Tucker Carlson and the Racist White Ladies
Rich white ladies pay $5,000 to be told they’re naughty little racists. What is that? Jason Whitlock knows. pic.twitter.com/rj2aQ6yUHi
— Tucker Carlson (@TuckerCarlson) December 15, 2023
White women are a very difficult and intractable problem for our side. Here we have an account of White women, all of whom are undoubtedly wonderfully liberal and virtuous, accepting that they are in fact horribly racist when told that they are racist by a Black woman and a child of Indian immigrants who have made a business out of such accusations. It’s a deep problem that even having a non-White “partner” and mixed-race children can’t erase. It’s in the DNA of all White women.
And the reality is that such mindless conformity to what is presented as virtuous is indeed influenced by the DNA of White people. Unlike the rest of the world where groups are based on kinship and morality is defined by what is good for the ingroup of kin (e.g., “what’s good for the Jews”), Western individualist culture is based on reputation in a moral community. In traditional Western societies, these moral communities were defined mainly by the Christian religion, but in the modern West, they are defined by elites in the media and academia.
It’s difficult to imagine White men in a similar situation be so unanimous in accepting that they are racist even if they have a long track record of voting Democrat, reading The New York Times and The Guardian, and contributing to NPR. I doubt they would be so conformist and self-abnegating (unless perhaps they are thinking of transitioning to being a woman). It’s more of a problem for White women than men, but unfortunately both sexes are prone to it. Here I’ll focus on the sex difference, based on material in my book Individualism and the Western Liberal Tradition, with most citations removed.
First, personality. In conformity with the evolutionary theory of sex, sociopathic traits are higher in men, while empathy and wanting to be loved are higher in women: On average, women are more altruistic and empathic than men, and they place more value on close relationships. For example, eighteenth- and nineteenth-century abolitionists often had strong religious beliefs and appealed to the empathic tendencies of their audience by graphically depicting the suffering of slaves conceptualized in a Christian religious context—a phenomenon that is quite apparent in contemporary society. Even though both sexes were responsive to these messages, women were more responsive than men:
“In Britain, the campaign to abolish slavery, like the other reform movements, was motivated not by ‘rational will’ but by humanitarian zeal, by compassion rather than reason.” [1] The movement realized that “the way to stir men and women to action is not by biblical argument, but through the vivid, unforgettable description of acts of great injustice done to their fellow human beings [i.e., in a “very lively manner” as Adam Smith noted]. The abolitionists placed their hope not in sacred texts, but in human empathy.” [2]
Empathy is strongly linked to Love/Nurturance, a trait that on average women are substantially higher than men. This implies that women will be more prone to being motivated by empathy for the suffering of others and pathological forms of altruism, particularly if these others are not seen as outgroup members but as members of a common humanity, which of course is bedrock ideology in the contemporary West—”there is only one race, the human race.” In turn, this has important ramifications in the contemporary world saturated with images of suffering refugees, immigrants, and “oppressed” non-Whites. Love/Nurturance involves the tendency to provide aid for those needing help, including children and people who are ill. This trait is strongly associated with measures of femininity as well as with warm, empathic personal relationships and psychological dependence on others.
People who are low on Love/Nurturance are prone to psychopathic personality—exploitative interpersonal relationships, lack of warmth, love, and empathy, an inability to form long term pair bonds and close, confiding relationships, and lack of guilt or remorse for violating others’ rights (i.e., your average successful Western politician). The finding that males in the general population are three times as likely as females to be categorized with Antisocial Personality Disorder fits with the robust sex differences in this system. Psychopathic personality, which is characterized by lack of empathy and social bonds, is associated with having many sexual partners, an uncommitted approach to mating, sexual coercion, many short-term sexual relationships, sexual promiscuity, and lack of nurturance of children.
Because the anti-White left dominates the moral high ground, expressing empathy for Whites makes anyone with such ideas into a moral pariah, as would advocating for their interests, with likely negative effects on career prospects. On the other hand, expressing hostility toward White identity and interests is a mark of virtue. Indeed, expressions of White identity and especially having a sense of White interests have been condemned by establishment media and academic figures as illustrating the lowest form of moral depravity, while anti-White hatred is increasingly prominent in the elite media and among politicians.
Of course, the motives involved in such cases may involve more than empathy for suffering others. While these elite Whites may feel genuine empathy for suffering others in foreign lands to the point of wanting to inundate the West with them, they are also in effect buttressing their status in the morally defined ingroup. They may even be attempting to be “more moral than thou”—competitive virtue signaling—by out-empathizing others in the group. And whether consciously or unconsciously, they may be aware of severe costs if they fail to conform to the norms of their moral community—as well as the benefits of conforming.
As expected given the above-noted sex differences in empathy, women are more prone to pathological altruism than men—the prototype being the long-suffering wife who continues to nurture an abusive, alcoholic husband. Pathologically altruistic people and even people within the normal range of empathy respond very strongly to images of suffering refugees, immigrants, and other non-Whites. And as noted regarding empathy, there are specific brain regions that are activated when a subject feels sympathy for others. Indeed, Williams Syndrome, a genetic disorder, is characterized by being overly trusting and sympathetic.
The conviction of self-righteousness characteristic of pathologically altruistic people need not be rational:
What feels like a conscious life-affirming moral choice—my life will have meaning if I help others—will be greatly influenced by the strength of an unconscious and involuntary mental sensation that tells me that this decision is “correct.” It will be this same feeling that will tell you the “rightness” of giving food to starving children in Somalia, doing every medical test imaginable on a clearly terminal patient … . It helps to see this feeling of knowing as analogous to other bodily sensations over which we have no direct control. [3]
In other words, the sensations of rightness and nobility act as psychological reflexes, and they are so pleasurable that people are inclined to seek them in their own right and without regard to facts or the long-run consequences to themselves.
Feelings of moral righteousness may thus be pleasurable and lead to addiction. “Sanctimony, or a sense of righteous outrage, can feel so intense and delicious that many people actively seek to return to it, again and again.”
The pleasure of knowing, with subjective certainty, that you are right and your opponents are deeply, despicably wrong. Or, that your method of helping others is so purely motivated and correct that all criticism can be dismissed with a shrug, along with any contradicting evidence. [4]
This type of sanctimoniousness is, of course, particularly common among the people labeled “Social Justice Warriors.” These are the people screaming “racist,” “misogynist,” “white supremacist,” etc. at any seeming violation of the norms of the moral communities of the left. And, because of the cultural hegemony of the left, such people can often be seen on social media (and in op-eds in the mainstream media) expressing their moral righteousness—a moral righteousness that fits with or extends the boundaries of the cultural left.
Another aspect of this is competitive altruism or competitive virtue signaling—a phenomenon on display in the White women in Tucker’s presentation. Given that expressions of moral righteousness are typically communicated in a social setting and are aimed at solidifying or enhancing one’s reputation within a group, there may be competition for ever more extreme expressions of self-righteousness—even among people who are not biologically inclined to be high on the Love/Nurturance system. Extreme expressions of moral righteousness are not only addicting, they may also raise one’s status in a social group, just as it’s common for religious people to express “holier than thou” sentiments. Strongly religious people compete to be most virtuous in their local church. On the left, we see vegan fanatics shunning vegans who even talk to people who eat meat or eat in restaurants where meat is served—even family members. I imagine there is a dynamic within antifa groups—the shock troops of the establishment’s views on race and migration—where people who do not condone violence or are unwilling to crack heads themselves are ostracized or at least have much less status.
Another personality system with strong sex differences is the fear system, with women being more prone to fear. This is an important reason why males with high social status are much sought after by females as mates because they would be better able to protect them. Being high on fear leads to conformity because in the contemporary West there is much to fear if one fails to conform to the attitudes of the mainstream moral community—loss of job, loss of friends and family, and general ostracism. It’s much safer to remain within the confines of the moral community.
Another factor is cognitive dissonance, for both men and women. Cognitive dissonance research has shown that people with strong beliefs, especially beliefs tied up with their personal identity, often do not change them when confronted by conflicting evidence. Fundamentally, the brain wants to avoid conflicting ideas and often uses illogical reasoning and other mechanisms to retain a sense of psychological comfort. For example, when presented with contradictory evidence (such as data showing genetically based race differences in intelligence), people may ignore the data in order to retain a self-image as a morally righteous person. Moreover, people tend to forget evidence that conflicts with their beliefs, and they tend to accept weak arguments that fit with their world view while rejecting strong arguments and data that conflict with it. They may focus their attention not on the evidence itself but on the person presenting the evidence, impugning their motives and accepting guilt-by-association arguments. Clearly, the mind is designed to go to great lengths to avoid psychological discomfort.
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Tucker So here’s a bio that came across our desk the other day that seemed worth sharing. It’s from a woman called Siara Rao, and she’s got a business called Race2Dinner. This is how she describes herself. Listen, Siara (Not Sarah) Rao grew up in Richmond, Virginia, the daughter of Indian immigrants. For 40 years, she wasted her precious time aspiring to be white and accepted by dominant white society. A futile task for anyone not born with white skin. Several years ago, Siara began the painful process of dismantling her own internalized oppression. Very oppressed. Siara is a lawyer by training, a congressional candidate, a published novelist and an entrepreneur. So leaving aside the fact the lawyer, congressional candidate, published novelists probably aren’t oppressed. How is she an entrepreneur? What is she doing for a living? Well, she’s making a ton of money capitalizing on white self-hatred. And of course, there’s a bottomless well of that in the United States. There’s a new documentary about Siara Rao and her partner. It’s called Deconstructing Karen, and it’s about Siara and her partner, Regina Jackson, and their new company, Race to Dinner. So these two essentially host dinners for liberal wine moms all over the country. Here’s how it works. A group of affluent white women pool $5,000 to hire these two, Jackson and Rao, to come to their home for a dinner party. And then over the course of the night, they demean and degrade them and call them racist. They’re paid to do that. It’s a weird masochism ritual. So the point is for these damaged women to spend their husbands’ money to come to grips with their own suppressed white supremacy. This goes on for two hours from the appetizers to the dessert. There’s a whole film on this and we watched the whole thing and suffered as we did it. To bring you the highlights. Here’s how the typical dinner goes. So the night begins with the white ladies introducing themselves and conceding that they are the worst people in the world because they are white. Watch.
I am a liberal white woman. We are absolutely the most dangerous women out there. We are the most dangerous women that exist because we’re going to love a little more, because we’re good frickin people. No, we are erasing their experiences. We are erasing their lives. We are erasing the danger that they’re in.Woman
I’m an artist. I’m a barista. And I learned about this through Saira, through your Facebook. The reason I’m here is because I’ve always thought of myself as being kind of woke. I mean, my best friend is Mexican. My partner is biracial. We have these conversations all the time. But then through following your posts and interacting on your posts, I realized. I’m not doing that great. And I feel like there’s a racist white man living in my brain. And it’s my dad’s voice.Tucker
“I hate my dad.” Of course, that’s what it’s all about on some level. But the best is white women: we’re the most dangerous people in the world. So of course, that’s not true. The silliest people in the world, for sure. The most dangerous. Hardly. But you’ll notice that’s not really self-abnegation. That’s not self criticism. It’s really bragging. “We’re so dangerous!” We’re so bad!” meaning we’re so strong and so powerful and so important, so significant in world history. So as the rich white ladies attack themselves, the instructors join in. You think you’re bad? You’re even worse than that. Watch.Instructors
You know what I expect of white women? Not a damn thing. Nothing. I expect nothing of you. Because you have never given me anything. I can’t trust you. You guys need to pull your heads out of your asses. Acknowledge your own racism. Make it right. Stop caping four white dudes. Join us. And let’s overthrow the patriarchy. You walk through the world with a different experience because you are a white woman. White women feel the desperate need to be nice. It’s white women’s niceness that is killing us all. At these dinners, we see white women behaving badly. White Democratic women are attacking white Republican women and vice versa. And you both are taking the moral high ground and you’re all the same. Before the dinners, white women respond much better to other white women than they would with us. And that, in a nutshell, is white supremacy. I have this discussion with people that I know, friends, lawyers, everybody. And they’ll say, well, Regina, you know, there are some good white people. And I go, Well, what have the good white people been doing for the last 450 years?Tucker
Of course, the white people just paid you $5,000 to yell at them over dinner. So funny. And of course, the Indian lady is a single what is person [sic] at the dinner. But “let’s overthrow the patriarchy.” Of course they already overthrew the patriarchy. That’s why they’re so desperately unhappy. So the dinner goes on like this for two hours, and at one point, finally, two white women speak up to say, actually, we don’t really think we’re that racist. That’s why we’re paying you $5,000 to show that we’re not. Ooh, I shouldn’t have said that. The instructors give them a public thrashing in front of the other ladies. Watch.Woman
I have two young children and it’s important for me that they grow up colorblind, right?Instructor
So I’ve heard this a couple times already. Colorblind. And you don’t see color. And I’m just going to drop the bomb here. That’s white supremacy.Woman
My kids are biracial, so my husband is Hispanic and white, and I don’t see color. I’m blinded to color like it doesn’t faze me at all.Instructor
You’ve mentioned it and you’ve mentioned it. Being married to a black person or brown person. Having brown or black children does not make you impervious to racism. You cannot, frankly, fuck your way out of racism.Tucker
You can marry a black dude, but you’re still racist because it’s blood guilt. Of course it’s inherent. You’re born with it. It’s in your DNA. Well, that’s just kind of Rwanda stuff at that point. But they keep going. At the end of the dinner. The instructors ask for a show of hands of who at the table can now admit that they’re racist. And of course, every single white woman, because they’re all sheep, raises her hand and the group cheers in celebration.Instructor
So who in this room…raise your hand if you’re a racist. Woo. We did it. Thank you. Thanks, guys.Tucker
So it feels like we’re watching something culturally significant. The fever’s probably already broken. That already looks a little bit antique watching it even now. But in ten years, we’re going to be living in a completely different country with a white minority, by the way, that will look even older and stranger. And what will we make of it? What should we make of it? What does that tell us about the people who run our country? Just to be clear, most people would never participate in something like that on either end of it, either as a host or one of the hapless, high paying guests. But the people who do stuff like that and improve it are the ones who are in charge of everything in America.
Uncensored: The Racist Dinner Ladies (tuckercarlson.com)
[1] In Gertrude Himmelfarb, Roads to Modernity: The British, French, and American Enlightenments (New York: Vintage reprint; orig. published 2004), 131.
[2] Christopher Leslie Brown, Moral Capital (Chapel Hill, NC: North Carolina Press, 2006), 161.
[3] Robert A. Burton, “Pathological Certitude,” in Barbara Oakley, Ariel Knafo, Guruprasad Madhavan, and David Sloan Wilson (eds.), Pathological Altruism (New York: Oxford University Press, 2012): 131–37, 135.
[4] David Brin, “Self-addiction and Self-righteousness,” in Barbara Oakley, Ariel Knafo, Guruprasad Madhavan, and David Sloan Wilson (eds.), Pathological Altruism (New York: Oxford University Press, 2012): 77–84, 80.
Are we talking empathy or sympathy?
I always thought Empathy is what enables males to get things done in large groups.
What enables us to prohibit our superior strength towards women and children.
Empathy is really feeling what the other person is feeling. A highly empathic woman feels the pain of her children–but also that of Black people as represented in our media. It motivates helping behavior. Normally it’s directed at ingroup members but for us individualists it tends to be universalized according to the ideology of “there is only one race…”
Women are easily bullied by society into taking certain views/positions.
Neighbors can hear each other. I was talking deep within my parents’ house, and a neighboring wife gasped from her porch when I called for an immigration moratorium. No one has likely ever explained to her the argument from the US perspective.
And I hate how I’ve discovered how everyone not only hears but records one another. You can’t express views like mine now. Sound travels so much further than most realise. The result is extreme censorship.
It will destroy whites, especially as online censorship grows. We’re become slaves who but work and consume, may not think beyond work and consumption.
Tucker [00:03:06] “I hate my dad.” Of course, that’s what it’s all about on some level. But the best is white women: we’re the most dangerous people in the world. So of course, that’s not true. The silliest people in the world, for sure. The most dangerous. Hardly. But you’ll notice that’s not really self-abnegation. That’s not self criticism. It’s really bragging. “We’re so dangerous!” We’re so bad!” meaning we’re so strong and so powerful and so important, so significant in world history. So as the rich white ladies attack themselves, the instructors join in. You think you’re bad? You’re even worse than that. Watch.
Pretty much the German experience when watching Hollywood and especially StarWars
I agree with this on the whole. However, I would like to add a dimension to this, namely the psychopathology of women, which is often overlooked by us men. There are also interesting facts about this. Starting with the almost everyday abortion and infanticide, the manipulation and subversion of relationship structures, the spinning of perfidious intrigues, the unscrupulous exploitation and profiting from male resources through to the unnoticed and unpunished murder by poison (a specialty of women).
The power of women should not be underestimated. Some even claim that they are the real rulers. Even the most powerful man is more likely to listen to the advice of his beloved in private. Women can certainly plan for the long term better than men, without us even having a clue. Jewess Vilar was not so wrong with her theories, even if she was accused of having male ghostwriters. You also have to deal with the forensic side of femininity. Women murder less often than men. But they often commit serious acts of violence within the family and against their own children.
You remember my video with the children on the tractor. You can see that girls are more “social” than boys and stay in constant verbal and visual contact with each other. While the boys wordlessly draw much more extensive automonous circles with their tractors, they look beyond the edge of the plate, so to speak, and move into unknown territory. Ultimately, these are two evolutionary but equally successful principles. I think it would be suicidally fatal to entrust women with a political decision because they lack logic and rational foresight.
And as far as psychopathology is concerned: it is no coincidence that women are attracted to men who have a certain feminine trait, for example Johnny Depp. As a rule, women are not very enthusiastic about clumsy, coarse, hairy full men and supermen. However, these sadistic hybrids should also be treated with great caution, as these types of men like to make women sexually and psychologically dependent on them because they use precisely those female tactics. A very masculine man will generally generate little pleasure from the manipulation and suppression of women.
Why women are “racially stupid” is indeed a question to be discussed in more detail. They lack the incessant Y chromosome. Women make women’s politics, men make human politics. Several years ago there was a somewhat appropriate video on this subject.
It is certainly no coincidence that it was a (childless!) woman of all people who initiated the flood of asylum seekers into Europe, namely the plague spawn Merkel. The Jews are keen to install particularly weak leaders in white nations, so who better than dumb women?
Of course, they will never allow a woman to rule over them, apart from the exceptional example of Golda Meir. The current EU “president” is also such a fury. The stupidest political decisions are certainly made by women.
The Indians, too, once again have a woman as their leader. Indira Ghandi comes to mind. For the British, it was the “Iron Lady”. But these faggots allowed themselves to be ruled by women for centuries. That’s why a fag band called itself “Queen”.
It is somehow a humiliation to be ruled by a woman. America almost got Hillary. Russia was ironically ruled by the German Catherine. Ancient Egypt was also ruled by several women, from Nefertiti to Cleopatra.
“Lady Six Sky” brought about the downfall of the Mayan civilization through her scheming power politics by creating feudalism between the cities. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wak_Chanil_Ajaw
But to claim that women are even more destructive than men in the history of the world is probably only in reference to the complete irrationality of their brains. This is because their destructiveness is directed inwards, in line with their biological anatomy.
For thousands of years it was common practice that women were a commodity. They were exchanged with neighboring tribes, as is still common among primitive peoples today, a useful biological institution that protects against inbreeding and brings fresh blood.
The harem is not a Muslim invention. We can observe the harem everywhere in the animal world. Harem means that many females share a genetically valuable male, but most beta males go away empty-handed.
Just as centuries ago only a privileged few were allowed to read and write, only a few men were allowed to choose and mate with one or more women. Not every man is entitled to a wife, only potentially successful ones.
The West’s misfortune undoubtedly began with the prudishness of the church and biologically completely unnatural monogamy. Not to mention romantic fairy tales like Romeo & Juliet, which are still considered an “ideal” today.
Even today, people are still told that “love” is a prerequisite for happiness. Even though every fool knows that love disappears after just three months. And even the honeymoon doesn’t last forever. Even China can no longer reverse its one-child policy.
“A good rooster never gets fat” is a German proverb. This means that the rooster is constantly busy making all the many hens happy. It’s exactly the same with us humans. Everything else is intellectual obfuscation. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coolidge_effect
Even communist Rainer Langhans called his harem a “commune” in order to share his life with four women at the same time, who did so willingly. However, as is usual with communists, not to procreate.
“Love is a battlefield”, sang Pat Benatar. True. This whole issue, of course, touches the very foundations of our civilization, and thus of our fertility. How does a sexually self-confident man emerge who is unshakeable in his gender identity? I would argue, above all through a strict but kind father who teaches his son early on:
“Son, I’m going to let you in on a secret: Women are witches, but never let a guy band your butt, promise me that! Women are beautiful roses with prickly thorns. Holding this rose in your hand despite everything is the battle you have to win in order to multiply. Firstly, it’s always better to be too bad than too good to a woman.
But if you go about it too violently, you will inevitably hurt yourself, it’s like stepping into a mirror and bleeding to death. Women are not enemies, they are playing fields to be conquered. It’s like a game of chess that you have to win. Only losers berate women for their own failures. Men blame no one but themselves.”
In this respect, I would even agree with the ridiculous clown Peterson: A man who thinks a battlefield is an “imposition” can’t be a man! One can consciously decide against women, an absolutely understandable attitude, but only after one has fulfilled one’s biological mission, namely to honor one’s ancestors by passing on the baton of life to one’s sons!
Maybe I see a skewed sample but I love women, although I’d agree they’re solipsistic nature makes them dangerously easy to manipulate as politicians.
Your attempt to blame our problems on monogamy and by extension the church is hogwash. Greeks, Romans, Germans and probably others were all documented as being monogamous long before Christianity took hold. We, and I think many other races, are generally monogamous by nature and entertaining TV shows like ‘Big Love’ notwithstanding, are likely to remain so.
Officially, under pressure from the clerical “moral guardians”, Mormons are no longer supposed to practice polygamy. But unofficially, everyone knows that they continue to do so, but no one takes any notice. In 50 years, only one Mormon has been “accused” of it. However, polygamy can easily be replaced by polygyny. “In humans, polygyny is more widespread than polyandry.” (Wikipedia) Who is seriously surprised by this?
Great rulers always had many wives and correspondingly numerous offspring. Thousands of descendants of Genghis Khan alone are said to still exist today.
It should come as even less of a surprise that those countries that practice polygamy are precisely those whose populations are growing, while those countries that have made the idiocy of monogamy the “law” are shrinking unstoppably. This allows only one logical conclusion: monogamy ultimately means demographic suicide. https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/6/63/Legality_of_polygamy.svg
The remarkable thing about your own statement is that you (apparently unwittingly due to a lack of awareness of your own nature) have “outed” yourself: Otherwise, instead of “I love women”, you would have written: “I love only one woman.”
Even (and especially!) women know more about nature than some “men” pretend to:
She: “Tell me, my hero, if they had so much money and power to be able to afford several women offering themselves to you instead of just me alone, would you turn them down?”
He: “Um… Of course! After all, I only love and need you!”
She: (laughs) “Hypocrite!”
Officially, under pressure from the clerical “moral guardians”, Mormons are no longer supposed to practice polygamy. But unofficially, everyone knows that they continue to do so, but no one takes any notice. In 50 years, only one Mormon has been “accused” of it. However, polygamy can easily be replaced by polygyny. “In humans, polygyny is more widespread than polyandry.” (Wikipedia) Who is seriously surprised by this?
Great rulers always had many wives and correspondingly numerous offspring. Thousands of descendants of Genghis Khan alone are said to still exist today.
It should come as even less of a surprise that those countries that practice polygamy are precisely those whose populations are growing, while those countries that have made the idiocy of monogamy the “law” are shrinking unstoppably. This allows only one logical conclusion: monogamy ultimately means demographic suicide.
Western-style “marriage” is an institution that exclusively serves women, i.e. an instrument of oppression that restricts the male sex drive. Ultimately, all pornography, sex tourism to the less developed world and prostitution are based on the mechanism of suppressed polyamory, which exploits this natural disposition.
If you are allowed to marry “serially” many times, i.e. have children with several women, why not have them in parallel? Most men, especially those in high positions, have secret love affairs anyway. From which the Jewish press then profits again when it is “uncovered”.
Violence, frustration and conflicts in marriage are often also due to this unnatural restriction. If you have several women to choose from, then each woman will behave more submissively and respectfully towards the man because she is then “in competition” with her fellow women. Every woman then wants to be the favorite lover.
Ultimately, every woman instinctively feels, suspects and “knows” that monogamous marriage is a completely idiotic and disadvantageous institution for men. A man who even “voluntarily” supports such a thing has in truth had no clear view of life as such. In Switzerland, women were not even allowed to vote until the 1970s.
Until the 1970s, a woman’s duty in marriage was to be sexually devoted to her husband. If she was not, it was classified as destructive behavior for the marriage and was a valid reason for divorce. If polygamy is based on the free will of all parties involved, it should be permitted and legal, anything else is presumptuous.
Women are incredibly vain and want a man they can “show off”, in other words, a man they can brag about to other women: “Look what a great man I can call my own, but he’s all mine!” Women are like children. Women enjoy it when their peers are envious and jealous. Ultimately, women are not interested in the man himself, but in their “claim to ownership” as a status symbol.
A man who still marries in a Western country today, in these times of unlimited Jewish world domination, can really be described as an incomprehensible fool. If this woman turns out to be a bad choice (as in the vast majority of cases), he will have to pay her off and provide for her social security for the rest of her life.
In Western countries, it is now common for a white woman to enter into a sexual relationship with her negroid lover despite her knowledge that he already has a large family with many children in Africa. The African and Muslim may do what the European is forbidden to do. In this constellation, under these conditions, the European, the white man, is clearly at a disadvantage in the race of genes.
The only people who campaigned against polygamy were, of course, without exception the church’s “moral” hypocrites. Even though the polygyny was practically realized through the Lebensborn. Just think of all the wartime brothels. Wikipedia:
In Nazi Germany, there was an effort by Martin Bormann and Heinrich Himmler to introduce new legislation concerning plural marriage. The argument ran that after the war, 3 to 4 million women would have to remain unmarried due to the great number of soldiers fallen in battle. In order to make it possible for these women to have children, a procedure for application and selection for suitable men (i.e. decorated war heroes) to enter a marital relationship with an additional woman was planned.The privileged position of the first wife was to be secured by awarding her the title Domina.
The greatest fighter deserves the most beautiful woman … If the German man is to be unreservedly ready to die as a soldier, he must have the freedom to love unreservedly. For struggle and love belong together. The philistine should be glad if he gets whatever is left.
— Adolf Hitler
White Women moan for the rest of their lives if they are “raped” for five minutes or slapped in the face by someone they want to get into bed with provocative temptations. After all, this was done against their explicit “free will”. See “Me-Too” and the like.
But to separate and alienate their own husbands and children for a lifetime, which also happens against THEIIR (permanent) will, the oh-so-empathetic women who suffer with every criminal “refugee” have no sympathy for this. Both from my own experience and from my social environment, I know how misanthropic and cruel women are towards their own kin.
Women can indeed be the most heartless monsters on earth. It often seems to me that life consists of nothing but pradoxes: Man has a hard shell and a soft core, while women have a soft shell and a hard core. The oh-so-enviable “compassion” of women is mostly based on pure selfishness and infantile vanity.
A man immediately rushes to the aid of a young woman who is too stupid and helpless to repair her car, which has broken down on the side of the road. After the job is done, the woman, wearing make-up, expensive jewelry and a mink coat, wordlessly gets into her car, which is back in working order, and drives off. “Why did it take so long, I’m freezing to death here!” she thinks, “Man, typical!” The helper stands there speechless and calls after her: “Hey, you could at least say thank you once! Such a disrespect! Typical woman!”
“Please don’t help, it’s hard enough as it is!” I read this sentence on an office door. Why did I have to laugh? Because “helping” is usually associated with something unambiguously good, even though it’s not.
Life is made up of opposites and contradictions. And so-called “values” are also ambiguous, fuzzy and context-dependent. There is nothing that can do without its opposite. This also applies to such a highly praised value as “helping” – it is Janus-faced, ambivalent, like every value. However, we don’t like to look at the dark half of the double face.
Of course, anyone who helps someone is first and foremost doing something good. Not least yourself – because you like yourself better or at least feel better when you have helped. But sometimes, and this is often overlooked, help weakens. For example, when the other person doesn’t need it and could manage on their own. Or when help becomes intrusive. Or when help creates its own need, as it were.
There’s no question that we have to help people who can’t help themselves. But how many of them are there? The idea of people who are fundamentally in need of help fuels paternalism. And it is lurking. Accordingly, friends in need are not as rare as the proverb would have us believe. Some are just waiting for the need to help. With the zeal of a truffle dog, they seek out the unfortunate. They are annoyed at not being able to help; they are even annoyed when their friend deals with the problem themselves. Strictly speaking, they are not friends at all.
Conversely, where there are actually no friends – and this happens – the institutions “help”. They live from it. In fact, they exploit the helplessness of others indiscriminately. If only to secure their existence: many so-called charities, the entire compassion industry, a number of superiors in companies, works councils, even parents. But above all politics: it buys votes through selective benefits that make people dependent and demand gratitude in return. Politics thrives on selfish, imposing care – whatever the consequences for others may be. What looks like wings turns out to be the wings of disaster.
So let’s judge the effect of help, not the intention! Constant protection keeps people down. False help mainly helps to perpetuate weaknesses. When I protect someone, I always incapacitate them too.
But there is also help that respects its neighbor. It keeps its distance. And it never goes beyond what is necessary. Providing it requires a sense of proportion, and even more so the trust that the other person has individual problem-solving techniques at their disposal. No one has ever had a problem without a solution! Leaving them in charge, encouraging them instead of incapacitating them, is a sign of respect and esteem.
One of the most daring exercises: denying a loved one or colleague immediate help – in order to help them. To enable them to grow up, to move from dependency to independence, to move from help to self-help, to transform heteronomy into self-responsibility. Only someone who has learned to take control of their own life is a person. And only what we have experienced ourselves really becomes our own and is available to us from this decisive moment onwards in our individual problem-solving arsenal. Or to put it more succinctly: if you are looking for a helping hand, you will always find it at the end of your arms. Sometimes all you need is someone to point it out.
Samaritan blues
I’ve been expecting it
Your compassionate look
The good person in you senses his chance
You move a little closer
Spare yourself any criticism
You only want to save, to protect, but you need my misfortune
Please don’t help me, it’s hard enough as it is
Please don’t help me, it’s fine as it is
Please don’t help me, only self-experimentation makes you wise
Why don’t you let me do it, I’ll do it myself
You have that mild smile
Standing on a slightly higher moral ground
You know no mercy when it comes to being merciful
I didn’t call you
I’ll be fine on my own
But when I’m doing really well, you’re doing really bad
Please don’t help me, it’s hard enough as it is
Please don’t help me, it’s fine as it is
Please don’t help me, only self-experimentation makes you wise
I want to thank you for your trust
I want to thank you for your respect
And above all, I want to say thank you
That I have nothing to thank you for
You make some fair points there but I don’t find your arguments against monogamy very convincing. If anything it used to suit men. High status men were more or less expected to have mistresses but the majority had one wife who would give him children and make a home. Dalliances with servant girls or neighbours wives, if discovered, could bring serious social consequences. Perhaps it wasn’t optimal in terms of passing on genes for dominance but it may have given us the fairly congenial population that sat recently astride the globe but now is headed for oblivion.
Protects against inbreeding? Just don’t sleep with your daughter… pretty easy. The Icelanders have no issues. They just don’t marry the people with expressed mutations, and those genes get selected against as a result.
Our Happy Message theme today… 1.11.2024
“The after effects of subversive Democratic neoliberal Marxism in massmedia from Controligarch Jews.. ”
Unquestionably another relevant fine article from TOO ,but the wheat and the tares internecine jew driven stupidity of white neoliberal luciferian leftwingnut female,or “karen s..”screeching cloying whiny clowns, seems to be a bottomless pit of mindless stupidification. .Women often will do any self abnegating impulsive desperate act to gain attention., not ever forgetting the constant jew created brainwashing ads of black men and white women saturating the lamestream government media in america,..good luck with that, we get it.
But we’re self aware..experienced well read, and well traveled too. We recognize
established proof of biomedical science beta endorphine release..progesterone,estrogen, metabolic cycles, and..wait for it,
disciplined free will chosen .spirituality.We, unlike the jewish freemason dececeived Darwin idolater clowns.,the religion of self euthanizing science whores, don’t see any real discrepancy or substantial conflict between simple true science and genuine non manipulated ethically disciplined spirituality.
Sure ,loads of females are addicted to idiotic shallow banal astrology ,nancy reagan style..occultism,,tarot cards..by reason of deep insecurity…,palm reader extortionists and believe it..”diviners..”,tea leave readers etc ad infinitum ad nauseum.
Women,… The longing to belong..to conform. ,longing .for recognition, for social cohesive empathy,to reproduce.
.It is what it is. Real women have menstrual cycles usually into old age. We dearly love our women anyway but know when to say No means No,what is it about NO that you refuse to understand?…women display notorious hostile competition with other females for men,for social standing,..some like little chickens constantly picking at other females if possible,till death.
Oh Yeah. Moving right along with the greatest respect for other commenters who opt to view all things very differently, we posit for your deeper intellectually intelligent consideration, certain points . First.,be our guests, wrong conclusions and all, belligerantly attack the dead churches all you want but please leave us the hell alone.” Other fine commenters here warned you you’re helping the Jews devastate everything and inintelligently rectifying nothing .
And, with the greatest respect ,with our wise moderators gracious permissions…enjoy these .points . as follows.
Cucker tarlson s red bracelet kabala mindset..monetizes muckraking commercial divide and conquer social fractionalism ..no one in their right mind would ever expect cucker tarlson the snarky trust fund punk, the clear CIA asset to name the Jew. Period.
Sure,to make a little money and publicity cucker might safely..for ratings ,because some trendy secular liberal neo atheist jews do it also, criticize the open holocausting contunual extermination of Gaza, but even if cucker tarlson has a moment of…”crisis of conscience”.we say..don’t worry, ,it will pass as the next shallow scandal or schadenfraud emerges for him to capitalize on. Did smarmy cucker marry officious and arbitrary Mark Stein yet? What’s cucker going to do next,interview calypso Louis brother Farahkhan?..
Ask insipid sneering cucker tarlson,..was 9 11 an inside mossad job ?
Discussion point. When 2.3 trillion dollars suddenly went awol,..filched, missing from our beloved isreal firster ever thrifty pentagon,the name Dove Zakheim, for some inexorably mysterious reason, refuses to vanish. We like this quote..”if the penalty for a crime is a fine,only lower class non jews have to pay.” For all who. live in glass houses who insist on throwing stones without providing well thought out long term solutions of any kind..we posit this next quote”..Heaven has strict immigration controls but Hell has Open Borders. ” Young people are complaining, no surprise there,..about stew the jew peters.He suddenly rose to notable massmedia prominence, under the. wings or tutelage of mossad tool alex jones,..but is he a legalistic coke addict like zelensky? Why so much publically expressed negative s on stew and similarly,juden peterson?.does the bomb bomb iran , enervated incel uncle samuelsteen have anything to do with it?..crickets?..young inquiring minds want to know.Young people in America,because of Gaza, because of The New Jew Order WEF -blackrock anti life anti farmer woke agenda, are talking about what General George Patton said 4 days before He “died”..We fought the wrong enemy.” By the. way..matthew raphael johnson posted a great podcast on Pogroms.
We inquire ..were the Jews fleeing persecution or escaping justice? Links. Franz list. John Milton.
“Heaven has strict immigration controls but Hell has Open Borders.” Beautiful.
(error “feudalism” -> enmity)
An interesting and incisive article Kevin. White psychology is oftentimes a mega conundrum, much more so than with other races. As a White man who loves and respects the White women in my life, and after a lifetime of observation and deep thought, I have to say the folliwing:
Whites, and White females in particular, live in a world of fantasy & delusion . Their general irrationality and social conformity to the prevailing Zeitgeist is hardly disputable. White female gullibility, superstition, political ignorance, racial stupidity, and social license have run riot in the last hundred years.
This sorry state of affairs has been taken advantage of, and aggravated by the ruling hostile Jewish alien ‘elite’, and their foolish Gentile minions. The frightful consequence of this racial dilemma is that White civilization is in deep peril as a result of this credulous, self destructive tomfoolery.
(“Y-gene” -> chromosome of course, plz correct that)
When I hear young women complain they have no power in our modern world I I have to laugh. Do they not know women have always influenced/controlled two of the most important things – the home and sex life of a couple. Have they never listened to the advice of their mothers/aunts/grandmothers?
True story – I have a 35 y/o male buddy who built his own house – then had his girlfriend move in.
After a night of heavy drinking they got into a major fight – she kept taunting him – and he finally lost it and tried to strangle her – obviously bad – but no permanent damage.
The case went to trial – female judge, female DA, female DA aide and female lawyer for her side, and a half-assed defense by his own lawyer. He never stood a chance and got massacred. The judge forced him to hand over his $330,000 home. He also lost his job.
Given that we White/Christian/heterosexual males are now at the bottom of the social ladder (Black/gay/disabled females on top) we will never stand a chance in today’s court system, so we must be very careful about our words and actions.
Yes there are still a lot of good women out there but there are also a lot who only want two things – our money and sperm.The concept of a “lady” – kind,compassionate,graceful and loving – sadly seems long gone
Best of luck and be careful, guys.
During the first term of the Obama administration a young female,memory strains at her exact brownish or perhaps neo Hindu complexion ,was enchanting herself and her far left audience with the high tech protocol of micro nudging.We don’t digress and debate conspiracy theory versus conspiracy fact but this young woman struck a dissonant chord in our hearts as she implied the marriage of the widely feared widely hated intrusive internet of things and politicized preternatural manipulative occultism.We have not failed to observe how so many females in this era are dumb phone zombies ,divorce rape winners, with no self awareness,no digital self protections or suspicion that they are being entrained,honey trapped,enfolded into a soma styled Jewish Brave New World,smart cities and nanobot in isreali hydrogel from Hell. .Lucretia Borgia to Kim Kardashian to humanistic female robots in Saudi Arabia..
Dint laugh,the king made her a citizen.
.There has always been one very particular group somewhat behind the scenes deeply engaged in frankinsteen pseudo science..they have emplaced a sword between heterosexual white male and female to construct their Brave New World.. this one one group has always been and still is at war with all non compliant racial,national or ethnic groups. For low class rock musicians. recall ,kiss .,remember those isreali animists,..is 4 Jews often reviled for being the most tasteless unsavoury negative influence on mass music ever known to ear splitting high decibel Klang Klang Klang metallic music..if you can call it music. To their stalinist technocratic ends, the psycho malevolent warring supremacist cyborg Jews squander trillions of other people’s money,.the Jews reinvent false solutions for problem scenario s that don’t actually exist .The triagic cures they make is worse than any problems they fabricated.
Morgellons.. pryons..synthetic bio parasites ..aluminum barium strontium..aerosolized stratospheric injections..aerosolized quackzines.,emf radiation..5G..all affect the tender gender too. Jewish pseudoscience nightmares come up from their tunnels.
but now even some women know. Links. MOF Technology. DK5812. IOTA
“White women are very difficult and intractable problem for our side” – True. In addition to calling out subversive Jews and dysfunctional Blacks for the problems they bring to the racial health and future of Whites, we’ve got to face the sad reality that our White women pose a significant obstacle to our goals as well. It really can’t be denied or ignored any longer.
In my routine daily life, I’m amazed sometimes at what I see among our women: Tatted-up worse than sailors. Endless facial piercings. Bizarre hair colors. Excessive make-up. Foul-mouthed and aggressive. A level of self-righteousness that staggers the mind. All of it is proof of just how deeply these same females have fallen for the feminist message that has poisoned the West.
Our males have been propagandized just as much as our females. The difference is that males tend to not succumb as deeply and radically to the lies they’re fed as females do (obviously, there are exceptions). Males tend to be a little more critical and less emotional about it all. This makes them a little harder to convince. But this is not generally true of women who exist on a more emotional level and are not as inclined to thinking critically about what they are told or what they read. Women are natural nurturers and do-gooders. They are helpers. They want to ‘help’ and ‘heal’ others which aren’t necessarily bad qualities per se, but they need to be kept in check lest these same women turn into the kind of radical cropped hair ‘woke’ feminists that we routinely witness.
Is it any wonder why the Bolshevik Left has targeted so strongly our women? They know all-too-well about the gullible or overly trusting nature of women. They understand precisely what women’s cosmetic corporations learned many decades earlier – namely, that women can be easily persuaded or manipulated if the message or product is delivered on an emotional level – especially if the chance to virtue signal plays a role in it.
Any society foolish enough to give women voting rights and strategic positions of power and influence within its government, including among the highest ranks within its military, is completely doomed – and ours is no exception.
Do I take it, Kevin, that you’re in the running for the presidency of Harvard? Well, the Road Less Citationed worked for Claudine!
These morally narcisistic women are not good example of highly empathetic people.
01 To all the women commenters here who have been unwarrantly abused by our above experts in their top down critiques and gross generalizations. Please stay !
02 And to all of our above experts, including Tucker: exactly what chances do you think you have to land a date, much less a proposal, with the US Air Force fighter pilot, trained astronaut, Miss Colorado, Kennedy School attendee and current Miss America contestant Madison Marsh ???
Or for that matter, with Tulsi Gabbard or SD Governor ” kiss my abacus ” Kristi Noem; not to mention thousands of other accomplished women.
03 Early in ’68 I earned my and my car’s September passage across the Atlantic, en route to the University of West Berlin, by
working for The National Cash Register Company near Boston.
04 All 12 job applicants, among other tests, had to copy in our handwriting, a rendered typed page. This was sent by this quintessentially electronic and mathematical firm to a GRAPHOLOGIST in Montreal for a personality profile.
05 Contrary to rules, my boss told me that the graphologist rated ” empathy ” as my most prominent characteristic. Pursuant to this essay and comments, I diplayed a primarily feminine trait. To the contrary, I stopped counting my female conquests after they reached more than circa 150; one of whom made me cofounder of THE MILEHIGH CLUB.
06 Empathy, in my opinion, is not merely feeling sympathetically towards others, but also the ability to read others. I credit my ascribed above average empathy with my survival vis-a-vis the Stasi, while robbing East Germany of valuable residents.
07 Certainly, there are celebrated differences between the two genders, but one finds untoward aberrations in both, more so in all 74, at equal proportions; methinks.
7. Sorry to police your speech but you, of all people Mr Frey, should know that it’s ‘sexes’ not ‘genders’. We should not be using that word outside quotation marks except in a discussion about
The confusion began when older words like ‘copulate’ and ‘fornicate’ were replaced by ‘having sex’ , leaving a gap in the market for ‘gender’ to begin to be pushed by lefty sexologists in the 1950s. Even the now twee euphemism ‘making love’ was upsized from its former, fully -clothed meaning, namely ‘wooing’.
2. Re Miss Marsh, she is being used as a pin-up for girl power and women in the miltary which is a recipe for disaster for White America on several levels. Such a talented woman ought to have been propagandised to find a suitable high status mate and have a family at a young age. There are many decades of healthy life ahead of a forty year old woman to indulge her hobbies or have a career.
Thanks for your Comment 01.
The racial preferences of women are presumably strongly subject to the zeitgeist. While white women have virtually no racial consciousness, African-American women demonstrate a manic-fanatical racial pride. They seem to me to be even more anti-white than their violent male equivalents. The notorious Jewesses who use the media as a platform for their ideological anti-white hate propaganda also seem to have a very strong sense of identity.
Women get bullied into supporting what they’re told to support. It’s mostly that simple. They aren’t strong at reasoning either. They tend to be extremely biased.
Both from my own experience and from my social environment, I know how misanthropic and cruel women are towards their own kin. Women moan for the rest of their lives if they are raped for five minutes or slapped in the face by someone they want to get into bed with provocative temptations. After all, this was done against their explicit “free will”. A disgrace.
But to separate and alienate their own husbands and children for a lifetime, which also happens against their (permanent) will, the oh-so-empathetic women who suffer with every criminal “refugee” have no sympathy for this.
Women can indeed be the most heartless monsters on earth. It often seems to me that life consists of nothing but pradoxes: Man has a hard shell and a soft core, while women have a soft shell and a hard core. The oh-so-enviable “compassion” of women is mostly based on pure selfishness and infantile vanity.
A man immediately rushes to the aid of a young woman who is too stupid and helpless to repair her car, which has broken down on the side of the road. After the job is done, the woman, wearing make-up, expensive jewelry and a mink coat, wordlessly gets into her car, which is back in working order, and drives off. “Why did it take so long, I’m freezing to death here!” she thinks, “Man, typical!” The helper stands there speechless and calls after her: “Hey, you could at least say thank you once! Such a disrespect! Typical bitch!”
“Please don’t help, it’s hard enough as it is!” I read this sentence on an office door. Why did I have to laugh? Because “helping” is usually associated with something unambiguously good, even though it’s not.
Life is made up of opposites and contradictions. And so-called “values” are also ambiguous, fuzzy and context-dependent. There is nothing that can do without its opposite. This also applies to such a highly praised value as “helping” – it is Janus-faced, ambivalent, like every value. However, we don’t like to look at the dark half of the double face.
Of course, anyone who helps someone is first and foremost doing something good. Not least yourself – because you like yourself better or at least feel better when you have helped. But sometimes, and this is often overlooked, help weakens. For example, when the other person doesn’t need it and could manage on their own. Or when help becomes intrusive. Or when help creates its own need, as it were.
There’s no question that we have to help people who can’t help themselves. But how many of them are there? The idea of people who are fundamentally in need of help fuels paternalism. And it is lurking. Accordingly, friends in need are not as rare as the proverb would have us believe. Some are just waiting for the need to help. With the zeal of a truffle dog, they seek out the unfortunate. They are annoyed at not being able to help; they are even annoyed when their friend deals with the problem themselves. Strictly speaking, they are not friends at all.
Conversely, where there are actually no friends – and this happens – the institutions “help”. They live from it. In fact, they exploit the helplessness of others indiscriminately. If only to secure their existence: many so-called charities, the entire compassion industry, a number of superiors in companies, works councils, even parents. But above all politics: it buys votes through selective benefits that make people dependent and demand gratitude in return. Politics thrives on selfish, imposing care – whatever the consequences for others may be. What looks like wings turns out to be the wings of disaster.
So let’s judge the effect of help, not the intention! Constant protection keeps people down. False help mainly helps to perpetuate weaknesses. When I protect someone, I always incapacitate them too.
But there is also help that respects its neighbor. It keeps its distance. And it never goes beyond what is necessary. Providing it requires a sense of proportion, and even more so the trust that the other person has individual problem-solving techniques at their disposal. No one has ever had a problem without a solution! Leaving them in charge, encouraging them instead of incapacitating them, is a sign of respect and esteem.
One of the most daring exercises: denying a loved one or colleague immediate help – in order to help them. To enable them to grow up, to move from dependency to independence, to move from help to self-help, to transform heteronomy into self-responsibility. Only someone who has learned to take control of their own life is a person. And only what we have experienced ourselves really becomes our own and is available to us from this decisive moment onwards in our individual problem-solving arsenal. Or to put it more succinctly: if you are looking for a helping hand, you will always find it at the end of your arms. Sometimes all you need is someone to point it out.
Samaritan blues
I’ve been expecting it
Your compassionate look
The good person in you senses his chance
You move a little closer
Spare yourself any criticism
You only want to save, to protect, but you need my misfortune
Please don’t help me, it’s hard enough as it is
Please don’t help me, it’s fine as it is
Please don’t help me, only self-experimentation makes you wise
Why don’t you let me do it, I’ll do it myself
You have that mild smile
Standing on a slightly higher moral ground
You know no mercy when it comes to being merciful
I didn’t call you
I’ll be fine on my own
But when I’m doing really well, you’re doing really bad
Please don’t help me, it’s hard enough as it is
Please don’t help me, it’s fine as it is
Please don’t help me, only self-experimentation makes you wise
I want to thank you for your trust
I want to thank you for your respect
And above all, I want to say thank you
That I have nothing to thank you for
This article and comment section is a big reason why so few White women join our cause. What woman would read this and think she’s welcome here? There are women who don’t hate themselves and their race, but instead of building a movement that brings our people together most White nationalists seem hell bent on degrading our own women, guaranteeing we will fail.
Obviously I am not talking about all White women. And not discussing the problem doesn’t help at all.
I understand where you’re coming from, but either ignoring or denying what has occurred among our women will not help our cause either.
‘Bringing our people together’ does not mean we refuse to address a deep-rooted sickness and schism among our women.
Naturally, telling the truth is going to turn off some of them, but that doesn’t negate our obligation to declare things as they truly are. I’m inclined to think that as the heat turns up against the White race, our people collectively will come together in ways we may not see at this point. Even our women will learn that they are hated too because of their White skin and that all the virtue signaling in the world won’t spare them from anti-White hatred. This will likely cause them to more align with those of their own race. Our enemies are often our best recruiters.
Right you both are, Kevin & Rocky. These things obviously need discussed. That being said, and knowing that many vain & narcissistic White women are often times naturally motivated by virtue of their hormones and emotion, we have to acknowledge that there are nevertheless many of our dynamic ladies ‘out there’ who are with us in mind and spirit. I know some personally, and hold them in very high regard, though at present they seem to be few and far between.
One such wonderful White lady is Anne C., who has joined the discussion below. Her substack article is absolutely outstanding! Hopefully Kevin will invite her to write more articles here, as she is dynamite for our people’s cause.
It’s easy to be a knocker. How would you address the issues raised by this bijou struggle session?
It seems to me that the main problem is second-wave feminism, the idea that women not only can, but should do everything men do. Note the inequality here since men can in no way bear children. No doubt some women can do men’s jobs well and vice versa but the loss of the sex stereotyping which obtained in children’s television, toys, books and dress has tipped the scales significantly. The societal effects of allowing women in the military and other male bastions are predictably disastrous. Women had significant power even when they were unenfranchised. Now, temporarily ascendant, they are being used to hamstring their own menfolk as an entire civilization is allowed to die.
I appreciate your concern about making women feel welcome, Joe, but speaking for myself, I have to say my heart lifts every time I read an article like this on TOO.
White women who care about our race can see perfectly what is going on, and it encourages us to see our men standing up to it.
I regularly participate in comments sections for substacks full of comments from guys calling out female race-traitors on their BS – and they get lots of support from the other female commenters.
I’m in my mid-fifties, but I get the sense that there are a lot of millennial and gen Z women who aren’t drinking the feminist kool-aid.
They’ve invested their whole lives immiserating and marginalizing their own sons. We don’t hate White women enough, frankly. A bullet int the brain for every one of them.
This seems very Talmudic Schlomo. Will there be a new holiday for you to celebrate?
Are you speaking as a Joe who knows what women think and who feels their pain at being “degraded” by White Nationalists? Never met a woman who can explain to you who is really degrading them, Joe?
I saw a meme a while back … saying that the most dangerous enemy in the world isn’t a terrorist, it’s a liberal White woman with a gender studies degree on SSRIs …
I’d love to see the drug use profile of these insane White women …
“The finding that males in the general population are three times as likely as females to be categorized with Antisocial Personality Disorder fits with the robust sex differences in this system.”
KM is probably right on this one. But I wonder if men are “found” to be 3x more likely to have Antisocial Personality Disorder than women because it’s easier to identify the disorder in men? My personal experience is that the female sociopaths out there go almost completely undetected.
This is so true. In an historical environment where a woman was dependent on a much larger and stronger man and benefiited from status amongst her peers, fluent lying and emotional manipulation could pay off. It also requires high intelligence to lie successfully. My mother had a subordinate like this who nearly drove her crazy.
Reading this piece was uncomfortably like reading a description of my former self.
Thankfully, over a decade of reading TOO articles and comments has given me an education. I recently put that education to use writing an article called “Cry Me a River White Boy: Re-visiting the War on White Men.”
It’s had north of 1000 views in about 2 weeks and it seemed to resonate with a fair number of white women, from millennials on up. So, yes, the criticism is completely warranted, but don’t give up on white women just yet.
Anne, I am most impressed with the incisive logic and common sense of your Cry Me A River White Boy article. Congratulations on this masterpiece of White self awareness and racial solidarity. Welcome home to the racial community!
Junghans, you are too kind. Thank you for your support – which started a long time ago, in the many comments you have made over the years.
Feeling good about being ethnically European has been a long time coming for me. The good news is I’m finding my roots go deeper than I thought. And that gives me confidence for standing up to the storm.
I’m also gaining a greater appreciation of the critical importance of supporting the men in our cause. When I see the number that are still standing despite all of the abuse of the past decades, I really am in awe.
It is an excellent article that deserves wide dissemination.
Oh, but you must be an apostate white woman then?
Call me the Prodigal Daughter.
If these silly white women and the tens of thousands of similarly Jew-brainwashed white men and women like them had not been in such a hurry to treat the Christianity to which they were heirs as either an embarrassing or a monstrous relic of an insufficiently glamorized and techno-bright past, Siara Rao and her partner-in-hustle Regina Jackson would be in rather different occupations. More likely, they would be at home and out on bail after their fifth shoplifting conviction.
As all churchgoers and a great many non-churchgoers know, until a few short years ago this country was chockablock with revival meetings for Protestants of all denominations, tastes, and social standings. Some of those who preached revivals did so indoors; others preferred outdoor tents. Urbanites and Catholics had their own revivalist forms: pairs of annual or biennial parish retreats, one for men and one for women (the better to get down to the nitty-gritty without untoward distractions).
Siara and Regina target well-off white women who sense the “sin” of whiteness within themselves and desperately want to address it—certainly before someone else spots it, to their cost in social standing. While targeting sin was also the object of the revivalist preachers, the retreat masters, and the ecclesiastical leaders who supported them and their work, these latter didn’t demand five grand up front. As a rule, contributions were solicited but voluntary; they usually amounted to a few bucks dropped into a collection basket. Receptions with lots to eat and drink almost invariably followed, though quail eggs and salads with organic arugula were conspicuous by their absence.
Of course, revivals and retreats have not entirely disappeared. Their problem is that the sin against whose ravages revivalists and retreat masters preach is an obstacle only to the trivial matter of eternal salvation. Perhaps if they were to understand that coming to grips with the burden of one’s whiteness in privileged US society is the true issue of cosmic importance nowadays, they would trade in “repent and sin no more” for “get yo’ head out o’ yo’ white ass” and profit to the same extent that Siara and Regina do. Surely the Jews wish all who support their endeavours to share in the parasitic bounty they provide and enable!
Barring an enormous cataclysm, whether physical, political, or moral in nature, is there even a possibility that prosperous and pampered white women can be persuaded that they have taken a wrong turn? More to the point, will challenging Jewish ascendancy, even rhetorically, still be allowable in a few short years to come?
For the fabulous White Women we have known,loved, and Will Know” 1.13.2024. Please pardon our indulgence in this nesecery intuitive dreamstate. Yes. Kevin always manages to get at the Heart of Things.A microcosm of themes in his article lays a out the spectacle of
the continuing living disruptive “american devolving nightmarish macrocosm …the inner mounting flame..the atomic splitting of the. balanced aware self..but we hope for .the reacquisition of lost inner worlds,.. we speak now of disapeared real values ..now..vanished..the lost now exploded connective themes to a world now gone mad ..featuring silly senseless self betraying women who,like so many febrile,driven,female social media zombie addicts,.hardly better than social butterfly ignorant brazen attention seeking. whores.. throwing big money around sinfully, while others die horrifically in palestine , by isreals “Gospel drone” as others in america freeze and starve and die on american big city crime ridden streets,…while illegal aliens get 5000$pr.month,free medical,free legal assistance …but these stupid neoliberal cloying whitish women.so easiy bilked by hideous arrogant negro sheboons.,hindi leftwingnuts preaching and monetizing, identity politic s .. negroid vacuos professional victim crusader loons… but the deceived virtue signalling stupids…..are not the fabulous decent racially aware..”other” white women that real men dream about..that white men lust for,..cherish and yes..want to reproduce with and keep those angelfood creations forever. the dream of the beloved family!.Sirs! Madams! Once there was a sense.,some called it …inelucidateable ,the unbearable lightness of being..where man and woman found each other in indescribable ectstacy! The heterosexual Paradise.”
Yes…we cannot.,we will not lie.! Though we can but will not boast.. we candidly admit…yes…
it veritably happened to us..because not by ourselves,but the woman chooses!
Not nesecerily the Man.
.Not long ago..back in the day it happened…and it can happen again! Even sirs..to You! Why?….Beauty is in the eye of the Beholder.She doesn’t see you the way you see yourself. Men and Women together! Harmoniously adoring fervently fulfilled! yes! yes,! Dare to dream, dare to hope ..imagine…Yes! How the mighty have been made to fall..to..cringe at the non eternal wicked Jews who created sociopathic barbaric reprobate lawfare …gentrified divorce rape,imposed the satanic misconcocted misconception from t vile ugly devils of hell… that whiteness is something to cringe at..to despise, to vilify, to demonically excoriate…
.sirs ..madams..nothing could be further from the absolute truth! We do not , we need not preach to the choir.! For millenia whites rose to the top meritoriously…all across and all over the roiling ,suffering jew super parasited face of the planet earth,even in ancient china.!.”whiteness “was something to be treasured, adored,an absolute proof of earned higher social standing..it was not a paper tiger..it was not only a paper moon…rather it was made to devolve.by reason of jewish saturnine occult jealousy.of White culture. Jewish jealous hatred of white intellect..white Genius..!..that zircon Jews called “amalek”edom”…that the Jew sought insipidly to banish..to vanish into the haze of postmodern dispossesive anarchistic chaotic lunacies , and once lost ,imposed by irrational delusionary jews again and again into militant jewish tyranny.We wrote long ago,elsewhere ,of the Sword emplaced between the 2 and only 2 sexes..we spoke years ago with swedes about Norse legends of the..”sword wrapped in silk” blond haired female warrior furies… that the Jew s in the accursed middle east outside of north africa, distorted into men dressed as female prostitutes to stab ..to shiv…lustful soldiers. in satanic delight.It was known that Jews dressed as women to murder Roman soldiers…who among you has not read Seneca..Marcus Aurelius and been delighted by true stories of Roman Tribunes?… ..be reminded that in that era ..the New Testament era…Jews strictly controlled the female..like a dog,..like furniture..,Like chattel. Even Buddhist monks have confided to us their extreme displeasure with jewish antiwhite irrationally idiotic screed.”
Sirs…was it ,as some claim , a horrid error to give dependant needy hungry women so much freedom..that then..the Jews deceived them into thinking that big pig big brother Government , her welfare check benefits ..is now her real husband?. that now the brazen strumpet no longer needs a man?…Ask the women about that!…
Cucker Tarlson the bad actor
commercial fool.,may monetize mocking these obvious odious onerous stupid shallow lost women…but we know most very fine Men here know full well..there are many other better .infinitely finer more desirous stable women….. .ladies..you know who you are!…. ..we know you know..we do not speak of you when speaking about ..”.Them” We need not senselessly bosst of how many women we bedded or really,how many women bedded us… The postmodern era is predisposed to schizophrenia ,imposed Jewish massmedia brainwashing,perverse. jewish ineqiities….let the jew disprove this….the Jews always seek. collectively ..to turn the world upside down.Collectively.
Not..,sorry dr.Shiva,vivek, not just zionists…also..the pack rat tunnel dwelling hasidim,askenazis..sephardim…,chabad scum…reconstructions crazed jews. too… We do not expect Thor..Apollo..Hermes. Zeus..or bovine jew faggot jerry nadler or worse..Gavin the worthless jew satanic faggot newsome… to resolve any cyclical catacylisms the domestic and global globohomosexual terrorist. jews have pionerred ..we know nikki haley ..nimrata randhata..?…is a member in good standing with the Jewish pedophile pederast cyborg WEF ,profiteering with woke sick jew Blackrock jew scum…..we see zero benefit in massively arming IRS goon agents ,the. Satanic digital dollar insanity, the impending .gold confiscation the scorpion Jews are right now conniving behind the scenes..behind the screens to do…beware the Synagogue of Satan!. .Cucker., Name The Jew. Those who are able, seek firearms. Network in communities Now.
Young people..lost souls…mock all you want..but look, see the zeitgeist in the cold arctic skies…it is blackening..tomorrow never knows.. you only live twice.
“Cucker Tarlson.” You are a scream, Alan.
Stories from the lost graveyard of proletarian and vanished middle class dreams., an Open letter to intelligent nationalist race realists..written from the isle of mystique..not from the open jewish tunnel sewer of the Dead City.”.For many entrapped in cities , pan africanoid, non American but well funded crime inducing negroidal rap musics…base rhytmic noise can be heard at all hours thru cheap poorly painted sheet rock walls. As hot young girls and older females strive to appear younger than they are, obsessed with obtaining and by any expense nesecery,
maintaining a certain type of competitive skin tone, time passes heavily..enervatingly, for all who are not predetermined to reign oppressively ,sadistically with a rod of iron in the anti white black aristocracy that is a lousy front for ultimate global jew power. Permit yourselves please, for one moment ,to dream of other potentialities.For new readers and horrified young folk it is the impending and expanding persecutorial doom, mass culling elimination extinction of white Genius,white incentives, disestablishment of white stellar achievements..erasure of white history, that we refer to that must be rectified.
Learned helplessness inculcated by Jews!- is strumpeted in media at every turn…evinceable at every drag fest drugged out queer queen kindergarten display that should never be. We continue to hear from right wing friends, that trumpdog the chabad jew convert continues to this day, to not pay his complete debts,welshing here there and everywhere, .that trumpdog refused release of trump tax records not because he cared who sees his non payment of taxes that most. americans sadly continue to pay , ,but because 9 or more child rape cases resolved out of court were injurious if known by the public,to his “political career.” hideously,,30 pieces of silver style, strewn with broken promises . Trump and women in the whorish salacious jew micromanaged jew owned media is a fractious,acinine,rebellious misdirecting deflective syndrome in its own right but we would spare intelligent readers of that here We can’t be sure now but even as jews emplaced trumpdog in power,even if after Genocide Joe is put out to pasture or straight jacketed, we know jewish money jockstraps trumpdog,..nothing really beneficial to white people, nothing substantive would occur because of trumpdogs possible “presidency”.if it is jew permitted.That is a subjunctive modality now.
We are not interested in replacing one bad jew front with another idiotic jew front.
When we traversed a number of southern Italian mountainous mafia towns, we saw and encountered many well armed electrifying , rich and poor somehow united
warm hearted tough italians, they quipped,big brother civil laws be damned. Un cappucino prego! Grazzi. For them in the spanish quarter of napoli ,the Comorah,.la Cosa nostra, the black hand, the mob was still better than corrupt self serving fascist government. .
Something to consider.
They graciously tried to make us “family”..they said..”slow food..no glyphosate..no gmo s…no fast food ” they inveighed against american, or jew owned media. They said colorful things like” ..we love the pope, but we wouldnt let the him, the jew , in our house”
the same italians in italy..said the Roman Catholic church is like a howard Johnsons franchise We met one mafia Don,who did big business of sorts with Germans, who offered to give us his pretty sister in marriage.Most carefully. ,respectfully, very politely, we declined.
At first we almost couldnt believe what at that time burned our ears, that is,until we heard the dutch language.
The southern Italians often said ..the heart of the woman is close to the heart of the Devil.
All were married with children,all were normatively usually somewhat faithful ,adhering to “catholic marriage ideals to some discernible extent..or also had other women,often more than one, on the side.Their goal in almost every relationship was children.
Not as jew propagandists say, just for the church .White people misled by puritanical neo judiazer nonsense should think carefully on this .Be politely advised we still encounter older white brethren who are sorry they don’t have children. Recently we came across the few gorgeous photo s of a beautiful 3 year old little white angel,a white female horribly murdered by a black babysitter while the natural mother was out shopping or whatever more important commercial goals than raising their own white children carefully ,with disasterous results.
In a multitude of these cases often covered here at TOO, ,all intellectuality aside, black females often murder white children as savagely ,perhaps not as”.creatively “as talmudic bolshevists. For decades, the very wonderful..stentorian..magisterial… archetypal prof.KM .again extrapolates his
stellar illumination,..but our point is, with all due respect,its time to Rearm as Serbs italy and in greece,Golden Dawn have. look at Stockholm,,Oslo, paris., london ,..manchester,san francisco chicago,Berlin . For decades salacious insidious malevolent commercial jewish mass media mocks the stupids, Joe and Jane Sixpacks out there in TV land,.. in la la land, what Jews derisively call whitelandia…..jews prefer wakanda?… but as black home invasions..tidal waves of, black murders of whites, black crime waves in cities skyrocket wildly out of control. Meanwhile, The cops won’t and can’t shoot unless shot at first,or faced with a drawn knife ,no more clear. anti crime policies allowed, no serve and protect little people protocols,,. cops are strictly micromanaged by freemasonic ultra liberal jews, community affairs clowns ,,cops can’t protect anything except government property and government overlord networked Jews. If we are lucky, cops turn the occasional blind eye to absolutely nesecery summary justice scenarios. Tar and feather hanging time, like for Leo frank and hopefully dershowitz gates fauci soros newsome hochul etc. White women , virtue signalling woke ,social justice warrior victims, bleeding heart dupes ,whether they admit it or not ,are first line victims of black and “other”barbarian invader crimes. Call a spade a spade. It is no good to tell isreal firster red bracelet man bad, cucker tarlson, madonna kim kardashian or idiotic CIA psyop tool taylor swift to stop feeding the Jew created commercial monster. Priorities, not black communist jew funded insurgents matters.
Isreali american antifa,degenerate shock troopers, are still active,still protected ,all jew lies aside.
Be firm. Be stable! Dont be dissuaded, Seize the Day.
White people must not be genocided again by talmudic bolshevist jews,devolved,disapeared, deracinated. exfiltrated vanished. Imagine Menachem mendle schneerson,
Noel ignatiev,kissinger,ginsburgh..robert durst,bernie madoff, albright in Hell.
Face it ,friends are where you find them.Some people you think are your enemies are not your enemies..some people you think are your friends are not your friends.
.Dont be surprised conversely ,if some catholic illegals turn against the Jew controligarchs too.Jus saying ,we’re not Catholic e.michael jones is wrong,dead wrong ,about race among other things,phd or not, . but even many illegals are waking up to recognize they are being debt slaved by JEWS , and oppose white erasure,they know, white or not, they’re next. Remember Nikola Tesla said..
Never Trust The Jew.”
Hi everyone reading this,
This is really a comment to Kevin MacDonalds article on why jews have been so successfull and also have achieved common goals for their group in his interpretation of events based on his research.
The article has good points regarding aggression, focus, high IQ, intensity and the like.
But there are many things that seem indeed to be a bit simplified and also based on a bias coming from what I would refer to as a simplified view of matters in some ways to a degree.
For example the thing about intensity. Sure probably some jews may be more intense than others but to link this to mental issues and the like seems to go a bit far. Mental issues being more prevailent among members in the soc alled group may be due to historic events. Loosing their home country several times living as cultural minorities. The hostile actions in history against their “group” or people and the like.
And as for making the argument that they are more ethno centric because they are from the middle east. This seems a bit weird of an argument. Certainly I have seen no evidense that jews originate in the middle east.
Their high IQ achievents in science, industry, innovation, psychology, academia, litterature and film seems to suggest they originate in Europe and are of white origin.
DNA tests have shown that jewish women are 40 % Italian from a group of Italians that no longer exists (mixed with other Italian groups). They look a bit like european hunter gatherers some of them.
Maybe hunter gatherers that escaped some conflict with indo europeans. Maybe a conflict om some level between hunter gatherers and indo europeans still exist and this may have an effect on conflict levels between people with more hunther gatherer genetic background and more indo european background people.
Also they found a mass grave with blonde blue eyed levian peoples inIsrael. Are they part of the jewish groups heritage at this point is some way.
Certainly it seems that jews did to a degree mix with the local arab population but also it seems that have mixed to a smaller degree with africans. But not all jews have african or arab DNA heritage background so some are still 100 % white.
And certainly the mixing with arabs was much opposed by the elite which was most likely at the time racially pure. See the killing of a mixed couple:
“Moab seduces Israel, 1 Corinthians 10:1
While Israel was staying in Shittim, the men began to indulge in sexual immorality with the daughters of Moab
an Israelite man brought to his family a Midianite woman in the sight of Moses and the whole congregation of Israel
Phinehas son of Eleazar, the son of Aaron the priest, got up from the assembly, took a spear in his hand, 8followed the Israelite into his tent, and drove the spear through both of them—through the Israelite and on through the belly of the woman.
Then the LORD said to Moses: Phinehas son of Eleazar, the son of Aaron the priest, has turned My wrath away from the Israelites. Declare, therefore, that I am granting him My covenant of peace. It will be a covenant of permanent priesthood for him and his descendants, because he was zealous for his God and made atonement for the Israelites”.
This and jews being GOD’s choosen people is most likely the basis for jews historically having married jews. And that this is central in their religion.
Also them being forbidden from mixing in effect yet this still having taken effect to a degree when it seems clear from a religios perspective that GOD did not want this nay lead to a hysteria in many individuas within the group and therefore a tendency with many individuals to strive for policies that also gene change by racial mixture the groups they live among.
I.e. jewish histroy and racism is a cause here.
This then combined with the holocoast, pogroms, gene tests (DNA), kicked outa Spain if not changing their religion, the crusades, policies against jews and other matters have probably made more jews willing to support such policies due to them feeling safer from them.
Regardless it seems like a dangerous path to go down by these individuals having choosen it, which may affect other members of the group.
For example 100 % white jews who are not part african or arab and do not upport anti white policies such as migration or immigration or invasions or the like.
Also the fact that half of the jews in wester societies marry non-jews suggest that the ethnographies centric argument is of lesser relevance
“Their high IQ achievements in science, industry, innovation, psychology, academia, litterature and film ..”
Wow… and to think how wrong I have been for so long…
Looking around and seeing the large number of mediocre and sub-mediocre Jews in the highest positions of power, I had attributed their success to relentless ethnic networking and systematic displacement of the Goyim…
I guess one would have to do some kind of scientific measurement of achievements.
I know jews and I don’t think much of their sucess is due to ethnic networking.
Most large companies started by jews have had non jewish investors for example in most cases so it has been just the capitalist system in its working.
If we look at the numberof jews in the world there aint that many andmost are mixedwith arabs. I would assume it’s the more racially pure or totally racially pure that tend to be more sucessfull so they are even fewer then look at the number of nobel prizes memebers of this “people” have received.
Or the capital gained by members of the group andso on.
And yes there certainly are a lot of mediocre jews. There are a lot of mediocre spaniards also what is your point? Most people are mediocre. Very few people have an IQ above 140 for example the amount of people with an IQ over 200 are like super limited. The true inventors are very few and tend to be in my impression white. Quite often part jewish but then I would assume of the most white kind maybe even 100 % white.
But I guess it is speculating that geniouses tend to be white.
Even like people with an IQ of 117 which many jews have aint that smart.
Jews tend to be innovative also, this certainly benefots those members of the group with this ability in a capitalist society.
The smartest people in societies don’t tend to be in power positions within state, they are in like creative things like art, academia, science,nnovation…
But maybe with more and more jews bein to a small part mixed this may cause more mediocre jews and less of jewish geniouses. But this would assume a very very totally mega racist point of view.
A point of view that would make Hitler a totally racemixed lowlife from a this kind of racialist stadpoint which certainly some of the readers of this site may be into. But it seems not to be the focus of the alt right as such…
And in many cases at universities jews work with non jews when writing academic litterature in advanced subjects and the like.
It’s very easy to imagine oneself greater than one is. A person can perform very well in one situation and less so in another. Also, one’s mind is plastic; so, it improves a bit with use.
Machiavelli linked ambition with success. Jewish religion encourages pride and ambition.
It is my impression that many jews are hard working and ambitious.
I know many non jews who are as smart or smarter than jewish people I know which is of course hard to measure but anyways, but many of them are more content and don’t work as hard.
So there may certainly be something there which is probably due to history, culture and the like (the more racialist and/or evolutionary crowd may say evolution through selection maybe).
And Mr. Kevin MacDonald does in his article that I referred to mention some fators which may affect uppwards mobility.
Such as an on the averege tendency to notice details, aggressiveness (which may be great in business and get things done in general), intensity and more.
Here is the article I was refering to:
Kevin also mentions conscientiousness and writes:
” Conscientiousness, which involves attention to detail, neatness, orderliness, striving for achievement, persistence toward goals in the face of difficulty, and the ability to focus attention and delay gratification is, along with IQ, linked to upward mobility.”
Then he writes:
“I emphasize here that affect intensity is also linked to creativity”
“goal-directed activity like obsessively working on a project all night”
And working on things obsessively gets things done also.
One interesting factor may also be that jews are competing with other jews historically and now (maybe even in an evolutionary sense). Since there may be a competition between males for the better women so to speak but of course it is often love that has a large influence. But with jews if the wanted to marry jewish they were competing with other jews that have a higher than averege IQ and tend to often be sucessfull so to impresss the ladies they may often maybe work hard, very hard to be able to find a good woman so to speak.
And I certainly do think in many ways education improves IQ and the same with interest in complex matters and training. And there are many factors regarding many things.
And your point about the religion is excellent and it would be interesting to see what parts of their religion which may be of relevance when it comes to ambition and the like.
But if i remember correctly jews are not only god’s choosen people but also related to sons of god which is mot often interpreted as angels who mixed with humans and they were white if I remember correctly.
Also it seems clear from my earlier reference to the bible that GOD opposed that jews mixed with arabs (which I assume many here would refer to as non whites in some ways or the like).
Also the fact that the women the children of GOD married were white seems to imply that GOD has a focus on whites not mixing with non-whites and also likes whites. I must check the exakt quote here also.
But it’s something like:
“the sons of GOD married the daughters of men, and they were white”. Again I must check this.
It is also clear that jewsh women many of them probably very white or 100 % white for thise who think such things matter have continuosly married non jewish men in Europe. And therefore many white or European geniouses may have had jewish heritage but this is of course speculating.
But regardless as a devoted Christian I do think these writings are relevant and the like.
And Jesus Christ did say that he did not come to override the law but to make it clearer or the like.
He also said something to the effect: “I do not bring peace I bring the sword”. But I do not have the time to check the more exact quote at this time.
Stupid hitches
Unreadable comments of male mental masturbation. Pathetic and sick; the White race goes extinct.
The issue of women is certainly a multi-faceted and nuanced one. But at this point in the West, I would highlight two perspectives: 1. For a popular perspective, there is a youtube personality “Pearly Things”. She is clear and refreshing, and wears (and sells) t-shirts that read “Women should not vote”; 2. For an important account from a Roman statesman, I strongly recommend Cato the Elder’s 195 BC speech to the senate, available online. As you read it, keep in mind it was written >2,200 years ago. Cato the Elder was a remarkable individual.
Could you provide a link to Cato the Elder’s speech?
As quoted by Titus Livius in “The History of Rome”, Book 34. Ch. 2-7 are the speech itself, Ch. 1 provides useful context. One translation:
There is much there to discuss.