Here Are the Nutcases Who Believe in “Replacement”
The “Great Replacement Theory” (GRT) has taken the media by storm! It seems that the White racist who shot up a grocery store full of Black people last weekend cited GRT in his 180-page “manifesto.”
First of all, journalists need to understand that GRT is only a theory taught in advanced law school seminars. It is not something designed for indoctrination of mass audiences of young people.
So what is GRT? The New York Times describes it thus:
“[T]he notion that Western elites, sometimes manipulated by Jews, want to ‘replace’ and disempower white Americans.” (You want a conspiracy theory about a secretive cabal of Jews? Check out the Times’ series of articles on “neoconservatives” back in the early 2000s.)
But then — just as every argument about abortion suddenly becomes an argument about contraception — a few paragraphs later, the crackpot theory jumps from a Jewish cabal replacing whites with blacks … to the idea that Democrats are using immigration “for electoral gains.”
Wow, that is nuts! Where’d anybody get that idea?
Oh yeah — from liberals.
Here’s Democratic consultant Patrick Reddy in 1998:
“The 1965 Immigration Reform Act promoted by President Kennedy, drafted by Attorney General Robert Kennedy, and pushed through the Senate by Ted Kennedy has resulted in a wave of immigration from the Third World that should shift the nation in a more liberal direction within a generation. It will go down as the Kennedy family’s greatest gift to the Democratic Party.”
(Well, sure, if you want to totally overlook skirt-chasing and pill-popping.)
Then in 2002, Democrats Ruy Teixeira and John Judis wrote “The Emerging Democratic Majority,” arguing that demographic changes, mostly by immigration, were putting Democrats on a glide path to an insuperable majority. After Obama’s reelection in 2012, Teixeira crowed in The Atlantic (which was then a magazine that people read, as opposed to a billionaire widow’s charity) that “ten years farther down this road,” Obama lost the white vote outright, but won the election with the minority vote — African-Americans (93-6), Hispanics (71-27) and Asian-Americans (73-26).
A year later, the National Journal’s Ron Brownstein began touting the “Coalition of the Ascendant,” gloating that Democrats didn’t need blue-collar whites anymore. Woo hoo! Obama “lost more than three-fifths of noncollege whites and whites older than 45.” But who cares? He crushed with “minorities (a combined 80%).”
“Adios, Reagan Democrats,” he says gleefully.
Democratic pollster Stanley Greenberg’s 2019 book, “RIP GOP,” explains the coming death of the Republican Party as a result of … sucking up to Wall Street? Pushing pointless wars? Endlessly cutting taxes? NO! The GOP’s demise would come from the fact that “our country is hurtling toward a New America that is ever more racially and culturally diverse … more immigrant and foreign born.”
And these were the genteel, nonthreatening descriptions of how immigration was consigning White voters to the Aztec graveyard of history.
On MSNBC, they’re constantly sneering about “old white men” and celebrating the “browning of America.” A group called Battleground Texas boasts about flipping that deep red state to the Democrats — simply by getting more Hispanics to vote. Blogs are giddily titled, “The Irrelevant South” (“the traditional white South — socially and economically conservative — is no longer relevant in national politics”). MSNBC’s Joy Ann Reid tweets that she is “giddy” watching “all the bitter old white guys” as Ketanji Brown Jackson “makes history.”
This week, the media’s leading expert on the crazies who believe in replacement theory is Tim Wise, popping up on both MSNBC and CNN to psychoanalyze the White “racists.” He’s been quoted, cited or praised dozens of times in The New York Times. This isn’t some fringe character, despite appearances.
In 2010, Wise wrote an “Open Letter to the White Right” that began:
“For all y’all rich folks, enjoy that champagne, or whatever fancy ass Scotch you drink.
“And for y’all a bit lower on the economic scale, enjoy your Pabst Blue Ribbon, or whatever shitty ass beer you favor …
“Because your time is limited.
“Real damned limited.”
Guess why! Wise explained:
“It is math.”
Wait, isn’t math racist? But moving on …
“Because you’re on the endangered list.
“And unlike, say, the bald eagle or some exotic species of muskrat, you are not worth saving.
“In 40 years or so, maybe fewer, there won’t be any more white people around who actually remember that Leave It to Beaver …”
Have you ever noticed how obsessed liberals are with “Leave It to Beaver”?
“It’s OK. Because in about 40 years, half the country will be black or brown. And there is nothing you can do about it.
“Nothing, Senor Tancredo.”
After several more paragraphs of mocking White people, Wise ended with this stirring conclusion:
“We just have to be patient.
“And wait for you to pass into that good night, first politically, and then, well …
“Do you hear it?
“The sound of your empire dying? Your nation, as you knew it, ending, permanently?
“Because I do, and the sound of its demise is beautiful.”
To Wise, the best way to kill the antisemitic trope of Jewish elites waging war against whites is to be a Jewish elite waging war against Whites.
I don’t know about the Jewish cabal version of GRT, but as for liberals using immigration to bring in more Democratic voters, as Maya Angelou said, “When people show you who they are, believe them.”
Speaking of theories involving Jewish cabals …
The New York Times on neoconservatives, Aug. 4, 2003:
“For the past few weeks, U.S. President George W. Bush has been surrounded by a secretive circle of advisers and public relations experts, giving rise to all kinds of conspiracy theories and debates. It’s been said that the group’s idol is German Jewish philosopher Leo Strauss.”
1130 Walnut St., Kansas City, MO 64106; 816-581-7500
This is the best article by Coulter I have seen lately. And it’s not hard to read between the lines on the outsized role of Jews, including Tim Wise and others. “To Wise, the best way to kill the antisemitic trope of Jewish elites waging war against whites is to be a Jewish elite waging war against whites.” And this: “Have you ever noticed how obsessed liberals are with “Leave It to Beaver”?” Coulter is doubtless well aware that the 1950s represented the last gasp of traditional American culture.
Yes, honest stuff and just enough deniability to get away with thee truth. When someone says they are trying to erase you it is a good idea to listen.
They are obsessed with Leave It To Beaver because its purity rankles them. All they have to offer the world is perversion, usury and war. Along with their great crime of deicide which they spend their lives in flight from the responsibility for. The enemies of all mankind as St Paul said and haters of mankind in the words of the Romans.
We r being invaded; when r we going to close our borders & repatriate ALL of non-Europeans?
I don’t recall reading in Culture of Critique Chapter 7 of the role the Kennedys played in the 1965 Hart-Celler Act. I do remember reading of the role of Jews.
Telling the truth vis-à-vis the Hart-Celler Act is a bridge too far for Ann Coulter—and not, might I add, for her alone. She knows as well as you, KM, and I do that the Kennedys, Teddy especially, served solely as front men for the act’s passage. It simply wouldn’t do to have people “pointant du doigt les Juifs.”
To be fair, in the present instance an apologist for Coulter might point out that she is merely quoting someone (i.e., Patrick Reddy) whose words lend support to her thesis that the Great Replacement has a pedigree extending more than sixty years into the past. Still, her willingness to hold her tongue while someone else misrepresents the truth, at least when the misrepresentation suits her purpose, is not the sort of thing a scrupulous man would deem admirable.
“[T]he notion that Western elites, sometimes manipulated by Jews, want to ‘replace’ and disempower white Americans.”
The NYT is wrong. Western elites, primarily Jews want to replace and disempower the citizens of every white country.
True, and the old trope of many Jews being nation wreckers is true. Incidentally, I’m half Jewish and the ADL can go f___ themselves.
Many? I would say all. Even jews who think they are “helping” are still jews,and your inclination is to insert weird subversive jewish thing into topics that have nothing to do with the weird subversive jewish thing you are promoting.
Not only do ethnic Europeans have to worry about the international parasite, but they also have to be weary of its own national, treasonous reptiles.
Ann Coulter’s solution to all that is ails is of course: “Vote more harder, goyim. Vote Republican. Trump betrayed us last time. In 2024 we can vote for DeSantis. He won’t betray us, trust me goyim. We got Roe overturned. There will be tons of newly arriving black babies to adopt. Keep watching Tucker and make sure to buy his books. Never for a moment contemplate Red State secession. Always remember, ZOG loves you.”
Hmm, I think I smell a rat.
And, as vocal and occasionally courageous as Ann Coulter has been in her fairly frequent, yet not 100 percent implicit, defense of White Americans – it should be noted that this very beautiful and desirable specimen of White European female – has never gotten married to a White man and has never chosen to have any White children. She has, however, compiled a history of relationships with men who were either jewish or non-white men like Dinesh D’Souza. And there are the rumors that have followed her around that she has been in relationships with a few black men.
Laura Ingraham has also been hooked up with Dinesh D’Souza, from what I have read about her, and she has adopted a one or two non-white children.
There is no daylight between ZOG and their controlled opposition. They are constructed of the same material. Nothing but degenerate, trash clowns who have no right of fellowship with decent people. It is good that they have already picked their side, that way the Red State Commandos of the future will not have to pick it for them.
Those of you who do not believe we can beat these bastards are the deluded ones, not I. You have nothing to lose but womanly cowardice and everything to gain in terms of everlasting glory.
The late Harold Covington once said something to the effect of: “ZOG wants to turn your sons into slaves and your daughters in whores for niggers.” ZOG’s controlled opposition accept this state of affairs willingly and cheerfully. But will you, Nordic Protestants, whose souls have not already been consigned to the flames, accept it?
There is only one appropriate message to be delivered: “Come out ye’ ZOGling fags, and fight me like a man. You’ll never conquer Red State with your army!”
This is the best site on the Internet, you never know what you’re going to get.
One minute your contemplating washed-up Conservative Inc.ers, at long last tepidly pawing the 100 ton small-hatted elephant in the room, the next it’s pure cattish gossip. And all without missing a beat.
Brilliant. High brow intellectualism at it’s finest.
Pam Bondi looks a lot better than Ann, and she doesn’t have kids.
How did Trump betray you, exactly?
A most excellent read ! Spread this far and wide.!
Great to see Ann finally naming them, more of this please!
I agree that it’s a very good piece by Ann Coulter. To read the acidic hate from Wise is absolutely disgusting. The idea that Whites enjoying demographic superiority inside the nations that they themselves founded is somehow an evil thing just blows my mind. Especially considering that we’re the ONLY people not allowed the right. These people are envious, point blank. Envy is at the root of their hate. Multiculturalism MUST be halted and scrapped. At some point we are going to be FORCED into finding some way to separate ourselves from those who have made it their mission to see us dead and gone. It’s as simple as that. White replacement is real, it’s happening, they GLOAT over it even as they gaslight us that we’re “crazy”, and they CONTINUE to grease the skids of the machine by which it’s happening. There’s NO DOUBT in my mind that we’re in a very real and urgent GENOCIDE against our people.
Laura Ingraham has adopted children from Latin America. Pat Buchanan was on her show in recent years and cooingly congratulated Ingraham on her conversion to Catholicism.
Tucker Carlson once requested that Hunter Biden write a letter of recommendation hoping to grease the skids for his son’s acceptance in Goeorgetown.
Ron Unz willingly stipulates just about everything WN has ever asserted regarding the Jewish Question. And what next from him? We should just get on with the business of racially mixing with Latinos and Chinamen, because hey, at least they are not negroes. Nothing to see here goyim, move along. Place all your hopes in Russia. The very best you will ever get from Coulter is a regurgitation of what Unz already gives you.
Are any of you getting the picture yet? These people are all part of the same club. They are controlled opposition, a pressure release valve, on ZOG’s payroll in one way or another, every last one of them.
I have laid out a clear strategy for racial salvation that begins with promoting Red State secession. The thought is father to the deed. We do not have friends in high places who will do the work for us and we never will. If we do not take this in our own hands our people will perish from the earth. It is up to us.
In August 42, Churchill the shill, called the evacuation off Dieppe a VICTORY. In reality it was a premature attempt to start a second/western front to assuage Stalin.
Officially billed as a necessary attempt to gather expertise for future naval land assaults; as if GB lacked experience. Almost 1000 expendable, colonial Canadians, mostly from rural/voiceless Saskatchewan died.
You too consider a domestic secession as a VICTORY. Review the film PATTON to be reminded, that ” you win a war by making the other ‘ bastard ‘ give his life for his country ” — or to force THEM to secede !
You tactically omit to mention, that Tucker, Laura, Buchanan – even KM, et al, admit having migrated from a youthful left spectrum.
The elimination of the above, and many other converts, would only hasten our demise. Coulter is dead on with her corroborated article; citing straight from the horses’ mouths.
The plan I propose is perfectly viable and is hardly some noble yet ultimately suicidal rush into certain defeat. It embraces the natural contours of the political divide that is by the day coming into greater relief: Red States vs Blue States.
If sufficient popularity and political will can be cultivated in all or most Red States that means when the time to formally secede comes the police and national guard of those states will ALREADY be on the side of the cause. And what of those men serving in ZOG’s military, would not they cast their loyalty with their home states? If all those White people withdraw their support from ZOG then ZOG will not have any credible means of preventing Red State secession.
How is any of that a losing hand? It sure as shit looks like a winning hand to me. The cold truth of the matter is that my plan could damn well work and there really isn’t any credible argument against it. It just needs to have the life of publicity and activism breathed into it.
Soon it will become apparent that my way is the best way, and if certain personages wish to maintain credibility in the minds of their audiences they will be forced to grant their explicit endorsement to Red State secession.
…” Red State secession “…
is perhaps an indispensable step toward the ultimate goal to establish a WN ethnostate ; that does not require all political territories in it to be contiguous anymore than does the British Commonwealth of territories . The WN ethnostate prospect has oddly practically disappeared from TOO discourse .
I agree, your way is the way. The red states need to separate. The system simply cannot be reformed. People are elected into office promising “change” that never happens. What happens is that the political system alters the people who go into office. The longer they are immersed in the culture of control and governance the more corrupt they become. Something has to give. For example, every house member, (except Thomas Massie), recently voted for a horrible bill that infringes on our God given right to speak freely. This is a government out of control, what else can one do but leave?
More than likely Southern staes would align with Midwestern states. It’s way past time to stop using the 50 star rag flag of the federal tyrants. The northeastern states would align with California Oregon and Washington.
People people !!
Wake up here ! This entire scenario is one big FALSE FLAG shooting concocted by the JEWSMEDIA.
You do realize that the more the JEWSMEDIA bleats about a topic,and provides more than average coverage, only underscores the facts that their entire narrative is 100% fiction.
Referring to any part of this hoax as legitimate only gives validity to the scripted fiction. Remember, Blacks are expendable as long as the propaganda artists can push their agenda. Don’t forget they were expendable in Charleston SC when they pushed the Dylan Roof FALSE FLAG event !
Wake up Occ Obs, don’t parrot JEW fiction for your White readers!
In the year 1900 Whites made up about 25% of the world’s population. Now we comprise about 8%. The math is not difficult.
We Whites need to come together and work as One People. This means making religious, political and philosophical differences of relatively small importance. First and foremost, it is incumbent on White Christians (of which I am one) to educate themselves as to the Biblical mistranslation of ‘Judean’ as ‘Jew’. The two are not the same.
And more importantly, such Christians need to realize that the majority of the world’s Jews, being the Ashkenazim, are not a Semitic people nor did their ancestors ever set foot in ancient Palestine. Biblically speaking they are ‘Gog and Magog’.
For the majority of White Christians, I would say that BS does NOT stand for Bible Study.
Man on the street interviewer stopping random passersby:
“What’s at the root of this Buffalo shooter’s observation of White hedonism, nihilism, individualism– ignorance or apathy?
White man in the street, waving the microphone aside: Outta-my way, I don’t know and I don’t care.
Hat tip to the late Edgar J. Steele who’s audio, “Never trust a Jew” is probably online, here’s Jew Ron Unz
Never trust a jew, Edgar J Steele:
Ed’s magnum opus, the second edition now a free download in about every format you can imagine.
He told me that he recognized from personal experience that Seventh-day Adventists were wannabe Jews but didn’t write about it. Read Lisa Mancini on “Father Absence and Its Effect on Daughters”, the phenomena of even mother-headed households where fathers are only partially, say emotionally absent. More self-aware women tend to look for at least men who had fathers like their fathers even if those “fathers” were older brothers trying to fill-in. If there’s a way for me to upload my copy I’ll do it.
Information Liberation has up a great article about hypocrite Joe “I am a Zionist” Biden calling for replacement a few years ago, and then today condemning the people who advance replacement theory as responsible for these mass shootings. I pointed out that Biden himself is responsible for these mass shootings. So are establishment liberals. So are neoconservatives. Because they’re the corrupt establishment that is most responsible for today’s unfolding disaster.
Bidens family are ALL CRYPTO JEWS…the whole lot of them
His wifes surname is JACOB…take a look at his greaseball drug taking son….he is a jew like his billionaire friend Zelenski in Ukraine.
“Do you hear it?
“The sound of your empire dying? Your nation, as you knew it, ending, permanently?
“Because I do, and the sound of its demise is beautiful.”
The way Tim Wise writes I thought he is black but not according to his Wikipedia bio. It says he’s 1/4 Jewish but also says “Wise has said that when he was about 12 years old his synagogue was attacked by white supremacists.” 1/4 Jewish by blood according to them, even though they constantly tell people Jews are not a race, except when they suggest they are. Tim Wise sounds very Jewish. He writes like a black with a chip on his shoulder against whites but he’s a Jew against whites.
I have met a few intelligent blacks. Unfortunately, not enough that they are able to demonstrate they can create a prosperous and peaceful society. Jews like Tim Wise may hate whites but they also like to live good so when the US or any other white country is ruined by their push for multiculturalism, they’ll move to another country were it’s better.
Well, Tim Wise writes with the intention of upsetting the target audience – the white right. Writing in a style reminiscent of African American English is a deliberate choice in his letter to get under the skin of his opponents.
Is he Jewish? I guess, certainly enough to be given the label on a site like this. Is that piece written against whites? Partially. It’s written primarily to disparage white individuals on the right. Something that seems to be omitted from the common reading of Wise’s letter is that it needn’t be the result of malevolence against Whites in general, nor of the malevolence against right-leaning Whites specifically. Pretty much all creatures operate in the pursuit of self preservation – this is true out in the wild as it is in civilization. Tim Wise writes a scathing letter against people that would quite frankly like to see people like him wiped off the face of the earth.
Your eloquence leaves me weeping for Tim Wise’s suffering, Joseph. Can you work up an equally impressive head of steam, I wonder, for the sufferings now being endured by Nina Jankowicz?
Thanks. Enough said.
Don’t weep for Tim Wise’s suffering, he’s writing from the winners perspective. If eloquence isn’t desirable then I’ll write in a dull register more befitting the popular crowd: People that want to live are smarter than people that do not want to live. As for Nina Jankowicz, I honestly don’t find fault in her resignation. The governmental body being created – and that she was suppose to lead – wasn’t particularly compelling to me. If she received death threats for her role in the leadership of such a governmental body, the rational plan of action would obviously be resignation.
The Jew side of my family would never tell me the very abusive things the Jews call the Americans,although they call me a Jew and I call myself a part Jew and call Americans (redacted). By Jews I mean,of course, the East European Glaubenjuden.
At the end of WW2 the Americans, who made a lot of money from the war, were asked to go home, develop the Americas and shut up, by all Europeans except by Glaubenjuden and American stooges. The President the Europeans asked was the shopkeeper not the cripple, according to a member of the French Government, who was a friend of my late brother.
IMHO it will be better for the White People, and others, all over the World if the USA dies.
The USA will always be an enemy of the UK, the rest of Europe, including Russia, and the American Working Class because the USA is dominated by criminals and Glaubenjuden who hate all decent people.
I don’t agree with throwing out the baby with its bath water !!!
Throw the others out, with or without their bath water. Be certain, that I will remind you of your defeatism, AFTER NOVEMBER.
Admit this is a good one by Coulter, but she brags about her preference of ” dark men” for fornication and has not produced any white children, ergo she’s part of the problem.
No-one is perfect, even Ann Coulter. Miscegenation is part of the replacement problem, most notably in the UK where attitudes have switched right round in about 50 years for reasons I do not need to provide here.
As for the self-styled Chosen People (Deut. 7.6), I remember when she startled a TV interviewer of that heritage by saying in effect that Christianity replaced Judaism. Many Jews and some “Christians” think that regarding Jesus as the Messiah, s, is ipso facto “anti-semitic” and supposedly therefore responsible for centuries of hatred and holocaust (quite apart from Judas & Deicide issues).
However, I think it fair to say that some Jews support non-white immigration, but others do NOT. There is a factor of ethnocentrism in each case: the former do not feel comfortable in a Christian nationalist society, and prefer a multicultural dispensation; and the latter do not welcome the immigration of Muslims and indeed others who are not enamoured of Israel. The Jewish “street” is fearful of Black envy and violence, and of Islamist ideology and terror.
To rewrite an old riddle: What happens when the irresistible force of self-righteous paranoia in an influential minority meets the immovable object of self-abnegating guilt in an enfeebled majority? (No contest.)
She ‘brags’ about her preference for black men? Can you provide a link to an article she’s written or a podcast interview she’s done where she has made that boast?
I’ve always gotten the impression that, if the rumors are true, that Coulter makes an effort to be evasive about her coal burning adventures. I did see one video that someone shot of her leaving a party where she seemed to be paired up with a black guy, and she got into his car and they drove off together. That kind of confirmed the rumors in my mind, but as far as seeing her boast about this unhealthy and racially disloyal behavior – I’ve yet to hear or read any of that.
DoesCoulter now that we’re the only audience that gives a hoot about her point of view. She knows about the Jewish Cabal but knows she can’t say it and remain part of the rich class
My plan in all its breadth offers proponents of it layer upon layer of wholesomeness in the presentation and plausible deniability. No one will get thrown in the gulag. No one’s condo or pension will be threatened. Page hits, book sales and donations will not suffer; hell, they will be increased! It will draw in more of the Trumptarded rubes, it will expand the audience. Why? Because you will be giving them something that will appeal to them, that they won’t hear about anywhere else!
All the other stuff, cryptic mumblings about muh Mannerbund, all code-speak-like for paramilitary political gangsterism, the Trumptards are too dumb to figure out anyway.
I don’t have a PhD, I haven’t written any interminable intellectual tomes, I’m not part of The Official Braintrust. Do I REALLY need to be the one to spell this stuff out?
Whatever your masters in the Bureau are paying you, they’re not getting full value for their money.
Uber-Jewy (((Tim Wise))) desperately wants to be hip, but he can’t master the basics:
He notices wimpy wokesters culturally appropriating the Southern term “y’all,” so he takes a tone-deaf stab at it:
“For all y’all rich folks, enjoy that champagne, or whatever fancy ass Scotch you drink…. And for y’all a bit lower on the economic scale, enjoy your Pabst Blue Ribbon, or whatever shitty ass beer you favor …”
Imagine saggy-pants-Timmy sashaying into the ghetto, confident his Jewy pedigree will protect him, mocking y’all a bit lower on the economic scale.
I will never forget coming across a newspaper article about an African male who for purposes of going to medical school to become a doctor doing so in the city of Ljubljana, Slovenia. To read this grabbed my attention and aroused great interest as my own family is from near the area. The article went on to mention how this up and coming doctor married a Slovenian girl and the article or girl justified the whole thing by saying the world is changing thinking it is for the better and well look even Obama is in the White House. For days weeks afterward I was full of so many questions and concerns about the whole affair and some of the questions was wow, this African must be one extremely gifted individual. To enter a university in Slovenia of all places one would have to know, read and write the indigenous language perfectly? where did he learn this back home in sub-Saharan Africa? Further one has to know English. Further who would choose a place like Ljubljana for medical school? Best schools for such a career is England yes? Now turn to this Slovenian girl. What does she know of the African culture this man was born into that she would be able to communicate with his side of the family? Can you imagine her traveling to his home and sitting around the table for dinner shes like a bump on a log listening to them talk and shes oblivious to it all? How do these two families mesh together at important times and dates like say Christmas? The more I reflect and think about all of this its just too mind-boggling for words really? I’d imagine yeah this to will end more than likely in divorce somewhere down the road? It makes no sense to me and then voila i discovered this place TOO and to think that if what you all teach here is that this occurred because of some political agenda and this man was chosen for his giftedness to begin the multi-culutural reculturalization of Slovenia well its not going to end well now is it? Yes, and the prophetic literature of the Bible warns us violence will fill the earth in the last days. Could one of the reasons be this?
I found other things quite odd to as i met and worked with a Moslem immigrant from Syria here in Canada and married a Canadian girl to the horror of all her friends. We kind of became work friends for a time until he left. Learning about him and his family I again couldn’t understand how these two could ever mesh together as a family being from two different cultures from opposite ends of the spectrum and I could see in his eyes the concern for their children and how he was ever going to raise his children in the moslem faith. His wife to learning about me wanted to send the children to sunday school? Wow, lady how do you expect that to happen when your husband is Moslem I mumbled to myself? the ignorance is shocking? ? Further when the war broke out in Syria all he could talk about was going back to fight for his homeland. Again more questions raised? Leaves me with just one answer these immigrants think that life is better on the otherside of the fence. He didn’t arrive in Canada as a matter of some great replacement tragedy. It’s all just nonsense of the highest order with the industrial revolution being the main cause. Get on a plane and you can go to any corner of the world and ultimately do as ones pleases. You can spread your seeds and impregnate to your hearts content. You can’t imagine just in this place of Canada the men or grown children rather I’ve met who have had children with three or four different girls all of whom walked out on them all? Leave it to Beaver? More like Brady Bunch but with a twist. The children are all products of different mothers and fathers.
McLuhan talked about the global village and yes we are certainly in a global village aren’t we? The world has become a very small place. If there is a political agenda probably due to this desire of creating a one world government? What better way than reducing us all to serfs where the state are our children parents? Isn’t that what communism was or desired?
Blue collar? hmm maybe yes academics should put on a blue collar go to work and see whats occurs at the grass roots level. One would be shocked the reasons behind so much for economic reasons?
In any case my poor Slovenia!
Last week I gave a safety orientation to a young lad from what I gathered was from India. As we conversed he smiled and then commented on our flags on the wall an American, Canadian and Italy one and as asked specifically about the Italian one. Yes, I said well our company is owned 51% by an Italian firm. He smiled even further and I asked whats up? He said he was Italian and proceeded to tell me he was born there and speaks the language fluently. How old I asked him he was and what was he doing in Canada? 20 years old. His family moved from the Punjab to Italy and now his father after coming to Canada to scope it out for work and a future for them they moved here. Italy proved to difficult for them now economically. Wow, I had to excuse myself for a moment and walked away dumbfounded? And all week and today the questions about family and marriages and the meshing together is mind-boggling how any of it is going to work? the real question is how does someone from the Punjab make the decision to move to Europe for work and the raising of a family?
If there is an agenda to mongrelize politically well its for me got more to do with ignorant people, doing ignorant things, all of the time and ending up eventually destroying themselves on what will be some foreign soil not of their birth and living with the remorseness of it?
Very seldon is life greener on the other side of the fence yes? As for Pouponmarx and Buddha’s happiness well I’d imagine a visit by Buddha to Disneyland and watching a couple go through the love canal full of starry eyes and love the Buddha would never leave Disneyland crying to himself wow now this is happiness that I never thought could ever have existed. Perhaps what America should have done was export Disneyland to every country on earth beginning with India!
Quite a display of self-confidence we have here! Am I alone in suspecting that Captainchaos is a man who has never been especially troubled by second thoughts?
Hunter Wallace at Occidental Dissent frequently presents polling data showing showing Nordic Protestants are prepared to receive the True Faith. Over at Counter Currents it is said that evangelical ministers preach nothing but Israel-worship and mud-loving cuckery. There is just enough truth in the charge to sting.
But what if the ability to preach from the pulpit could not occur without the blessing and permission of the warrior-priests of a hypothetical Red State Commando paramilitary? What if protection money out of the collection was to be given over to the Red State Commandos? What if pastors that behave as ankle-grabbing ass-clowns for ZOG didn’t wish to spend what little money they had left on armor-plating for their kneecaps? Then the problem would seem to have been corrected, wouldn’t you say?
No, you’re definitely not alone.
No, you’re not alone !
01 Contiguous or non-contiguous Red states can not be compared to the dispersed British Commonwealth, since those countries enjoy the protection, more or less, through their sovereignty, assured by International Law.
02 For example, Palestine’s ingress and egress is illegally, but de facto controlled by that only democracy in the ME. Settlers were recently granted 4,000 new homes on ” disputed ” territory, secured by the ” most moral army in the world “, which simultaneously supervises the demolition of Palestinian homes; punctuated by numerous, usually uninvestigated fatalities.
03 The usual seven mile maritime sovereignty is curtailed to three miles for Gaza, and even within that limit, their fishermen are harassed and have been shot at by said most moral army.
04 Their rural pig farms and sewage disposal facilities have been bombed. Their Jordan River water supply has been reduced, while there is no limit for Israeli swimming pools.
05 Their university students’ mobility and access across Israeli territory is circumscribed, making an interchange between Gaza and the West Bank difficult or impossible; when benefitting the Knesset’s momentary manipulations.
06 Air space over all of the Palestinians’ shrinking territory is controlled by Israel, comparable to the said maritime approaches.
07 Israeli goods are produced in occupied territories, but peddled worldwide, illegally labelled as made in Israel.
08 Covid made its entry into Gaza and the West Bank: much faster than the Israeli produced vaccine.
09 Equality of Israeli and Palestinian citizenship may be legislated, but is not real.
10 Apartment houses, accommodating regional western press offices, are quite visibly brought down from within, like the Towers, but claimed to have been aerial bombed, because they simultaneously, allegedly housed Hamas.
12 ADDITIONALLY, how would a secessionist state assure its independent electricity supply ? If by nuclear power, where would it dispose of its spent fuel rods. A constant topic for us, 40 miles from our nuclear plant. Downwind yet !
13 Where would a metropolitan area in such secessionist state dispose of its thousands of tons of daily, varied garbage. Toronto ships daily trainloads to Michigan, at great financial and environmental expense at opposite ends. What about its human waste, while keeping its groundwater safe ?
14 What of the proximity or accessibility of resources in relation to manufacturing facilities. Any border crossings with prohibitive tariffs ?
15 Who succeeds to the military complex, with its nuclear component ???
16 How is this new state[s] represented internationally ?
17 Does it plow its highways in winter, for free transit of neighboring blue states ?
Captainchaos is hereby cordially invited to answer all of these minor problems. And more. At least for thee and me !
A spergly compendium of factoids cannot stand in the stead of actual wisdom, and is certainly no substitute for having Giant Brass Balls. A hammer is useless if the will to swing it is lacking.
As to your questions, they may be reduced to this: It is a beautiful dream, but first you must remove the ZOG-boot from your throat in order for the dream to live. How will you do that?
By slicing away the ZOG-boot salami-style one layer of leather at a time. First to create the ethnostate, then to deal with ZOG in a way that is Final.
My proposed ethnostate encompassing the Midwest, Great Plains and Pacific Northwest IS a geopolitically viable entity. With enough resources on-site to do autarky, and if not that close enough. Most importantly, it has most of the arable land in North America, effectively controlling the food supply. If what is left of ZOG can’t eat it starves. Food in exchange for all total capitulation. The stark choice of life or death having been offered. The hammer and the will to swing it.
Self-referential gamer blather. Here, for once, Caiaphas would have been right to say “What further need have we of witnesses?”
There hasn’t been a single shred of anything remotely resembling wisdom in Captainchaos’s comments. I’ve heard pub grousing with more underlying forethought and coherence! Moreover, that he has the “Great Brass Balls” to accuse others of lacking such a critical and distinctive attribute as wisdom when he hasn’t a trace of it himself tells a careful reader more than enough about the gentleman’s leadership qualities—viz., that he hasn’t any.
Whatever form of resistance that can be ginned up in the American South will really be just an added bonus and sideshow to the main event further north. Another headache for ZOG to deal with, a second front to be contended with in the war. The Anglo South will fight ZOG down there so the Germanic North has less to contend with up here. When all is said and done whatever the Germanic North lacks it shall take. No compromises.
I propose that the power of life and death be placed in German hands, and that they wield it with iron-hard fanaticism and utmost ruthlessness. That is the only hope we have ever had anyway. The time has come to shit or get off the pot.
…” their sovereignty, assured by International Law.”
I think you have it backwards .
A sovereign/sovereignty assures rule of law which requires an agency of enforcement provided by a sovereign or sovereignty . Thus , International law that pertains to sovereignty does not by and of itself assure sovereignty . In other words , “the law” has no intrinsic enforcement agency ; where such agency is necessary in order to provide assurances for compliance .
In particular , The UN is presumed to be a sovereign that provides enforcement agency for International Law pertaining to the sovereignty of nations .
Thanks for your grade four Civics lecture on sovereignty; which I relativized in my comment.
As it is, none have forgotten the insignificance of sovereignty, as between PNAC and sovereign Iraq.
Least of all, apparently, the fellow just arrested, accused of planning the assassination of George Bush.
18 Already — ” and more ! ” — and really for the top of this list — well above highway snow removal.
19 What about the incredibly intertwined financial, commercial and economic systems; even its functions we could and would not wish to jettison ?
20 Ditto for the judiciary and politically-administrative.
“But what about muh sperging?”
You’ve already lost the argument. Now get with the program.
Before I, or anyone ” gets with the program “, why don’t you give us a comprehensive bio on yourself to justify our demanded devotion.
Who I am is not important. I’m not a leader. I’m just trying to get a winning game plan on the table, in public view. The thing is to get it to go viral so that it can gain tens of millions of adherents. I’m counting on people that WANT to be leaders to step up, take the ball and run with it. There is probably at least one White man in every county in America who has the mettle to be the “Godfather” of said county.