Who Are We? Towards an Anglo-Protestant Political Theology Part One

The archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, lies on the ground at the Jallianwala Bagh memorial. Photograph: Narinder Nanu/AFP/Getty Images

The recent move by the Canadian government to criminalize “condoning, denying, or downplaying” the Holocaust is not just an infringement of civil liberties supposedly guaranteed by the Charter of Rights and Freedoms.  More importantly, it endows a distinctively Jewish political theology with legal protections denied to core Christian beliefs.  The fact that this development has not been opposed either by mainline Protestant or Catholic churches is highly significant.  Still, once upon a time, the Catholic Church did possess a distinctive political theology of its own, one identifying the Jewish people as an actual or, at best, a potential foe.  The Second Vatican Council put an end to that “antisemitic” article of faith.  But in principle, at least, Catholics could return their historic political theology on the Jewish Question.  Things are very different among the Anglo-Protestant people of Canada, in particular, and of the Anglosphere, generally.

Anglo-Protestantism has long since been captured by cosmopolitan humanism, a liberal world-view denying the existential distinction made by realist political theology between friend and foe.  Accordingly, Anglo-Protestants shy away from the traditional Christian belief that the Old Covenant with Israel according to the flesh was superseded by a New Covenant between God and the Church.  Having rejected supersessionism, Anglo-Protestants generally recognize the Jews as elder brothers in the faith whose Covenant with God remains in force.  The Holocaust Mythos, therefore, is widely accepted as the story of a monstrous crime committed against a people of God representative of humanity-at-large.  Mainline Anglo-Protestant churches inhabit a moral universe in which a loving God confronts the “perpetrators” of genocides against innocent “victims” who may or may not receive aid, comfort, or justice from “bystanders”.

The Jewish people, on the other hand, have not been slow to recognize that their world is characterized by a sharp division between their “philosemitic” friends and their “antisemitic” enemies.  During the twentieth century and continuing today, Anglo-Protestants have recognized the Jews as their “friends” and have, accordingly, been willing to combat “enemies” of the Jews whenever and however their governments have commanded.  The Second and Third Reichs in Germany were foremost among those designated by our governments as collective “enemies,” not just of the British peoples, but of humanity itself.

Now that the Palestinian President (while sharing a platform with the German Chancellor) has charged Israel with inflicting “50 Holocausts” upon his people, one might wonder whether the Germans copped a bum rap over the Holocaust 1.0.  To reach any firm conclusion, we should reflect upon the historical development of Anglo-Protestantism and the theological presuppositions that have prevented the church from developing an ethno-religious theology capable of reliably distinguishing “friend” from “foe”.

How Anglicans Escaped “Anglo-Saxon Captivity

The Church of England created the original model of Anglo-Protestantism during the sixteenth-century Reformation which separated the Anglican church from Roman Catholicism.  The  word “Anglican” is grounded etymologically in the old Anglo-Saxon term “Angelcynn” which meant literally “kin of the Angles.” This poses the obvious question as to whether Anglican political theology retains the capacity to draw any distinction between “friend” and “enemy” now that the Anglican “brand” has been drained of its ancestral, biblically-based, ethno-religious meaning.  In what follows, I will use Angelcynn to denote the broad, but long disunited, body of Anglo-Protestants who could, and in my view, should re-unite in a broad church acting as a medium for the expression of their particular ethno-religious needs and interests.

Nations are rooted in historical myths, symbols, and ethno-religious traditions which, in the case of England, developed over many centuries during the Middle Ages.  Leading authorities in support of that thesis are: Anthony D. Smith on The Ethnic Origins of Nations and Martin Lichtmesz on Ethnopluralismus.  The concept of ethnopluralism must be distinguished from modern secular policies of multiculturalism as defended, for example, by James Tully.  Official multiculturalism in the Anglosphere refuses to recognize the political character of Anglo-Protestant ethno-religious identity.  But the Israeli historian, Azar Gat, in his book on Nations: The Long History and Deep Roots of Political Ethnicity and Nationalism provides support for the proposition that Anglo-Protestant Christians desperately need to recover a political theology anchored in their own distinctive ethno-religious identity.  As things stand, all Protestant denominations, Anglican and dissenting churches alike, have united with the state to deny the legitimacy, indeed even the reality, of any such need.

Carl Schmitt is generally credited with the invention of the term “political theology”.  What did Schmitt mean by political theology?  German scholar Heinrich Meier suggests that Schmitt was looking for the legitimate foundations of political action.  In European civilization, he found a conflict between political philosophy, ostensibly based in the universal principles of rational discourse, and revelation anchored in particularistic ethno-religions.  To speak of revelation, of course, takes us into the realm of biblical theology.  What is the relationship between biblical revelation and political theology?  Did the historical Jesus preach a political theology?  Did Jesus the Christ and his followers, before and after the Cross, have friends and enemies?  While the historical Jesus seems to have focused on the destiny of his own people, the global Jesus, as worshipped by contemporary Anglo-Protestants, came to save the whole of humanity.

For the ancestors of today’s Anglo-Protestants, political theology, avant la lettre, was a fact of life.  In fact, the theology of the Angelcynn was politicized from the very beginning of their historical ethnogenesis.  The story of the emergence of the English nation, no less than the biblical narrative of ancient Israel, was and remains a process moved by “the lure of God”.  Ethno-religious divisions long defined friends and enemies, thereby shaping the demographic development of the English nation.  Neither the English nor, later, the British state created the English nation.  Instead, the Old English Church nurtured the ethnogenesis of the English people.  An embryonic English ethnos, working in and through the early Angelcynn church and their king, became the prototype of an English “state,” well before the Norman Conquest.

Over the centuries, the identity of those deemed to be enemies of the English changed.  During the reign of Alfred the Great, the Vikings were perceived as the greatest threat.  When William the Conqueror invaded England, the Norman enemy was victorious. The Norman Conquest in combination with the Papal Revolution transformed the ethno-religious culture of England.  One sign of the transformation was the replacement of the Old English used in Angelcynn monasteries by the Latin language employed in the universal Church governed from Rome.  The ecclesiastical regime based on the absolutist papal monarchy survived in England for several centuries.

Following the upheavals of the Reformation and Civil War, the division between Protestants and Catholics largely defined the distinction between friend and enemy for Britons, both domestically and internationally.

With the expansion of England, a Greater Britain emerged in the settler colonies around the world.  From the eighteenth century onwards, the British Empire competed for power and resources with continental rivals such as France and Germany.  Religious differences were no longer central to such conflicts.  Indeed, since then, the process of secularization advanced to the point where historians have pronounced the death of Christian Britain.

In the Empire at large, one might even ask whether Australia, for example, was ever a Christian community on its road to nationhood.  Ever since the Second World War, the declining Anglican confession throughout the Anglosphere has celebrated its escape from “Anglo-Saxon captivity,” to the point where it has been absorbed into a form of global Christianity hostile to any suggestion that the Anglican church should be of, by, and for the white British peoples of the Anglosphere.  “White racism” is now the proclaimed enemy of mainstream Anglican political theology.

Indeed, contemporary Anglican political theology, in the person of the Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, manifests itself as the kinder, gentler face of post-Christian globalist bioleninism.  In other words, it is difficult to distinguish between the public face of Anglican political theology and the Woke political ideology governing “Our Democracies”.

In the realm of academic theology, however, Oliver O’Donovan’s The Desire of the Nations offers a much more sophisticated model of Anglican political theology, but one no less opposed to an ethno-religious understanding of the Anglican tradition.  O’Donovan contends that the point and purpose of every nation’s existence has been determined once and for all in the “Christ event”.  “Membership in Christ,” he declares, “replaced all other political identities by which communities knew themselves”.  Because the church is “catholic” it “leaps over all existing communal boundaries and forbids any part of the human race…to think of the Kingdom of God as confined within its own limits and to lose interest in what lies beyond them”.  Strictly speaking, according to O’Donovan the church is an “eschatological” rather than a political society: it can be “entered only by leaving other, existing societies”.


For O’Donovan, in the modern world, not even those other, “political” societies constituted by governments are based on shared blood, language, and religion.  Instead, the only form of “nationalism” open to modern “nation-states” such as Australia, Canada, or the United Kingdom is a “civic nationalism’’ defined by a common political will.  Nationalism, therefore, is sometimes said to be in trouble.  But, O’Donovan maintains, this is nothing new.  “The truth is,” he remarks, “it has been in trouble ever since Christ rose from the dead”.  In the eschatological society of the church, “no people’s identity as a people can be assumed; community identity is no longer self-evident.  It is called into question by the existence of a new people, drawn from every nation, which by its catholic identity casts doubt on every other”.

In stark contrast, to that “catholic” vision of Christian identity, my thesis will defend the proposition that the Volksgeist of the English nation (and other British-descended peoples) was once, and could be again, an important medium through which God works in this world.  Accordingly, this project rests on a set of presuppositions that differ in certain fundamental respects from those underlying O’Donovan’s approach to political theology.

Any theological schema of civic action requires one or more orienting concepts if it is to achieve its objectives.  Historically potent examples of such orienting concepts, can be found in the lives and works of men such as Martin Luther, John Calvin, and John Wesley.  Calvin’s theology was oriented around the concept of the “majesty or sovereignty of God.”  Luther oriented his theological theory and practice around “justification by faith” while Wesley’s work revolved around the notion of “responsible grace.”  Each of these concepts oriented new approaches to practical theology, each sparking its own theological revolution.  Unfortunately, those revolutions oriented as they were, each in its own way, to personal salvation has run its course.  Evangelical Protestantism is dying on the vine.

An Angelcynn Reformation seeking the collective redemption of British-descended peoples requires a more comprehensive strategy; it must be oriented around not just one but four concepts.  This multi-pronged approach can be grounded in several existing but, as yet, separate streams of white Anglo-Saxon Protestant theology.  The four key theological concepts are: (1) process theism; (2) preterism; (3) kinism; and (4) royalism.  If and when these already intellectually compelling challenges to theological orthodoxy merge into a single popular current of ethno-religious experience, the next Great Awakening in British religious history will be in the offing.

Process Theism

Process theism builds on the historical theology of the nineteenth-century Anglican broad-church movement in rejecting traditional Christian theism.  The early creeds of the Church established an image of God, outside time and space, the omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent source of being itself, who created the world out of nothing.

The doctrine of creatio ex nihilo cannot be found in either the Old or the New Testament.  It appeared suddenly in the latter half of the second century B.C.   Its appearance “can best be explained as a defence of the most controversial part of the Christian kerygma, the resurrection of the dead”.  Only a God who created the world out of nothing could accomplish the bodily resurrection of the dead.  Oliver O’Donovan’s vision of the universal church as an eschatological society preserves that creedal linkage between God’s created order and the bodily resurrection of believers in the new creation.

By contrast, process theism denies that the doctrine of creatio ex nihilo can be grounded in Genesis One.  Instead, creation is conceived as an ongoing process within which God remains actively involved with all forms of conscious life.  Biologist Bruce G. Charlton suggests that process theism can provide his discipline with the metaphysical framework it desperately needs to solve fundamental problems such as group selection.  Natural selection is comparatively easy to explain at the level of individual organisms.  But “true group selection…entails a purposive mechanism that can predict, can ‘look ahead’ several generations, and infer what is likely to be good for the survival and reproduction of the species.”  The theory of natural selection “lacks teleology—a goal, direction or purpose.”

If the idea of purpose demands an organizing entity or deity then “evolution across history is best explained as a directional process of development” at both the individual (ontogeny) and group (phylogeny) level.  The comparative evolutionary success of ethnic groups is probably affected, therefore, by the nature and intensity of their religious connection to the theistic organizing entity.

God is not omnipotent, however.  Hence the evils of the world cannot be charged exclusively to his account; moreover, he is affected by his interactions with us and the wrongs we do unto others and ourselves.  Robert Gnuse demonstrates that the Old Testament provides a revealing account of the processes of communication between the Israelites and the divine.  Perhaps white Anglo-Saxon Protestants, too, could and should create a national bible recording our own communication—or lack thereof—with the divine.

Indeed, process theism provides grounds for doubting that the “Christ-event” (i.e., the Incarnation, Passion, and Resurrection of Jesus) happened, once and for all, in the history of only one nation in the ancient Near East on planet Earth.  Jesus the Christ made a unique appearance in Israel according to the flesh but who knows whether or not other singular incarnations for other unique nations or even other worlds are excluded.  There is only one historical Jesus, but there may be other Christ-events in some other “holy nation.”

In Part Two, we will discuss the contribution that preterism, kinism, and royalism can make to the emergence of an Anglo-Protestant political theology capable of distinguishing friend from foe.

Go to Part Two.

22 replies
    • Weaver
      Weaver says:

      Yes. The tradition provides wisdom. Nothing is possible without people like Thomas Aquinas. I would write a long list of other Christians I value, but I dont know if it’d be appreciated. Children cant just be born knowing it all. Wisdom and experience has to be taught.

      Additionally, specialized groups can focus on their areas, leading to greater skill. We cannot all learn political science, which is why we need an aristocracy, for example. But specialized groups require trust. If trust isnt possible, then we’re back to living in trees.

      Similarly, our legal system requires religion to answer moral questions, which are widely agreed upon in the society.

      • Arwald
        Arwald says:

        The WHITE warrior’s Goliath, Antiochus Epiphanies, Ragnar Lodbrok, and Arwald of Wihtwara, to name but a few, would agree with your opinion. They knew something that we should know.

      • rubytuesday
        rubytuesday says:

        This is Zionist vision:

        “After I accustomed myself to the peculiar writing, I trembled when I realized the import of RAK B’DAM TIHJE LANU HAAREZ. But many weeks passed, and I was still confounded by the meaning of ATEM TAJLU. Until one day, it struck me. ATEM TAJLU meant “You escape”, for the word “tiyul” (walking trip) was used by them as a euphemistic code for “escape”. They meant to say – you fifteen or twenty “party members”, escape from Czechoslovakia and save your hides. The price of Eretz Yisroel is the blood of the men and women, hoary sages, and babes in arms – but not YOUR blood! Let us not spoil this plan by giving the Axis powers to save Jewish lives. But for you, comrades, I have enclosed carfare for your escape. What a nightmare! The Zionist agent “diplomat” comes to Czechoslovakia and says ‘Now is a very critical time. But comparatively speaking it is not at all critical for you trapped Jews. For there is an emergency of far greater proportions; namely, BINYAN HA-ARETZ (the prize of Medinat Yisrael). Shed your blood cheerfully, for your blood is cheap. But for your blood, the Land (of Israel) will be ours!”


    • Gerry
      Gerry says:

      @ John D. Alder

      Do we actually need a church any church?

      Well if one takes James 1:27 seriously the answer is no, yes?

      Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.

      By the way as far as Political Theology is concerned consider that when Christ ministered His politics centered around what? Father! It was always about ‘Father.’ His and ours! No man made political hocus pokus ever crossed his lips and I would argue that the single greatest political statement ever made by anyone at any time in any period in the whole history of mankind can be found in Matt. 6:9-13.

      We have a Father to whom we are accountable to both human and divine yes?

      So orphans and widows, which the ancient Jews were warned to never allow the cries of to reach God’s ears when he gave them the Promised Land.

      I so well remember something I actually heard in a Church service by a guest speaker who said:

      “If all of the apostles and prophets were to return to the earth today and to walk into many of churches and look around at how things are they would have said to one another this is not what we laid down our lives for.”


      • Poupon Marx
        Poupon Marx says:

        “”Process theism builds on the historical theology of the nineteenth-century Anglican broad-church movement in rejecting traditional Christian theism.”

        Give something a name, create a theory from thin air, ostensibly to create order and inclusion. This is the Western way of thinking and organization of cognition, thought and objectification. It also fails at a high rate, and many if not most of the time nobody really knows what you mean.

        It reminds me of the caution expressed so many times that to understand a phenomena is superior and longer lasting than memorization.

        One of the weak pilars and planks of the Western Mind is this discreet beginning and ending, digital, non-continuous and non-connected self limited stupidity of constancy. How many times, over how long will it take for the sheep heads of the West to realize, it comes up short and fails.

        When a procedure did not work in my profession, that created a motivation to amend or seek another approach, to re-access. Who needs robots when the vast bulk of Westerns repeat failed assumptions, procedures and modes endlessly?

        The “greatness” to the West is its greatest liability of hubris, smugness, and dullness-like a knife that requires great effort but makes a mess and does not achieve its objective.

        That is why Eurasia synchronicity of the East-and the rest of the World-sees the correct way, like a pilot navigating the inland waterways, e.g., the Mississippi.

  1. anonym
    anonym says:

    “Indeed, process theism provides grounds for doubting that the “Christ-event” (i.e., the Incarnation, Passion, and Resurrection of Jesus) happened, once and for all, in the history of only one nation in the ancient Near East on planet Earth. Jesus the Christ made a unique appearance in Israel according to the flesh but who knows whether or not other singular incarnations for other unique nations or even other worlds are excluded. There is only one historical Jesus, but there may be other Christ-events in some other “holy nation.”

    This is what a lot of zionist Jews believe in. It’s what they study in the Yeshiva: the signs and wonders of the unfolding of divine history, towards “Gods kingdom on earth”. They believe that each generation has two messiahs: messiah ben josef and messiah ben david, where the former is evil and the latter good. But they’re both Jehovahs tools, like the “evil” Assyrian king in Isaiah, killing the Jewish idolaters, while king Cyrus, who let the Jews go back to Judea, was a “good” messiah.

    It’s a semi-secret belief that’s at the core of Jewish activism. It’s fundamentally what they refer to when they accuse us of “being on the wrong side of history”. It sometimes shines through when they’re passionate in their argumentation, or is even said openly by dumb Jews, but mostly it’s kept hidden. Even atheist Jews are guided by it – it permeates the entire Jewish culture, from usurers to communists.

    Get rid of all of it. All we want is a normal European home. Stop listening to Jewish hocus pocus.

    • Drew Fraser
      Drew Fraser says:

      What if the “normal European home” has been premised for at least two thousand years, perhaps longer, on a process of interaction between the various European peoples and a divine spirit unfolding within the cosmos? Even before that, the ancient Israelites, as we see in the Old Testament, experienced a complex process of interaction with the divine force they knew as Yahweh. What if the expectation of a Messiah was of such intensity within the spiritual life of the Israelites that it became a sort of self-fulfilling prophecy?

      In other words, the “lure of God” working its way through biblical history may have called forth the advent of the “historical Jesus” in the first century AD. Later, was it the Augustinian vision of a “global Jesus” who would return sometime in our future which generated a spiritual force strong enough to drive the historical development of Christendom until relatively recently.

      Nowadays, of course, we live in the spiritual vacuum created by the “divine economy” of the transnational corporate welfare state. Materialist atheism rules the roost; God has lost his allure. The result is a literally “demoralized” population, easily dominated by other groups still empowered by faith in their own cosmic role as a chosen people. Is there any alternative to the spiritual decline of the Anglo-Protestant, British-descended peoples? Tune into Part Two to find out!

  2. Gerry
    Gerry says:

    “happened, once and for all, in the history of only one nation in the ancient Near East on planet Earth. Jesus the Christ made a unique appearance in Israel according to the flesh but who knows whether or not other singular incarnations for other unique nations or even other worlds are excluded. There is only one historical Jesus, but there may be other Christ-events in some other “holy nation.”

    If one needs to find other singular incarnations look no further than John Wesley and the Moravians. They had their own unique experience of Pentecost which included guess what? Climate change!!! The weather was affected by their lives and yes it is fully documented. How this came to be ignored by so much of Angelcynn is infuriating!! Here a small sampling from one count Zinzendorf…

    “…and verily the 13th of August was a day of the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. We saw the hand of God and His wonders, and we were all under the cloud of our fathers baptized with their Spirit. The Holy Ghost came upon us and in those days great signs and wonders took place in our midst. From that time, scarcely a day passed but what we beheld His almighty workings among us. A great hunger after the Word of God took possession of us so that we had to have three services every day, viz., 5:00 and 7:30 A.M. and 9 P.M. Everyone desired above everything else that the Holy Spirit might have full control. Self-love and self-will as well as all disobedience disappeared and an overwhelming flood of grace swept us all out into the great ocean of Divine Love…
    Exactly what happened at Wednesday forenoon, August 13th, 1727 in the specially called Communion service at Berthelsdorf, none of the participants could fully describe. They left the house of God that noon “hardly knowing whether they belonged to earth or had already gone to heaven.”…
    Zinzendorf, who gives us the deepest and most vivid account of this wonderful occurrence, says it was a sense of the nearness of Christ bestowed in a single moment, upon all the members that were present; and it was so unanimous that two members, at work 20 miles away, unaware that the meeting was being held, became at the same time deeply conscious of the same blessing.1
    The great Moravian Pentecost was not a shower of blessing out of a cloudless sky. It did come suddenly, as suddenly as the blessing of its greater predecessor in Jerusalem, when the Christian Church was born. Yet, for long, there had been signs of an abundance of rain, though many recognized them not. In short, the blessing of the thirteenth of August 1727 was diligently and earnestly prayed for. We know of no annals of Church history which evidence greater desire for an outpouring of the Holy Spirit and more patient and persistent effort in that direction than those of our own church between the years 1725 and 1727. Two distinct lines of preparation and spiritual effort for the blessing are evident. One was prayer; the other was individual work with individuals. We are told that men and woman met for prayer and praise at one another’s homes and the Church of Berthelsdorf was crowded out. Then the entire company experienced the blessing at one and the same time.”2

    and John Wesley…

    “Monday, 17. As we were walking toward Wapping, the rain poured down with such violence that we were obliged to take shelter till it abated. We then held on to Gravel Lane, in many parts of which the waters were like a river. However, we got on pretty well till the rain put out the candle in our lantern. We then were obliged to wade through all, till we came to the chapel yard. Just as we entered, a little streak of lightning appeared in the southwest. There was likewise a small clap of thunder and a vehement burst of rain, which rushed so plentifully through our shattered tiles that the vestry was all in a float. Soon after I began reading prayers, the lightning flamed all around it, and the thunder rolled over our heads. When it grew louder and louder, perceiving many of the strangers to be much affrighted, I broke off the prayers after the collect, “Lighten our darkness, we beseech thee, O Lord,” and began applying, “The Lord sitteth above the water flood; the Lord remaineth a king forever” (Ps. 29:10) Presently the lightning, thunder, and rain ceased, and we had a remarkably calm evening. It was observed that exactly at this hour they were acting Mac Beth in Drury Lane, and just as the mock thunder began, the Lord began to thunder out of heaven. For a while it put them to a stand; but they soon took courage and went on. Otherwise it might have been suspected that the fear of God had crept into the very theater!”1

    Don’t think for one minute that Christ is finished with any nation or the Church or that preterism is true! No!!!! Not by a long shot. You might want to check this comment about eschatology…


    but thats the problem with everything right there Eschatology!!! and why we are in the mess we are in. One glaring example is the interpretation from Ezekiel 37 about the valley of dry bones coming to life, a great army? Who and how this ever came to represent the rebirth of Israel is an error. This is in relation to an actual event the resurrection of the dead beginning with Christ Jesus with its ultimate fulfillment His return with tens of thousands of His saints to exact revenge. That’s the great army!!! Further to this is the truly unbelievable nonsense that Magog and Gog represent the current nations of Russia and Germany. More shocking unbelievable ERROR!!!!!!!!

    I could go on and on but here I will quit. Grrr its so infuriating.

  3. Weaver
    Weaver says:

    Interesting article. I’m wary of royalism though certainly acknowledge the need for a specialised aristocracy. I look forward to reading about preterism.

    I just want to mention, regarding Jews, that their concept of monotheism is such that there can be only one god, but it’s more than that. Many of them clearly only want pride and value given to only their people, no other. They want servants, and they want debased pagans whom they can contrast themselves with. This is what they mean by monotheism, far more extreme than most realise. They cannot allow our existence, not just as Christians or pagans or libertarians (whatever religious groups are here); They cannot allow Gentile nations to exist unmixed. This is their “healing of the world.”

    If you notice, pretty much all Jews want mass immigration, but they also fear intermarriage. Additionally, they aim to control all media, all books, all academia etc such that they control the narratives. This is Plato’s Cave.

    I hadnt fully appreciated this until the horrible war in Ukraine where confused “pagans” and Christians have been led to slaughter. The women of Ukraine have lost their men; that nation might now be ruined. And yet, they were very ethnic oriented. They tried and were made into clowns, and their leadership was and is Jewish.

    This comment directly relates, because the Church, all Churches, has been overtaken. It is their conquest. Im aware there are other factors (The managerial state, classical liberalism, population density), but seeing Ukraine, I finally understood. They led all those young men to be slaughtered. They encouraged them like angry peasants to attack ethnic minorities in Ukraine and to otherwise provoke Russia, minorities like Greeks with very long histories in the region were attacked. And then the Ukrainians were just slaughtered. And they do the same to the Arabs. Young men, many from single child homes, lines ended.

  4. Captainchaos
    Captainchaos says:

    Supersessionism and kinism are sufficient to get White Christians over whatever mental hurdles they may have on the way to racialism. Besides, they don’t seem to have much of a problem with Jews having their own ethnostate. That being the case, why should a White ethnostate be a problem?

  5. Birhan Dargey
    Birhan Dargey says:

    The current global trend to declare the Holocaust a SETTLED historical issue will not permit any academic/scholarly/SCIENTIFIC research..specially those that debunked the Holocaust propaganda. Well it makes sense to prohibit research into a issue that may be proven a LIE. I often times confront jews riduculing christianity for calling Jesus the son of God (incarnate) that resurrected from the dead. And I find it equally amazing that those same jews will believe everything that the Torah tells them. Moses the author of the first five books of the Torah was writing about events that had taken placed thousand of years before him. When Moses claims that God appeared to Moses in the form of a “burning” bush and spoke to him,,well how do you prove that? Of course a Jew will write that God chose them and pledge to give them the “promised land” which one? Why are supernatural events in the jewish Torah acceptabale to jews without riducule..,,but Christian sacraments. I had seen jews laugh at red neck deplorables christian pastors dancing with snakes..but would laufg at Jews clebrating Komoros. Lastly Jews direde teh rsurrection of Jesus/Christ…and yet their prime jewish theologian Mamonides in his ten signs of the true Mochiac cites that 1) the true Mochiac will be the son of God, 2) The true Mochiac will resurrect from the dead…in other word the jews expect their Mochiac to fulfill the same supernatural conditions that they find absurd in the christian Jesus..why??

  6. rubytuesday
    rubytuesday says:

    “Still, once upon a time, the Catholic Church did possess a distinctive political theology of its own, one identifying the Jewish people as an actual or, at best, a potential foe.”

    you have to let these jews go

    pro tip:

    instead of shifting the blame to whole peoples and populations, try to not believe in someone else their god

  7. Poupon Marx
    Poupon Marx says:

    Head on over to a Buddhist temple, visit a Diamond Way Center, or invest 6 months of study of Buddha, and you can quit wasting your time, and churning in the trap you are in. By now, the circular path you have tread is bound to have a worn depression like a trench.

    • Arwald
      Arwald says:

      I read the Rgveda and try to understand it as I think it is the origin of what some call religion. It was composed at the arctic region according to Tilak, which of course is where the Nordic man came from. I think also it is the source for all the subsequent Indo-European religions.

  8. Arwald
    Arwald says:

    Very unsettling how Anti-zionist, holocaust doubting, Jewish supremacy denying WHITE folk on this site still embrace the dead JEWISH rabboni as their savior and God. They’ve denied the jew outwardly but have received him inwardly. Very strange.

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