects of Jewish group behavior that involve crypsis, a phenomenon that is often facilitated by a combination of deception and self-deception on the part of Jews. To date, the most forthright and convincing theoretical framework for understanding cryptic forms of Judaism is found in Kevin MacDonald’s groundbreaking Separation and Its Discontents: Toward and Evolutionary Theory of Anti-Semitism. A substantial portion of the fourth chapter of the text (1998/2004: 121–132) is devoted to ‘Reactive Racism in the Period of the Iberian Inquisitions.’ Here MacDonald puts forth the view that the blood purity struggles of the Spanish Inquisition during the 15th and 16th centuries should be seen as “an authoritarian, collectivist, and exclusionary movement that resulted from resource and reproductive competition with Jews, and particularly crypto-Jews posing as Christians.” The historical context lies predominantly in the forced conversion of Jews in Spain in 1391, after which these ‘New Christians’ or conversos assumed (or indeed retained) a dominance in the areas of law, finance, diplomacy, public administration, and a wide range of economic activities. MacDonald argues that despite superficial religious conversions, the New Christians “must be considered a historical Jewish group” that acted in such a way as to continue the advance of its ethnic interests. An integral aspect of this was that Wealthy New Christians purchased and endowed ecclesiastical benefices for their children, with the result that many prelates were of Jewish descent.” Much of MacDonald’s theoretical framework is borne out in Maryks’s text, which convincingly demonstrates that ethnically Jewish involvement in the early Society of Jesus followed the same pattern of ethnic nepotism and religious insincerity.

Jewish crypsis in Christianity never really ceased, and the story of Jewish involvement in Vatican II, and even the contemporary activities of even minor figures like Jewish Church of England minister Giles Fraser, has deservedly been the source of much discussion in our circles. For the last couple of years, however, I’ve been intrigued by the idea that multiculturalism would present Jews with a proliferation of identities through which the cryptic pursuit of Jewish interests could be pursued, and non-Christian religious identities, other than Judaism itself, are no exception. Then, beginning with my chance discovery of a series of “anti-racist” “Whiteness seminars” offered by a series of American Buddhist organizations, and especially my investigation of the background of Buddhists for Racial Justice (BRJ), I began to unravel precisely what I had previously only theorized — a massive Jewish presence in a non-Christian religion which had been adapted to serve Jewish interests via crypsis. My investigations would providentially coincide with the November 2019 publication, by Princeton University Press, of Emily Sigalow’s American JewBu: Jews, Buddhists, and Religious Change. The remarkable findings of Sigalow’s text, together with some of my own observations, are presented in the following essay.

The Jew in the Lotus 

If I told you I’d been reading the teachings of Ram Dass, Puma Chodron, Krishna Das, Bhikkhu Bodhi, Surya Das, Zen Master Bon Seong, Thubten Chodron, and Zen Master Wu Kwang, it would probably bring to mind images of bald Tibetans, bearded Hindus, and inscrutable East Asians. Your mind would drift to exotic destinations, and dimly lit temples, far from the hustle and bustle of the American city. Such is the magic of names, and changing one’s name really can be a form of intellectual and social sleight of hand. Just ask the real individuals behind these names — Richard Alpert, Deirdre Blomfield-Brown, Jeffrey Kagel, Jeffrey Block, Jeffrey Miller, Jeff Kitzes, Cheryl Greene, and Richard Shrobe — urban leftist Jews who reinvented themselves as the founders and leading sages of American Buddhism. These figures are just part of a story that began when, in Chicago in 1893, Charles T. Strauss, a Jewish hat maker, became the first non-Asian person in the United States to convert to Buddhism. Today, it is conservatively estimated that around 30 percent of non-Asian Buddhists in America are ethnically Jewish, and many of these are in leadership positions over the remaining 70%, composed mainly of Americans of European descent.[1]

Despite a small number of early converts like Strauss, the Jewish movement into Buddhism took on significance for the first time in the late 1950s, when it gained popularity in countercultural leftism. The influx began some time around the advent of the Beats, where one of the pioneering figures was the (non-Jewish) poet Gary Snyder. Snyder, whose later writings on nature I greatly admire, had worked a series of jobs in forestry and had a deep passion for ecology and the environment, factors that drew him to some of the Far East’s traditional attitudes toward nature, especially those of Zen Buddhism. It was Snyder who introduced Zen Buddhism to Jack Kerouac (who would later immortalize the encounter in his 1958 novel The Dharma Bums) and to Allen Ginsberg. Snyder’s Zen Buddhism was spartan, intellectual, and accompanied by a conviction that man needed to return to nature, facets that Kerouac and Ginsberg found intolerable. Both Kerouac and Ginsberg, however, spun off in different directions, finding forms of Buddhism they found more amenable to their personality types. For the degenerate homosexual Ginsberg, he found what he was looking for in Chögyam Trungpa, an alcoholic and sexually licentious Tibetan monk whose doctrine of “Crazy Wisdom” promoted “flamboyant disregard for conventional behavior.” This style of Buddhism, later laced with LSD culture, would later proliferate in the leftist counterculture.

By the 1960s, strands of Buddhism perceived as permissive, or at least morally non-judgmental, were becoming increasingly popular on the countercultural Left, where the disruption of conventional behavior was the established modus operandi. Jews, disproportionately represented in this area of socio-political life, began to drift to Buddhism in significant numbers. The reasons for this drift have been debated in scholarship and media for decades (e.g. see here, here, and here). The most prominent of suggested reasons is that these Jewish converts are dissatisfied or unfulfilled with the spiritual aspects of Judaism but are resolutely hostile towards, or suspicious of, Christianity, which is seen by many Jews as the fons et origo of anti-Semitism. Sigalow, for example, quotes one young female American “JewBu” as saying, “Christianity in particular just gives me the heebie-jeebies.”[2] Another, in his late 60s, told Sigalow:

It’s hard for me to sit in a Buddhist meditation group in a Unitarian Universalist church. … Even though I appreciate it, and its philosophy is that all religions are fundamentally at some level the same, the word ‘church’ has been contaminated for me [from my Jewish upbringing].[3]

There’s a grain of truth in such interpretations. As will be demonstrated below, many of these Jews clearly, on some level, find the religious forms of Judaism insufficient, even if they obviously prize their Jewishness in other ways. There’s also a lot of truth in the idea that Jews are likely to be extremely averse to conversion to Christianity, a stance derived primarily from very anti-Christian self-understandings in Judaism which posit Christianity as pathological and negatively obsessed with Jews. It really goes without saying that whereas all religions look negatively on apostasy, Jewish to Christian conversion ranks as especially noxious among Jews, with simple atheism likely to be held in much higher regard within the group. But these are really only “push” factors that don’t really explore the pull of Buddhism. Here I posit the lack of doctrine and dogma in certain strands of Buddhism, and a lack of pressure to express certain beliefs, a fact which has enabled Jews to superficially adopt an entirely new religious and cultural identity without compromising ethnic relationships or even some of the fundamental principles of Judaism. Allen Ginsberg, for example, was not the last individual to describe himself as “both a Jew and a Buddhist.”[4] Crucially, Buddhism in 1950s and 1960s America was something very new; it could be steered, shaped, and directed in its infancy. Jews thus had a chance to fashion a new religion in their image. Indeed, one of the most remarkable aspects of Sigalow’s work is not just that it demonstrates how little Jews adapted to Buddhism, but how much they adapted it to their own identity.

Jewish Buddhist Activism

Sigalow remarks that not only have Jews “emerged as prominent teachers and leaders,”[5] in Zen, Insight Meditation, and Tibetan Buddhism, but that they have uniquely imbued American Buddhism with an “activist ethic”[6] that it has lacked elsewhere and at any time previous. Writing in The Tablet, Michelle Goldberg concedes that American Buddhism is a essentially Jewish creation that is “unlike anything seen in traditional Buddhism.” It’s interesting that non-Jewish contemporary Buddhists have noted, and argued against, a strong tendency towards “social justice” in American Buddhism. Brad Warner, a White Buddhist who trained in a Zen monastery in Japan, has observed in a number of blogs and YouTube videos (e.g. see here, here, and here) that whereas traditional Buddhism has insisted that there is no hierarchy in suffering (all people suffer, all races suffer, and none more so than others), modern American Buddhism is obsessed with liberal-left politics, social justice activism, and a negative preoccupation with White demography. Warner has also pointed out that while Buddhism encourages a focus on the present, and a letting go of the past, modern American Buddhism is bogged down in discussions of putative historical racial injustices that include trips to Auschwitz posturing as Zen meditation retreats to reflect on how we “should seek and welcome diversity.” Predictably, Warner has since been accused of being a Trump supporter (which he most definitely is not) and a neo-Nazi (which he most definitely is not).

The reason for the discrepancy between Warner’s Buddhism and that of most American Buddhists is that Warner was trained by spartan Japanese Buddhists and not, as is the case for most American Buddhists, by Jewish intellectual activists. Sigalow writes that many of the ethnically Jewish leaders and teachers of American Buddhism possessed “deep relationships with Judaism” and “brought ideas and concepts drawn from Judaism into Buddhism.”[7] Jews have been able to direct American Buddhism because they accumulated rapidly in its ranks during its first popularization in the late 1950s and early 1960s, and Jewish ethnic cliques were subsequently behind the foundation of most of the organizational structure of American Buddhism thereafter. Founded in 1975, the Insight Meditation Society, supposedly rooted in the Theravada tradition of Buddhism, is one of the largest independent centers for the study of Buddhism in America. Its founders were Jack Kornfield, Sharon Salzberg, and Joseph Goldstein. Shambhala Publications, the foremost publishing house for American Buddhism, was founded by Samuel Bercholz.

“Buddhist” Gurus: Sharon Salzberg and Joseph Goldstein

Another highly influential group, the Zen Community of New York, now known as Zen Peacemakers, was established in 1980 by Bernard Glassman. Glassman’s group is the most prominent proponent of Auschwitz tours for American Buddhists, and his website description of these ventures is quite something:

We’ll once again feel the razor wire fences of imprisonment, gather in barracks that once squeezed humans tighter than cattle, and pray by those deep rectangles in the ground that killed people because they were different on account of religion, country, ethnicity, and sexual preference. Or just because. Because we continue to have scapegoats, someone to blame, rather than accept the complex responsibility of living fully as human beings. … In Poland it is illegal to talk of Polish complicity in the murder of Jews in Poland. Democracy and diversity have become dirty words. Sectarianism and bigotry have reared their ugly heads, stoking fear of immigrants, refugees, poor families, and ethnic and religious minorities. … Today we witness the intersectionality of discrimination — individuals and groups are marginalized for being of a certain color, and of certain sexual orientation, and of certain class, and of certain religion, in complex and overlapping ways … What does diversity mean to you? Are we all in this together, or are a privileged few inside and everyone else out? Who is included, and who is excluded? Now more than ever it is crucial to bear witness to the results of xenophobia and bigotry. The 2020 retreat at Auschwitz-Birkenau will not only bear witness to the killing and torture of Jews, Gypsies, Gays, and Polish intellectuals and journalists, to a time when a non-Aryan life was deemed a worthless life. … We seek and welcome this diversity especially now, … How do we build bridges and alliances instead of walls?

If this description strikes you as utterly devoid of Buddhist content—stripped bare of even the slightest relationship to the austere, reflective Zen of the Far East and something that could have been written by an ADL operative, you aren’t alone. But this is, after all, the new “American Buddhism,” and it has an overwhelmingly Hebrew flavor. After all, California’s Spirit Rock Meditation Center was also founded by Jack Kornfield, with the assistance of fellow “Buddhist” Sylvia Boorstein. Today its key teaching staff include leading American “Buddhists” like Howard Cohn, Will Kabat-Zinn, Wes Nisker, and Donald Rothberg. Most, if not all, of the country’s largest Zen Buddhist and meditation centers, including Empty Gate Zen Center (Jeff Kitzes), the Nashville Mindfulness Center (Skip Ewing), Chogye International Zen Center (Richard Shrobe), and San Francisco Zen Center (David Zimmerman), are directed by Jews, while Jews continue to dominate most mass-appeal aspects of modern American Buddhism, especially its literary scene. All of this is a mere reflection of the Jewish takeover of early American Buddhism in the 1960s, a massive presence that prompted Chogyam Trungpa, Ginsberg’s guru, to remark in astonishment at the number of Jews among his students that they would start the “oy vey school of Buddhism.”

Analyzing the “JewBu” phenomenon from the perspective of crypsis, it is extremely interesting that there is a high level of ethnic cohesion and cooperation among Jewish converts to Buddhism. The vast majority of these individuals worked alongside each other to create the infrastructure of American Buddhism, and also married Jews. Many continued to espouse Jewish, or quasi-Jewish religious identities. Glassman, for example, employed “rabbinical tales in his dharma teachings,” as well as leading his “Buddhist retreats” to Auschwitz.[8] Gary Laderman, meanwhile, has commented that Sylvia Boorstein “describes herself both as a faithful Jew and a practicing Buddhist. … Her books have focussed on synthesising Buddhism, Judaism, and psychotherapy.”[9] Sigalow remarks that Goldstein and Kornfield were “exceedingly creative and innovative in their teachings,”[10] which is elsewhere explained as meaning that they ultimately “reconfigured Buddhism”[11] to suit their own pre-existing cultural, religious, and political tastes. It’s been argued that Jews engaged in a “doctrinal reorganization”[12] of Buddhism which essentially involved removing elements that made Buddhism particularistic, monarchical, patriarchal, or spiritually troubling to Judaism. For example, Sigalow comments that Jewish teachers have basically “muted” any “dogmatic, doctrinal, and mythological elements of Buddhism,” and cycles of reincarnation are “virtually absent in the teachings of Jewish Buddhist teachers.” Rather than embracing Buddhism, these Jews have in fact “largely abandoned” key doctrines seen as “integral” to Tibetan Buddhism.[13]

Of equal interest to the aspects removed from Buddhism by Jewish converts are those elements that Jewish converts have added to it. Sigalow points out that Jews have imbued Buddhism with “psychological and psychotherapeutic qualities” that were previously unheard of, while Michelle Goldberg claims that Jews have been behind the “psychologization of Buddhism.” This has manifested in an unusual emphasis in JewBu teachings on “tolerance” or “loving-kindness.”[14] Sigalow adds that the most profound Jewish influence was that

beginning in the 1960s, a new movement within Buddhism emerged that focussed on applying Buddhist insights to social issues confronting contemporary society. … From my conversations with many of these Buddhist leaders, they have spoken openly about how their commitments to social justice are shaped by their Jewish upbringings.[15] 

These latter changes are particularly interesting because what we essentially witness is the redefinition of a religion that Jews co-opted, and the promotion by Jewish Buddhist conversos of a new quasi-Buddhism to White converts—Sigalow points out that Jews are almost entirely absent from Asian Buddhist communities—that involves intensive self-reflection, critical pseudo-analysis of Whiteness, very high levels of tolerance, pluralism, and pseudo-religious commands to fight for “racial justice.” Since Jews pioneered psychoanalysis and Whiteness Studies, and remain key proponents of racial pluralism, it’s difficult to avoid the possibility that Jewish involvement in Buddhism is at least in part a vehicle for the pursuit of the same Jewish interests but in more cryptic form. Buddhists for Racial Justice, for example, now known as North American Buddhist Alliance, is just one of the mechanisms for such activism in the United States, one of its key figures
being a bald female-to-male transexual called Joshua Goldberg.

The promotion of a kind of psycho-therapeutic form of Neo-Buddhism among Whites could also be seen as an extension of the efforts of psychoanalysis and the Frankfurt School to treat putative cultural pathologies among Whites by addressing largely imagined repressions and anxieties. It’s been claimed by The Tablet that Jews effectively created the modern “mindfulness” industry by stripping Buddhism of its mythological elements and radically increasing those elements of Buddhism that involve the cultivation of emotional passivity among adherents. In fact, American “JewBu” Buddhism is notable for its encouragement of tolerance and pluralism, as well as the neglect of one’s own individual interests. This runs counter to the facts of historical Asian Buddhism, which has seen authoritarian and war-like forms, and also to contemporary examples like the situation in Myanmar, where Buddhist monks have demonstrated their awareness of individual and group interests by leading violent attacks on Muslims and their property.

Literal Jewish Gurus

As “Buddhist” teachers and gurus, Jews can of course obtain very high levels of White convert obedience and commitment while obscuring the precise nature of their activities. Changes of name, common in conversions to Buddhism, further obscure links between the American “Buddhist” hierarchy, making Jewish ethnic nepotism, and Jewish dominance of the movement’s origins and leadership, less obvious. For example, a promotion by a Wu Kwang of a Surya Das will raise fewer eyebrows than a Joseph Goldstein promotion of a Joshua Goldberg. The end result is that Jews have been able to very rapidly obtain a large number of priest-like spiritual roles over Whites without any of the awkward hurdles in Christianity. Unlike the historical situation in the Catholic Church, Jews have been able to saturate leadership roles in Buddhism very quickly, without suspicions, without demanding studies and examinations of theology, and without making religious declarations that run counter to Judaism. Due to the decentralized nature of Buddhism and its reliance on a system of teaching “lineages” (spiritual authority is often passed down via “direct face-to-face Dharma transmission” between master and student) all Jews had to do was insert themselves into these lineages (under the right masters) at the right time (the “oy vey school” of the 1950s and 1960s) and they could direct the future of American Buddhism thereafter, both by establishing its infrastructure, by selecting its future co-ethnic gurus via “Dharma transmission” and by expelling dissenters from their anti-White activist agenda. Thus we see many stories like that of contemporary “Zen Master” Zoketsu Norman Fischer, who describes himself as a “Dharma heir” in the lineage of Sojun Mel Weitsman.

The White Buddhist convert scene has also been a rather putrid soil for cult-like behaviors and sexual misconduct and abuse. Even before Jews swamped early Western Buddhism, huge numbers of the early Asian gurus were involved in the sexual grooming of their White followers (e.g. see here, here, here, and here). Homosexuals have likewise used the White Buddhist convert scene for depraved purposes. Confirming a credo of mine that it’s never a good idea to permit non-Whites, gays, and Jews to possess any position of authority, one of the most recent scandals has involved “American Buddhist” Noah Levine. Levine is the son of Stephen Levine, a Jewish associate of Ram Dass (Jewish psychologist Richard Alpert), and part of the same coterie as Kornfield, Goldstein, and Salzberg. Noah Levine was taught “Buddhism” by Kornfield, and subsequently went on to found the Against the Stream Meditation Center in Venice, California, as a distinct “American Buddhist lineage.” Against the Stream, which describes itself as having been founded “on antisexist and antiracist principles” became known for its use of punk imagery, and it has played a significant role in the promotion of “woke” culture within American Buddhism via its
courses on Whiteness, White privilege, and racism.

Unfortunately for Levine, and despite his anti-sexism classes, allegations emerged in late 2019 that Levine had been sexually assaulting female followers, prompting the organization to expel him. Other Buddhist organizations have distanced themselves from him and revoked his teaching certifications. Enraged, Levine let the cat out of the bag when he complained that his father and colleagues “Kornfield, Ram Dass, Joseph Goldstein, Sharon Salzberg” were essentially frauds anyway and that “these guys had no authorization to teach, they just gave it to themselves.” Or to put it another way, they simply invented their own religion based on the promotion of passivity and the celebration of diversity, and called it Buddhism.


As someone profoundly influenced by the philosophy of Arthur Schopenhauer, I have a natural sympathy for authentic Buddhism and its ancient teachings on suffering. It has also been remarked by many scholars that Zen Buddhism has very close parallels in the philosophies of both Nietzsche and Heidegger, with the result that there is definitely something in Buddhism that is accessible, and even useful, to the European mind and soul. That being said, the increasing drift of White Americans into Buddhism (see here, here, and here) should be viewed with alarm given the above discussion. American Buddhism is, to a very significant extent, an artificial contrivance of Jewish intellectuals designed to pacify Whites, promote multiculturalism, and otherwise advance political goals oppositional to White interests—literally the same goals of the activist Jewish community in America generally.

[1] Sigalow, American JewBu: Jews, Buddhists, and Religious Change, 1.

[2] Ibid., 159.

[3] Ibid.

[4] Ibid., 59.

[5] Ibid., 57.

[6] Ibid., 58.

[7] Ibid.

[8] Ibid., 76.

[9] G. Laderman, Religion and American Cultures: Tradition, Diversity, and Popular Expression: 2nd Edition (Santa Barbara: ABC-CLIO), 57.

[10] Sigalow, 76.

[11] Ibid., 78.

[12] Ibid., 69.

[13] Ibid.

[14] Ibid., 70-71.

[15] Ibid., 73 & 76.

75 replies
  1. Panadechi
    Panadechi says:

    While there is only one Jew in the West, it will be subversive, intriguing, manipulative and destructive. The weapons and tricks they will use to destroy us are endless. Buddhism-Jew is only one of them. Therefore the passivity, ignorance, cowardice, betrayal, greed and complacency of many white people, will be their self-destruction. The pathogen is already identified. What will we do to survive?

    • moneytalks
      moneytalks says:

      It is obvious that Whites would need to ditch their majority religion of judaicly infiltrated christianity in order to survive and consider the new religion of { The PRIME DIRECTIVE } for the survival of mankind ( the human bloodlines ; not individual persons unless it becomes technologicly feasible sometime in the future ) beyond The Solar Extinction Event .

      The religion of { The PRIME DIRECTIVE } could also be called the religion of [ Anti-EXTINCTIONISM ] or [ Pro-SURVIVALISM ] of mankind ; whose deity in any case is { The God of Empirical Reality } where it is logicly impossible for belief in such a God to be delusional .

      The aim of { The PRIME DIRECTIVE } is for mankind to continue developing technologies for survival , most likely equal to or better than any standard-of-living here on earth , beyond any specified and guaranteed Extinction Event ; where the alternative to creating/developing the required technologies is obviously eventual OBLIVION .

      Persons not interested in the continuous survival of mankind need not apply . All other persons , including those whom are undecided , should consider getting onboard with this new religion . Much of the established and old religions have passed their sell-by-date .

    • Wallace Ling
      Wallace Ling says:

      This is absolutely a case of cultural appropriation, and I wish to hell it could be illegal. The next time a Jewish person complains about the black Hebrew Israelites I will remind them of how they think they have a right to be Buddhist, and not only to be Buddhist, to take it over and they call it their own.

  2. jenne.aakster
    jenne.aakster says:

    Thats my reasen of not beleefing in what they are teaching you, I think that to make from a way of thinking a religion is wrong, to give it a name who wash Budha and who am I, wash he neerer to his créator as I am, no absolutely not, I think so I am, he who créated everything créated me as well, their is no distinction, they put their hand in every thing but not in the fire, what they call the holy fire, so I beleef in what I have found out to beleef in, and thats absolutly not humanity, some people who I love, and who I respect, and have been their weigher, living in and with your thinking, is not easy, but you keep your self to your self, and that in the end makes it easier to stay human and I hope to die as an human, I am old now, so it comes nearer but I am not afraid, I stay somewhere in his hers its création !

  3. SS
    SS says:

    Growing up in the USA last century: All the editors of the magazines and the newspapers mention their “only Jewish family in town” youth. My book on Jewish folklore is written by a Jew, and my book on English folklore is written by a Jew. The popular books on Jesus in the library are written by Jews, and DAMMIT, every book in the library on Buddhism is written by a Jew. WTF?

    • Anthony Aaron
      Anthony Aaron says:

      My first exposure to Buddhism was when I was a Marine stationed at Camp Pendleton, just outside Oceanside, CA, in the mid-’60s.

      I remember going into a bookstore in O’side one Saturday and coming across some books by Alan Watts … and that was my beginning of a long, long study and affinity for Buddhism — especially Zen Buddhism and what seems to be a sort of cousin to Zen, Taoism.

      D. T. Suzuki wrote a number of books on Buddhism — supposedly he was a Zen Master — and there’s a whole wealth of stuff from back in those early days of my pursuit of it … not sure what’s even out there nowadays.

      Open up to Watts … he ‘popularized’ Buddhism (especially Zen) here in the West … and many don’t respect him — but those ‘many’ are almost all non-gentiles.

      Persevere … and also look into Sufism (beautiful writings there by Rumi, Shams-e Tabriz, Hafiz) as well as books by Kabir and others.

      One web site has numerous spiritually-oriented books, many of which I’ve read … lots of amazing mysticism there —

      • James J OMeara
        James J OMeara says:

        Watts was definitely a Man of the Right, in particular opposed to the “Beat Zen” of Ginsburg & Co. See my essays on Watts at Counter-Currents, reprinted as Magick for Housewives (Manticore, 2018).

    • Charles Frey
      Charles Frey says:

      Neither surprising nor astonishing but totally in line with their full-spectrum hasbara offence.

      01 The younger folk hereabouts may not recall the American comedy series : ” Dharma and Greg “. She a Finkelstein daughter and he a scion, federal prosecutor of exceedingly waspish parentage. His disapproving mother: ” Karma-Dharma …what’s the difference ” !

      Her SF loft decorated with a four foot statue of Buddha, with a lit neon circle behind it. Her mother parading in the nude, as usual when painting. Parents leave to allow them to engage in sex, which is discussed as one would talk about the weather. Polar opposites with the expected directional changes to make this relationship work and of course alter the audience as well.

      Simply google ” Dharma and Greg ” for the first installment of this series.

      02 Also check out Madame Blavatsky and Theosophy to round out your picture beyond crypsis. Theosophy appears to be a parallel to Buddhism, for those who shower periodically and don’t smoke up.

      • Pierre de Craon
        Pierre de Craon says:

        Thanks, Charles, for your apt reference to theosophy. You are several steps ahead of me yet again!

        My own thinking was tending toward Rudolf Steiner rather than Blavatsky. His disciples once were a prominent presence here in New York, and they may still be for all I know. I could never understand what attracted so many people who ought to have known better—many but not all of them Jews by any means—to his spun-from-whole-cloth “spirituality.”

        I now tend to see the attraction as a desperate but disordered response to the hungry-for-meaning human psyche’s rebellion against the studied anomie brought on by the perverse materialism that is the inevitable concomitant of Jewish influence in society.

        Was glauben Sie davon?

        • Larry
          Larry says:

          Blavatsky on Judaism, “Strange and unfortunate choice! Out of all the sacred writings of all the branch nations, sprung
          from the primitive stock of mankind, Christianity must choose for its guidance the national records and scriptures of a people perhaps the least
          spiritual of the human family-the Semitic. A branch that has never been able to develop out of its numerous tongues a language capable of
          embodying ideas of a moral and intellectual world; whose form of expression and drift of thought could never soar higher than the purely sensual and terrestrial figures of speech ; whose literature has left nothing original,
          nothing that was not borrowed from the Aryan thought; and whose science and philosophy
          are utterly wanting in those noble features which characterize the highly spiritual and metaphysical systems of the IndoEuropean races.
          History shows in every race and even tribe, especially
          in the Semitic nations, the natural impulse to exalt its own tribal
          deity above all others to the hegemony of the gods; and proves that
          the God of the Israelites was such a tribal God, and no more, even
          though the Christian Church, following the lead of the “chosen”
          people, is pleased to enforce the worship of that one particular deity,
          and to anathematize all the others. Whether originally a conscious
          or an unconscious blunder, nevertheless, it was one. Jehovah has
          ever been in antiquity only “a god among other Gods” (82nd
          Psalm). The Lord appears to Abraham, and while saying, “I am the
          Almighty God,” yet adds, “I will establish my covenant … to be a
          God unto thee” (Abraham), and unto his seed after him (Gen. 17:
          7)-not unto Aryan Europeans.
          Anthropomorphism in religion is the direct generator of
          and stimulus to the exercise of black, left-hand magic. And it was
          again merely a feeling of selfish national exclusiveness-not even
          patriotism-of pride and self-glorification over all other nations, that
          could lead an Isaiah to see a difference between the one living God
          and the idols of the neighboring nations. In the day of the great
          “change,” Karma, whether called personal or impersonal Providence,
          will see no difference between those who set an altar (horizontal) to
          the Lord in the midst of the land of Egypt, and a pillar (vertical) at
          the border thereof (Is. XIX, 19) and they “who seek to the idols, and
          to the charmers, and to them that have familiar spirits, and to the wiz-
          ards”-for all this is human, hence devilish black magic.”

          • Pierre de Craon
            Pierre de Craon says:

            I hope that the extended quotation from Mme. Blavatsky isn’t meant to inspire trust in or admiration for her cognitive and expressive powers. It doesn’t.

            Decades ago, during the smugly grandiose Watergate hearings that led to Nixon’s impeachment, the self-serving testimony of John Dean famously provoked the columnist Murray Kempton to write that “even Richard Nixon doesn’t deserve such an accuser.” Mutatis mutandis, I wonder whether even the Jews deserve Mme. Blavatsky.

        • Charles Frey
          Charles Frey says:

          Steiner took it a step further to Anthroposophy. After the War I was registered at his Waldorf School near Hannover, which then was only the second one after Stuttgart. Now they are in every nook and cranny in the world. Many in New York, which may explain the preponderance of his adherents.

          Steiner’s educational ideas appear excellent for character building, out of the box thinking, etc., though I don’t know what he was doing associating with the Frei Korps eliminated Liebknecht.

          My apologies for the tardiness: it would take 12 hours to explain.

        • moneytalks
          moneytalks says:

          Not sure what you mean by ” perverse materialism “. Do you insinuate that all materialism is perverse or just a particular version of materialism is perverse ?

          • Pierre de Craon
            Pierre de Craon says:

            The doctrine that the only or the highest values or objectives lie in possession of material well-being and in the furtherance of material progress—materialism, stricto sensu—is irreconcilable with human experience and human nature. Thus its pursuance as an end in itself, a pursuance that is implicit in the naming of it as an ism, is a perversion of human nature. Hence, perverse materialism.

            When something is so plain that even gents as thick as the Beatles get it—”I don’t care too much for money, / Money can’t buy me love”—it must be a fact of life pretty widely acknowledged.

      • Barkingmad
        Barkingmad says:

        ” Theosophy appears to be a parallel to Buddhism, for those who shower periodically and don’t smoke up.”

        I had a Jewish penpal about 30 years ago. She was into Theosophy quite seriously. Not some kind of a temporary whim. After a few years she and I stopped writing. Anyway, I heard she died so I looked up a photo of her grave. It has the special star on it.

  4. Shiva
    Shiva says:

    One need only examine what has happened to (White) Hinduism in Europe and the US.
    The Hare Krishnas, for example, were started by an Indian man who was, without question, a man of sincerity, honesty, and lived in poverty. He was a true spiritual man. He was POISONED by the Jewish members of his group at the hovel he had in India.
    This fellow has quite a LIBRARY of audio of the gentleman in question and startling information on what the Tribe did to him and his sacred movement.

    Dance Shiva, Dance!

  5. Barkingmad
    Barkingmad says:

    A really good article. I think some of us knew all this, but to piece it all together, you did a helluva job, Andrew. And guess what – they have been known to “convert” to – wait for it – Sikhism. I could not make this up. But then, on the other hand, maybe they do have some beliefs in common, e.g.,

    “The Sikh faith was founded in the late 15th century in northern India by Guru Nanak, who preached tolerance and equality for every person, regardless of caste, religion or gender.”


    The Sikhs’ claim that they believe in tolerance and equality is a bald faced lie. Sikhism is just proxy for an ethnic group with certain political goals – same as all the other religions, except for Christianity, which was designed to be universal from the get-go.

    There are so many liars in this world.

    • moneytalks
      moneytalks says:

      Christianity was designed to be the universal religion of the enslavement of humanity to the chosenite jewmasters . It has been very successful until recently where it has started to lose its’ grip on adherents worldwide . The ILLuminati zionist-jesuit-masonic secretive capture of the previously anti-jew Vatican/Papacy was inevitable .

      ” And ye shall take them as an inheritance for your children after you
      , to inherit them for a possession
      ; they shall be your [ slaves ] forever:…”

      ( verbatim quote from the jewish Holy Torah word of God
      , Book of Leviticus , chapter 25 , verse 46 )

  6. Anne
    Anne says:

    From Andrew Joyce:
    “Sigalow … quotes one young female American “JewBu” as saying, ‘Christianity in particular just gives me the heebie-jeebies.’”

    From “Heaven and Its Wonders and Hell” by Emanuel Swedenborg (p. 322-323)
    “But as soon as those who are in the love of self and of the world draw near the first threshold of [the lowest] heaven they begin to be distressed and so tortured inwardly as to feel hell rather than heaven to be in them; and in consequence they cast themselves down headlong therefrom, and do not rest until they come into the hells among their like.”

    • Barkingmad
      Barkingmad says:

      I read an article where some people who had led a completely cruel and wicked life experienced, just before physical death, a feeling of being burnt alive. Screaming for mercy, asking the hospital staff to put the fire out, etc.

      Maybe hell is real and most of it is on this side, too. Not just afterwards.

  7. Anthony Aaron
    Anthony Aaron says:

    Living in LA from the ’60s until the ’90s, I saw some of this crap firsthand … not just in the form of jewish ‘Buddhists’, but in the very early Sikh community in LA up the street from Workmen’s Circle (an LA jewish group).

    Even back then, the ‘Sikhs’ in that part of LA were almost 100% jews … as was the Golden Temple Conscious Cookery restaurant up on Santa Monica Boulevard, which was also nearby.

    The jews loved to parade around in their outfits and such — with their knives tucked in at the waist … pretending to beat the band to be real Sikhs …

  8. Esther Bunny Brown
    Esther Bunny Brown says:

    Why shouldn’t the Jewish heterodoxies be analyzed using Steven Hassan’s BITE Model?

    Let alone be mentioned in Chapter Six of the Epoch Times’ editorial treatise How the Specter of Communism Is Ruling Our World?

    Besides, a basic definition from the Society of Classical Poets is as follows:

    “Communism, including its first phase (socialism), is an ideology based on destroying harmony among social classes and eliminating traditional beliefs and moral values.”

  9. Cat McGuire
    Cat McGuire says:

    Thank you Andrew Joyce for a superb essay, and one I’m sure has barely been addressed in the annals of spiritual analysis.  It gives me great relief to finally for the first time share in print my Buddhist story about Jews.

    I do Vipassana meditation (introduced to me by a Jew many years ago). Vipassana meditation is considered the true direct lineage from Buddha himself. It was lost to humanity and literally re-discovered in the remote hills of Burma 2500 years later in the 1950s by S.N. Goenka, an Indian man born and raised in Burma. 

    Through Goenka’s efforts, Vipassana now has a worldwide following. It’s known as the real deal — the “bootcamp of meditation” — for its practice of staying true to the original precepts as founded by Buddha himself, such as not corrupting the practice by making it easier or not subjecting participation to financial perogatives. Few non-adherents have ever heard of Goenka, a world-class spiritual leader now deceased, because he refused “guru” adulation.

    So around 2017 I was taking the standard 10-day course for the fifth time. Before the course started, I was talking to a woman who was apparently a long-time regular. She had zero idea about my interest in jewish power. Out of the blue she revealed to me the roots of the founding of Insight Meditation. Insight Meditation is a version of Vipassana, but one made more amenable to Westerners. For example, a total vow of silence during practice is not required.

    According to this woman, Jack Kornfield, Sharon Salzberg, and Joseph Goldstein were all original students of Vipassana. These three had it in their minds to start a less rigorous version of Vipassana, and they asked Goenka to give his blessing, probably something along the lines of being a visible partner. 

    I can’t be sure, but if I recall, the woman didn’t say whether Goenka was necessarily bothered by the easing of spiritual guidelines. But I very specifically remember her telling me that he pointedly asked the three how they intended to financially run their affairs. She said that when he heard the parameters of their “business model,” Goenka adamantly refused to participate in their new venture.  They went on to found Insight Meditation without Goenka and became a huge success, including financially. She said something to the effect that they were making money hand over fist.

    The woman also told me that her daughter was employed by Insight Meditation. I have no idea in what capacity, but according to the daughter, the Insight management and leadership were continually confounded by issues of racial inclusion.  They were desperate to appear diverse, and yet few people of color were attacted to Insight Meditation.  (Presumably recruiting Asians were not factored into their criteria for diversity.)

    Apparently the few African Americans who became active members almost all had to be financially subsidized with “scholarships.”  Worse, they weren’t about to be passive darkies. The daughter said they continually challenged Insight Meditation, including leveling charges of racism, and that the organization was at utter loggerheads as to how to keep their precious quota content versus how to maintain power without appearing racist.

    So that’s what I learned from a person who seemingly had some insight about Insight Meditation.

    • Jason
      Jason says:

      Funny you should mention that story about Goenka: I’ve been doing his style of vipassana since 2005 and I too recall hearing that story from a teacher. Thanks for sharing!

    • Cat McGuire
      Cat McGuire says:

      I would like to be more clear about the differences in financial approaches between Vipassana and Insight Meditation.

      For Vipassana, for the 10-day course, whether you pay $5 or $5,000, it doesn’t matter. Whatever you pay — or not — is never questioned. The payment includes room and board for the entire 10-day course.

      Whereas for the insight Meditation Center in New York City, the cost of a basic 3-hour intro to meditation course is $35-$65 (sliding scale). The cost of a 5-day retreat at their center in Barre, MA is a complex sliding scale of options from $100 to $1250 (including room and board).

    • Anne
      Anne says:

      Cat, I was intrigued by your story and so I looked up Vipissana meditation for myself. I really like what I have discovered so far. This quote from the site seems to say it all:

      “Vipassana, which means to see things as they really are…”

      Looking forward to exploring this practise. Thank you.

  10. Sarah Soapovich
    Sarah Soapovich says:

    Excellent essay, Dr Joyce. This yet another example of Jewish cripsis was unknown to me. When i read the title I immediately thought of the Beastie Boys member Adam Something-witz.

    Is there anything safe from their subversion?

    Asian stuff and their teachings are not for our temperament. I don’t think we should even try to adopt it. Its just different. I thought this same thing when was reading your Mishima exposé.

    I think Europeans should jealously cling, rediscover and maintain/develop what is truly theirs.

  11. Poupon Marx
    Poupon Marx says:

    This is a timely and prescient article. Of course, this Matzo Ball/Gefilthy Fish Buddhism is not Buddhism at all. For the preoccupied and busy, the Netflix film by the Indian B. K. Modi, is a close guide and allegory for what Buddhism actually is. This is indecent and a complete fraud. I saw this creeping into a mainstream Buddhist sight a while ago where the insidious assertion that Buddhism and atheism are deeply related.

  12. William Gruff
    William Gruff says:

    ‘In Poland it is illegal to talk of Polish complicity in the murder of Jews in Poland.’

    Oi vey! So Poles are, we are told, legally prohibited from endless self-flagellating discussion of their alleged guilt in the crime of freeing themselves from the predatory activities of Jews; so what? Throughout the Western World it is illegal to talk, even in the most innocuous of terms, of Jewish ‘complicity’ in the bloody destruction of the Western World.

  13. Paul James
    Paul James says:

    I remember as a kid, watching in horror in the late 1960’s when those Buddhist monks, who were protesting the Vietnam War, would drench themselves in gasoline and set themselves on fire. Something tells me that the JewBu ‘monks’ of today aren’t going to be pouring gasoline over their bodies and lighting a match to protest these endless wars. Besides, the anti-war movement back then was mostly a Jew-led thing, not because they were against the war per se. but because they were horrified that their Kosher Commie brethren in SE Asia were getting killed. Now that these endless wars for Israel are murdering Muslims, and even better, nations that Israel wants destroyed, well, you’re not going to see a Jew-led anti-war movement for that.

  14. anon
    anon says:

    The more first hand accounts of life in Buddhist countries that I’ve read, the more westernized buddhism with its emphasis on passivity started to seem like BS. Imagine my complete lack of surprise when I read this article.

    I recommend these books to get a feel for Buddhism as it has been practiced in Tibet and Mongolia:

    Seven Years in Tibet, by Heinrich Harrer

    Beasts, Men and Gods, by Ferdinand Ossendowski

    A Step Away from Paradise, by (((Thomas K. Shor))) -still quite a good book imo

  15. Peter
    Peter says:

    A fascinating article. I didn’t know anything about American Buddhism, but the term conjures up thoughts of long haired males smoking “joints” in the 60’s, maybe at a leftist radical meeting. I was just thinking the author will be added to the Jewish ADL’s “hate list” of whites they despise. Then I saw Andrew, Professor Joyce was the author. I have no doubt he’s on their list already. I would be too if they eventually expand it to include millions of people. It’s scary that the ADL is now almost a subsidiary organization to the Federal Government. How long before we hear of the construction of Gulags so “de-Nazification” can be carried out on people Jews hate.

    • Charles Frey
      Charles Frey says:

      Peter, you got that turned around by mistake; three lines up. Surely you wanted to say, that it’s scary that the Federal Government is almost a subsidiary organization to the ADL. Add AIPAC and take away ” almost “.
      And our schools are just as effective, with their lobby-legislated curricula as any Gulag.

  16. Jerry
    Jerry says:

    Research the Donmeh and the Wahhbi movement, another crypto infiltration. It is well known and written by many Catholic historians that Mohammed was probably of jewish blood and he certainly married a 10 year old jewess and that jewish scribes wrote the Koran. Having done that the jews then militarized the Arabs to invade Christendom as well as the Turk’s invasion. This is all well recorded in history.

    • Wallace Ling
      Wallace Ling says:

      It’s been well known at least among us Chinese that the Arab Wahabbists are Jews. They wear those headdresses to hide the yarmulkes. Think about it: why would Israel be such very, very good friends to these Arabs? They claim all Arabs/Muslims want to kill them, and then they turn around and befriend them. They must really think everybody is stupid. Well, we aren’t.

  17. Joel
    Joel says:

    I’d be curious to know what was Leonard Cohen doing in this context. He retired quite a few years from singing to join a Buddhist Temple in LA.

  18. Charles Frey
    Charles Frey says:

    Madame Blavatsky was born in Dnipro, Ukraine; former Dniepopretovsk. The area under the strong influence, almost control, of Igor Kolomoyski, who personally funded the movement of Ukrainian Army units on their 2014 + Russian front. A net video shows him at a local opulent dinner in an equally opulent hotel dining room, giving a $ 10 million check to ” Charity “, while enthusing about that region being the stronghold of their faith in that country.

    A long-time member of the Ukrainian Parliament, talks of Kolomoyski as being the real, beneficial owner of famous Burisma, under cover of a Cyprus shell company. A country where an ordinary, Israeli-owned van was seized, because it was loaded with ca. $ 6 million worth of cyber warfare equipment: just your average Uber-driver.

    In a poor country like the Ukraine one can come to riches only through unlimited crime and of course lack of prosecution. His Privat Bank [ tradename ], was convicted of crimes and nationalized. President Zelensky was his TV-Network comedian. What a perverted sense of humor Kolomoyski displayed, when his bum-boy ran on a platform of fighting corruption. What smiles his program platform must have elicited from his co-ethnics, who unquestionably understood his macabre double entendre pulled on his own media-bullshitted Goyim electorate.

    What underpaid Dniepropetrovsk Air Traffic Controller would refuse a request from that local Godfather, or at his behest, to move MH 17 10 kms north of its regular path, placing it directly over the of course previously Soviet-supplied Bug land to air missile launcher ?

    Locally advantageous, as in Victoria Nugent [ Noodleman ] but most helpful in the world-wide effort in Moscow regime change in order to rob those poor people blind for the third time, post 1917. First the millionaire Bolsheviks, followed by the even greater swine around Harvard President Larry Summers and his Russian citizen Harvard professor Shlifer & Co. Successfully sued by Washington for $ 50 million +, and probably defended by prodigy Dershowitz and Elena Kagan.

    I find it nauseating to hear all of the MSM wail for poor, Trump-abused, PATRIOTIC, Jewish-Ukrainian Colonel Vindman, who was reported by two of his immediate superior officers, as having severely criticized the US as a whole during a joint US-Russian maneuver in Germany, during the cold war.

    Do pull up the video of this Sunday’s AIPAC Policy Conference in Washington, to see how it’s done by the real masters of the trade: including their black supporters; shunned in racialist Israel as Schwartze, which is just shy of the N-word.

    • Larry
      Larry says:

      Not sure what that has to do with Blavatsky beyond location but here is balavatkys view on Judaism, moderator please forgive me for posting this again
      ,”Strange and unfortunate choice! Out of all the sacred writings of all the branch nations, sprung
      from the primitive stock of mankind, Christianity must choose for its guidance the national records and scriptures of a people perhaps the least
      spiritual of the human family-the Semitic. A branch that has never been able to develop out of its numerous tongues a language capable of
      embodying ideas of a moral and intellectual world; whose form of expression and drift of thought could never soar higher than the purely sensual and terrestrial figures of speech ; whose literature has left nothing original,
      nothing that was not borrowed from the Aryan thought; and whose science and philosophy
      are utterly wanting in those noble features which characterize the highly spiritual and metaphysical systems of the IndoEuropean races.
      History shows in every race and even tribe, especially
      in the Semitic nations, the natural impulse to exalt its own tribal
      deity above all others to the hegemony of the gods; and proves that
      the God of the Israelites was such a tribal God, and no more, even
      though the Christian Church, following the lead of the “chosen”
      people, is pleased to enforce the worship of that one particular deity,
      and to anathematize all the others. Whether originally a conscious
      or an unconscious blunder, nevertheless, it was one. Jehovah has
      ever been in antiquity only “a god among other Gods” (82nd
      Psalm). The Lord appears to Abraham, and while saying, “I am the
      Almighty God,” yet adds, “I will establish my covenant … to be a
      God unto thee” (Abraham), and unto his seed after him (Gen. 17:
      7)-not unto Aryan Europeans.
      Anthropomorphism in religion is the direct generator of
      and stimulus to the exercise of black, left-hand magic. And it was
      again merely a feeling of selfish national exclusiveness-not even
      patriotism-of pride and self-glorification over all other nations, that
      could lead an Isaiah to see a difference between the one living God
      and the idols of the neighboring nations. In the day of the great
      “change,” Karma, whether called personal or impersonal Providence,
      will see no difference between those who set an altar (horizontal) to
      the Lord in the midst of the land of Egypt, and a pillar (vertical) at
      the border thereof (Is. XIX, 19) and they “who seek to the idols, and
      to the charmers, and to them that have familiar spirits, and to the wiz-
      ards”-for all this is human, hence devilish black magic.”

  19. James J OMeara
    James J OMeara says:

    “Confirming a credo of mine that it’s never a good idea to permit non-Whites, gays, and Jews to possess any position of authority, ”

    I’m looking at you, Plato.

  20. Eric
    Eric says:

    There is no escape from Jewish infiltration and subversion.

    Not in business, banking, religion, medicine, law, science, academia, the fine arts, entertainment, sports, education, media, politics, philanthropy, government, you name it.

    “The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion” might be a work of fiction, but it tells what the Jews have done and are doing right now.

    • Achilles Wannabe
      Achilles Wannabe says:

      Yeah but Buddhism!? Much as I am getting hip to how the Jews corrupted and took over damn near everything , Buddhism still seems like a stretch. It is as if they cannot appreciate anything apart from themselves, apart from their Jewy essence, They transform everything into some sematic substance nonmatter how different it might have originally been, They are a people who cannot appreciate the other except as a revisionist tactic Ultimately the other is simply an objects to philosemetically restructure. They are amazing in a very twisted way

      • Eric
        Eric says:

        I think the key to solving this mystery is to be found in the book “You Gentiles” by the Jew Maurice Samuel.

        He says that Jews cannot be comfortable in a world that is not their own. They must control all of it.

        The mere presence of empowered gentiles is an affront to them. Anything non-Jewish must be made Jewish or subjugated to Jews.

        • Achilles Wannabe
          Achilles Wannabe says:

          Yeah, I think Samuels also said that Jews have no concept of honor or fairness, They just go for it and are bemused by goyish preoccupation with ethics.
          Amazing what some Jews will tell us about Jews. Samuels confirmed what Henry Ford said about Jews I am going to read the Protocols. Ford swears by them

          • Eric
            Eric says:

            The Protocols are good.

            Also, “Jews Must Live” by Samuel Roth.

            He really spills the beans on his co-ethnics, who cheated him in business.

  21. Anon
    Anon says:

    “What does diversity mean to you? Are we all in this together, or are a privileged few inside and everyone else out? Who is included, and who is excluded?”

    Everybody is “in” something, and “out” of something. To make somebody “out” of your nation does not mean that they cannot also be “in” something else. Furthermore, to be “all in this together,” in the sense that we have a diverse, egalitarian country and porous borders, does not imply that there is no exclusion within the country.

    I only want to allow “in” my society those people who will not form their own identity group from which they would exclude others! I want true “fraternity,” as did the old French revolutionaries, and I will not lie and say that we are in this together if there are clannish factions within society. If there are such factions, we are not quite “in it together,” are we?

    How do I know if a faction is forming? You can simply observe it, it is obvious. You can then find patterns. It happens often when there is “mass” migration. Some peoples are particularly prone to it. People tend to be forced into it when there are racial differences, because the racial differences drive people apart (maybe not completely, but enough to cause segregation and racial identity formation).

    Rather than whining at whites for excluding Jews, you should admit the fact that Jews are not, at all, willing to do the things necessary to actually assimilate into a normal, unified country with other peoples, due to impossible ethnocentrism.

  22. Seraphim
    Seraphim says:

    Promotion of ‘oriental religions’ in Europe had only one aim, disparaging Christianity. Their promoters never failed to denounce “the long catalog of inhuman cruelties that have accompanied Christianity, in the numerous religious wars, the irresponsible crusades, the extermination of a large part of the native inhabitants of America and the population of that part of the world with negro slaves dragged there out of Africa, without right, or any semblance of right, torn away from their families, their fatherland, their part of the world and condemned to endless convict labor, in the unremitting persecutions of heretics and inquisition courts that cry out to the heavens, in the Massacre of St. Bartholomew, in the execution of Netherlanders by Alba, etc. etc. – would sooner assure a verdict to the detriment of Christianity”.
    Schopenhauer, in this quote only reproduce the whole battery of accusations against the Church aired and disseminated by the Jews (and their ‘reformed’ fellow travelers on the road to revolution).

  23. AntiSocialFool
    AntiSocialFool says:

    I think Nietzsche summed up Buddhism best:

    ‘There are those with consumption of the soul: hardly are they born when they begin to die and to long for doctrines of weariness and renunciation. They would like to be dead, and we should welcome their wish.’

  24. Larry
    Larry says:

    I have been a student of original theosophy (not the distortion of bwsant, Leadbetter and Bailey) for 6 years. I would love to talk to Mr Joyce about where Judaism falls in theosophy. Here is a quote of Blavatsky s
    Strange and unfortunate choice! Out of all the sacred writings of all the branch nations, sprung
    from the primitive stock of mankind, Christianity must choose for its guidance the national records and scriptures of a people perhaps the least
    spiritual of the human family-the Semitic. A branch that has never been able to develop out of its numerous tongues a language capable of
    embodying ideas of a moral and intellectual world; whose form of expression and drift of thought could never soar higher than the purely sensual and terrestrial figures of speech ; whose literature has left nothing original,
    nothing that was not borrowed from the Aryan thought; and whose science and philosophy
    are utterly wanting in those noble features which characterize the highly spiritual and metaphysical systems of the IndoEuropean races.
    History shows in every race and even tribe, especially
    in the Semitic nations, the natural impulse to exalt its own tribal
    deity above all others to the hegemony of the gods; and proves that
    the God of the Israelites was such a tribal God, and no more, even
    though the Christian Church, following the lead of the “chosen”
    people, is pleased to enforce the worship of that one particular deity,
    and to anathematize all the others. Whether originally a conscious
    or an unconscious blunder, nevertheless, it was one. Jehovah has
    ever been in antiquity only “a god among other Gods” (82nd
    Psalm). The Lord appears to Abraham, and while saying, “I am the
    Almighty God,” yet adds, “I will establish my covenant … to be a
    God unto thee” (Abraham), and unto his seed after him (Gen. 17:
    7)-not unto Aryan Europeans.
    Anthropomorphism in religion is the direct generator of
    and stimulus to the exercise of black, left-hand magic. And it was
    again merely a feeling of selfish national exclusiveness-not even
    patriotism-of pride and self-glorification over all other nations, that
    could lead an Isaiah to see a difference between the one living God
    and the idols of the neighboring nations. In the day of the great
    “change,” Karma, whether called personal or impersonal Providence,
    will see no difference between those who set an altar (horizontal) to
    the Lord in the midst of the land of Egypt, and a pillar (vertical) at
    the border thereof (Is. XIX, 19) and they “who seek to the idols, and
    to the charmers, and to them that have familiar spirits, and to the wiz-
    ards”-for all this is human, hence devilish black magic.

  25. Richard B
    Richard B says:

    For years I had many happy friendships and relationships with Japanese people, ie; roommates, friends, acquaintances, girlfriends, etc.

    It was a very positive coming together of some great philosophies of life,

    Japan’s native Shinto religion, the imported Buddhistic Zen, and American Pragmatism.*

    The resemblences between Shintoism and American Pragmatism are remarkable. The link being that both eventually force the individual out of language and into behavior.

    The question then becomes, Nevermind what anyone says,

    What are they DOING?

    As a result, the word “consequences” looms large in both.

    This is why we’ll always have more self-awareness then Jewish Supremacy Inc. Because it never asks itself that question.

    The result is, we can explain both our behavior and theirs.

    They can’t even explain theirs, because they never ask themselves that question. They just take for granted that what they are doing is what they should be doing because what they’re doing is always right. Always.

    This accounts for the self-deception Andrew mentioned at the beginning of the article (yet another great one from him).

    It also explains why they’re constantly rubbing people the wrong way. Of course they are. JSI is absolutely diametrically opposed to the idea of learning, change and growth as a way of life.

    All they have to do is be jewish and they’re automatically right and good in everything they do, period.

    The result?

    The single greatest monument to spiritual backwardness the world has ever known and ever will know – assuming we survive their downfall.

    And it shouldn’t be assumed for a second that we will survive that downfall. Though it is an absolute guarantee that their downfall is coming; in fact, we may live to see it. Simply because JSI itself is unsustainable,owing to its aggressively hostile attitude and response to reality.

    This is the #1 Reason why they despise Whites.

    Not because Whites are perfect and good and right.

    But because we can admit we’re not. And, so, have genuine cause to be proud of ourselves when we are, whether that comes in the form of one of our great geniuses, or just us.

    And the reason for that is the REAL reason they hate us.

    More than any other racial group in world history, Whites have a strongest Drive Toward Reality.

    JSI is single greatest collective flight from reality the world has ever known. That’s why it’s so easy for them to con recruits and turn them into proxies. It’s also why they really are evil.

    Because all evil is the result of turning one’s back on reality.

    *The Zenith of Human Thought

    One would be hard pressed to find anything that comes close.

    Of course, there’s Nietzsche. But they even go beyond him.

    There’s a very specific reason why. One that would be well worth exploring. Exactly because it speaks to the heart of the matter.

    • Richard B
      Richard B says:

      The reason for mentioning my Japanese friends, etc. was that is was very common to hear them make fun of the fake Buddhists they came across in person, in print, or, on TV, etc. and call them what they were (are), which is, as one of my Japanese friends succintly put it, “Fake Buddhists, Real Jews.”

      It’s also worth noting that because the Japanese didn’t grow up in the tense, adversarial, hate-drenched atmosphere of Political Correctness and Identity Politics, their calling Jews out came from a simply, unpretentious desire to live in reality, state the facts, and defend their culture from phonies.

    • Anne
      Anne says:

      Richard, please tell us more about why you think American Pragmatism goes beyond Nietzsche. Is it because AP avoids the trap of nihilism?

      I always enjoy reading your comments because what you have to say reflects such clear thinking. This latest post from you is gold. Thank you.

    • moneytalks
      moneytalks says:

      ” What are they DOING? ”

      No matter what it is they are doing , it is ultimately futile , not withstanding christian fantasies of life-after-death , if it does not directly nor indirectly support the survival of mankind beyond The Solar Extinction Event .

  26. E Mueller
    E Mueller says:

    An excellent article! Indeed, Jewish liberals have come to define “Buddhism” for US and more generally, western audiences, not least because of their characteristic readiness not merely to “convert” to some creed, but to seize control and redefine it in their own image.

    Buddhism as it has been historically lived in Asia has by no means confined itself to any sort of life-denying, morose asceticism. Early Buddhist history in northern India and Central Asia contains the records of “Chakravartins” – ideal Buddhist kings like Ashoka, Kaneshka, Harsha, who obviously did not govern vast empires on the basis of the “values” championed by today’s JewBu gurus. Throughout Chinese history, numerous peasant uprisings were lead by Buddhist monks – such as the Red Turbans who brought down Mongol rule and ushered in the Ming Dynasty. Japanese Buddhism is well known for its role in very real political and military activities.

  27. mark green
    mark green says:

    Andrew Joyce has produced another penetrating overview of Jewish crypsis in action. He provides ample evidence that Jewish patterns of deception and self-deception are not only in a class by themselves, but highly effective. Why activist Jews are so driven to subvert and dominate their host cultures remains a mystery. But the pattern keeps repeating. Gentiles beware.

    Joyce’s analysis brings to mind a Jewish acquaintance of mine who recently referred to himself as a ‘Hin-Jew’. Yes, he claims to be both Jewish as well as a practicing Hindu. Jews are appropriating Hindu philosophy about karma for their own tribal purposes. Hinduism celebrates the idea of inborn superiority. Adopting this philosophy helps Jews sanitize their collective quest for higher status (feeling ‘special’ and above the goyim) as well as their camouflaged tradition of ethnic networking. These traditions work wonderfully for Jews, usually however to the detriment of others.

    The toxic strategies of organized Jewry belie the claim that America enjoys a ‘special relationship’ with the state of Israel. This relationship may be ‘special’ but it is not particularly enjoyable for America’s non-Jewish majority.

    Jews get to have it both ways: they can enjoy all the privileges of having their own exclusivist state and identity, as well as the ‘right’ to travel anywhere, live anywhere, and assume any identity–often under disingenuous pretenses). How very accommodating.

    But remember: YOU WHITE PEOPLE are not allowed to think or operate that way. It’s racist!

  28. Aristo Boho
    Aristo Boho says:

    Dear Doctor Joyce, Thank you for a near excellent article. The one fault is the section, CONCLUSION, where you state your admiration for Authentic Buddhism and allude to Messers Martin Heidegger, Friedrich Nietzsche and Arthur Schopenhauer. Mister Schopenhauer’s philosophy does not reflect anything of Authentic Buddhism and it’s insane to say that true Zen Buddhism has parallels with the respective philosophies of Messers Heidegger and Nietzsche. It is because of these three highly intelligent but mistaken minds, and those like them, that the doorway was opened to JewBu. You seem to be void of any understanding of Metaphysics. What Messers Heidegger, Nietzsche and Schopenhauer apprehended as Buddhism, was an Orthodox and Traditional religion already corrupted by the first scholars of Glottology who weren’t knowledgeable of the actual spiritual meaning of words, such as samsara, just to give one example. Subsequent to this the path was laid for British Military Intelligence to assist with braking down Buddhism, as they did with Hinduism, to further facilitate their control of those lands which faiths are a part of their cultural patrimony. The Theosophical Society at the time of Misses Annie Besant greatly assisted this, and it all had dire consequences on every aspect of life of the Eastern world. This proceeded to infect and subvert the respective education systems of those countries, very much like what the Italian Communist Antonio Gramsci had written in the West: CONTROL THE CULTURE AND ITS EDUCATION AND YOU HAVE ACHIEVED YOUR VICTORY. Ergo, The Desacralization Of Buddhism And Hinduism, respectively, as well as Sufism For Western Consumption. Not to speak of a much darker one by the likes of a Mister Aleister Crowley. And what I have composed is fact and not conspiracy theory quackery.
    We are surrounded by too many well-intentioned imbeciles with doctorates. Doctor Joyce, with your closing paragraph, you’re just as misleading, and therefore damaging, as all of the secular Jews who are Buddhist corrupters, as well as others, who invert Metaphysics. And this is tragic for all that precedes is excellent in your writing. God Bless, Aristo Boho

  29. Achilles Wannabe
    Achilles Wannabe says:

    Just when I was thinking abut going to NY City to get a
    course in Buddhist meditation I see this article. Thank you Dr Joyce. While I have finally learned to pull back the Judeo screen on most things, I admit to never considering the possibility that the Chosen People had taken over American Buddhism. If I had traveled all that way just to find out I was getting semitized and paying for it, I might have said something antisemetic and ended up in jail.
    I will say that Pema Chodrin’s When Things Fall Apart helped me a lot 20 years ago when I went bankrupt. I don’t remember anything about social justice or the usual Jewy preoccupations in that book = though perhaps they were there and I just unconsciously selected the useful parts about Buddhist surrender to reality that worked for me.

  30. Anon2
    Anon2 says:

    We should not read too much intent into this JuBu thing.

    I expect that a lot of the SocJus stuff is new, a result of increased African American presence in Buddhism.

    I expect that Jews turned to Buddhism for the same reasons as whites: Buddhism in practice is about getting you to accept change by 1. Renouncing desires/attachments (attachment is what makes you NOT want change), 2. Getting you in the mindset that “everything is impermanent” and thus any attempt to avoid change is folly, and 3. The self does not exist and karma does, thus worries about bad things happening to you (negative changes) are unnecessary as all things will even out in the end.

    Jews are undergoing change. They are losing their Jewishness.

    Jews also must put up with the threat of change. They sometimes have to put up with conservative politicians. They worry if society will change in the conservative direction.

    • E Mueller
      E Mueller says:

      True. But what strikes me is that so many of these JewBus are not simply converting to Buddhism, but that they’re also making themselves into Buddhist leaders and “dharma masters,” and what not, i.e., major, first-tier influencers within Buddhism.

      • Anon2
        Anon2 says:

        Jews are just more charismatic and energetic. They rate higher in general factor of personality.

        Some peoples just always end up on top.

        Sure, they do make effort to make it on top. And that has something to do with confidence and pride, and enthusiasm. And that also has something to do with their high g in personality.

        Chances are, the discrimination against Jews in the past have made them this way (harsh evolutionary pressures). What can we do? We just have to wait it out for 300 years or so. Let’s call it our reparations.

        • Eric
          Eric says:

          “….more charismatic and energetic..rate higher in general factor of personality…some people just always end up on top…confidence and pride and enthusiasm…high g in personality…chances are the discrimination against Jews in the past have made them this way (harsh evolutionary pressures)….”

          There was no unfair discrimination against the Jews. Everything bad that happened to them was because of their own bad behavior. If anything, they were treated better than other people. They were exempted from military service. They were privileged members of the king’s court and lorded it over the common people. They threw open the gates of Christian cities to Muslim invaders.

          Their bad behavior continues to this day. Virtually every book criticizing whites and talking about white privilege is written by a Jew — but the Jew doesn’t tell you he’s a Jew. With their control of Hollywood and the media, Jews have been stirring up non-whites to hate white people for a long time.

          At the same time, they have been the leading advocates for, and financiers of, massive non-white immigration into white countries while insisting that Israel shouldn’t have to accept any refugees.

          They have led the attacks on the white family and traditional values with their promotion of feminism, transgender bathrooms, casual abortion, forced racial integration, demonization of Western culture, pornography, etc.

          They led Communism in Russia from 1918 to 1936, killing millions of Russian and Ukrainian Christians.

          Jewish excellence and “personality” is a myth. They get ahead through nepotism and working as a team while white people compete with each other.

          Don’t fall for the superficial. Look beyond it to the underlying reality. TOO is a good place to do that.

          The same is true of and Russia Insider.

    • moneytalks
      moneytalks says:

      No matter what change you make , it is ultimately futile , not withstanding christian fantasies of life-after-death , if it does not directly nor indirectly support the survivability of mankind beyond the guaranteed Solar Extinction Event .

    • Achilles Wannabe
      Achilles Wannabe says:

      Jews are not losing their Jewishness Jews are taking over American Buddhism – Judaizing it. That is what Jews always do. That is the well argued point of the article.

  31. Dale Gribble
    Dale Gribble says:

    visited a Buddhist’s home a few years back right after Christmas. The family had a small Christmas tree in the living room.

    • E Mueller
      E Mueller says:

      Not surprising.
      First, unlike the Semitic religions, Buddhism has never insisted on excluding other religious thought. Historically, coins of Kaneshka and other Central Asian Hellenistic Buddhist kings featured all sorts of Indian, Greek, and Iranian gods, in addition to the Buddha. Buddhist sutras (scriptures) also continue to mention Hindu Gods and Goddesses – these deities are seen as simply having ceded primacy to the Buddha and Bodhisattvas (though some of them are re-identified as bodhisattvas). Accordingly even in Japan you’ll encounter statues of Saraswati and Sri Devi (Lakshmi). The current head of the largest Chinese Buddhist Association, the Monk Xing Yun (also spelled Hsing Yün) who lives on Taiwan, was once asked whether a Buddhist can also be a Christian. His answer – “Why not?” Though he quickly acknowledged that the Christian churches might not appreciate such eclecticism.
      Secondly, Christmas and Christmas trees in modern American culture have virtually zero religious significance even in the US. They’re seasonal, secular things like fireworks on July 4th, trick’r’treating on Halloween, and turkey and pumpkin pie on Thanksgiving. Meanwhile, public places in Tokyo and Hong Kong are full of Christmas trees at Christmas. Christmas parties (and Christmas-eve one-night-stands) are now a kind of Japanese modern “tradition.”

  32. Dee
    Dee says:

    My immediate impression without reading a word of the article was it was rather ironic about “slavery” given Jewish (Dutch former Portuguese) businessmen where intrinsic in the Atlantic slave trade; as well as slave labored plantation ownership in Central and South America; as well as the earlier European slave trade when Jews & Muslims worked together.

  33. Dee
    Dee says:

    Reasonably accurate article however to highlight some errors. 1. South Asian ‘Theravada’ Buddhist monks (include Burmese) are forbidden to engage in, let alone, encourage, any form of killing of people. They cease to be a monk as soon as they commit such a forbidden action, even if nobody knows. 2. No authorization is required to teach Buddhism. 3. Buddhism neither supports Jewish, White or Asian supremacy. Buddhism, as a doctrine, is merit based.

  34. Nikaya Dhamma Society
    Nikaya Dhamma Society says:

    Thank you for this insightful article. If you are interested in reading about real original Buddhism, devoid of leftist politics, SJW views, and alien influence, you might find our website helpful:

    There are still some of us who uphold traditional moral values, reject liberalism, and see no incompatibility between being white, and a Buddhist. The Buddha was himself white, and the oldest Buddhist texts state that he had blue eyes. What passes for “American Buddhism” is not American, and it is not Buddhist. Thank you for your consideration.

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