A Fish Called Wakanda, Part 3: The Riots, the Virus, and BlackRock
While everyone is parsing the details of these incidents at face value, the Jewish capitalist class has quietly consolidated its control of the country in a process that has been a long time in the making, since at least 1913 with the creation of the Federal Reserve. The American military and its client states and proxies have subsequently been used to erode national sovereignty and opposition to the new world order with intermittent aggression in the century-plus since, the country having tragically been coopted and colonized, the body doing the bidding of the parasite-riddled brain, sometimes even causing significant self-harm. God forbid Whites try to defend themselves while Blacks and other non-Whites are goaded into racially-motivated violence, either—the judicial branch will throw the book at the Whites! A terrified and cowed native populace is beneficial to the ruling class in all sorts of ways, from the economic to the population control and demoralization aspect.
In the midst of all of this manufactured racial tension, lawmakers have actually advanced the idea that Whites’ calling the police on non-Whites can be scaled-up into a hate crime, meaning we would literally have no defense against these people in any official capacity. We would be the ones punished for being attacked and far from even defending ourselves, requesting law enforcement’s intervention! Granted the punishment would be for if “bias is involved…[in] the charge of fabricating a criminal report,” but given what we’ve seen regarding the flexible definitions (and very often fabrications in their own right) of bias, and the coercive methods of law enforcement in treating White victims of non-White crime, this is a potentially massive land mine. Even if nothing happens, you’re now on the radar as a thought criminal for daring to inform the police of threat to your person by one of the protected individuals who also cherish self-governance, the Constitution, family values, and free market capitalism by way of Steve Sailer’s Magic Dirt. It’s a pretty remarkable thing. We must be able to defend ourselves, and the increasingly totalitarian government is trying to make that as difficult as possible, especially through the restriction of firearms.
These further “hate crime” proposals following the incident between Amy Cooper and the individual The Washington Post characterizes as “a birdwatcher”—a lie so preposterously egregious it nearly rivals that of the jogging enthusiast Ahmaud Arbery—are the definition of anarcho-tyranny, but Jewish Director of something-it-sounds-like-the-ADL-created at Cal State-San Bernardino called the Center for Study of Hate and Extremism Brian Levin believes that, “A close, if uncomfortable, examination of racism’s prevalence might be more fruitful.” Indeed, fruitful for further control of the White population. Those who “hate hate” have, per The Washington Post, proposed:
Legislation that would criminalize calling police as an act of racial prejudice… New York State Assemblyman Felix W. Ortiz (D-Brooklyn) on Wednesday revived a bill he first proposed in 2018 to add a hate-crime enhancement to the charge of fabricating a criminal report if bias is involved…Four states — New Jersey, Minnesota, Oregon and Washington — have recently considered bills that would criminalize calling the police when crimes haven’t occurred, some specifying calls that “unlawfully discriminate” or target “protected classes.”…Lawmakers wrote in the bill that false reporting has been “weaponized” and often against “protected classes.”[1]
So there you have it, straight from the horse’s mouth: Blacks and Browns are, in fact, protected classes, jockeying for position with homosexuals as favored, but always below Jews in the pecking order.
All of this while the usurious usurpers privatize what they can and dictate terms to a government that is bought and sold. Contemporary tensions stoked to the boiling point whenever it serves the ruling class, in the midst of inevitable race riots and media-generated hysteria directing eyeballs away from the seismic shifts behind the scenes as “money managers” like BlackRock become, to quote William Birdthistle, “a fourth branch of government.” BlackRock, Vanguard Group Inc., and State Street are called the Big Three because they hold roughly 80% of all indexed money. Graham Steele, formerly of the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, says, “They are so intertwined in the market and government that it’s a really interesting tangle of conflicts. In the advocacy community there’s an opinion that asset managers, and this one in particular, need greater oversight.” With corona collapse imminent, as Annie Massa and Caleb Melby write, the government went back to the same polluted well as in 2008:
When the Federal Reserve needed Wall Street’s help with its pandemic rescue mission, it went straight to Larry Fink. The BlackRock Inc. co-founder, chairman, and chief executive officer has become one of the industry’s most important government whisperers…Fink possesses a power that’s more technocratic. BlackRock, the world’s largest money manager, can do the things governments need right now. The company’s new assignment is a much bigger version of one it took on after the 2008 financial crisis, when the Federal Reserve enlisted it to dispose of toxic mortgage securities from Bear Stearns & Co. and American International Group Inc. This time it will help the Fed prop up the entire corporate bond market by purchasing, on the central bank’s behalf, what could become a $750 billion portfolio of debt… BlackRock…was handed three Fed assignments without any competitive process—though the Fed plans to rebid the contracts once the programs are in full swing. BlackRock will manage portfolios of corporate bonds and debt ETFs. It will do the same for newly issued bonds—sometimes acting as the sole buyer—and for up to 25% of bank-syndicated loans. And it will purchase commercial mortgage-backed securities from quasi-government agencies such as Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac…[BlackRock] scooped up Barclays Global Investors, including its iShares ETF division, in the fallout from the 2008 crisis. That gave BlackRock a stronghold in low-cost index funds, transforming it into the world’s largest asset manager almost overnight—and supercharging more than a decade of growth..[2]
So BlackRock exploded in profitability while the average American’s net worth sharply declined, followed shortly after by their life expectancy thanks to the same group pushing opioids on the White population. And while the media incessantly pumps race war porn and the population is sufficiently distracted—and nearly just as usefully divided—the Judeo-capitalists are able to further tighten control:
[BlackRock] is ubiquitous in markets for everything from passive, index-linked products to hands-on mutual funds, with $6.5 trillion in assets under management…Beyond money management, BlackRock’s software platform, Aladdin, appealed to the Fed…Bloomberg LP, the parent company of Bloomberg News, sells financial software that competes with Aladdin…One arm of BlackRock knows what the Fed is buying, while other parts of the business participating in credit markets could benefit from that knowledge…BlackRock’s contract with the Fed also acknowledges that senior executives “may sit atop of the information barrier” and “have access to confidential information on one side of a wall while carrying out duties on the other side.”[3]
There’s your free market at work! Further exposing the sham of any real Democrat-Republican divide, Massa and Melby continue:
The money manager built a powerful advocacy arm. Its sphere of influence reaches beyond the central bank to lawmakers, presidents, and government agency heads from both political parties, though its hiring leans Democratic. Bloomberg found only a handful of current BlackRock executives who came out of the George W. Bush administration, but more than a dozen Barack Obama alumni. These include Obama’s national security adviser, senior adviser for climate policy, the former Federal Reserve vice chairman he appointed, and numerous White House, Treasury, and Fed economists.[4]
Oh yeah, and this sphere of influence now encompasses most of the Western world:
The Bank of Canada tapped BlackRock in March as an adviser for its purchases of commercial paper, the short-term debt that companies use to fund day-to-day expenses such as payroll. Last month [April 2020] the European Union hired the money manager to advise it on how to incorporate environmental, social, and governance practices into the way EU banks manage risk.[5]
On top of all of this, or more appropriately tying into all of this, the coronavirus continued to rage, with its spread used as a pretense to funnel more money to migrants who very possibly doubled as carriers of the disease! In late March, NGOs Islamic Relief, Save the Children, and Catholic Relief Services ensured through the Start Fund that 7,000 Roma and “new migrants from Greece” in Albania received cash payments ostensibly as a response to the coronavirus. The Start Fund is collectively owned and managed by the Start Network’s members; these include in addition to the aforementioned three organizations World Jewish Relief, ActionAid, CARE, Muslim Aid, Oxfam, several Caritas branches, War Child, and the International Rescue Committee (IRC), among others. Its primary donors are: the Rockefeller Foundation, Dutch Aid, UK Aid, the IKEA Foundation, Irish Aid, the German Federal Foreign Office, Jersey Overseas Aid, the Government of Belgium, the Republic of Estonia, and the European Union Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations (ECHO). There is also the Migration Emergency Response Fund (MERF), “a rapid response context-specific contingency fund operated and managed by the Start Network, its members, and in collaboration with its donor, UK’s Department for International Development (DFID)…and is delivered as part of a consortium project with the Danish Refugee Council (DRC) and the International Rescue Committee (IRC)…The objective of the MERF is to rapidly respond to acute and emerging gaps and changes in needs along [the] migration route.”
As I’ve said before and I’ll say again: the population replacement project stops for no pandemic. Clearly the same goes for media-fomented race riots and the machinations of the plutocracy.
[1] Sacchetti, Maria, Shayna Jacobs, and Abigail Hauslohner, “Public outrage, legislation follow calls to police about black people,” May 27, 2020. The Washington Post.
[2] Massa, Annie and Caleb Melby, “In Fink We Trust: BlackRock Is Now ‘Fourth Branch of Government,’” May 21, 2020. Bloomberg.
[3] Ibid.
[4] Ibid.
[5] Ibid.
Who is BlackRock?
Lets see if you spot a pattern.
Chairman and CEO, Larry Fink (Jewish)
President, Robert Kapito (Jewish)
Chief Operating Officer, Rob L. Goldstein (Jewish)
Chief Risk Officer, Ben Golub (Jewish)
Chief Financial Officer, Gary Shedlin (Jewish)
Global Head of Technology & Operations, Derek Stein (Jewish)
Head of International and Corporate Stategy, Mark K. Wiedman (Jewish)
Global Head of Active Equities, Mark D. Wiseman (Jewish)
Money or currency is not actually the problem. The problem is the parasitic system of control that is associated with it right now. The idea that a private central bank lends currency into existence with interest is so ludicrously insane that it’s actually comical and these people strut around and talk as if they are holier than thou, it’s a complete farce. People are so easily fooled and fail to see the obvious way out of this – free and totally decentralized currencies. An economy is at its core all about work and creative ingenuity. Allow people to freely do and earn the fruits of their labor and any problem can be fixed quickly. Governments, central banks and international parasitical organizations are the problem. They tried to fool us into thinking capitalism is the problem when in reality true capitalism is the solution. We know what they strive towards – control and oppression. True capitalism is about healthy and constructive competition and development and not monopoly and market manipulation/dominance.
Yes, the problem is jewish owned central banks.
Both Lincoln and Hitler showed what could be done without a small hat central bank.
The FED is the central cause of our enslavement.
” We know what they strive towards – control and oppression.”
where [ control and oppression ] == slavery .
“” And ye shall take them as an inheritance
for your children after you ,
to inherit them for a possession ;
they shall be your bondmen forever :”
( verbatim quote from the Jewish Holy Torah ( aka OT ), KJV ,
Book of Leviticus , chapter 25 , verse 46 )
where ” bondmen ” means [ slaves ] .
01 Years ago, the Ontario Human Rights Tribunal busied itself with an alleged hate crime.
02 The file disclosed, that neither Plaintiff nor Defendant were engaged in an amiable difference.
03 The Plaintiff won, since all he had to prove, somewhat subjectively, that he ” PERCEIVED HIMSELF TO HAVE BEEN OFFENDED “.
04 Were this ” reasoning ” to migrate to the Criminal Courts, we may see a séance being held with the deceased to determine whether ” him-her-it self, PERCEIVES to have been murdered by the Accused “.
Similarly replacing age-old Rules of Evidence.
Today we are experiencing very important moments in human evolutionary competition, since it is being defined which racial group will take the lead in the near future, the Jewish parasite bets his cards on the total destruction of whites through racial genocide, weakening his Ethnocentrism, homogeneity and IQ, with massive non-white immigration in their countries, surely the final confrontation will take place between East Asian ethnocentrics, and the ultra-ethnocentric Jew, the problem for the latter is that their religion (Jewish-Christianity) has not penetrated and poisoned this East Asian race, therefore they do not believe in the self-chosen people. The only option for whites will surely be in Eastern Europe and Russia, perhaps some white enclave in North America such as Alaska or other isolated autonomous enclaves, in other parts of the world. In the XXI century everything will be defined, between the creatures of tar (could the Jewish parasite control them ‘) and the other humans who will conquer the stars.
Note: The disadvantage of the parasite is that, like all vermin, it is not capable of measuring the consequences, due to its voracity and rapacity. This portal caught my attention a lot since, like me, they understand that war is biological survival, and the ideological, political, philosophical, economic, spiritual, and strategic components are only part of the combat arsenal, just as it is in nature between species, with the added difference that here the intellect is paramount in this titanic fight for survival.
When the sump fills up with excrement, it will explode, perhaps that will be the great Jewish mistake. The current massive racial unrest is an indication that the sink is almost full. The patient giant East Asian, perhaps he would take the domain served at his feet.
Very true. Whites could easily have nipped this in the bud. However, whites are incredibly stupid. I know, having dealt with many family members who refuse to examine the data.
My Jewish, Black, and Native American friends are more honest and insightful on these issues than most of the Whites I know!
Most Whites are christians where christianity is a sheeple-oriented religion of self-enslavement to the chosenite jewmasters . In other words , Christians are generally instructed both explicitly and implicitly , by God and religious servants , to submit to their chosenite jewmasters and not compete against them for life-sustaining resources . Christianity is a self-defeating religion vis-a-vis zionist judaism .
Ok, I am in a unique position in the world as I am British / Australian (currently in Australia) and I have also lived in the USA for 10 years.
I read a lot and I have been following things closely in all 3 countries since the beginning of the pandemic.
All 3 countries have huge problems. It also seems as though they are on a time schedule together. Moving in the same direction with the same goal, to clean up their countries whilst divorcing China.
If you are watching all 3 you can see how they are playing things off each other. I have also read interviews with other leaders like Belarus’s Lukashenko, Leaders in Russia, Orban etc and they have all said “it’s clear the west is up to something and we all have to sit back and wait”.
I know that the US has troops in the UK. I know that months ago the govt recruited black cab drivers.. black cab drivers know London intricately. I can only assume that their “knowledge” might be put to good use in a riot / guerilla warfare type situation. I could easily list another 100 things that I have noticed in all 3 countries that lead me to this conclusion. The patriots are in charge and we are doing a massive clean up which will lead to secession/ repatriation/ self sufficiency in manufacturing/ strong 5 eyes alliance & going back to the Gold standard. The 3 countries know that we have serious outside threats like China and a never ending stream of migrants from Africa etc. and that we have no hope of surviving unless we get control of our countries internally. The Australian Prime Minister has dropped quite a few hints as did the Queen in her speech. They are the subtle hints that you could only pick up on if you were part of that culture. I go walking with my Father every morning and from the beginning I told him how things seem to me and I have made predictions along the way and each time they have come true.
All 3 countries absolutely needed to knock China out of the way.
We are also getting out of all the globalist organisations like WHO, the Paris agreement etc. we have all passed tremendous amounts of new legislation as well- things like it’s now legal to take a blood sample off anyone or any other type of DNA sample for “Covid 19”. In London we have between 800,000-1.2 million REJECTED homeless asylum seekers who have been scrounging food from bins and charities to survive. Then the virus hit and everything got shut down. Starving people out is a good way to get rid of them from your country. We also have a ton of illegals who have no paperwork and refuse to tell you where they are from when they get picked up. Well if you genetically test them then you know where they come from.
I also read a Russian article at the beginning of the virus when it first hit China & they said “this has the Anglo Saxons written all over it. They love this kind of stuff and they are used to doing it” they said with us coming out of the EU we needed to establish ourselves as a trading partner in the world and diminish Chinas role. They also knew China was trying to take over Australia by 2025. Someone else also said that someone went around the world with a little pail of germs and spread them everywhere to cause economic upset. Why are we driving down the value of the dollar ? To implement a new monetary system so we can cut out a certain group of people who have been causing us All problems.
Anyway, this is my theory. I could be wrong but from my vantage point, this is how it seems. I hope I’m right anyway for all of our sake.
Ps. I just want to say thank you very much for your articles here on the Occidental. I really appreciate them and i share them on FB and with the few people that I know.
I only wish that your observations turn out to be correct. However, it wasn’t China forcing (((the West))) into sending their manufacturing to Asia, whether Japan, Taiwan, South Korea or China. The finance capital corksuckers willingly started the controlled demolition of the economies almost 50 years ago.
While they may be making a break from China, there are other easier ways to do it, for example setting a date for leaving the WHO and giving some lead time to companies to return to their respective “home” countries. They simply won’t do that, because the Benjamins would stop flowing. Instead, all of the noise about China is a distraction for the Eretz Yisroel project as Palestinians are forced of their land, as the US, UK, and Oz line up to lick Benny’s buttocks. China has bigger fish to fry than the US, UK, and Oz. China and Russia are the “enemy” because they are creating a trading system where the wholly owned subsidiaries of Zion – the US and UK – are not the dictators of the rules of the game, which only apply to everyone else, not them. If the belt and road initiative gets started, the US, UK, and Oz will be virtually irrelevant to just about everybody, except themselves.
I think that comment is a marvelous example of Chutzpah. I noticed that (((MSM)) and their trolls really cranked up their anti China propaganda recently.
My understanding, that the Tribe feelings are deeply hurt. They groomed China to be their next host country for a long time . They helped move industrial base and technology to China…
And to what end? These ungrateful evil chinks giving them middle finger so far .. They do not wish “Open China for financial services” They probably realized how “well” it turned out for Western countries…
And the pressure is building up. And there is no place to escape..
I think there is a much deeper force behind ‘the tribe’. I don’t see how it’s possible for one group of humans (the Jews) to work in relentless unison to take down major nations.
The options are:
1) Aliens and lizard people
2) Satan, as in the Beast from Revelation
3) Hyper intelligent human variant that has been around since before the last ice age.
I vote for #3.
You should start by reading Kevin McDonald so you don’t fall for the magical thinking.
Just look into parasitic behavior in nature and you will understand what animals with barely a brain can accomplish.
Vicki Devil Worship – 1989 Oprah Winfrey Show Interview With A Jewish Woman
Amazing that this is still available! Save save save
The founders of The Church Of Satan were Anton Le Vey and Kenneth Anger both Jewish and we also see the Film ”Devils Rain” with William Shatner-Also Anton is in this movie in the Coven as a chief adept and many of the themes are quite occult truths.
It is possible Icke is [1] saying that people who are ”running things” are using the Reptillian Brain (Limbic system) only and are therefore without emotion. we have three Brains.
Alice Bailey who claimed to have transmissions from ”The Tibetan-Djwhal Khull”( who was a real person) was Following Madame Blavatsky(D Khull was a child at the time of Mdme B), the Russian who did have a huge amount of wisdom.
The Theosophical Society was formed. The Idea of Ancient Masters runs through many Belief systems. Sikhs believe in reincarnated masters. The Christians believe in the Immortal called The Christ(Also recognised by Alice Bailey). The Hindus Have Krishna (another Immortal-an incarnation of Vishnu)[Christ and Krishna share a similar language structure] The Jews have the messiah. The Frankish Jews want to wreck the world so as to speed up the return of the Messiah.
So, before people laugh and say ”Our God Is Real”, most of us believe in Immortals of one type or another. See Djwhal Khul on the Jews (1). Some are A–Theist. Satan means Adversary. The beast is different It has the No, 666 which is the solar magickal square(The Sun) and also a number of >>> Man <<< not Satan. Belief in Christ can also be seen as magical thinking. It is funny how people call others magical thinkers but believe in Christ. ?
(1) https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&ved=2ahUKEwio1oXW7_rpAhWfTBUIHSGxBNkQFjAAegQIAxAB&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.lucistrust.org%2Farcane_school%2Ftalks_and_articles%2Fconcerning_the_ageless_wisdom_writings_on_the_jewish_people&usg=AOvVaw3DdCGOfJt4EYEYEww0R4Bv
(Mod. Note: I’m leaving this disgusting troll’s comment up, for you to “enjoy”. Enough said.)
You have no fucking idea how happy I am at the thought of the tapeworm-riddled writers and commenters on this site (esp. Not-Dr. Joyce; we all know how you “earned” your PhD Andy, you can sell off the knee pads you needed to get it done) having to deal head-on with being avowed racists in a hyper-reactionary world. I can’t wait to watch you scream in pain. It’s going to be FUN!
Once you read Kerry Bolton’s book The Psychotic Left you begin to understand just how depraved some of these individuals are. They positively gloat over causing pain to people that they know are fully innocent; people who’s only crime was to offer a modicum of intellectual resistance.
Note the preoccupation with excrement: “…tapeworm-riddled writers and commenters.” That’s a leftist thing.
It’s been observed before that an obsession with obscenity, pornography, violence and scatology is a characteristic typical of Jews.
Odd that you should mention tapeworms because their larval cysts can lodge in the brain causing seizures that interrupt the neurological connections to the fingertips, prompt irrational emotional outbursts, disrupt the ability to perform complex digital exercises such as typing and result in demented contributions to websites offering a platform to people willing to discuss sensibly opinions that are officially disapproved because they are considered politically incorrect.
The larval cysts develop from tapeworm eggs that are ingested after contact with infected faecal matter. You do wash your hands after going to the toilet, don’t you?
Oh Benny-boy, is that the best you can do?
Sadly, due to the demise in our academic institutions, I personally know several PhDs in my own generation who are not the sharpest tools in the shed (I’m in my 50s).
Dr. Andrew Joyce, on the other hand, has proved his scholarship through countless intellectually searing articles, here and elsewhere. He is possibly the most insightful commentator/analyst of his generation.
I could give a rat’s ass about who conferred his PhD on him. He has earned my esteem and respect many times over.
Plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose (eng. The more things change the more they stay the same)
Georg Ratzinger – Jewish Commerce
In his book, Jüdisches Erwerbsleben, Georg Ratzinger, Pope Benedict XVI’s great uncle, wrote: “Jewish commerce can be characterized by two manifestations:
1) it is based on the exploitation of the work of others without any productive activity of its own.
2) it is characterized by gambling and speculation on the differential in values as the way to achieve riches.”
Rat-zinger left out the actual source of jewish financial power- the international monetary system, which creates “money” out of nothing [ex nihilo] and then charges interest on this nothingness.
‘Bloomberg found only a handful of current BlackRock executives who came out of the George W. Bush administration, but more than a dozen Barack Obama alumni.’
All Jews?
Have been watching 97% owned again (A film on YT) quite Ben Vs, George Ratzingers 1st comment. Very much in the spirit of this essay. Loans from banks that favour the housing market and not productive business. Kind of 2008.
Worth a look. most probably already know, but it can be good to remind and reaffirm why I/we (I shall only speak for myself) see things we do. There are so many conflicting views that it is good to be reminded. It is only my suspicious nature that makes it difficult to allow myself to trust anything that anybody says–x1000 since the Internet.
The press here in the UK are showing clips of police beating ”Protesters” but not ”protesters” beating innocents, goaded on by traitorous whites. Also, I saw a BLM ask a white woman(Freely without a threat of mob) to get on her knees and beg forgiveness for ”white privilege” and say a few words! she said I cannot think of what to say from her position on her knees. I was speechless. What happened here in the UK after the Police shot Gunman Mark Duggan was similar but without the sheer violence. I was talking to a neighbour for the first time in 3 months. I remember him at the time of our riots, he was scared. Now though he was talking the”we are really bad and the blacks are really nice” line.
A group of 5 18teenish black guys on bikes came past, He tensed up, an unconscious act, I have seen it so many times; people crossing the road to avoid groups of blacks. People are so afraid to say what they feel. It is like 1984 or the Khmer rouge. It is strange to me.
If Mr. Publius has evidence that the Central Park birdwatcher was not a birdwatcher, why doesn’t he share it with us?
“Black Birdwatchers” are really a thing. Just recently, in a curious coincidence, Vanity Fair has been lavishing public and literary recognition upon another member of this highly specialized , and, apparently, frequently victimized, fraternity. In this case, the black birdwatcher is a wildlife ecologist/poet from Clemson University. Like Christian Cooper in Central Park, he carries a very big racial chip on his shoulder when wandering in the wild:
Bob, I think you are missing the point about the incident in Central Park. I was really pleased John Q. Publius brought it up, because I found the story completely perplexing.
I wasn’t there to witness the altercation between the black man and the white woman, so I have no idea what actually went down. To me the real story is this: why did a juvenile disagreement between two people using Central Park morph into an international news story? At best, it merited a few words in some local NY rag.
But since my husband and I regularly keep tabs on news in both Australia and Canada, we were amazed to see the story instantly and simultaneously trumpeted across headlines in both countries.
If you can’t smell a rat, you’re not paying attention.
I saw Brenton Tarrant, a rather thin BT had pleaded Guilty to 51 counts. I will give the link. I was distracted by Cov19. some quotes stuck out. I am neither for or against the article, but let us see. here are the quotes plus my insertions.
“They are all young white men, who see their dominance – characterised as ‘European identity’ – as facing a threat so existential that peaceful democratic solutions are seen as either hopeless or part of the problem”
“They are all young ”Black” men, who see their dominance – characterised as ‘black’ identity’ – as facing a threat so existential that peaceful democratic solutions are seen as either hopeless or part of the problem”
“Violence, chiefly indiscriminate and shocking, violence designed to spur polarisation and retaliation, is seen as the only solution”
One is seen as terrorism and one as a legit protest.”[my line]
When will The Occidental Observer writers write a piece on the Christchurch Shootings, not from the point of view of the left, but from the Viewpoint of Brenton Tarrant?
Maybe it is too complex and also dangerous, but people deserve an explanation or at least a discussion and I do not posess the literary skills to do it.
Ladies and Gentlemen, Brian Levin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/brian-levin-02187a42