Nikki Haley Offers Moral Instruction to U.S.

Nikki Haley’s announcement that she was running for president reminded me of my lifelong dream to move to India, so I can boss around Indians and tell them to stop worshipping cows and rats. That was the main point of what I said on the Mark Simone radio show last week, which was promptly chopped up, fed into a computer, translated into German, then into Urdu, back to English and finally came out in endless headlines, to sound like a MAGA moron: Go back to your own country, lady!
No, actually, I was making an obvious point I’ve been making for some time now. To wit: It’s bad enough when 11th-generation Americans disrespect our country, but enraging when recent arrivals do.
By “recent arrivals,” I mean anyone whose ancestors came to America after 1800.
At that point, America had already been around for two centuries. We had conquered a dangerous wilderness, battled savages, brought Christianity to the natives, divided ourselves into states, fought a revolution, drafted a constitution, built a capitol, established colleges and universities (including six of the seven Ivy Leagues), were about to fight a bloody Civil War to end slavery, and were well on our way to becoming the greatest nation on Earth.
Post-1800 immigrants just kind of showed up. True, many of them were better than the people who already lived here. (Especially the ones who arrived when our greeting was still, “Sink or swim!” instead of, “Here’s your welfare application.”)
Thus, a few years ago, I wrote:
MSNBC’s smirking Chris Hayes can get weepy about some ancient Roman ruin, and Rachel Maddow about a building in Warsaw, but I care about my history. These savages are smashing and graffitiing my antiquities.
No one minded that. That’s because only the most recent of recent arrivals, from the most dissonant cultures, are sacred beings to the left. (Sacred cows?) As Bill Clinton’s director of the census once said, maybe it’s about time the “Western majority” do “some assimilation of its own.”
One of those better-than-us recent arrivals was Louis Brandeis, born to Jewish immigrants from Central Europe. He went on to become a Supreme Court justice and have a university named after him.
This is what Brandeis said, in 1915, on “Americanization Day” [REPORTED TO THE AUTHORITIES] about the process of becoming an American:
However great his outward conformity, the immigrant is not Americanized unless his interests and affections have become deeply rooted here. And we properly demand of the immigrant even more than this. He must be brought into complete harmony with our ideals and aspirations and cooperate with us for their attainment. Only when this has been done, will he possess the national consciousness of an American.
A big part of that “harmony” is understanding the amazing way this country dealt with the losers of our two major national conflicts: the war(s) with the Indians and the Civil War. We should be on our knees thanking God both those wars came out the way they did or, today, America would be a backward, Third World hellhole.
Both the Indians and Confederates were part of a bygone culture, mostly illiterate, and unable to manufacture anything, much less feed and clothe a transcontinental nation of more than 300 million people. Thanks to the superior culture and technology of Protestant New England and the Midwest, the Confederates and Indians never really stood a chance.
But they fought like banshees [REPORTED!], and we honor them for their breathtaking courage and nobility.
Every macho thing in America is — or was, until about five minutes ago — named after either American Indians or Confederates — e.g., the Apache and Comanche attack helicopters, the Braves, the Redskins, the Indians, Fort Benning, Fort Bragg, Fort Gordon, Fort A.P. Hill, Fort Hood, Fort Lee, Fort Pickett, Fort Polk, Fort Rucker and on and on and on.
Union Gen. William Tecumseh Sherman got his middle name from a Shawnee warrior chief admired by his father. Paratroopers who jumped into Normandy cut their hair to look like Mohawks and shouted “Geronimo!” as they leapt.
Sometimes, it seems like everybody in America is boasting about Indian heritage — like Elizabeth Warren — or displaying the rebel flag. See, e.g., OutKast, “The Dukes of Hazzard,” Lynyrd Skynyrd, and tiles in the Times Square subway station honoring former New York Times publisher Adolph S. Ochs — “a Southerner with strong ties to the Confederacy,” according to Civil War historian Dr. David Jackowe.
Sitting Bull became a celebrity, signing autographs and performing with Annie Oakley. (My direct ancestor was a stand-in for Oakley and may have performed with Sitting Bull.)
No other country’s internal wars have ever concluded this way. The usual method of ending a domestic conflict is with ceaseless guerrilla warfare and total humiliation of the defeated.
Yale professor David Blight sneers at the “Lost Cause” expression, calling it “an interpretation of the American Civil War viewed by most historians as a myth that attempts to preserve the honour of the South.”
Oh, how awful. We’d just ended a bloody Civil War with 600,000 dead … Job No. 1: Keep picking at the scab!
David Blight, marriage counselor: Every day, discuss what you hate about each other.
My ancestors were Union soldiers who fought the Confederates. My ancestors were killed by American Indians — and rescued by others! But I don’t go around whining that maybe I’d have more “generational wealth” or higher SAT scores if only we took down statues of Sitting Bull and Robert E. Lee.
Their history is my country’s history. And it’s a history to be proud of — precisely for how the losers were treated. If you don’t understand that, I don’t think you’re really trying to bring yourself into “complete harmony with our ideals and aspirations.”
Again, such ignorance is disgusting coming from Mayflower descendants. But it is beyond galling to have a second-generation immigrant like Haley sanctimoniously take down the Confederate flag, which she did as governor of South Carolina. How about going back and critiquing the Indian culture she’s constantly boasting of? You know, the country where a majority still revere cows, others worship rats, and which has more slaves today than any other nation on Earth.
Whatever else possessing “the national consciousness of an American” entails, it surely includes not being sublimely ignorant of the total awesomeness of the country you’re currently living in.
Two things gall me about this article. Citing Louis Brandeis’s comments on immigration: Brandeis was a leader of Zionism at a time when the activist Jewish community was entirely behind unrestricted immigration for all over the world, and immigrating Jews were anything but enculturated. Indeed, they still aren’t given their attachment to Israel and oftentimes hatred for traditional White America.
Coulter: ” The usual method of ending a domestic conflict is with ceaseless guerrilla warfare and total humiliation of the defeated.” Maybe not guerrilla warfare, but Reconstruction was indeed total humiliation and dispossession, and among Southern nationalists today this is still a sore point.
Well said.
Ditto !
People in one country should be cautious in advising what other countries should do internally. But Ann, you should run as VEEP to Tucker Carlson as POTUS.
Pardon my cynicism, but I think it can be safely concluded that Southern nationalism is as much of a joke as Russian nationalism when it comes to having a decisive impact on effecting the needed change to achieve the 14 Words. Basically Germans need to do the heavy lifting and all others concerned need to meekly tag along or at least stay out of the way. Eastern Slavs and Southern hillbillies are simply of too low of a genetic quality to be of much use. Their only real use is to keep ZOG busy hassling around with them on the periphery while Germans accomplish the main task.
All I said was that Southern nationalists are still pissed about Reconstruction.
I’m loving every minute of the Russians dying and yanks fighting Serbians or whatever those folks are…the ones from Minnesota. I’ll still be down south fishing and being an ignorant hillbilly. You didn’t win the civil war it don’t seem to me. Man
Well, the Germans, too, were “reconstructed” after World War II by the “Guardians of the Universe,” i.e., the U.S., and now they sit at the feet of their masters. Germany today is a joke and part of the globalist cabal, while the Slavs, either Russians or SERBS, who were standing up against your ZOG (Sadly, the Serbs are now defeated and occupied.) Funny, though, what you said about Dixie and the Slavs. I have lived in the South for over twenty years, and there is a lot in common: we are difficult for each other and for others because of spite and stubbornness. That’s why you Anglo-Saxons hate us. Best wishes from track suit wearing pro-Russian Serb!
Just got me some German music called non human 🤓 it’s sort of goth techno. They appear to be Catholics. I only like it when I drink beer.
Somebody had to set this straight about Brandeis. It’s even worse than Prof. MacDonald says. Brandeis was appointed to the Supreme Court as its first Jew by Wilson, who was being blackmailed by the Jewish lawyer and oligarch Samuel Untermeyer, who had dirt on Wilson’s “infidelities.” Wilson capitulated by appointing Brandeis at Untermeyer’s urging, and Brandeis went on to promote Zionism and further the enslavement of the US to Israel’s interests.
Read all about it here:
Jewish Control of US Presidents #1
Not only that. Later, things like bussing often applied only to the South. We’d get reconstructed, and the North would not.
Yankees readily support doing things to us that they’d never tolerate being done to them.
I believe the psychopathic mind just destroys just for the sake of it. Lol. But I actually support mass immigration because I’m old and ugly… no one wants my body… lol
Leftism is a depopulation method of the elites. The only way to win is to double down on it and take over. Free gender reassignment for all… open borders… racism is bad , man. Medicare for all.
There’s truth in what you say. Conservatives often stand on the “X” they’re assigned, as a piano comes crashing down on them. The stage is set; conservatives are told to play the villain, and they often do just that.
One way out, I think, is to oppose foreign policy. Conservatives are usually told to oppose mass immigration and to simultaneously destroy foreign societies, which creates fresh, angry migrants. If conservatives, nationalists whatever could just be convinced not to meddle overseas then there’d be far less justification for the anger focused on the right.
Sadly, this is easier said than done.
Similarly, conservatives/nationalists often oppose expanding the middle class. They too readily play the bad guy, as if secretly suicidal.
Old people are also convinced they need migrants to fund their retirement or to drive up stocks, again for their retirement.
‘…Later, things like bussing often applied only to the South. We’d get reconstructed, and the North would not…’
Not that it did you any good, but ‘we’ did it to ourselves as well — or didn’t you ever hear about the protests in South Boston? I myself was bussed in California starting in 1968.
Probably it was more widespread in the South simply because your blacks were more widespread.
Agree with your stance on the racial alien hostile, Nimrata, who destroyed our Confederate heritage at every opportunity but… What are you talking about? The majority of the ills that plague us are due to Karl Marx’s friend Lincoln having prevailed in a wholly unnecessary war he started. Do you think that Southern Whites could not learn to implement technological advances? Well, they have so, that’s wrong. And how about that factory farming and Roundup. Great technological innovation, right? Wrong. The Agrarian South had wisdom to offer and that is worth its weight in gold.
“The consolidation of the states into one vast empire, sure to be aggressive abroad and despotic at home, will be the certain precursor of ruin which has overwhelmed all that preceded it.”
― Robert E. Lee
Yes, and the South did not need to be a technological and industrial powerhouse. The North was, and the two independent nations could trade and exchange, just as European nations did and still do.
The South was developing. It was incredibly wealthy at that point. People claim that had the war taken place 10 years later, the South would have won.
I dunno that slavery would have ended had the South won. I, ah, dislike slavery, obviously.
Own nothing and be happy 😊 sounds familiar
Things like atrazine and round up are good products.
India also several strange, nay barbaric practices apart from revering cows and rats. Until the dastardly colonial British stamped on them, that is. They included:
Suttee, the tradition of burning widows on the funeral pyres of their husbands.
Thuggee, the ritual murder of travellers to honour the goddess Kali
The stoning of lepers
The murder of infant females as expensive nuisances
The ritual sacrifice of children
Temple prostitution
Debt slavery
Oh, and India has Caste. This is a race based hierarchy which has discriminatory practices which make the worst of USA discrimination look enlightened. ‘Dalits” aren’t called ‘untouchables’ for no reason, Some castes thought that the mere sight of a Dalit was to be defiled.
Did someone say temple prostitution…does that include just thinking about it ?
Brandeis is also responsible for cajoling Wilson into WWI, campaign promises notwithstanding, for the sake of Zionism and the Balfour Declaration. Our involvement in that war enabled the odious Versailles Treaty which caused WWII. Quite a record for White genocide!
A truly repulsive article, intended perhaps as damage control?
It reflects clearly how the Civil War (and our current culture war) was essentially a punitive demonstration of Yankee cultural and moral superiority.
Yankees readily embrace the myth that the war was over slavery when it was not. They didn’t want blacks living with them. Slavery existed in the North all during the war. Blacks were not welcomed after the war.
Either Jews or Yankees have written this false mythology about the war, redefining whom Yankees and thus America are. To be American, one had to be white. Yankees killed off Amerindians, which isn’t a good thing. The US was very racial.
As I understand the history, the South fought for slavery, the North (Lincoln) to save the Union.
No…the North fought to prevent the South from leaving the Union, the South fought to leave. In point of fact, the original Thirteenth Amendment passed Congress in 1861; it guaranteed states the right to retain slavery if they wished. But things had gone too far by then, and no one was interested. But had the South been fighting simply ‘for slavery,’ the war would have ended right then.
It was fought over succession and slavery.
As an immigrant, I have observed that immigrants today come to the US and want to change it into the country they left.
It depends where they end up and where they come from. It applies mostly to the first generation. In the majority of cases, the second generation is as American as apple pie. The first generation usually, if in a big city, has a better chance of belonging to an ethnic enclave, and they are the ones that usually don’t learn language or learn it very badly, even though they have been here for decades.
How can a foreigner become American? That doesn’t make sense to me, respectfully. Bill Kristol says to be American you have to support his wars. I don’t support the wars.
As best I can discern, the US is just becoming something new. The US was originally one of the most race-oriented societies to ever exist, that we know of anyway.
Yes, many second generation immigrants do assimilate. From what I have seen, Eastern Europeans often enthusiastically assimilate. because they love America and it somehow fulfills ideals in their own nation (which had come under the dominations of commies). Poland, for example, named a street in Warsaw after Rondald Reagan.
Like santeria?
The owners of the mass media of so-called news and entertainment aren’t Yankees. From Condon’s Manchurian Candidate screenplay by them in which a crack black Airborne hero saw the garden club women as black, glib, often entertaining Coulter remains brainwashed on at least this one issue.
I’ll add a third thing: the majority of the Indian reservations are some of the most depressing places on earth.
Typical Yankee hubris is believing that they are the centers of the universe.
Depressing how?
They’re poor with few resources, away from job sites. However, Coolidge gave them citizenship. So, they can move, now.
Amerindians actually have greater rights than do any other US citizens. They have both reservations and general citizenship.
At heart, Nikki Haley is a RINO, and I see no compelling reason to vote for her other than the fact that she is a woman, which is probably a reason to NOT vote for her.
I think she is aiming to be the VP on the GOP 2024 ticket.
Thank you for reminding us the importance of Character. A superb article – Brava!
Nikki Haley is a Zionist kissing Gentile stooge 100%.
She was a consummate liar while in office as a Governor and a Shabbos Goyim at the UN.
This foul waste of humanity needs a size 12 boot back to India not another American political office. Her foul treasonous stench is only one step above Trump, and that statement is being lenient.
I can see her point about the behavior of a recent immigrant like Nikki Haley, but for all her talent as a writer she is completely ignorant (or afraid for her career) to point out the things Jews have done to bring this country and all of Europe down so that Asia has now surpassed the west for the first time in centuries, if not much longer. Multiculturalism, mass migration, Cultural Marxism, homosexual propaganda and now transgender rights and transsexuals, even changing a child’s sex thru medical procedures. Destruction of Christianity, the family and promoting out of wedlock sex and promiscuity have all erased families and bringing up children to become productive citizens. The US and Europe are approaching shithoile status as one of the poorest countries in the world 50 years ago has surpassed the US in economic size. Jews did that. They destroye the white countries and wiped out much of the world’s white population.
The reason China and Russia are doing well and much of the world is joining them is that the west has been made into societies of perverts and losers and Jews have not been part of countries like China and Japan and Putin limited their say in Russia after they completely took it over in 1917.
She could get an excellent education if she read this website. .
Yes, “The West” is not The West anymore. It is a gang of mongrelized states.
That’s unfair to Jews… no one makes people smoke crack 😁 if people are losers or degenerate… that’s on them.
And the Chinese are unfair to the (((British))) Sasoons for the Opium Wars. No one made ‘em smoke it, amirite?
So much to correct here. Whatever Anne says about Adolf Ochs, it must be remembered that he was a Jew who owned and operated the New York Times, and placed it at the service of exonerating and white-washing Leo Frank, the vile child raping and murdering president of the Atlanta B’nai B’rith Jewish Freemasons. Ochs and later the Jewish Sulzbergers were original members of the New York B’nai B’rith, the founding chapter. Beware of Jews owning and operating media.
Jewish Media Ownership and Management–an Update
Thank you for your comment. I’ve often not posted Ann Coulter’s articles because of her apparent refusal to deal with a major global problem: the Jews and their agenda. But in this article she offers great wisdom with regard to the American people and their character, which built this nation, and their apparent loss of character since 1800. This is seldom mentioned today and is very important. It shows Americans that they are not going up but down, very possibly to be eliminated as a race, and holds them responsible. Informed commenters such as Victor Davis Hanson, who know the part the Jews are playing, but won’t report it believe, perhaps, that they can do more good, and live longer, by not doing so. I would like to leave this reminder by John Kaminski: The Missing Word
Thank you, and Kevin MacDonald too, for your comments.
‘…the total awesomeness of the country you’re currently living in.’
That’s getting to be a tad dated, I’m afraid. Twenty five years ago, when Europeans carped about the US, I could, in all honesty, say, ‘you’re just jealous.’
Today? I’m in Argentina at the moment — and I think I’d rather have this country’s problems than our own. Their future is, if not precisely bright, rapidly coming to be less dark than ours.
Not many vagrants, not many immigrants, widespread friendliness and trust (when was the last time you saw a pretty girl hitchhiking alone in the US?)…
Look: we’re doing a swan dive into an empty swimming pool. That ‘total awesomeness’ is becoming nothing more than a memory — fast.
Maybe we are just becoming those ” lot lizard” things.