Entries by Horus

A More Beautiful Future The world according to Niall Ferguson

When I first wrote about the historians’ reaction to Darryl Cooper’s condemnation of Winston Churchill, I was unaware of Niall Ferguson’s interview with Konstantin Kisin. Ferguson, I knew, particularly objected to Cooper and Carlson’s comments on the present state of Britain, which now contains more than eighteen million occupants of foreign ancestry. In his interview with Kisin, however, […]

Horus quotes Millennial Woes on racial attitudes in the West from the 1930s

Horus quotes Millennial Woes: “Eventually the ability of the Right to refute the allegations was out-paced by the Left’s ability to produce them and, in the cultural sphere, make them seem credible. This watershed occurred in the late 1990s, probably because around that time the Left’s stranglehold on culture became so overwhelming that it could […]

The Engine of Compulsory Conformity: The BBC, the Bloomsbury Group, the Comintern and the NKVD in the 1930s

There was, in retrospect, no chance that BBC and its Talks and News output would ever be anything other than left-wing, pro-Jewish and anti-fascist. Since before it began to broadcast opinion pieces and news, the BBC was populated by “fanatics” like Charles Siepmann and Hilda Matheson who posited the myth of the “ultra-conservatism of the […]

“Should Britain have stayed out of the war?”

The Second World War was the decisive moment of the left’s ascent to power in the West. Historians like Niall Ferguson and Andrew Roberts, whose careers centre upon justifying it, are falsely presented by fellow anti-fascists as conservatives. The raison d’etre of the fake right is to occupy any space in which genuine, committed opponents of the […]

Horus: Chaos of the Ether

Support independent scholarship. Subscribe to Horus. Chaos of the Ether Or “The Second Marconi Scandal”: On the origins of the BBC In the last article I discussed the role of the press and broadcast media in undermining peace in the years preceding the British declaration of war against Hitler’s Germany. My research led me to examine […]

A Conflict of Philosophies How the threads of peace were severed in 1939

Support Horus’s Substack. Subscribe Our last article (The Litvinov School: On Who Betrayed Whom in 1938 – The Occidental Observer) concluded with the Munich settlement of September 1938. Peace was sustained for the time being; those who wanted war against Hitler’s Germany were embittered. Peace still had many advocates, and among them was the Prime […]