The Siege on Christmas: A Time-Honored Kosher Tradition
If there’s one American tradition that’s lasted well over one century, it is the persistent, serious, subtle, highly organized, and even insidious attack on Christmas. As we read the Brooklyn Daily Eagle newspaper archives from 1907, we discover a full page devoted to this subject, and an article titled “Church Mass Meeting Wants Christmas Songs”, which frames a reactionary measure by the Christian community to defend the singing of Christmas songs in the public schools. When we read characterization of the meeting as “radical anti-Semitic addresses [by two of the reverends]…which betokened discomfort and dissent”, it is not surprising that this paragraph ends, “This feeling was finally voiced by Dr. Cadman, who admonished the speakers that the meeting was not intended as an attack on the Jews”. For it was Jews in the spotlight of school boards, engaged on a mission to enforce separation of church and state. We invite the reader to enter a time capsule, and discover the controversy here:
Even as late as 1907, this particular Brooklyn community considered themselves culturally a Christian nation, where the Christian religion and lessons of Christ grounded their people with wholesome morals and values. They would soon find that their First Amendment would be their Achilles’ heel, a tool for Jews to perform Nikkur (deveining performed in kosher slaughter) on all matters Christmas-related in the public institutions and square.1
Indulge our perceptive curiosity: We do not easily find leaders from the Hindu community raising a stink. With all the U.S. propaganda that China is an imminent threat, we do not hear ferocious calls from the Taoist or Buddhist community challenging the festivities of the winter season. And even after the 9/11 attack on our homeland, we do not detect loud reverberating echoes of Muslims denouncing the last vestiges of Christian culture that may still be present. Instead, the relentless siege appears almost exclusively a “kosher affair,” and when the activists are atheists or agnostics, often they too are ethnically Jewish. In fact, we must conclude that the predominance of Jews challenging Christmas in the American media correlates to a time honored tradition that is probably part of their greater service to humanity, Tikkun Olam, repairing the world. The rumblings within the public Boards of Education in 1907 have graduated to the cultural acceptance of mainstream comedy hammering away, like the 2005 standup act by Sarah Silverman stating that “I hope the Jews did kill Christ! I’d [expletive] do it again in a second!,” to HBO’s reprehensible desecration of Christmas found in the heavily Jewish production “Santa Inc.,” a cartoon TV series that undoubtedly will corrupt some children along the way. We are witnessing today the “progress” that Rev. Allan Douglas Carille and Rev. James M. Farrar feared most. Can you blame them?
But an interesting development paralleled this siege on Christmas. You see, there was no such thing as mass kosher certification in 1907, and there was no circled “U” kosher seal (Hebrew: “hekhsher”) stamping the products of most everything purchased for sustenance. There were “blue laws” restricting commercial activities on Sundays, making it a day of rest, and making it pretty damn difficult to buy goods or services on that day. That was a Christian thing. But one hundred and fourteen years later we find ubiquitous kosher seals in our marketplace and everything and anything open for business on Sunday, with the exception of Chick-Fil-A.2 For anyone familiar with old, culturally Christian America, this swap signifies quite an impressive display of power, influence and change.
Other developments with predominantly Jewish influence included the motion picture industry, television, advertising, consumerism, sports, entertainment, gambling, “civil rights,” “social justice,” and even legalized pornography. The train had left the station while taking in mass immigration, and it wasn’t long before easy divorce, even easier abortions, drug-infested youths, organized crime, Sackler-family-aided opioid destruction, and total war would affect our families and transform our nation further. It’s as if the software to our Christian culture had been hacked. America was hijacked!
We’ve previously highlighted “The Double Standards of Kosher” that prevail in the labels and certification seals found on our packaged food at “secular” supermarkets vis-à-vis the typical kosher markets.3 Kosher certification is so dominant that our supermarkets may as well be renamed koshermarkets. We’ve also posted social media challenges to the ongoing use of tax payer dollars funding kosher (and halal) programs in the public schools, ironically in the same city where purging Christmas began in 1907.
In fact, we challenge any American parent out there to produce a milk carton from a public school that IS NOT under rabbinical control, NOT bearing a kosher seal! And so it is becoming blatantly clear that double standards and hypocrisy are not things that the Jewish community are concerned about. We have found that when we have ironclad examples that “embarrass,” the trolls simply go away, and they employ censorship or silent treatment to maintain the status quo and quash our awareness efforts. Any Christian constituency looking for fair treatment should themselves reflect that even in this old newspaper article it was mentioned that the Christians were greatly divided. That is the score: a disunited Majority against a persistent Minority. Today, all we can do is document our grievance. So let this essay be a lesson for our collective future.
Winter Solstice
Winter Solstice has bequeathed a warm and cozy feeling to the cultural heritage of Europeans, complete with all the Yuletide spirit that celebrated the return of the sun in pagan traditions. Evergreen boughs reminded the ancient Europeans of everlasting life, or of all the green plants that would flourish in the summer. The transition to a Christian Europe would keep intact these early cultural practices in December. Yuletide festivities would not only remain, but even grow. Evergreen trees would soon be brought into the homes, and those who claim Europe as their ancestral homeland probably consider these traditions the most cherished of all. The majority of Americans fall into this group, and one man from Maine found inspiration from this winter décor.
“When Merrill Worcester, a wreath-maker from Maine, started a tradition of placing thousands of wreaths on veterans’ headstones in Arlington National Cemetery nearly 30 years ago, he couldn’t have known that out of his sense of honor and duty this mission would be born”, starts Karen Worcester, Executive Director of Wreaths Across America (WAA), as she welcomes new supporters and thanks them for taking interest in her organization. For in all the verbiage explaining the details of WAA, there is no hint of a religious association.
Instead, we see the following:
The Siege Continues: Christian Gang Signs
With all the preceding as a background, it should be no surprise that we come across one Michael “Mikey” Weinstein, President of the Military Religious Freedom Foundation (MRFF), featured on a Fox News story dated December 14, 2021: “Religious Freedom Groups Says Wreaths Across America Violating Veteran Religious Liberties.” Mr. Weinstein, “a Jewish agnostic who prays three times a day in Hebrew,”4 is an Air Force Academy graduate and former JAG attorney who has been very active taking on cases that enforce the separation of church and state within the military. While his Senior Research Director at MRFF and Contributor to HuffPost, Chris Rodda, exclaims that their organization is not conducting a “war on Christmas,”5 a perusal of his major cases appear to involve Christians.
From the Fox News story, Mr. Weinstein: “Fine if you want your wreath, but then you make sure that you’ve either requested one from Wreaths Across America or that…Wreaths Across America has had express or explicit approval to do it. We’re not saying you can’t, but you cannot blanket it like that! That’s like carpet bombing! And to many of us that are not Christians and our clients, you know we don’t look for this ourselves, that looks like a Christian gang sign…that you’re creating territory, that is a Christian territory.”
Mr. Weinstein continues:
“Our view is that if you want to put a wreath on veteran’s grave, that’s fine. But then you must first request that, or you make sure that (in this case) Wreaths Across America has absolute empirical and express approval to do so.”
Karen Worcester, Executive Director of WAA (2018 reportable compensation for her 40 hours per week: $0) defends her mission in this Fox News story: “You have to be respectful for other people’s culture…and come together and teach our children. Our children are watching us. It’s important to teach with respect and that’s part of our mission: to teach kids to care and to learn the history and heritage.”
And Ms. Worcester continues: “We’ve always had a policy since the first wreaths were laid in 1992 to not place wreaths on the graves with the Star of David to show respect.”
And that’s where Mr. Weinstein is shown insinuating that WAA is nothing but a grift. Ms. Worcester responds: “We have been audited by the IRS several times. We’re up to snuff. We are probably the most transparent organization you’ll ever see!”
So in the course of this video interview on mainstream “conservative” television, we have witnessed the continued siege on Christmas, this time within the military milieu. Wreaths are equated to Christian gang signs. Wreath laying on gravestones is equated to carpet bombing, and a popular national non-profit is hinted as being a less-than-transparent racket of some sorts.
The KosChertified Take
Since 1923, the food, kitchen supply, and detergent industry has been inundated with obscure kosher seals. We counted 635 agencies in the United States alone, and many of them use trademarked certification symbols that are mysterious to most shoppers. Our surveys indicate that maybe as few as ten percent savvy shoppers can even recognize the most popular hekhsher, that of OU Kosher, which certifies over one million items as “fit and proper for Jews”. There may be plenty of lawyers of Weinstein’s ilk ready to defend this pervasive practice despite our consumer research pointing it to a deceptive trade practice, but when we look at how the scheme has pervaded the military commissary, we find ourselves wondering if Mr. Weinstein would call these mysterious symbols Judaic gang signs?
Large wreaths placed on the front of military grave stones are a very transparent activity, allowing MRFF an easy time to analyze which graves have received the seasonal accents, in case there was a mistake. But our Quantitative Study on Kosher Certification revealed that on thirty percent of labeling with kosher seals, the certification was found on the back or sides, not readily apparent to consumers. Since the military commissary sells mostly mainstream brands, we would expect the same results there. Transparency was the primary focus of our research, and we doubt that many young recruits can spot kosher seals found where they least expect one, such as inedible detergents, or without the use of a magnifying glass! Yes, we have shown that the hekhshers found on package labels sharing other certification seals (e.g. NON-GMO, Gluten-Free, Good Housekeeping, etc.) average just ten percent the measurable seal area of the others.
We have surveyed several large sections of packaged food found at the commissaries, and too many were 100% kosher-certified! Take for instance the dry pasta section, where we found the military offering the following: Barilla, Mueller’s, Ancient Harvest, Ronzoni, and Freedom’s Choice. Given that each and every brand listed was under rabbinical control and supervision, the only choices for the service member or their family would be kosher certified or certified kosher! This is hardly a choice that reflects freedom of religion in a government operation that is not supposed to show bias towards any one religion, in this case Judaism. It is especially surprising that the Freedom’s Choice brand, a Defense Commissary Agency product, would not be neutral to religious oversight of food, as kosher certification submits to the Torah and Talmud, granting rabbis the ultimate say over ingredients, sourcing, and production methods…even the machinery lubrication!
The same religious bias was found in canned vegetables at the commissary, a product that would likely be considered a common or essential purchase for many consumers. And when we examined the kosher seal on the government agency’s Freedom’s Choice (all certified by OU Kosher), what did we find? Suspiciously low symbol transparency! Can they print that hekhsher with any fainter ink? We would ask Mr. Weinstein if MRFF considered this an unfair scheme for our soldiers and sailors to decipher? It appears that rejecting indirect contributions to Jewish programs and inconspicuous strange markings is not practical, or even feasible on a military base.
Now we get to the juicy part where we know MRFF will jump in with patriotic fervor to bring justice. Yes, we know that the manufacturers are complicit in hiring these kosher agencies for their religious services, and so this would equate to Mr. Weinstein insisting that WAA receive “express or explicit approval to do it.” But the difference we make is with the end user: Wreath laying is extremely transparent, deceased soldiers can’t check a box on a Terms of Service, and finding their living family members may prove impossible. Meanwhile, the existing kosher scheme keeps commissary consumers unaware of the religious stranglehold over their purchases. And where does all that kosher revenue flow? We just don’t know for sure because the IRS grants exemptions for disclosing the accounting numbers for such religious organizations. We may never know how much the directors at OU Kosher earn in this current system, but we’ll presume it’s not as high as Mr. Weinstein’s 2018 compensation at MRFF: $368,393. This president, putting in 105 hours per week (i.e., 15 hours per day, seven days per week) is one hard working guy! With type “A” motivation like that, we are sure he will help our cause to bring true separation of church and state when it is revealed that OU Kosher’s umbrella group, the Orthodox Union of Jewish Congregations, was resolutely supporting the most damaging spy our nation has convicted in recent times!
We must wonder how our military service members would feel if they knew that government commissary agencies were wholeheartedly patronizing non-profits that support those that subverted our nation? And if they are staunch advocates of convicted spies, are they currently supporting spies that haven’t been caught yet?
We would be curious if Mr. Weinstein, growing up in a Jewish family, was always well aware of how pervasive kosher certification had become in the general supermarket? And while Gentile or Christian Americans, regular citizens or military personnel have much of this phenomena concealed from easy noticing, the same industry in Israel has fallen under great scrutiny for its high levels of corruption.6 Can we assume the same is happening on U.S. soil?
In our opinion, religious freedom begins with the living, not the dead! While MRFF can arouse mainstream media to give them a platform to chip away at Christmas amidst cemeteries and wreaths, we have brought to light important religious freedom issues that affect our currently serving troops and veterans every day. We agree that countless American Jews might cringe at the thought of a wreath accidentally placed before the gravestone of their deceased war veteran. Similarly, Non-Jews may want their First Amendment freedom to avoid kosher certification for the myriad reasons we’ve listed, and the intrigue of kosher certification serves as a slap in the face to our patriots who may be too naïve, too apolitical, unconcerned, or simply not informed enough to objectively analyze the products that are offered on a military base. They deserve a choice of products that are religiously neutral. Lastly, rabbis have been collecting great sums of money for these kosher certification services for nearly one century, and we are long overdue to witness a public audit! Consumers are afforded absolutely zero transparency in the kosher costs and money flow, and so calling this underhanded enterprise “the ultimate grift” would not be beyond the pale. Wreaths Across America, on the other hand, looks like Mother Teresa and her Missionaries of Charity in comparison! We applaud their benevolent volunteerism and beautifying of our military cemeteries.
Mr. Weinstein continues his people’s time-honored tradition, one that began no later than 1907, and Christmas is further eroded by means of pilpul, losing its authentic meaning while the season sheds more of its evergreen needles and European ties to nature. We invite the Military Religious Freedom Foundation to take up our case with government authorities, helping defend our military troops against the carpet bombing by kosher seals (and yes, you can quote us on that). But as a modicum of compromise, perhaps MRFF can force the military to issue, along with their rifle, one Kosher Supervision Guide and the KosChertified? App for every enlistment. Anything otherwise might be tacit approval of Kosher Supremacy, ceding every military base to Judaic rule, creating ever more Jewish territory.
1Nikkur: The procedure contained within the Jewish practice of Shechita of removing the major blood vessels, nerves, and forbidden fats from a kosher-slaughtered animal. In Yiddish, this process is called “treibering”. The basis for this practice is found in Leviticus 7:23, and it is usually performed by the Shochet. Due to the particularism of Jewish law, “Only about 30 percent of slaughtered animals can be used for kosher distribution.” (Source:
Rent seeking. No?
Hello! Just another blow against northwestern European traditions being used against us. This country America was created by Europeans. The Constitution was written by white men of European heritage. Our Freedoms and God given Rights are being wrestled away from us. Our words and laws are being twisted and made to sound perverted. Just this last year the PPP stimulus give away and lost a 100 billion tax payer dollars. Trump said Americas pockets being picked. The Kosher tribe sits in the highest echelons of power in the USA. They have amassed fortunes in the U.S.A. They also are the blueprint for how other non white, non Christian aggrieved Groups can make a play on the U.S.A.’s treasury and culture. We are allowing it to happen by not pushing back. The German people are a good example of what happens when the Kosher tribe gets to narrate the narrative. You will lose your spirit, you’ll be made to pay and pay forever you will be be brought down and polluted. The Kosher tribe is 3% the African tribes are 13% in this USA. They over represented in this country in ever way.
” The German people are a good example of what happens when the Kosher tribe gets to narrate the narrative.”
Likewise ,
” The [ American ] people are a good example of what happens when the Kosher tribe ”
initiates a subversive assault with intent to conquer and attain dominion over a conglomeration of Christian sheeple-herd cultures ( known as The USA ) which sit on a stack of more than 400 million guns on top of more than one Trillion rounds of ammunition and yet seem to be totally incapable of adequately organizing themselves and utilizing the persuasive power of their armaments to put an end to governmental tyranny and criminality per the 1776 “Declaration of Independence” in conjunction with a long list of historicly documented systematic abuses of power
( as an inevitable result of unrestrained governmental corruptions and some other egregious factors ) .
Trump said Americans pockets were being picked and he was the biggest picker! Think about how much the American taxpayer paid him directly everytime he went to Mar a Lago. He was charging the secret service for rooms upward of $500/night . And that’s just one of his properties he was grifting from! Look at the millions given to son in law Kushner by the Qatari govt to curry favor with the Trump admin. The 17 fast-tracked trademarks Ivanka received from China! The whole if $750 dollars that Trump paid in federal taxes in 2016 and 2017! The millions he collected from Foreign Governments at his DC hotel! In violation of the emoluments clause. You know, the one in that same document you refer to white men drawing up – the US Constitution! Yeah, that one! Trump is the only President that did the “bring-your-kids-to-work” thing and they never left! Ivanka and Jared as Senior advisors to the President of the United States??? Really??? Everyone on this posting would go apoplectic if Biden announced that he was bringing Hunter in as a Senior advisor!!! I’d die laughing watching all of you have siezures!
Trump was the biggest pick pocket in the history of politics in this country!
Your comment about the US constitution being written by white men – I’d say your racism is showing!!! Regarding the “kosher” stamps on US food products – that’s a manufacturer issue. Tell them – they’re the ones making you pay for it! But to conflate kosher labeling with the millions of dollars the Worcester family rakes in from wreaths is a bit of a stretch! If you look at the Worcester Wreath company website, it says, “Wreaths Across America chose us to provide wreaths….” But who runs Wreaths Across America? The same family that owns the Worcester Wreath Company! That’s like saying, “I choose me to provide me wreaths!” I believe their financials show $26 million in revenue last year. You can check it, I may be off, but it’s a lot of money! Pretty tidy sum for the company that sells wreaths to the non-profit they run!!!
Not to mention the issue of putting a Christian symbol on the grave if a non Christian. And not to mention who authorized the laying of any wreaths at military cemeteries and why is the US Govt favoring one particular wreath company?
What freedoms and God given rights have you lost? Let me answer that for you – none, zip, zero, nada! The US military is being turned into a Christian Dominionist Army (at least they’re trying to). I for one don’t give two flips who you pray to. But it shouldn’t be a price of membership in our Armed Forces. Any military leader that pushes a particular religious belief on subordinates isn’t fit to lead!
The scholarly character of this commenter’s critical faculties must be apparent to all readers from the care he takes to achieve balance in his summary of this article’s shortcomings, which he points to with a deep-seated regret notably free of malice.
Take, for instance, Sam Self’s analysis of the egregious failings of Donald Trump. Note the care he takes to confine his critique to the matter of profiteering in a broad, general sense. What restraint, what composure, what self-discipline! Mr. Self might instead have easily drawn attention to the very great harm that came from Trump’s buttering his own bread rather than, say, that of Jewish hoteliers, restaurateurs, and links proprietors. Oy!
I especially appreciate the gentleman’s patience in explaining why I, a Gentile, should feel truly free when every supermarket gives me the choice between buying kosher products or going home empty-handed. I see now that the presence of choice is the guarantor of freedom. How different this freedom is from the constant oppression that Mr. Self and other Jews are forced to bear by their awareness that someone, somewhere, might be putting a wreath on a grave in a cemetery wherein a Jewish corpse’s rest will doubtless be permanently disturbed.
Observe, too, how with his characteristic imperturbability and sangfroid, Self passes over in silence the suffering he and other Jews doubtless experience at the realization that Worcester Wreath and many other Gentile businesses are making money that really ought to be going to them.
Overall, Sam Self has given readers a most instructive look into how a truly impartial Jewish mind looks at the world around it.
Bibi Netanyahu: Once we squeeze all we can out of the United States it can dry up and blow away.
Logically, Weinstein should forthwith fly to Berlin to demand from its Defense Minister their immediate cancellation of their requirement for German soldiers to listen to the unsolicited, mandatory rambling BS by cartoonish rabbis.
The illustrative, objectively-captioned photograph gave me the creeps.
This just in from MERRIAM-WEBSTER via their Word of the Day e-mails to which I formerly subscribed:
Did you know?
In 1966, Maulana Karenga, a Black Studies professor at California State University at Long Beach, created a new holiday patterned after traditional African harvest festivals. He called it Kwanzaa, a name he took from a Swahili term that means “first fruits.” The holiday, which takes place from December 26th to January 1st, was originally intended as a nonreligious celebration of family and social values. Each day of Kwanzaa is dedicated to one of seven principles: unity, self-determination, collective responsibility, cooperative economics, purpose, creativity, and faith.
More on the relationship between Blacks and Jews:
A timely article. The absolute gall of these kosher-pushing hypocrites is mind-blowing.
Given the practically indisputable fact that Christianity is a sheeple-oriented religion of self-enslavement to the kosher jewmasterss , is it reasonable to believe or have the expectation that Christians will ditch their religion and miraculously suddenly coalesce into a revolutionary power that would overthrow the kosher regime and re-establish Chrisitian dominion over the Westernworld ? What would be the point of it other than having an horrificly deadly war in order for a rinse and repeat of Christianity ?
The kosher masters built-up and own the USA Military-Industrial Complex and President Eisenhower famously warned the Christian sheeple about it in his historic 1960 speech . His warning fell on deaf ears . Now Christians are told to believe that JC will soon descend from heaven and gather an army of faithful pitchfork men to defeat the MIC commanded by psychopaths whom would have no reservations about slaughtering those rebellious Christians whom happily and for many decades paid their taxes to fund the MIC war machine commanded by those pyschopaths .
The DoD since ww2 has worked assiduously and spent literally billions of sheeple tax dollars to get military command-and-control obedience down to practically an exact science and will soon have all the autonomous killer robots they need to engage any rebellious Christians . Who is going to bring DoD to court for wrongful death or injury liabilities incurred by any of their deranged killer robots ?
The tyrannical DoD Covid-19 mandatory vaxxes were to demonstrate
the solidarity/( command compliance ) of the MIC Armed Forces . Depopulating the world is serious business where nothing can be left to chance .
Are Jews doing us that service?
Guess it confirms the good sense of “It’s an ill wind that blows no good.”
Let THEM cling to asinine observances. And theirs are becoming more asinine, for instance Hanukkah, inasmuch as it celebrates the Maccabees’ defeat of the Greeks/Macedonians. Western Jewry, predominantly Leftist, has approved homosexuality like it’s manna. In THE JEWISH TELEGRAPHIC AGENCY Facebook page the other day, under an article celebrating homosexual Jews who think themselves as kosher as Manischewitz, I commented:
“How interesting that you’re chucking LEVITICUS 18:22 and finally agreeing with your old enemies the Greeks about homosexuality! How consistent with the spirit of Hanukkah which, rumor has it, commemorates the Maccabees’ victory over the Greeks, who’d been promoting unJudaic values among Hebrews….”
Why aren’t ALL self-professed Euro Nationalists alienated from cultural chaff originating in THAT part of the world?!–christianity
Have the Canadian family courts also legally fallen victim to Judaism? The latest…Dec 21, 2021 Canadian divorce courts come down hard on anti-vaccine parents who deny COVID-19 pandemic – Windsor Star, Oct 22, 2021 Judge bans Ottawa mother from advising son against COVID-19 vaccine – Ottawa Citizen…Then also turning the once traditional family unit into a legally subverted for Judaic business?…The legal definition of a partnership is generally stated as “an association of two or more persons to carry on as co-owners a business for profit – The FreeDictionary By Farlex, Preamble Whereas it is desirable to encourage and strengthen the role of the family; and whereas for that purpose it is necessary to recognize the equal position of spouses as individuals within marriage and to recognize marriage as a form of partnership; and whereas in support of such recognition it is necessary to provide in law for the orderly and equitable settlement of the affairs of the spouses upon the breakdown of the partnership, and to provide for other mutual obligations in family relationships, including the equitable sharing by parents of responsibility for their children – Ontario [Canada] Family Law Act 1990…Isn’t Canada a Constitutional Monarch and not a democracy? What role, if any, has democracy also played in all this?…U.S. Government Lays Groundwork for Talmudic Courts “Our” government under Presidents Reagan, Bush and Clinton, has provided, under the euphemism of education (for example, House Joint Resolution 173 and Public Law 102-14), a groundwork for the establishment of Talmudic “courts of justice” to be administered by disciples of Shneur Zalman’s Chabad successor, Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson. It is through the rapid emergence of this ostensibly secular but all-pervasive “Holocaustianity” — whereby the religion of Judaism is gaining enormous power and influence as mankind’s supreme ethos and the creed of God’s Holy People. Anonymous Coward Australia 05/01/2011 01:47 PM – Godlike Productions []…And does the as above referenced Judaic rule through Kosher Supervision also support the breaking-up of the Western family unit?…For the Communist Revolution to succeed in America it is essential to shift the jurisprudence from a Constitutional jurisprudence to a Talmudic jurisprudence. August 5, 2010 Senate Confirms 2nd Jewish Lesbian to Court. by Henry Makow Ph.D []…Could, or has it legally already taken place, all Western legal jurisprudence be transferred to the Supreme Court of Israel?…”He that regardeth reproof is prudent.” (Pro 15:5) “Correction is grievous unto him that forsaketh the way.” (Pro 15:10) I pray that you come into the truth, Brother, and forsake Judaism and religion altogether, “For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ” ( Rom 1:16). Lucifer god of Judaism? Reply to Jewish Scholar April 9, 2010 [].
Whether we like it or not, a breakdown in home-life will eventually lead to a breakdown everywhere. This is, surely, the most menacing and dangerous aspect of the state of society at this present time. Once the family idea, the family unit, the family life is broken up – once that goes, soon you will have no other allegiance. – Martyn
Agreement and appreciation.
Coercion by jewish religion, to force upon the entire country payments by probably over 98% of the purchasing public, to pay for a religious practice not of their own.
The country was founded on a principle of religious freedom. That is, freedom of religion as well as freedom from religion, forced upon the populace. This is a form of religion forced upon the population.
If the purchasing public had a choice to pay less for a product by way of not paying any, any whatsoever increase due to the rabbinical fee assessed by this religion’s practice, then certainly they would.
Where is the freedom from a forced-upon religious practice?
This website’s valiant contributors have done a yeoman’s job in explaining the Jewish antipathy to Christian festivals.
Was it Dr. Edmund Connelly who patiently explained to us the Hollywood musical showbiz transmogrification from Easter’s original Christian message of blood and sacrifice to a Jew – friendly . no pain considered, Easter Bunny ?
Sometimes one’s academic online heroes become conflated.
Al: Apropos Ed Connelly, Peter Cottontail, and your comment, here is Philip Roth, from his book Operation Shylock, on the “genius” of Irving Berlin:
I should have searched a little longer before I posted the Roth excerpt because I found a fuller, more revealing excerpt, sans ellipsis points, in an issue of Counter-Currents from August 2011:
Mea culpa.