Comment on billboards

Edmund Connelly has posted here on the horrific advertising environment that pervades the West. I have thought there must be a law somewhere that mandates Blacks in every commercial. Here  are two of his previous articles addressing this issue: “Condition Red Revisited: White Male Erasure in Advertising” (pdf) (2021); “Condition Red: Your Visual Displacement is Now Complete” (2020).

 Right now he is traveling around the country and provides this new report:

 study of billboards throughout the nearly all-white northern Rockies region — Wyoming, Montana, and part of Utah. It’s as though white males simply don’t exist in those states — if you’re judging by images on billboards. The social engineering is just so obvious. And if it’s a college ad, there is ALWAYS a black male, sometimes with the usual pretty white female. These billboards are prominent at the borders of these states as you drive on the Interstates.

There’s a series of billboards purporting to help veterans, but I’ve yet to see even ONE white male veteran. Blacks, women of all sorts, white mothers and daughters, Asians, Native Americans and Hispanics, but I guess white men never fought and got injured in America’s wars.

The most bizarre billboard, however, which I see in many places, shows five black women with the caption “Know Your Breasts Like You Know Your Girls.” What does that even mean? There are no black women in the states I mentioned, so what in the world is going on? And one of these billboards is posted on the property of the most stereotypic white trash farm household — rusted out cars and appliances, dead tractors, etc. It boggles the mind. 

But of course that’s the direction all white nations have been pushed, pushed by some Higher Power that clearly wants the white race subjugated … or worse.

10 replies
  1. Franz
    Franz says:

    It is exactly the same in Judenropa as in Judenmerica, I can assure you. It is one of the basic building blocks of the most malicious agenda (or “experiment”, as the perpetrators call it) in human history: to eradicate, exterminate, the white race, decimation by means of the salami slicing tactics, its most obvious symbolic representation, so to speak.

    These advertising ploys are based on the same deceptive mechanism that the Jew Edward Bernays used to manipulate the masses, for example, to turn women into physically and psychologically dependent, prematurely mortal customers of the tobacco industry.

    A new “reality” that contradicts nature is ultimately to be subliminally smuggled into our heads in this way. If you have grown up with this artificially and manipulatively created “diversity” and therefore know no alternative, you probably consider it “normal” to be one of the few white children in your school class.

    But nature still seems to defend itself against the deception with a kind of last stand before death, a kind of involuntary twitching. So there are a few naive, oblivious, light-hearted advertisers who, instead of the motif “Negroes with their light-skinned whores”, use blond and blue-eyed boys as advertising media for their products.

    A hysterical reflex like Pavlov’s dog kicks in immediately, from the politically correct watchdogs of the racial terminal care: “Scandal! Hitler’s Aryanism is being revived here!” What we have is the exact inversion/perversion of National Socialism: international capitalism.

    And the fact that it is primarily Jews who are behind this, who caused and drive the whole thing, by their “critical theories”, is proven by public statements such as those of the Harvard Jew Yascha Mounk, the 1968er paedo-Jew Cohn-Bendit, or the Paideia Institute witch Lerner-“Spectre”, namely that it is a “transformation controlled by Jews towards a multi-ethnic society”.

  2. Franz
    Franz says:

    The white race has made its own destroyers into its “elites” without even realizing or wanting to realize it. They are, from their unscrupulous oriental trickster and merchant mentality, exactly the same Galician looters and swindlers as 100 years ago, except that today they wear pinstripes and Rolexes. And this hostile power elite and moneyed (fake) “aristocracy”, this state within the state which undermines, destabilizes and erodes the actual state, has been ordering them for years and years that no pro-white agenda is “allowed” to Goyim!

  3. Tim
    Tim says:

    Hold onto your cosmic socks, folks! Joe “Conspiracy King” Rogan and Donald “Tweet First, Think Never” Trump are back at it, playing intergalactic detective with their mind-blowing drone theories. But wait, science has spoken, and it’s not what you’d expect!

    These mysterious drones aren’t hunting for gas leaks or radioactive materials. No siree! They’re on a top-secret mission to collect Joe Biden’s wandering brain cells! Picture this: Alien researchers, frustrated by Biden’s occasional verbal meandering, have dispatched high-tech drone units to capture random presidential brain fragments and compile a “What Was He Trying to Say?” database.

    Meanwhile, Rogan & Trump are convinced these are either national security threats, communist surveillance devices, or portals to another dimension of pure testosterone. The real kicker? These alien drones are probably reporting back: “Intelligent life? Negative. Recommend immediate intervention.”

    But here’s where it gets interesting: Could this be the solution to the Fermi Paradox? Maybe the reason we haven’t found intelligent life in the universe is that they’re all too busy trying to decipher Earth’s political circus! Or perhaps, as the paradox suggests, advanced civilizations are rare, and we’re just lucky enough to have front-row seats to this cosmic comedy show.

    Breaking news from the cosmos: Earth’s leadership meeting looks less like a political summit and more like a reality TV show crossed with a sci-fi comedy! Stay tuned, America. The truth is out there – and it’s wearing aviator sunglasses and occasionally forgetting its own name!

    For further mind-bending insights into the nature of reality and the limits of physics, check out Gerd Ganteför’s “The Mysterious Fabric of Reality and the Limits of Physics.”

    The strictly vegan Tom Bailey (born 1954) also has a strong science fiction orientation. The only audible and halfway acceptable title of his first solo album. Or does he really just need a doctor, as the Bremen presenter sarcastically announces his title in 1984?

    Bailey published this mendacious crap in 2016, just a few months after Merkel’s devastating border opening, and has not yet had it deleted out of insight or embarrassment, “from the perspective of an Afghan trying to save his life by fleeing to Europe” [sic].

    Actually, the mentally disturbed babyboomer should be deported to the Bahamas by the British people for this alone, where he once produced his famous hit albums in the “Compass Point Studios” the Marrano-Jewish owner Chris Blackwell in “Nassau” (a German name).

  4. Tim
    Tim says:

    P.S. If you listen to the “docto’s song” without all its exotic arrangement, it sounds, at least as far as the chorus is concerned, very much like the Latin romanticism found in many French, Italian or Spanish pop songs of the time, for example in the compositions by Pierluigi Giombini (“I like Chaupin”). Performed here by a Japanese cat woman.

    Today is Beethoven’s supposed birthday. As the Judenpresse would have us believe, Beethoven was in fact a Neger. It is also interesting to note that babies were traditionally given a few drops of wine when they were baptized – a special feature of the baptismal rite in the Archdiocese of Cologne. “Wein, Weib & Gesang” later became the degenerate Anglo-perversion “Sex, Drugs & Rock’n’Roll”.

  5. eah
    eah says:

    It’s very noticeable, yes.

    Whenever an occasion arises with a reasonable context in which to mention it (that’s not often of course), I do — I ask people if they’ve noticed it too, and if so, what do they think about it? — do they think it’s just a coincidence, e.g. ad agencies making commercials call talent agencies, saying they need a man and a woman to play a married pair, and talent agencies say ‘All we have available is a black male and a white female’, and the ad agencies say ‘Great, send ’em over’? — or is it deliberate, even coordinated?

    Once you plant the seed, you can be bolder and say that it’s so prevalent that it’s obviously deliberate and coordinated, to the extent that many ads today seem 10% about the product, and 90% racial propaganda.

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