Immigration as provocation

Sir John Major was Conservative Prime Minister of Great Britain from 1990 to 1997, and only ever an interim premier after Margaret Thatcher was ousted. All he is really remembered for is that he signed the Maastricht Treaty, which began Britain’s entry into the EU, and the fact that his father was a circus trapeze-artist. Major resembled a cricket commentator (and does in fact love the game) who had gone to the wrong job interview and accidentally ended up as PM.

One off-the-cuff remark of his, however, is worth revisiting in the current British climate of simmering anger over uncontrolled and apparently uncontrollable immigration to the UK, 80% of which is from outside the EU. Only around 16% of that figure enter the UK on professional work visas. Many of them are completely undocumented and are not in any way identifiable, having discarded their passports and phones during their crossing from France via the English Channel. All can be confident that these will be replaced with British versions of both. For how much longer will the British people continue to show the tolerance which is demanded of them by the state?

Step on an Englishman’s foot, said the former PM, and he will apologize. Step on his foot again, and he will apologize. Step on his foot a third time and he’ll knock you down. The first is seen as an accident, the second as an unfortunate repetition of that accident which, while it tries the patience, is tolerable. The third, however, is provocation, and demands an appropriate response. That is the position today’s White Englishmen find themselves in. Where are we in Major’s homily? How many times have English feet been stepped on, and when will the third arrive?

There can be little doubt that a main component of Labour’s de facto open borders immigration policy is intended to provoke the British people, and particularly the English. Starmer wants to “wind the English up”, to use the vernacular, and his party’s current immigration policy echoes the infamous phrase used by Labour’s Andrew Neather in 2009 — albeit critically — when he stated that Labour wanted mass immigration “to rub the Right’s noses in diversity”. Today’s Labour Party have more sinister motives than Neather’s revelation, and intend to rub every White, British, indigenous nose in the same ordure.

The United Kingdom is, of course, composed of four nations: England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland. But in the context of immigration, when “the UK” is mentioned, this invariably means England. Criticism of the British Empire, similarly, is not aimed at the Welsh, but always at the villains of the piece — any piece — the English. Immigrants do not risk their lives and their life savings travelling across Europe and crossing the English Channel in dangerous and unsuitable craft to live in Cardiff or Belfast. They are almost all Muslims, and wish to join the ummah in London or Birmingham, England’s capital and second city respectively, and both well on the way to becoming micro-caliphates. And they serve two purposes for Britain’s deep state: Their role in Renaud Camus’ Great Replacement, and the provocation, and resulting dissident violence, that the same deep state wishes to inflict on the White British. Starmer made good use of the rioting after the murders of three little girls in Southport at the start of his premiership, jailing many first-time “offenders” for social media posts (correctly) stating that the alleged killer was a Muslim.

Examples of this goading are numerous, but we will begin with the leading indicator of immigration, the statistics themselves. Whether or not it was Mark Twain who quipped that there are “lies, damned lies, and statistics” is one for the literary historians, but the phrase may as well be wrought in iron over the entrance to the UK’s ONS, or Office for National Statistics.

A novel way in which immigration figures are manipulated is by releasing upwardly revised figures at a later date. Thus, although the net annual immigration figures to June 2023 were originally given by the ONS at 740,000, these have been revised to 906,000, and this reconfiguration allows two things to happen. Firstly, Labour can blame the “error” on the last Conservative government, allowing Starmer to accuse them of conducting an “open borders experiment” as though they themselves were not doing exactly that. This also allows Labour to claim — correctly, given the revised figure — that the same figure to June 2024, 728,000, has dropped by 20%. Thus, Labour can claim to have reduced immigration figures — a promise every incoming government this century has campaigned on — and also to be a credible alternative to the Tories rather than the other side of the same uniparty coin.

The last Conservative government had as its worthless maxim “Stop the boats” but, as the BBC points out, “Labour replaced [former Prime Minister] Rishi Sunak’s ‘stop the boats’ slogan with its own three-word mantra: ‘Smash the gangs’.”  Since the election, Keir Starmer has talked about “smashing the business model of the people-smuggling gangs” working in France, as though talking like the Incredible Hulk proves his resolve. And these are not “people smugglers”. Anything smuggled is hidden, and these migrants are very visible. Strangest of all is the idea of “smashing” a business model. The business model for the migration business is incredibly simple. Migrants pay a great deal of money, in cash, to people who provide inflatable boats in which they travel to the UK. There is no contract, no necessity to offer a guarantee (and therefore no legal protection or insurance for the migrants), and it is unlikely that much business time is wasted filling out tax returns. If there is competition for your business, you shoot them, or they shoot you. The Home Office, like every other branch of British government, is obsessed with models to the extent that they now believe them to be real, and somehow able to be “smashed”.

But the boats remain unstopped and the gangs unsmashed. Where, then, do the British government intend to house these anonymous arrivistes as they join the backlog of unprocessed asylum applications? It shouldn’t be hard to create temporary accommodation. During the early days of the Covid pandemic, the British government quickly built a number of “Nightingale hospitals” at a cost of half a billion pounds, a fraction of the current annual cost of housing immigrants. Now that Covid is in the past, these could surely be decommissioned and used instead to house immigrants.

A report by The King’s Fund in 2021, however, shows that the hospitals were not even considered as migrant housing:

But over summer, 2020, one issue came to define the narrative around the Nightingales – quite simply, they were not seeing many patients. And now, one year after they were built, many of the facilities are either being decommissioned or repurposed as mass vaccination centres or diagnostic centres.

Where, then, are the immigrants to be housed? Presumably, the government would wish to tread carefully and not to show migrants as somehow receiving preferential treatment over, say, Britain’s thousands of homeless people, many of them ex-army. Not so. Let’s take a break and visit a hotel. Depending on what you are used to, the sixteenth-century Madeley Court Hotel in Telford, Shropshire, is both beautiful and luxurious. If you happen not to be an illegal immigrant to Britain, however, you won’t be staying there any time soon, as it is all booked up for the foreseeable future. The “availability” link on its website states that the booking facility is “not accessible” as “some required settings are not defined”. It’s the kind of statement you might expect from HAL, the computer in Kubrick’s 2001.

This report from Britain’s Daily Mail shows the hotel in all its glory, and also informs the reader that it is currently block-booked with immigrants, many of whom have lived there since the time that the Nightingale hospitals were still in existence. One Muslim gentleman interviewed by a citizen journalist had an interesting take on the economic cost of immigration. Speaking from his hotel — which film stars used to do — the man said that, “We don’t know who pays for it. But we don’t need to”. There are other ways of paying, of course. The local people will not be able to enjoy the hotel’s famous Christmas dinner this year, for example, as it has been cancelled.

The Mail’s report is also of interest for what it shows of the media’s collusion with government over what is usually termed the “far Right”. The paper is careful not to show any editorial disapproval of this luxurious accommodation for people who have never paid — and likely never will — into the UK tax system.

Instead, it writes, “The outrage was generated… by a string of right-wing commentators on social media… [and] many social media users have expressed anger” at the arrangement. It is “Right-wing” commentators who are angry, not the newspaper once ridiculed for its levels of outrage.

That there is an immigration industry in the UK has been known for some time, whispered rather than spoken aloud. They have everything one might expect in an industry, those on the front-line, those in the board-room, and those doing the marketing. That would be the media. There has been an interesting incursion recently, a Venn-like overlap between the circle of activism and that of the communicative professions. There are activist journalists now as well as activist university lecturers and public-sector chiefs. The Mail’s piece is more subtly pro-government than the BBC, say, but it is still a part of the immigration industry.

This also shows the importance of alternative media and their role in the government’s provocative use of immigration to rile the indigenous English. Yorkshire Rose are citizen journalists who visit migrant hotels, and below is a video of their visit to Madeley Court. I have watched a number of these videos, and there is a theme. Every video features a confrontation with security staff, and almost all the security guards featured are foreign to the UK. They are often surly and aggressive, and regularly tell those filming that they are on private property. Technically, that is correct, although hotel grounds have public right of access, otherwise it is difficult to see how guests could get from their car to their room. Usually, this type of video would be quickly taken down, but these remain. They are integral to the government’s program of stepping on English toes a third time.

There remains a tendency in the British media, alternative as well as what there is of right-of-center outlets, to attribute increasingly uncontrolled immigration as a sign of government incompetence. Terms such as “crazy”, “insane”, “lack of common sense” are regularly used to describe the influx and government failure to stop it. There is more than an element of the Dunning-Kruger Effect here, in which a person believes themselves far more capable of performing a task or job than they actually are. It simply is not credible to view uncontrolled immigration as government incompetence. It is intentional, malevolent, and designed to cause problems for the indigenous British firstly at a local level, and later at a national one.

I have discussed the British uniparty here at The Occidental Observer, and there is a clear sense that 14 years of nominally Conservative government was intended to prepare for Starmer’s accelerated program of flooding Britain with migrants, like a warm-up act for a rock band. This illusory transfer of power allows the two regimes to work retrospectively in tandem.

What might be termed “malevolent immigration” differs between the US and the UK. For America, the primary physical danger is Latino gangs and the cartels, in the UK it is Islam. The logistics of housing ever-more Muslim immigrants means that, along with the lack of employable skill-sets and low social capital the UK is importing, Muslim immigrants also bring their sectarian differences with them. Finding yet another hotel for 200 ungrateful migrants is difficult enough, but further complicated if 100 of them are Sunni and 100 Shia. And so, the British people have internecine tribal squabbles to look forward to in their city centers as well as the more general threat to their security and that of their children. Diversity is not seen as “our strength” in Arabic countries. And, day by day, the numbers increase.

There are approximately 110,000 British soldiers barracked in the UK. In the year ending September 2024, almost 100,000 immigrants claimed asylum, and there are several times that figure in the country, many unaccounted for, many anonymous and unverifiable. One of the most popular phrases used to describe the new arrivals is “fighting-age men”. How many standing armies comparable to the British Army have already been assembled? And when might they be mobilized?

The final, intolerable stepping on of English feet may be foreseen in Germany’s recent atrocity in Magdeburg, in which a Saudi immigrant mowed down pedestrians at a Christmas market. At the time of writing, five victims are dead and a further 200 injured, many seriously. It is a complicated case — Taleb A is “far right” only in that he doesn’t like Muslim religiosity but his beef was with Germany because they didn’t allow enough people like him to immigrate. Many Germans have taken to the streets to voice their displeasure. Should such an event occur in England — surely an inevitability — the English may feel that their feet have been stepped on for the third and final time.

Indeed, a similar event happened in London on Christmas day, although the police assure us that it was an isolated incident and not terror-related. It will interesting find out his background—if the police are kind enough to release the details.

Regarding Taleb A.:

He was critical of German authorities, saying they had failed to do enough to combat the “Islamism of Europe.” He has also voiced support for the far-right and anti-immigrant Alternative for Germany (AfD) party [then why kill German Christians].

Some described Taleb as an activist who helped Saudi women flee their homeland. Recently, he seemed focused on his theory that German authorities have been targeting Saudi asylum seekers.

And of course the left want to ignore any connection to immigration:

“To the AfD, I can only say: Any attempt to exploit such a terrible act and to abuse the suffering of the victims is despicable,” the Social Democrat (SPD) politician told the newspapers of the Funke Media Group in comments published on Wednesday.

She added, “It only shows the character of those who do such things.”

Following the attack on the Magdeburg Christmas market last Friday, the AfD held a rally in the city on Monday, which, according to police reports, was attended by around 3,500 people.

AfD chairwoman Alice Weidel, referring to the perpetrator identified as Taleb A, said that anyone who despises the citizens of the country that grants them asylum “does not belong with us.” During the event, chants of “Deport! Deport! Deport!” were repeatedly heard.

24 replies
  1. John
    John says:

    -“White Englishmen”, “White British” are redundant as English/British people belong to the European Race, therefore, no need to combine White with either Englishmen or British.
    -AfD Alice Weidel said that anyone who despises the citizens of the country that grants them asylum “does not belong with us.” No Alice, you still don’t get it, ALL non-Europeans must be remigrated. Time for a strong leader to replace Alice Weidel who is too weak to save Germany.
    Weakness Causes Problems.

    • English Patriot
      English Patriot says:

      The term “White British” is useful as a racial definition actually sanctioned by the UK government for census purposes, as distinct from “White Other”.

      • John
        John says:

        We’re not here on a census. Your UK government has & is betraying your people. The word British immediately denotes race. Will the British patriots reclaim their homeland, or, just sit back & get conquered?

        • English Patriot
          English Patriot says:

          @ John
          The phrase is useful in evading censorship in argument.
          See Migration Watch UK online for the arguments from Lord Green, David Coleman and Sid Bidwell. The Farage bandwagon needs to be pushed first into Parliament and then into constructive action.

  2. Birhan Dargey
    Birhan Dargey says:

    I can’t believe it. I was reading an article written by Christ Hedges blaming unemployed/illiterate/destitute poor WORKING class WHITES Christian (supremacists) for the rise of Facist.MAGA/TRUMP in America. Hedges does NOT mention, one single line about WHO is behind the powerful Media WOKE globalist gay/pedo/porno/child/sex/trans/butchering/abortions/dragqeens/schools…HE refuses to say JEWS…Hedges finds it easy and expedient to blame redneck/ignoramus/Hillbillies/ CHRISTIAN that buildt this country and they ended up powerless owning nothing, having nothing, being stragers in their own country..Hedges is peddling pure 100% BS.

    • English Patriot
      English Patriot says:

      @ Gerbils
      What matters is not what you “think” but what the long-deceived British people are going to do about it.

    • John
      John says:

      At National Vanguard, article:
      “Did Hitler Try to Make Peace with Churchill Several Times?” (Rosemary W. Pennington, editor), 28 June 2018 by Chris Crookes.

      “ADOLF HITLER made repeated and extremely generous peace overtures to Britain. The details of his final peace offer to Churchill are still protected under the British Official Secrets act, which was due to become public in 2017, but which has been extended for another unprecedented twenty years.
      The Foreign Office has never revealed why these British files remain sealed. Usually, under the UK Official Secrets Act, documents considered to be sensitive ‘secret’ files can be kept from the public for either 30 years, 50 years or for the lifetime of persons mentioned in them. None of which apply in this case.
      So another pertinent question would be: ‘Why haven’t any of these peace proposals from Hitler ever been made public, and why are they still not available to historians?’ “

      When Churchill was leaving London to meet Roosevelt for a conference in Quebec late in the summer of 1943, a reporter asked if they were planning to offer peace terms to Germany.
      Churchill replied: “Heavens, no. They would accept immediately.”– Revisionist Viewpoints, pg.75 by James J. Martin.

      Churchill refused all of Hitler’s peace offers.  The British people along with the people of the Allies were lied to.
Even Darryl Cooper sighted the Chief Villain for WWII was Churchill.  The truth is already out & more people are discovering it.
Oswald Mosley opposed the war & Churchill had his political opponent locked up.  If Churchill had cared more about his people instead of himself, there would have been no World War II.

      It has been said that the first casualty of war is the truth; WWII is an excellent example.

      Truth doesn’t require laws to protect it. Lies do.

      If everything we’ve been taught about WWII was true they wouldn’t try so hard to shut up anyone who questions it.

      Top of page 12 in “The Forced War” by David L. Hoggan, he states who he blames for what became a world war.

      What I find disappointing is that the majority of British do not out the truth that it was Britain that made an unnecessary world war.

    • John
      John says:

      British Foreign Secretary Anthony Eden was part of the warmongering cabal, along with Winston Churchill, Harold Macmillan, & others. Italian Ambassador Bernardo Attolico was horrified at UK’s march to war as he declared with indignation that warmongers like Anthony Eden should be hanged. Pg.571.
      “The Forced War” David L. Hoggan.

    • John
      John says:

      The following quotes are from “Churchill, Hitler and the Unnecessary War” Pat Buchanan, 2008.
      The current hatred against us Europeans is undeniable & is connected to WWII & beyond.
      Germany never invaded Britain & never intended to. Hitler & the NSDAP wanted good relations with Britain, offering even to come to Britain’s defence including military aid. Hitler could have taken the hundreds of thousands of British soldiers with their backs to the sea at Dunkirk as POWs, yet, he did not. Instead, he issued his Halt Order. Rudolf Hess (deputy Fuhrer who spoke English & knew the Duke of Hamilton) flew a solo mission of peace May 10, 1941 & parachuted into a field in South Lanarkshire, Scotland 12 miles short of the duke’s estate. Churchill had him arrested, rejected his peace proposals, & imprisoned Hess for the rest of his life (Hess died in 1987).
      Britain cared nothing for Danzig, or, if it did, sympathized with Germany. It was Poland who continued to rebuff many reasonable offers Germany put forth. The Danzig issue was between Poland & Germany; German’s claim was legitimate & even Britain supported it. Danzig was the most justified of German grievances. Lord Halifax (Viceroy of India 1926-1931 & Britain’s Foreign Secretary 1938-1940) never wearied of suggesting that Danzig should return to German sovereignty.
      Poland refused to yield an inch. Ambassador Kennedy (1937-1940) reported Chamberlain’s feelings to Washington: “Frankly he is more worried about getting the Poles to be reasonable than the Germans”.
      Then came Britain’s “war guarantee to Poland”, which was viewed by many in Britain as “reckless”, “turned British policy upside down”, “the maddest single action this country has ever taken”, “[n]owhere in British diplomatic history is it possible to discover a more feckless and fateful act”, “a frightful gamble”, “[i]f the British army general staff approved this, said Lloyd George (UK Prime Minister 1916-1922), they ought to be confined to a lunatic asylum”, “foolish”. As for the French, “they thought the British pledge madness”. As for the Italians, the British guarantee to Poland, writes Luigi Villarreal, was “the most disastrous single diplomatic move”. Many others echoed the same sentiments.
      It was the Allies led by Britain that caused & are responsible for the unnecessary World War 2, not Germany
      Hitler & his party offered Britain many peace offers & Britain rebuffed all of them. The British now say “THIS ISN’T THE BRITAIN WE FOUGHT FOR”, therefore, what exactly was Britain fighting Germany for?

    • John
      John says:

      The overall conflict is between Globalism vs Nationalism. USSR, France, Britain, Canada, USA, & many more represented Globalism; Spain, Italy, Germany represented Nationalism. People can decide for themselves whether they wish to live in a sovereign, independent freedom nation, with one common proud people, bloodline, hierarchy, with a history, tradition, or, in a global, no nation, no identity, egalitarian, multi-everything ruled by a one world global entity. The below is a small sample that virtually all these conflicts & wars were orchestrated to prepare the world for a One-World-Central-Control tyrannical government.
      -“Hitler’s War” David Irving 1977,
      -“Churchill’s War, Vol. I: The Struggle for Power” David Irving 1987,
      -“Churchill’s War, Vol 2: Triumph in Adversity” David Irving 1997,
      (Vol. 3 will be available soon. Notice there are 3 volumes of Churchill’s War),
      -“Churchill, Hitler, and the Unnecessary War” Pat Buchanan 2008,
      -“The Origins of the Second World War” A.J.P. Taylor 1961,
      -“Stalin’s War” Sean McMeekin 2021,
      -“The Forced War” David L. Hoggan 1961 in Germany Der Erzwungene Krieg (The Forced War), the first English edition of “The Forced War” appeared in 1989.
      -“Benjamin Freeman’s 1961 speech at Willard Hotel”.

  3. Robert Tate
    Robert Tate says:

    John Major is also remembered for having a Jewish wife, and having a relationship with the jewess Edwina Curry .

    • Shitting Bull
      Shitting Bull says:

      Was Major’s mother Jewish?
      Currie was definitely Jewish, but no Ofir Korsia or Scarlett Johansson.

  4. ganainm
    ganainm says:

    Provocation is the word. It would be simple for them to import lots of foreigners and house them in self contained camps in remote areas. We would hardly notice they were there. But they want to import the foreigners in the most provocative way possible: luxury hotels and terrible crimes.

    “You’re a chap who has obviously got a screw loose and has some resentment against Europeans. Why don’t we let you wander around unsupervised and see what happens?”

    Even if the authorities are not directing these attacks, they are certainly facilitating and turning a blind eye to them. It’s almost as if they want to ignite racial conflict.

    The peaceful vigil at Magdeburg has great power. The chants of “Deport, Deport” will echo and grow louder. Being part of a crowd and being able to shout your opinion gives us Remigration enthusiasts even more enthusiasm.

    Remigration is possible, practical and perfectly legal. Even deporting a million people in the space of a year is fairly simple. It’s only 3,000 a day, which is only a dozen flights a day. Any European or US airport could handle that, easy.

  5. Jimmie Joe
    Jimmie Joe says:

    The name Krischan originates from Low German and is a diminutive form of Christian. It gained literary fame through Wilhelm Busch’s 1864 illustrated story “Krischan with the Pipe”. This tale is written in Low German rhymes.

    Busch describes a young boy who secretly smokes his father’s meerschaum pipe, leading to intoxication, hallucinations, and nausea. The story, like many of Busch’s works, ends with a moral lesson about following rules and avoiding mischief.

    Krischan is not only used as a first name but has also evolved into a surname in German-speaking regions. Various spelling variations exist, including Krisch, Krische, Krischer, and Krischmann, among others. The name’s usage extends beyond Germany, with variants found in other languages such as Danish (Kresten) and Dutch (Karsten).

    In literature and popular culture, the name often evokes associations with rural or traditional Low German settings, as exemplified by Busch’s story. This cultural connection has helped preserve the name’s regional character even as standard German has become more prevalent in northern Germany.

    The father says, “I must depart!
    Krischan, from pipes you must part!”

    But as the door shuts with a click,
    Krischan grabs pipes, oh so quick.

    My Krischan, not a lazy lout,
    Puts the smoking pipe in his mouth.

    He puffs! – But what’s this strange affair?!
    Something’s moving over there.

    The cane and umbrella start to sway,
    The stove and tongs begin to play.

    The gown dances with the chair, what glee!
    The table joins the old settee.

    Suddenly – poof! – the room turns black:
    Old Runkelmunkel’s on the track!

    And – poof! – another figure’s here:
    The black Moor does now appear.

    They dance and spin in wild delight,
    Krischan’s head spins at the sight.

    They prance and stomp with all their might,
    The room whirls round, oh what a fright!

    Mother enters, what a scene,
    Krischan’s sprawled, his face quite green.

    In bed he lies; the figures wave,
    As Mother’s coffee comes to save.

    He drinks the brew, so dark and strong,
    It helps dear Krischan right the wrong.

    Father laughs, sits by his side,
    “I knew this lesson would abide!

    Yes, my boy! Now you’ll agree:
    Krischan, leave those pipes be!”

    In view of the fact that the spooky spectres that emerged from the magic lamp or the pipe no longer disappear into nothingness once the intoxication has worn off, we can soon expect this “racist” picture story to be banned…

    • Jimmie Joe
      Jimmie Joe says:

      “Z is for Zebra, striped black and white,
      And Zion’s folk, who onions like.”

      Is describing the truth “anti-Semitism”? As
      always, the Jews leave no doubt about this.

      And the Hebrew, sly and craven,
      Round of shoulder, nose, and knee,
      Slinks to the Exchange, unshaven
      And intent on usury.

      Alternative translation:

      The Jew with crooked heel and nose,
      In twisted pants, he slyly goes
      To stock exchange, corrupt and cold,
      His soul long bartered, bought and sold.


      Eyes of black and soul of grey,
      Hat askew in a rakish way.
      With sly expression, quite the charmer,
      That’s Schmulchen Schievelbeiner.

      Alternative translation:

      With eyes as dark as stormy skies,
      And a sly grin that never lies.
      In a tilted hat, he plays the game,
      That’s Schmulchen Schievelbeiner’s name.

      • Jimmie Joe
        Jimmie Joe says:

        Busch in English

        If you want more of Busch’s stories in English, you can find them in the German-language Gutenberg project and and have to have them translated, preferably by instructing AI (such as Perplexity) to do so in rhyming form that is as close to the original as possible.

        Note: An intrusive “anti-Nazi pastor” can often be found on the web under the name of Wilhelm Busch, who, typically for his kind, seeks to “proselytize” unsuspecting audiences through sanctimonious hypermoral teachings.'s_Treasure
        Only in French

        Has General Rommel’s “treasure” now been found? 17 years ago, a British filmmaker (“expert”) named Terry Hodgkinson claimed that he had found it and had beaten Shabbos-Goy Guido Knopp’s (Jew-system-“historian”) “filmmakers” to it.

        activate auto-subs

        However, it has long been said that in order not to tarnish the nimbus of the Hitler-opponent Rommel, it was not the glorious Desert Fox but SS-Rauff, who according to Jewish historiography was considered a “mass murderer”, who secretly hid the gold (which he had previously snatched from incomprehensibly greedy Tunisian Jews) in the Mediterranean.

        Was that perhaps the actual reason why fake “survivor” and self-declared “Nazi hunter” Wiesenthal was after him?

        Jewish-communist-inspired “British humor”.'s%20Treasure.htm


        “The Goon Show – Rommel’s Treasure” is a comedic radio episode from 1955 that parodies World War II events. The plot revolves around General Rommel’s hidden treasure in the Libyan Desert.

        The story begins in 1942 at El Alamein, where General Rommel entrusts Count Moriarty with a secret black box containing his treasure. Rommel hides this box atop a ten-foot high mound before retreating.

        Lieutenant Ned Seagoon, a NAAFI manager, arrives with advancing British troops and captures Count Moriarty. Seagoon orders Eccles to guard the spot and not move until his return.

        Five years after the war, the story continues in Libya. Grytpype, who runs a curiosity shop, tries to get Moriarty to remember the treasure’s location. Seagoon arrives, and Grytpype sells him a fake pyramid.

        Various comedic situations ensue, including attempts to recover maps showing the capture location, encounters in the desert, and misadventures involving other characters like Major Bloodnok and Air ace Bluebottle.

        The episode concludes with Moriarty and Bloodnok attempting to steal the treasure but driving through a minefield and being blown up. The black box lands on Bluebottle, and upon opening, it’s revealed to be a music box.

        This episode, like other Goon Show productions, is known for its surreal humor and satirical take on historical events.

  6. English Tom
    English Tom says:

    The writer is wrong to state this is primarily about the English. The globalists have a plan via the UN to turn Wales into the world’s very first sanctuary country. Not sanctuary city, no, sanctuary country.

    The Great Replacement is real and our children and grandchildren will pay a terrible price for the treasonous behaviour of the political class in the UK.

    • John
      John says:

      “The Great Replacement is real and our children and grandchildren will pay a terrible price for the treasonous behaviour of the political class in the UK.” You forget to mention about the treasonous behaviour of the British masses who are not reclaiming their homeland, are not protecting their children’s future, are tolerating being conquered.

      • English Patriot
        English Patriot says:

        What is YOUR proposal for effective action by the “British masses”?
        Or the American, French or German masses?

        • John
          John says:

          -Here is the Declaration of Independence,
          Second paragraph:
          “That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government”.
          -It only took some 30,000 men to do the March On Rome.
          -Our so-called ruling class have betrayed us, they’re traitors, they’ve committed treason.

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