The New Baby-Killers
Extremists have got to learn to take half a loaf. Just like the cheap labor-demanding GOP donors, pro-lifers need to be told: You can’t get everything you want. If Republicans give you this, they’ll lose their jobs, and the people who’ll replace them want you dead.
Unlike a lot of people complaining about the anti-abortion zealots, I am an anti-abortion zealot. That’s why I’m begging them to stop pushing wildly unpopular ideas. These fanatics are going to get millions more babies killed when Democrats win supermajorities in both houses of Congress and immediately pass a federal law making abortion-on-demand the law of the land.
They’re also going to get a lot more adults killed when those same Democratic supermajorities pass laws taking our guns, defunding the police and packing the court, among other great Democratic ideas.
We’ve been rolling our eyes at pro-choicers forever, telling them to calm down, that overturning Roe would just return the issue to the states. Blue states would make abortion legal until the kid turns 14. A few states, like Louisiana, would impose tough restrictions, but most states would come out in the middle — allowing abortions in the first trimester, plus parental notification laws, and exceptions for rape and incest.
Instead, the moment Dobbs was released, pro-life nuts rushed to the mics, saying, This is gonna be great! We’re going to ban abortion from the moment of conception and prosecute the mothers for murder!
The Democratic Party has been using abortion to scare suburban women in every election cycle for 50 years. Now, Republicans are finally giving them something to be scared about.
In Michigan, the Republican gubernatorial nominee, Tudor Dixon, said she opposed abortion for 14-year-old girls who’d been raped because giving birth to her rapist’s baby could be “healing.”
Does the name Todd Akin mean anything to you? Anything at all? Richard Mourdock?
Dixon lost by 11 points.
Pennsylvania responded, Watch this! Doug Mastriano, Republican candidate for governor, called abortion the “number one” issue of his campaign and said he looked forward to signing a six-week abortion ban. In 2019, he’d called for criminally prosecuting women who got abortions and doctors who performed them.
Mastriano lost by 15 points, taking the Republican Senate candidate down with him.
If we don’t bind and gag these pro-life militants, in about two more election cycles, we’ll have no Republicans in office anywhere. Good luck saving babies then!
Of course, it’s possible that there were other things voters didn’t like about Dixon and Mastriano.
Ah, but we also have pure test cases. Since Dobbs, there have been a total of six statewide ballot initiatives exclusively about abortion. The pro-life side lost every single time. They lost in blue states, in purple states and in red states. They were not outspent. These were direct-to-the-people votes. The tiniest restriction on abortion failed — even wholly theoretical restrictions! Every expansion of abortion rights won.
Army of Todd Akins: I don’t care! They’re wrong! They’re evil! What about the babies??? [Please give me a standing ovation now.]
In Montana, a proposal merely to require doctors to give life-saving treatment to babies born alive after a botched abortion lost 53% to 47%. Trump won Montana by 20 points in 2016 and 15 points in 2020.
In Kansas, pro-lifers wrote a ballot initiative that would have amended the constitution to clarify that it said nothing at all about abortion. The initiative placed no new restrictions on abortion, but simply moved the issue from the courts to the legislature.
It failed by 18 points, 59-41, losing in every congressional district in the state. Trump won Kansas by 20 points in 2016 and 15 points in 2020.
Kentucky voted on a similar initiative, proposing to amend the state constitution to say: “… nothing in this Constitution shall be construed to secure or protect a right to abortion or require the funding of abortion.”
That initiative lost 52-48. In 2016, Trump won Kentucky by a whopping 30 points, and in 2020 by 25 points.
In three other states, Michigan, Vermont and California, voters put a right to abortion in their state constitutions.
Six ballot initiatives expressly on abortion, and the pro-life side lost ’em all.
We’ve been waiting half a century to get Roe overruled so Americans could finally vote on the issue. Well, guess what? They’ve voted! In the privacy of the voting booth, the people have spoken, and what they’ve said is: We don’t want the stupid and incompetent having any more babies.
The fanatics cite three Republican governors who won reelection after signing six-week abortion bans as proof that a certain miracle governor in Florida hasn’t just nuked his own presidential chances by approving such a law. All three governors signed their six-week bans when Roe was still the law of the land. All three bans were tied up in litigation on Election Day.
But more important, in the entire country, only one incumbent governor lost in 2022 — pro-life, pro-choice, it didn’t matter. Thirty-six governors up for reelection; 35 won.
The only flipped governorship was in Nevada, where the winning Republican, Joe Lombardo, said he opposed a national abortion ban. Luckily, abortion was a complete nonissue because state law already allows abortion up to 24 weeks and can only be changed by a vote of the people. (Lombardo also said there was no fraud in the 2020 election, for any Republicans who care about winning.)
But even in the face of a brutal 6-0 losing record, there are still pro-lifers who will say, I’m proud and I’d do it again! (Did you see my write-up in Catholic Insights magazine?)
This is our “DEFUND THE POLICE” faction — people whose ideological zealotry outruns their rationality.
Fine, be a showoff. Just understand, you’re going to get a lot more babies killed. I hope that’s worth your moral preening.
Yup, that certainly is a winning strategy: preventing black and brown people’s access to abortion, the same “winner” as calling the Democrats “true racists.”
But NO, if there is an effort that would actually help the white working class, like student law forgiveness, Republicans would rather send billions to Ukraine. Sheeesh.
You are right, of course. Blacks and Browns get abortions more often. This article in the LATimes is about a leftist abortion doctor but all the photos of patients are black.
But Coulter is right, it’s a losing election strategy to push it, and the Dems will totally focus on it as they already are. Perhaps reasonable limits on time of gestation, rape, incest, gross deformities would be a viable compromise.
Trump was the first to sound the alarm on the abortion issue, calling it “the wrong hill to die on.” And even earlier, some “far-right extremists”
Best wishes!
It’s curious how Ann Coulter is more interested in strategizing about how to get Republicans elected than she is in thinking of ways to take down ZOG. If you vote Republican ZOG will remain the extant power and then Bob’s your uncle. Nothing changes.
For once, you and I completely agree. I might indeed go farther and say that if Coulter has any principle that will survive a conflict with a Republican victory at the polls, I am unaware of it.
For me, on the other hand, if the only way to take down ZOG were to give full consent of the will to murder of the unborn, I’d endure the status quo. (Here, I suspect, you and I are back to disagreeing.) Besides, it’s difficult to think of an occasion when those who said that temporizing with principle was the best or the only way to get ahead didn’t turn out to be speaking from self-interest.
You are quite correct, I think.
Appeal via their ownership of what bulldogs, castrates, brands, and keeps the herd moving toward market, and prevents a White Wild West works. Watch what Mr. Taylor just posted on how They operate: It is dysgenic, to disembowel, to divide to conquer,
Consider the instant crisis in railroad derailments. Never mind those as a percentage of tons-per-mile hauled by rail, these days, the cost-effectiveness– particular air pollution-wise– transport compared with rubber-tire and diesel-exhaust particle micro-pulverizing over-the-road truck. It is not about which will get Chinese/Vietnamese “plastic hair curlers” or even which union’s employees’ benefit.
Mass media of so-called news/entertainment/marketing works. Its eugenic for one line– not a rail line. We’re talking breed, race, subspecies, variety– same thing– and their unwitting, unprincipled minions.
The classic argument against helping the poor, e.g., student loan forgiveness by biologist’s biologist and my 1968 next door neighbor:
Don’t miss Dr. Hardin’s archivists’ similar posts:
Interesting. I’ve heard such an analogy before. However, the U.S. in the 1960s was still a manufacturing, productive nation. One employed member of the family was able to support a wife and three kids. The trade policies and neoliberal economic model destroyed the U.S.
There are lots of good videos you linked, to check out. Thanks!
It was the half a loaf taken from them which led to the present state of affairs.
Once a gold standard of morality is done away with, in this case the sanctity of human life, there is a tendency for a further slide away from it. The reason is that the gold standard was the toughest to breech and further barriers downstream of it are therefore comparatively and progressively easier. Thus we now have abortion on demand with the murder of babies which have been aborted but are still breathing, Next: Euthanasia, willing or not.
The same process applies with the monetary gold standard. Once that went, the printing of paper money has reached extraordinary levels with a commensurate decline in the value of the dollar.
When attempting to stoke revolution courting fanatics is certainly no vice. Trying to get Republicans elected as an end unto itself is the profession of paid shills. If the secret to transforming Christians into fanatical paramilitary political gangsters is to bait the hook with anti-abortion rhetoric then I’m all for it.
Abortion is an entirely private matter: either the individual belongs to himself, or to the state – which is anyway an illegitimate and criminal organisation. To talk of a mass of cells as if it were a human being, is to make a bid for sentimentality.
You, sir, are certainly a mass of cells. And a troll– someone making provocative statements with which some sites comments rules counsel not to engage– is simply a nursery tale to frighten one’s children of those homeless, maybe with imaginary playmates seeking to groom real ones, and dwelling under bridges, e.g., Br J Sociol
. 2019 Dec;70(5):1754-1773. doi: 10.1111/1468-4446.12670. Epub 2019 Mar 28.
Wrangling with the Black monster: young Black mixed-race men and masculinities.
I don’t give a hoot any more if abortion is totally legal or illegal. That is not the point. But I would like to inform you that some abortions done later in gestation result in the fetus, that “mass of cells”, being born alive and breathing. A failed abortion. Then it is just put aside, maybe in a container, and our fkg noble doctors and nurses look the other way while it gasps for awhile and then returns to the Father. Hey, what’s not to love about this beauteous scene, Carl-Edward.
Why would i care that much if ZOG party A or ZOG party B gets elected?
Don’t get me wrong, i will still vote for the lesser evil, because it is free to do so, but i am not going to compromise on moral standards – like not killing babies – just for a slightly slower decline under the slightly less evil party.
It is also very short sighted. If you drop the abortion issue and in exchange gain a few seats and delay further pro-abortion measures by a few years, you still end up with the same result as if you lose all seats and pro-abortion zealots reign.
In both cases you will live in a country where every parent can kill their baby at will and where murder is an alternative to contraception.
From 2024, all oil and gas heating systems will have to be banned in Germany; only “renewable” heat pumps will then be permitted. Viessmann, Germany’s largest heat pump manufacturer, could therefore earn a lot of money from its market position.
But just at that moment, US group Carrier Global buys Viessmann for 12 billion dollars. 86 percent of Carrier Global belongs to institutional investors, i.e. the US financial industry, namely BlackRock Vanguard, and Capital Group. Also CEO of Carrier Global is a Jew named Gitlin.
It would be nice to prick their fiat currency system balloon in the meantime. The US is going electric, too, so it can be controlled. Its hard to imagine that total electric home advertising is back just from a laws of thermodynamics perspective. Its’ about control without stirring up the animals too much. The whole investment and retirement scenario like the medical industry depends on confidence in the system unless what they’re doing starts to implode. I was hoping for controlled fusion facilitating both desalinization and hydrogen fuel production but I don’t think we little people can expect much benefit from it: it would benefit developers and investors at the apex.
I went to IKEA, a couple of days ago, and used a commercial charger for a plug-in hybrid: I hadn’t noticed that juice is $.28/KWH. In the 1980s, when I was selling energy conservation, it was $.08. My daddy used to say that no one’s treasure is secure as long Congress is in-session. In California, it’s the PUC (public utilities commission) that does what it pleases and has authority allowing them to pass along any costs incurred by their companies– mainly SDG&E, SCE, and PG&E– in increased rates. And its easier to flip a switch that blow-up pipelines and turn tankers around. What a deal unless the already degenerating masses catch on or somebody like Russia or Iran nukes their deal. But They probably have that built into the plan to spur and recalcitrant Animals.
No wood stove chimneys on new construction in California where smoke competes with diesel exhaust. Like heat pumps, pellet stoves need some electricity. Pellet manufacture is also dependent of a number of things. Even propane fluctuates with the market.
Thoreau had it almost right. Wood heats you when you cut and split it, haul it, stack it, an when you burn it. And California has so much of it that needs to come out of the woods. Too bad California and federal land management and the people who allow it have their heads where they need to come out off, too. Watch this fire season for some real waste.
Hello James,
unfortunately, my comment has not been published yet (perhaps it is still waiting in the “queue”), so before you think I don’t appreciate your effort, here again is the response of an American comrade to my message:
“Heat pumps are simply air conditioning systems that can be run in either direction. For heating your house they take heat out of the outside air and dump it into the inside. For cooling they work like a conventional A/C and cool the inside air by pumping the heat outside. They have two problems:
1) They run off of electricity. Someone still has to produce the electricity. In winter solar doesn’t cut it. Germany is restricting their use of oil and gas and has shut down their nuclear plants. That means these heat pumps will be indirectly powered by strip-mining coal and burning it.
2) In heating mode, the system is trying to chill the outside air. Below freezing temps where the outside air is already cold, their efficiency starts to drop and they start to really struggle to heat your home below 20 Fahrenheit.
They can be good solutions here in the mild, sunny Southwest USA but I would think there are practical obstacles to Germany simply picking up their entire population and moving it to Arizona. (Not least of which would be who is then going to manufacture the cars I prefer to buy?)”
Best regards
As is well known, according to the law of
conservation of energy, energy can neither
arise from nothing nor disappear into nothing.
By means of the lie-formulas of the Jewish
madman Einstein, his followers are convin-
ced to be able to overthrow nature and con-
struct more and more billion-dollar graves.
Mr. Zohm is one of those inconceivable
highly paid lunatics who, regardless of any
evidence, comes up with an even more mo-
ronic justification against all eventualities.
Former fusion scientist on why we won’t have fusion power by 2040: “I refute some very optimistic claims about fusion power and discuss some of the challenges in making this long-sought after technology a reality.”
One could just as well claim that the “State of Israel” is a completely autonomous and self-sufficient perpetual motion machine.
This assertion is based on the same Jewish lying “laws”.
In fact, this (((system))) is fed from the outside all the time and sucks energy from the outside like a vacuum cleaner.
The only thing that this “state” generates “independently” in truth is (in the most literal sense) millions of lies on an assembly line.
As is well known, according to the law of
conservation of energy, energy can neither
arise from nothing nor disappear into nothing.
By means of the lie-formulas of the Jewish
madman Einstein, his followers are convin-
ced to be able to overthrow nature and con-
struct more and more billion-dollar graves.
Herr Zohm is one of those inconceivable
highly paid lunatics who, regardless of any
evidence, comes up with an even more mo-
ronic justification against all eventualities.
You could just as well claim that the
“State of Israel” is a completely auto-
nomous and self-sufficient perpetual
motion machine. This assertion is ba-
sed on the same Jewish lying “laws”.
In fact, this (((system))) is fed from the
outside all the time and sucks energy
from the outside like a vacuum cleaner.
The only thing that this “state” generates
“independently” in truth is (in most literal
sense) millions of lies on an assembly line.
“stop pushing wildly unpopular ideas.”
It is long past time that I get around to republishing my self published book on Climate Change the Work of God to the better title Welcome to God World!!!! Now wouldn’t that be a wildly unpopular idea lol? But wow or woe rather if such a book wouldn’t bring some much needed clarity to the words:
It is a dreadful thing to fall into the hands of a Living God!!!!
which the world of science sums up with their conundrum “we don’t understand certain abrupt meteorological events that pop up now and then.”
But it is a comment by Space Cowboy which makes me wonder how would someone like me compete with a Horst Lüning?
Does God have a sense of humor?
And, O, about cycles wouldn’t these words sum it all up?
After that whole generation had been gathered to their ancestors, another generation grew up who knew neither the Lord nor what he had done for Israel. 11 Then the Israelites did evil in the eyes of the Lord and served the Baals. 12 They forsook the Lord, the God of their ancestors, who had brought them out of Egypt. They followed and worshiped various gods of the peoples around them. They aroused the Lord’s anger 13 because they forsook him and served Baal and the Ashtoreths. 14 In his anger against Israel the Lord gave them into the hands of raiders who plundered them. He sold them into the hands of their enemies all around, whom they were no longer able to resist. 15 Whenever Israel went out to fight, the hand of the Lord was against them to defeat them, just as he had sworn to them. They were in great distress. Judges 2:10
Cycles? Theirs your cycles for you!! and thankfully we know or have been warned about whats arriving upon our world shortly!!!
Hello dear Herr Gerry,
what to say about that?
I grant you to quote me most graciously.
Well, at least Lüning is of the opinion that
only an extremely “funny God” causes his
“humor” (or what that is supposed to be).
By the way, I am also against the non-
sense that Mr. Rieck is spreading here.
Personally, however, I am expressly
of the opinion that alone this incompre-
hensible nonsense already represents
an irrefutable proof for the nonexisten-
ce of any “intelligence” in the cosmos.
I am of the opinion that everyone should
cling to his faith (or superstition) if it gives
him supposed support. He only must not
be too disappointed if in the end the ex-
pected “paradise” fails to materialize.
The crucial question that arises in my
mind is: Does God love idiots, or can
He distinguish idiots from non-idiots?
Then why doesn’t he allow them to think
for themselves? This would be a first step
in actually making him a substantial, crucial
believable entity even to non-stupid people.
But how long will all this go on, when the Dear Lord advises us not to use the sword that adorns us, when the occasion arises, to cut off the head of the snake that torments us around the clock? In the end, can it and will it still be to the disadvantage of all of us with this soul-polluting “God’s help”? Read bible: “Your worst mortal enemy is also only a human being!”
Dogmatism is as much a part of evil as unprincipledness or the perversion of order into disorder. Whenever I meet people who want to force a purely learned “truth” on me, I know, these people want – either from own laziness of thinking or complete inability to think independently – to suppress their environment in the name of the “truth”. And this cannot want a God of whom they speak in lying intention all the time.
As for Lüning’s “cycles”: The belief, the sun or gas planets would cause any “cyclic catastrophes”, is consequently the voluntary abandonment and surrender of the independent thinking and acting to allegedly “cosmic regularities”, which, however, deny the existence of any astrology at the same time. Lüning is engaging in scaremongering here to line his own pockets. Obviously, providing people with booze is not enough for him.
In truth, Lüning is a failure who exists solely on the wealth of his wife. Every insider knows that he failed miserably as a “computer specialist” with his own company. Where did he get the 3 million dollars to buy the website?
Does it have something to do with his relentless continuous promotion of Musk’s junk car “Tesla”? And then there’s always the ridiculous bullshit about him being a “certified rocket engineer”. The guy has never worked with his own hands for a single day in his life!
The problem with Coulter’s proposition is that she thinks a pro-abortion stance by conservatives will somehow head off First and Second Amendment nullifications by the totalitarians on the Left. It won’t. Eventually, the nullifications will happen and happen far sooner than most think. No leftist will stop and say: “…oh, okay, since conservatives now are fine with abortion, I guess we ought to keep the first two Amendments”. Hello???? The Left will never stop in its attempts to extinguish liberty in America. Far better that they accomplish that sooner than later. For those anti-abortion conservatives out there: keep on doing what you’re doing.
“Emigrating to America – curse or blessing?”
(You can activate Youtube auto-subs and than chose English)
The makers of this documentary film are neither willing nor mentally able to recognize and clearly name the actual problem of their protagonists. After all, the world has become so “uncannily mysterious and confusing”:
A young German family sees no future in their homeland, the far too high cost of living is no longer acceptable, and Germany is inescapably going steeply downhill. With the savings of a few hundred thousand euros, they sell their home and emigrate to Florida. Once there, their only remaining belongings (13 suitcases) are lost by British Airways. They are only allowed to buy a car if they have an American driver’s license. Instead of the beautiful dream world they had hoped for, they end up in a flophouse (“hotel”) full of “colored” extended families who would otherwise have no roof over their heads. Apparently, the great dream of America is a nightmare, you just have to believe that everything will turn out for the better.
Also in Florida, a German twerp who emigrated to Florida 40 years ago and realized his great dream of a lifetime is presented as a kind of “counterdraft”. There he started a family with a woman who has German ancestors and who now works as a “professor for gender minorities” (or similar nonsense). Both complain about the increasingly bad climatic conditions (such as heat, floods and hurricanes). Moreover, the composition of the neighborhood would have changed in recent years in a most unpleasant way. But not because of the immigrants, but because of “right-wing conservative Republicans”, who (one can’t believe it) are e.g. also against abortion. Such a thing would not have existed in “liberal” Florida in the past. Now they are preparing to emigrate to Germany for the old days.
P.S. The beautiful Frau Francisco has an American father.
(The automatic subs for the vid work out excellent, you have to activate them at the bottom right and then choose English from the many languages.)
If every pro-lifer’s hero (Jesus Christ…whoever/whatever this character was!?), cares so much for the “unborn”), then he can STOP these abortions! If not, then don’t call him “God”…!