CRT at Penn State Abington
Anti-White hate has become a defining feature of our times. The case of Zach De Piero is probably the worst I have seen. This attack was spearheaded by the chair of the English Department who is apparently a White woman, Liliana Nayden, pictured below. (Not surprisingly, the other administrator involved was Alina Wong, an “equity administrator” of Asian descent.)
I recently posted on the problem of White women being especially prone to the subservience to wokeness that manifests itself in accepting CRT, due ultimately to the peculiar reality that individualist Western cultures are based on individuals’ reputations and ability to fit into moral communities—moral communities that have come to be defined by cultural elites in the media and academia. The power of these moral communities is based ultimately on fear of social ostracism (higher in women) and other penalties, e.g., job loss. White people of both sexes are particularly prone to such fears for good reason, but women more so. (Obviously, not all Whites of either sex fall into this category.) It continues to amaze me that more White parents have not become concerned enough about the reality of anti-White hatred and its effects on their children and grandchildren, especially their sons and grandsons.
“Obama judge rules CRT trainings can violate federal law after it traumatized White teacher“
An Obama-appointed judge ruled in favor of a Pennsylvania college professor who sued his employer over critical race theory trainings he alleged were anti-White, including one that said “White Teachers are a Problem,” according to a lawsuit.
A former professor at Penn State Abington, Zack De Piero, sued for race discrimination after he was allegedly subjected to training that the English language is racist and the embodiment of “White supremacy,” along with additional tirades against White people in professional development sessions and meetings, according to a lawsuit.
He explained to Fox News Digital in an interview Wednesday that the trainings were traumatic since he can’t get them out of his head.
Judge Wendy Beetlestone of the Eastern District of Pennsylvania ruled on Jan. 11 that Professor De Piero had solid grounds to proceed in his race discrimination lawsuit despite Penn State’s request for it to be dismissed.
Beetlestone said that discussing the “influence of racism on our society does not violate federal law.” But when considering whether to allow the professor’s suit to progress, she considered the type of CRT training used at Penn State Abington.
“Training on concepts such as… critical race theory can contribute positively… to form a healthy and inclusive working environment,” she said. “But the way these conversations are carried out in the workplace matters: When employers talk about race — any race — with a constant drumbeat of essentialist, deterministic, and negative language, they risk liability under federal law.”
De Piero “was individually singled out for ridicule and humiliation because of the color of his skin,” according to the original lawsuit filed by the Foundation Against Intolerance and Racism (FAIR).
When he complained about “the continuous stream of racial insult directed at White faculty,” he was told by the director of the Affirmative Action office that “There is a problem with the White race.” The administrator went on to say that the professor should attend “antiracist” workshops “until you get it.”
Some of the workshops included a presentation captioned “White Teachers are a Problem,” according to the lawsuit.
“I see this as an ideological mob that is hostile to free speech, civil discourse, true debate, empirical data,” the professor said.
His direct report in the English department, Liliana Naydan, “expressed her view that racism practiced against White faculty and students is legitimate,” according to the lawsuit. Naydan did not immediately respond to a request for comment.
The lawsuit alleged Naydan tried to coerce faculty to introduce equity into the grading process to ensure there weren’t disparities by “penaliz[ing] students academically on the basis of race.”
An equity administrator named in the suit, Alina Wong, engaged in breathing exercises in one session and suggested White staff needed to hold their breath longer than people of color in order to “‘feel the pain’ that George Floyd endured,” according to the lawsuit.
Another professional development video said that “White English… kills people of color,” according to the suit.
Penn State also officially warned De Piero that “dissenting from Penn State’s race-based dogma” would result in “disciplinary action,” the lawsuit said.The professor ended up leaving his position.
“Penn State actively treated De Piero as the problem, suggesting mental health treatment and disciplining him for bullying when he dared to complain. As a result, De Piero’s only option to escape the hostile environment was to leave Penn State. This constructive termination occurred on August 2, 2022,” the lawsuit said.
In another instance, the then-DEI director emailed all employees “calling on White people” to “feel terrible” about their “own internalized White supremacy” and to “hold other White people accountable.’”
De Piero’s attorney at FAIR, Michael Thad Allen, reacted to the ruling, saying, “The opinion is clear that… you cannot discriminate on the basis of race by wrapping up racist stereotypes as ‘anti-racist,’ which is what Penn State did to Zack De Piero.” …
From FoxNews:
[De Piero:] “I think there is almost a religious, cult-like environment where you had this Original Sin. In this case, I’m White. I need to repent for that sin. I need to keep going to these [trainings], keep doing the work. … I think they were waging a psychological war campaign and they’re trying to break people. And they almost broke me. But they didn’t.”
From Inside
[De Piero] alleges that at the end of a meeting in September 2018, one month into his appointment, Liliana Naydan, the English department chair, told faculty members she knew their political affiliations.
“Naydan then loudly expressed concern and disbelief that plaintiff was not a registered Democrat,” the suit alleges. …Naydan also, DePiero alleges, emailed him and two other white faculty members to say, “racist structures are quite real in assessment and elsewhere regardless of the good intentions that teachers and scholars bring to the set-up of those structures. For me, the racism is in the results if the results draw a color line.”
DePiero alleges, “One of the chief race-based principles that defendants sought to enforce concerned student performance.”
“Defendants discriminate twofold on the basis of race,” he alleges. “First, defendants’ bigotry manifests itself in low expectations. They do not expect black or Hispanic students to achieve the same mastery of academic subject matters as other students and therefore insist that deficient performance must be excused. Accurate assessment of abilities, if it happens to show disparate performance among different racial groups, is therefore condemned as ‘racist.’ Second, defendants’ bigotry manifests itself in overt discrimination against students and faculty who do apply consistent standards, especially white faculty.”
“The logic of defendants’ demands required that DePiero also penalize students academically on the basis of race,” he alleges. “If, for example, students from East Asia or the Indian subcontinent excelled over other minority groups (who often had the same, if not lighter skin color), DePiero was asked to penalize them in order to equalize outcomes on the basis of race.” …
DePiero alleges, “Following the tragic murder of George Floyd in May 2020, the defendants’ ‘antiracist’ activism reached a new fever pitch.” His lawsuit cites emails from later that year, where defendants allegedly wrote that white employees should “Stop talking” and directed writing faculty members to “assure that all students see that white supremacy manifests itself in language and in writing pedagogy.”
“Naydan instructed her writing faculty to teach that white supremacy exists in language itself, and therefore, that the English language itself is ‘racist’ and, furthermore, that white supremacy exists in the teaching of writing of English, and therefore writing teachers are themselves racist white supremacists,” the suit says. She also allegedly “endorsed a Penn State colleague’s view that ‘reverse racism isn’t racism.’”
“Penn State’s bizarre brand of ‘antiracism,’” the suit says, “condemns qualities like ‘objectivity’ as ‘white supremacy,’ and purports to celebrate people of color for being incapable of objective thought. The common denominator at Penn State and among all defendants is the promotion of pejorative stereotypes on the basis of race, which have created a hostile environment not only for DePiero but for all faculty and students.” …
DePiero alleges, “Following the tragic murder of George Floyd in May 2020, the defendants’ ‘antiracist’ activism reached a new fever pitch.” His lawsuit cites emails from later that year, where defendants allegedly wrote that white employees should “Stop talking” and directed writing faculty members to “assure that all students see that white supremacy manifests itself in language and in writing pedagogy.”
“Naydan instructed her writing faculty to teach that white supremacy exists in language itself, and therefore, that the English language itself is ‘racist’ and, furthermore, that white supremacy exists in the teaching of writing of English, and therefore writing teachers are themselves racist white supremacists,” the suit says. She also allegedly “endorsed a Penn State colleague’s view that ‘reverse racism isn’t racism.’”
“Penn State’s bizarre brand of ‘antiracism,’” the suit says, “condemns qualities like ‘objectivity’ as ‘white supremacy,’ and purports to celebrate people of color for being incapable of objective thought. The common denominator at Penn State and among all defendants is the promotion of pejorative stereotypes on the basis of race, which have created a hostile environment not only for DePiero but for all faculty and students.” …
[From a performance review of DePiero:]
“An investigation into your conduct during a meeting with colleagues on October 18, 2021, by the AAO [Affirmative Action Office] concluded that it was ‘aggressive, disruptive, unprofessional and in opposition to the University’s Values Statement,’” the review said, though DePiero denies behaving like that.
The suit says that “DePiero’s only option to escape the hostile environment was to leave Penn State.
A gossip journo nicknamed “Ask E. Jean” claims Trump, three years younger than her, had a go at her (possibly underused) vagina in a department store changing room. This is the second time she has done this because 5 million dollars in “compensation” is not enough. The Jewish judge Lewis A. Kaplan decided that women never lie and awarded her 83 million dollars instead of the 10 million she had demanded. She publicly claims to want to give part of it (18 million dollars) to other over-aged vaginas allegedly “sexually abused” by Trump.
Smuggling in subliminal messages via AI seems to be the latest craze. Anglin has edited his own face into the first picture (top left), with hair and light brown eyes. Below, Adolf and Taylor Swift as his Christmas presenters. At the bottom right is a highly polished image of Adolf from National Vanguard. Above (top right) the promotional poster for the PBS series “Nazi Town, USA”. Nick Fuentes is clearly recognizable in the middle, with Elon Musk implied to his right and Joseph Goebbels implied to his left.
A spooky new way of reprogramming the public consciousness. The technical means are being used with increasing sophistication. The (supposedly “domestic”) industry has long been pursuing its own agenda by spreading sublime messages. White men are supposed to disappear from the public consciousness (see Jewgle search “white women seeking”), and are replaced by Negroes. Example: “(anti)German” advertising.
It is obvious that Musk naturally has many enviers. How did this unknown boy become the richest person in the world so quickly? He himself is probably the driving force and “visionary”, but not the brilliant brain behind it. Part 2 and 3 in the description
A lot of German-sounding names
behind Musk’s alleged successes.–500-million-in-buffalo-s-riverbend-gigafactory
Forthcoming Swiss msm article series about Germoney’s economic collapse:
1st article: Total crisis: is Germany running aground?
2nd article: Gangs, violence and obesity: the symptoms
3rd article: Germans of all people are now buying cars from China
4th article: Economic crisis fuels immigration to Switzerland
5th article: New trading partners? What the Swiss economy is demanding
6th article: Is Germany becoming the new Italy?
7th article: Who is actually to blame for the whole mess?
8th article: Germany’s crisis has a big profiteer
Get to know Stephanie, who leads a distinguished, almost sophisticated life as the wife of Maasai man Sokoine (a true hunk of a man!) in Tanzania, initially on an island with the paradigmatic name “Mafia”: “My father-in-law has three wives, and each of them has eight children.”
That’s the model of the future! Soros would be proud of her. So we finally get rid of our ugliest, most useless, childless ecofeminist women. A kind of “humanist” reverse invasion as soft neo-colonialism in disguise. There is obviously some demand from sub-Saharan men.
“Be Unique” is written on their hoody, which, however, stands out too much from the Maasai costumes. You have to put up with a lot if you want to stand out from the crowd of hated Germans! And that’s what this is all about.
Whether Stephanie is Sokoine’s main wife or just a concubine is not revealed on cam, as this would violate the old customs of discretion. However, she has already given birth to a brown crossbreed son called Yannick (just like the famous bown tennis player whose surname is Noah).
Their main source of economic income consists of making dream catchers and sewing sanitary napkins, an innovation contributed by her Australian peer. Unusual for the Maasai women at first, but gratefully accepted, although one dare not ask what their previous solution to the problem was.
As expected, Stephanie finds it difficult to accept that the poor Maasai women are so dependent on their husbands and wants to provide some relief with her feminist innovations “without destroying their culture”.
An absolutely confidence-inspiring paradise that is the envy of every other woman (tormented by wealth and affluence) with sense and reason. Women really are the better and smarter sex, as this example makes unmistakably clear. Activate English subtitles (available).
Speaking of women: Did you know that the philo-Semitic “novel” of a British woman who called herself “George” had a decisive influence on Zionism (and thus on the founding of the criminal base “Israel”)? The Jewish demoness “Lilith” (quasi the antithesis of the biblical Eve) plays a key role not only for Sinead McCarthy, but also for feminism.
After all, it’s not just about the “emacipation” of women, but also of Jews. Somehow the one seems inextricably linked to the other. A gynophile/judeophile Brit can’t get over his realization, but for some unknown reason he has replaced the Z in zionism with a 3. Who could blame this cautious literary freak for writing Zionism without a 3 at the beginning?
While Eve merely tempted the man to taste the tree of wisdom, Lilith is the serpent itself. Although the apple, which comes from Central Asia, was unknown in the so called “Holy Land” at the time and could at best have been a tomato, which is why it is still called locally today as Paradeiser (Austria) or Paradiesapfel.
The poor apple was caused endless suffering by these lies. I recently enjoyed a surprisingly tasty apple, which is apparently the product of an American university that generates a large part of its income from this hybrid. Its success is so resounding that it begins to displace other varieties.