Evolutionary Psychology Makes Perfect Sense of the Collapse of Britain


Why has England seen a week of serious rioting by “far right thugs” (regime code for “working-class White people”) and “thugs” (regime code for “South Asian Muslims”)? Evolutionary Psychology – the evolutionary examination of human behaviour – gives us a clear and crisp answer. In his book Ethnic Conflicts: Their Biological Roots in Ethnic Nepotism the Finnish political scientist Tatu Vanhanen (1929-2015) found that there was a 0.66 correlation between the amount of ethnic conflict in a country and its level of ethnic diversity. This, in psychology, is  very strong relationship. It proves that multi-racial societies do not work.

As I have explored in my book Woke Eugenics, we are evolved to be with people who are genetically very similar to ourselves: we cooperate with these people because so-doing indirectly passes on more of our genes. Hence, strangers of a different ethnic group activate our flight and fight response; meaning that, in multi-racial societies, we are subject to constant low-level stress. Multiracial societies can only ever have an uneasy and tense peace, with the possibility of ethnic conflict at any moment.

Australian political psychologist Frank Salter, in his book On Genetic Interests, has reduced this down to very simple terms. Two random Englishmen, in relation to a random Dane, are 7th cousins; reflecting how genetically similar the English are to the Danes. In times of war, this difference is enough for people to sacrifice their lives for their ethnic group: if an English soldier stopped 60 Danes from replacing 60 English, this would compensate for the loss of one child. In relation to Japanese people, two Englishmen would be first cousins. They’d need to stop only four Japanese replacing four English to compensate for the loss of one child.

To make matters worse, and as American political scientist Robert Putnam has shown, in multi-racial societies, social trust collapses even among the native population. This is because Machiavellian members of the native population – in essence, traitors – will see an opportunity to attain power over their own group by collaborating with the foreigners, and patriotic natives will realise this.

Consistent with this, it has been found that the moral circle of the leftist is more distant from self than is that of the conservative. The conservative moral realm is a series of concentric circles emanating from self: you love your family more than your kin, your kin more than your class, your class more than your ethnic group and so on. This is not so with the leftist: he identifies with another ethnic group over his own; another race over his own. This allows him to betray his group, to collaborate with foreigners, much more easily: Think of Vidkun Quisling collaborating with the Germans to gain power over his native Norwegians.

Ben Jennings on the plight of asylum seekers amid Britain’s riots – cartoon

Pulling at the heartstrings. From The Guardian of course.

If collaborators like this get into power, you can expect them to operate a two-tier system against their own people: The foreigners, upon whom they are reliant for their power, will be policed less harshly, will be permitted and even encouraged to riot with you “taking the knee” to their disorder (as did UK Prime Minister Keir Starmer to BLM anarchy and now crowds of armed foreigners are free to congregate while the government combats crowds of White working-class people), and will not be prosecuted for crime, not least because a kind of Anarcho-Tyranny will leave the native population too busy concentrating on their own safety to organise against the collaborationist regime. Indeed, such a regime will pass laws to stop you from expressing your opinions about their immigrant clients – “hate speech” – and they will clearly care more about them than they do about you: If you are White and working class you are not part of their coalition; you are a danger to their power. This is what has happened in England and this why the English working class are rioting. The two-tier system has been clear for all to see and on 5th August the chief of London’s police, Sir Mark Rowley, was so triggered by a Sky News journalist mentioning it that he angrily knocked his microphone out of his hand.

You can also expect the collaborators to spear-head a new morality in which nothing is more important than “the marginalised,” and you can expect high-status people, realising the benefits of conforming to the “current thing” to adopt this morality. And you can especially expect this when we are in an evolutionary mismatch. Our “evolutionary match” is to be surrounded by death; high child mortality that was the norm until about 1800 and the Industrial Revolution. In its absence our instincts – such as ethnocentrism – will be induced to a much more limited degree, as I explore in Woke Eugenics. In fact there is some evidence that high-status people – something predicted by intelligence – will be less instinctive as intelligence is about solving cognitive problems and, so, rising above instinctive responses.

If we turn to the England summer 2024, this has all played out pretty much perfectly and has been well summarised by the “cancelled” campaigner and BLM critic Nick Buckley:

On July 4th, at the General Election, several Muslim MPs were elected to the House of Commons, solely on a “Free Palestine” ticket, displaying the organised power of Islamism in the UK. On July 11th, the new Labour government announced it would release 5,000 prisoners early in September, with most having served only 40% of their sentence; this was because the jails were so overcrowded. On July 15th, we learnt that London’s Metropolitan Police, answerable to a Muslim mayor, had not solved a single petty crime (burglary, car theft, phone theft) in three years, across 166 areas. On July 17th, it was reported that a Jordanian refugee, Mustafa al Mbaidan, who had assaulted a female police officer in Bournemouth in the south of the country, was spared community service on the grounds that “he cannot speak English.”

July 18th saw two “asylum seekers,” Yousef Garef and Amin Abdelbakar, who had stolen a Rolex worth £25,000 from a tourist, being spared jail. On the same day, mass rioting broke out in minority communities in Leeds after social services took four Romani children into social care. They were duly returned, with the government preaching “understanding.” July 18th also saw rioting break out in East London’s Bangladeshi community, following political unrest in Bangladesh, with rocks thrown at police officers and cars smashed. The Labour government had little to say.

On July 23rd, it was announced that Anjem Choudary, Britain’s most infamous Islamist, was to be sentenced for directing Islamist terror on Britain’s streets. On the same day, a British Army Officer was repeatedly stabbed outside his home by Anthony Esan, a Nigerian immigrant, presumably a Muslim.

On July 26th, protests broke out after footage emerged of Greater Manchester Police taking action against Fahir and Amaad Amaas at Manchester Airport. They had assaulted armed officers, breaking the nose of a female officer. There were riots by Muslims in favour of these men.

On July 29th, a 17 year-old, born in the UK to Rwandan parents, walked into a Taylor Swift themed holiday club in Southport and stabbed three little (White) girls to death, stabbing a number of others. On July 30th, a mass brawl involving machetes erupted on the streets of Southport; the ethnic details suppressed by the media. Also, on July 30th it was reported that a homeless Kurdish migrant had pushed a man onto the tracks at a London Underground station after feeling “disrespected.” It was also revealed that another 3,000 migrants have entered Britain illegally on small boats since Labour took power less than a month ago, taking the total number of crossings by mainly young male migrants from countries like Afghanistan, Eritrea, Sudan, and Syria to around 130,000.

The result was protests, some which turned into riots, in White working class areas which have now spread nationwide; protests against immigration – the child-murderer was, after all, not ethnically English – and against perceived two-tier policing. These were supposedly sparked, in Southport on 30th July, by “misinformation” that the killer was a Muslim, resulting in the mosque being surrounded, but even when that was supposedly debunked, by releasing the killer’s name and ethnicity, people were not prepared to swallow the idea that “he wasn’t an immigrant because he was born in Wales”: He was a foreigner; immigration had caused this, as it had absurd house prices, a sense of being a foreigner in your own country, and massive queues in the National Health Service. In Rotherham, a hotel, in which “refugees” are housed at huge expense, was surrounded and set alight. Rotherham was where the Woke authorities overlooked the grooming and rape of over 1400 underage White girls for decades because they feared being called “racist.”

Completely misreading the level of public fury over the murders and decades of gaslighting over “the benefits of multiculturalism,” the Labour Prime Minister, Sir Keir Starmer, and media proclaimed that the protestors were “far right thugs” and they would act to “protect our Muslim communities.” The response was so different to the Leeds riots and to BLM years earlier. Muslim groups, breaking the law by marching in uniforms (without legal consequence) declared a “Muslim Defence League” and rioted in Bolton near Manchester. On the night of the 5th August, they rioted in Birmingham, with no police attempt to control them, beating up local Whites and being reported merely as “thugs” – no mention of ethnicity or religion. Sky TV talked of protests by “far right thugs” as Muslim men could be seen in the background with machetes. One of their reporters, in Birmingham, was forced to retreat to her car, where they slashed her tires. “Far right thugs” have done no such thing.

The English know the government, and especially Labour, are liars; the lies have caused a collapse in trust in “the narrative.” The government claims that rioters will be jailed; magically finding room in the very jails that are completely over-crowded. This disorder shows no signs of calming down at the time of writing (6th August). Elon Musk has predicted “civil war” in the UK, with leftists thugs demanding – via thinly veiled threats in the case of Starmer – that X be brought under their control so that he can’t express his opinion.

I suspect a line has been crossed. This rioting will eventually calm down, but it will keep flaring up, like a chronic disease. England’s short-term future will be Northern Ireland-like sectarianism. Ironically, however, Catholics and Protestants have marched, united and “far right,” through the streets of Belfast, finally at one in their opposition to their own invasion. This is exactly what evolutionary psychology would predict. The comedian Dominic Frisby, whom I interviewed a while ago, sang “We’re All Far Right Now” in a satire of Wokeness. No, “We’re far right thugs now” and this may have united the British against their invasion, as orchestrated by collaborators such as Sir Keir Starmer.

9 replies
  1. Tom Sunic
    Tom Sunic says:

    Ample studies in behavioral genetics have confirmed that humans prefer to stick with their own in-group territorial imperative and hang around with their lookalikes.
    But ample facts on the ground have also confirmed that the most violent and most abject crimes are committed within the same in-group, family or tribe.

    Let us start with lingering hatred between Serbs and Croats – two White peoples of similar, likely of same genepool, speaking almost the same language. How about a longstanding hatred between the Irish and English – two separate White nations yet both being of the same genepool? Or extreme violence committed by Whites against Whites during the civil war in the US, 1861-65?
    Let us not delude ourselves into romantic fantasizing about happy White tomorrows. The entire history of White Europeans has been a history of civil wars whose cruelty and savagery has often eclipsed the cruelty of non- European Mongolic/Turkic/Arabic invaders, or savage crimes committed by recent non-European individuals in the US/ EU. Must we invoke again Shakespeare’s White inter-family savagery in his Richard III, or in F. Schiller’s The Robbers? Or mutual and pathological hatred between the ancient Roman strongman, the blond and blue-eyed mass killer Sulla and his equally savage once-upon-a-time good friend Marius?
    We might probably need to import into the US/EU another tens of millions of non-Whites in order to jumpstart the dream of common all-white homeland? BTW.
    I am still waiting for a well- researched book on the sociobiology of civil wars.

    • Alan
      Alan says:

      The warfare betwixt and between largely Catholic partially still
      communist Croatia and Orthodox Christian Serbia.. is one of the greatest tragedies of old and postmodern History. If Only–Serbs and Croats would combine to oppose the New Jew Order Cyborgs!.. The Soviet Jew plant Josip broz..*Tito*killed my deceased wife. Bozana s earthly father..as her father was a towering intellectual giant..thus..understandably a dissident.
      Mr.Tom Sunic..as always..
      your erudition ..literacy should make all Slavs proud…be aware though…The Jews in America and Russia and the E.U. are very proud of the murderous barbarian hordes subsuming anerica..now Jewmerica…. to borrow an apt neologism…The Globohomosexual Talmud trash filth easily visible in both Wef–blackrock..and atop all major governments everywhere..celebrate the auto destruction of olde Christian Europe and have now subsumed America. ..devolved America into a super welfare dumping ground
      state..formerly called the” north American union””. commencing
      .around the time of Ross Perot..the..haircut and a hand grenade guy used to split elections….dovidjenia..zdravo.

      • What’s up Skip
        What’s up Skip says:

        Centuries of separation and a recent history of mass murder of Croats in 1945 by Tito’s communists, preceding the 1990s war, are not so easily overcome. Croats, at least in the diaspora, are extremely ethnocentric. Serbs wish for a greater whole (in which they would naturally remain greater!)

  2. Canadian goy
    Canadian goy says:

    I have a hard time understanding why native brits use the same political framing as their enemy. If brits are oppressed by their government why don’t they identity as “leftists” that are morally opposed to an oppressive governnent that allies with foreigners? Brits that are against their own exploitation are no different than other oppressed people that are against colonization of their lands.

    When Africans were decolonizing they never called themselves “right wingers” — they identified as “left wingers” against colonial oppression. Brits are today in the exact same position with Jews as the outsider colonial elite and the black-brown underclass as allies against he Jewish regime.

    For the life of me I can’t understand why native brits call resistance to their own colonial oppression “right wing”.

    This is a big strategic error in my opinion.

    • John
      John says:

      Canadian goy,
      Is it true that Canada is on track becoming the first third world, second world country in The West?

  3. Alan
    Alan says:

    Sir”keir starmer is a Freemason.
    .Freemasonry is Judaism for non Jews. The black knife murderer of 3 little white girls…and..8 other victims is as African as the dark continent..but..not..in his case..a Muslim*Muslims in England did tons of other horrific things..yet…Europe. sorry..must rearm..as all decent Americans must*When an army is required to try to both stop gentrified wrongs and reset some formation…some . iteration of civil order..it does no good to resort to the Neoliberalism that has cursed the postmodern world..we all know ..on the American right…that the god of ((Jewish) liberalism always demands more and more and more human sacrifice..it’s no different now…we must not over intellectualize what the Jews did to Europe..England .Ireland. America….retribute them…*destroy the head. first….Rothschild..WEF-blackrock..no Talmud trash ..no more Zionists..end all Jewish influence…**the 11th hour has been passed. Rearm Now**Godspeed..God bless the resistance to The New Jew Order**.

  4. Mike Bennett
    Mike Bennett says:

    Croatia and Serbia have NOTHING in common..! To put the two entities (along with Bosnia, Montenegro, Slovenia, Kosovo), under ONE roof and promise an equal federation was a lie by King Alexander in 1918, with the phony and artificial, “Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes”. This was another name for, “ Greater Serbia” and the Mr. Sunic very well knows that!
    If “ Yugoslavia” was fair federation, there would not have of been the problems in the first Yugoslavia (1942-‘45), nor in 1991. In the end, Ukraine or Russia will survive, and Croatia or Serbia..not both! But true, it’s too bad that the cursed Christian religion came along and destroyed our traditional religions.. Roman/ Greek Hellenism or the Slavic God Perun..

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