Information Liberation: Soros Funds Sohrab Ahmari’s “Conservative” Outlet Compact Magazine

I was unfamiliar with Chris Menahan’s work but very much liked this article and two other articles he links to at the end on Ben Shapiro and Bethany Mandel respectively. Of course, he is absolutely right that Conservatism Inc is controlled opposition, and it’s no surprise that Soros and his son are funding it. And of course Chris Rufo is a prime example, along with Ben Shapiro and Bethany Mandel


Report: Soros Funds Sohrab Ahmari’s “Conservative” Outlet Compact Magazine

By Chris Menahan

[The article quotes Vanity Fair as follows:]

Ahmari founded Compact in 2022 with Matthew Schmitz, a fellow conservative editor, and Edwin Aponte, a Marxist who left the project due to irreconcilable political differences, Salon reported, and broke off contact with Ahmari and Schmitz. Its mission at the outset was to promote “a strong social-democratic state that defends community—local and national, familial and religious—against a libertine left and a libertarian right.” Despite the bipartisan framing, their most prominent start-up funders belonged to the right. According to Aponte, they included Thiel, the right-wing tech investor and JD Vance mentor, and chairman of the board of the Claremont Institute Thomas Klingenstein—both of whom, in Aponte’s view, “should be robbed of all of their money by a mob of poor people.” (When Salon first reported Thiel’s funding of Compact, it noted, “a source close to Thiel denied that Thiel has directly funded Compact, but couldn’t rule out the possibility that an entity Thiel funds has in turn donated to the magazine.” Klingenstein didn’t respond to a request for comment.)

It’s not weird at all: he funds controlled opposition on both sides to guide the left and right.

One day after this news came out, Chris Rufo — who works for the [Jewish vulture capitalist] Paul Singer-funded Manhattan Institute — had a column published in Compact Magazine lamenting free speech on X and the “disappearance of gatekeepers” leading to surging “anti-Semitism” on the right.

Chris Brunet, who Rufo and Conservatism Inc have been trying to cancel for criticizing Israel, blew the story up on X.

Rufo wrote in his piece, “Against Racialism, Left and Right”:

On X, many right-wing accounts espouse open anti-Semitism, often posting allegedly ironic memes about Adolf Hitler. I once posted something about critical race theory, and was told by one of these accounts, “Well, you know that critical race theory was invented by Jews.” Though this kind of right-wing conspiratorial thinking is nothing new, the fact that it has become so commonplace on online platforms like X is an alarming novelty that merits our concern. [In fact, hatred of Whites is indeed a Jewish project, beginning with “Whiteness Studies which equals CRT without the name.]

The growing distrust of mainstream institutions that is characteristic of today’s right can’t be written off completely. This sentiment—ushered in by figures like Donald Trump—swept away the broken establishment Republican consensus, yet it has failed to fill the ideological vacuum it has created. Trump tried to fill it with partisan politics but lacked an adequate intellectual framework. Those who retrofitted their ideologies to Trump attempted to create an intellectual substructure for his presidency, in some cases ushering in a kind of chaotic element. To be sure, chaos can create space for creativity. But it always comes with a downside.

This ideological vacuum is compounded with relaxed censorship policies on platforms like X, thanks to its new owner, Elon Musk. To be sure, this has allowed more space to express legitimate viewpoints and is preferable to the old censorship system. But it has also allowed conspiratorial thinking to gain traction. Worse, it has opened the door to alt-right influencers and the so-called Groypers, who have taken politics as a method of garnering attention and then monetizing it either on or off their platforms. This has all been exacerbated by the disappearance of gatekeepers and overall quality control within the post-establishmentarian right.

“The Woke Right™️ loves censorship,” Brunet commented.

Contrary to the above claims [that Soros is anti-Israel], George Soros was never banned from Israel and Alex Soros is the one who made the decision to invest in Compact Magazine.

George Soros spent his whole life constructing elaborate stories about how his activism was motivated by high-minded ideals from Karl Popper about “open societies” and “inclusive democracies” but his idiot son Alex gave the game away in an interview with New York Times Magazine in 2018:

Alex told me that for many years, his father had not been eager to advertise his Judaism because “this was something he was almost killed for.” But he had always “identified firstly as a Jew,” and his philanthropy was ultimately an expression of his Jewish identity, in that he felt a solidarity with other minority groups and also because he recognized that a Jew could only truly be safe in a world in which all minorities were protected. Explaining his father’s motives, [This is the view of mainstream Jewish communities going back over a century.] he said, “The reason you fight for an open society is because that’s the only society that you can live in, as a Jew — unless you become a nationalist and only fight for your own rights in your own state.”

Fortunately, Alex doesn’t have anywhere near the intelligence or cunning of his predecessor.

The controlled opposition guiding the right is suffering from the same issue.

6 replies
  1. Shitting Bull
    Shitting Bull says:

    Trouble is separating out the False Flaggers and sorting out the False Flaggers talking about False Flaggers. “It makes yer flesh creep,” said the Horizontally Challenged Younger Male in Dickens. “By their deeds ye shall know them,” said the Most Famous False Flag waver. . Enough to give anyone Weltschmerz. Anyway the simple rule is: THEY are to blame for…. [fill in whatever you want].

  2. Phil
    Phil says:

    “White Lies” (1998) is a Canadian television film that tells the story of a young woman named Catherine Chapman who becomes involved with a white supremacist group. The film is based on the real-life experiences of Elisa Hategan, a former member of the Heritage Front, a neo-Nazi organization in Canada.

    The woman’s payment is ingratitude. Elisa “Hategan”, here the name says it all. A harrowing, moving fate that should be shown to every white schoolchild who should one day be faced with the choice of deciding against the side of hate.

    For it can be nothing other than hatred to want to articulate genuinely white interests after they have brought so much misfortune to the world for thousands of years. Collective interests of an ostensibly white race is pure hatred in its purest form!

    Xenophobia is actually fear of being alone, Ms. Hategan knows. It is not a morally reprehensible act to slander your neighbor if he is a Nazi! And Nazi, as we now know, is the articulation of genuinely white collective interests.

    “In 2001, Hategan discovered that her father had Jewish roots. In 2006, she changed her first name to Elisa. She converted to Judaism in 2013. She is openly gay.” Being Jewish (and gay)means never being alone again in indifferent, cold, hostile Canada.

    This dramatic fate, marked by tragic events, should awaken even the last person to take active precautions against any kind of exclusion of and intolerance towards people of a different race, should it emanate from white people.

    “From Darkness to Light: How Neo-Nazi Elisa Hategan found Jewish roots & shut down the Heritage Front” (in the case of the Goyim, the development curve is complementarily reversed in every respect: from light to darkness).

    It is a particularly difficult, even traumatic fate not only to have had no knowledge of one’s Jewish ancestors for decades, but also to have known for decades that one was born as a genetic Nazi heir. Nazis, as we all know, were cold-hearted, cruel monsters and murderers.

    “My Nazi-Family” (activate available English subs)

    Anti-Semitism can only be explained by the unresolved sole guilt of white racists, deeply anchored and woven into their pathological psyche and genetically inherited from their ancestors over many generations. The lack of a culture of remembrance must urgently be remedied by making amends!

    The aim here is undoubtedly to cement, preserve, program and perpetuate the perpetrator-victim dichotomy that is indispensable for exercising power over the stupid Goyim. ”. Strangely enough, however, there have never been any “Holodomor survivors”, “Hiroshima survivors”, “Gaza survivors” or “Dresden survivors”.

    David Irving rightly said that there are millions of “Holocaust survivors”, anym Jew who “survived” the “Holocaust” (anywhere in the world!) can be considered as such and make corresponding claims for recourse. These moral and material claims are automatically passed on to their descendants, who acquire the title of “descendants of Holocaust survivors”.

    In the psychological warfare against an entire race, as it is carried out against Europeans, it is of crucial importance to inculcate and internalize the cult of guilt by repeating and constantly reciting the horror of past events in such a way that its spread is self-effectively activated, as in a wound-up robot with Stockholm syndrome.

    Independent, skeptical and critical thinking, reflection, analysis and reasoning were virtually blocked and eliminated by the erection of a politically correct barrier in the mind. This is referred to as “supervised thinking”. Those affected lead a kind of mentally infantile substitute life in the realm of heteronomy instead of in the realm of maturity and self-determination.

    Strictly speaking, they are victims of abuse who have been systematically, deliberately and methodically brainwashed, and at the same time deprived of their own identity, history and right to survive as free peoples. They are kept small and dependent. The mace only needs to be presented to trigger the Pavlovian reflex of compliance and remorse on behalf of the shameful ancestors.

    • ps
      ps says:

      Our concept of freedom is a mistake and a fallacy. The world’s media system is such that our brains develop withdrawal symptoms without a constant supply of new stimulants. But everything we receive contains virtually zero nutritional value, like sugar. We all devour news as if it were a matter of knowing as much as possible in order to carry this knowledge over into the afterlife. Which is nonsense, of course, because our knowledge fades with the decay of the brain.

      But another point is much more important: hardly anyone, apart from the really successful, ever asks themselves what usefulness their store of knowledge has for daily, medium-term and long-term survival. Presumably this is where the failures can be distinguished from the winners. Why does a kindergarten child have to “learn” that there are supposedly countless genders? Why does the farmer on his tractor need to know what scandals are rocking the English royal family?

      Today, mankind is being fed the illusion that this is a curtailment of the individual’s personal freedom if not everyone can always find out everything everywhere. In reality, a different principle is at work here, namely the overproduction of useless knowledge for the purpose of distracting from useful knowledge. Man has the illusion that he is always youthful, until he realizes more and more that younger people outdo him. Now he has to accept that he was under an illusion.

      Let’s take an Aussie as example, who contextually calls himself Luke Million, but also “Synth Lord”. His band was called “The Swiss”. He calls his style “Future-Retro”, which expresses the whole schizophrenia of the present. People want to preserve something supposedly precious, but it turns out that even back then it was just canned garbage. We live in a throwaway and recycling society, where almost everything is only produced for everyday consumption.

      People like Luke don’t realize something fundamental: If I want to listen to musak that sounds like the 80s, I’ll listen to musak from the 80s. Why would you prefer a copy when the original is available? But how do you become original in a time of complete unoriginality? Luke has never asked himself this question, his mind is occupied by reproducing old tunes. This, he believes, is precisely what is particularly original. His only credo “Have fun!” is the easily satisfied motto of consumerism, which does not pursue any higher “ideal”.

      P.S. Of course, the “Holocaust” is also a reproduction of recycling of a reproduction, i.e. a backdrop and façade that must be constantly renewed and its horror intensified, otherwise the wear-and-tear effect will be too strong and will be met with disinterest, from which, however, neither moral nor financial profit could be made by the representatives of the gigantic “Hollycaust industry”.

  3. HealXO
    HealXO says:

    Your blog is a testament to your dedication to your craft. Your commitment to excellence is evident in every aspect of your writing. Thank you for being such a positive influence in the online community.

  4. Wade Smith
    Wade Smith says:

    On “controllers” of “opposition” may I strongly recommend for review by Dr MacDonald “Being in Time – A Post-Political Manifesto” by Gilad Atzmon?

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