Entries by Ann Coulter

Do These Black Lives Matter to L.A.’s Idiot D.A.

Hey, whatever happened to that story about Sandra Shells? She was the 70-year-old nurse killed by one of Los Angeles’ many “unhoused” individuals (drug-addicted psychopaths) while she waited for a bus at 5:15 in the morning in January, on her way to her job at the Los Angeles County-USC Medical Center. A homeless guy, Kerry Bell, […]

If Only Putin Had Invaded Mexico…

As World War III looms in Europe, we must put narrow partisan differences aside and tap the brain power of the greatest minds among us. It is time for the Biden White House to call upon … Jared! Speaking of the best and the brightest, our foreign policy mandarins must have felt like it was […]

Coulter on NATO and U.S. Foreign Policy Elites: “Can’t shut down this utterly anachronistic organization”

“The only issue where voters don’t vehemently disagree with Democrats this year is the precise border of a country they’d never given a moment’s thought to until five minutes ago.” Amid the media’s 24/7 UKRAINE UPDATES, perhaps some enterprising journalist could write an article explaining how our esteem for that country’s borders benefits a single […]

The Lockdown Disaster

Vincent Zhou, the world-class figure skater forced to pull out of the Olympics because of COVID, can thank Anthony Fauci and our COVID-crazed media for his withdrawal. In an agonizing Instagram post, Zhou expressed shock at the positive test, saying: It seems pretty unreal that of all the people, it would happen to myself. … […]

Have at ‘Em, Antifa! The New Free Speech

In 2017, as fear and loathing of Donald Trump seized the nation, a U.S. mayor got a four-star resort to cancel a conservative conference by threatening to withdraw police and fire protection. With all the media blubbering about “attempts to DESTROY our democracy” and violations of “constitutional norms,” it’s remarkable that this Howitzer blast to the First […]

It’s Hate White History Month!

TOO has now contracted to syndicate Ann Coulter’s columns. I’ve always been a big fan of her writing and her appearances in the media—witty but also spot on when it comes to almost everything we care about. There’s an obvious reason why she has been banned from the mainstream media, including, as far as I know, […]