Entries by Thomas Dalton, Ph.D.

“The Impeachment Parade of Jews”

Amidst the on-going saga of the impeachment of Donald Trump, we are incidentally treated to a rare spectacle—a strikingly transparent display of Jewish reach, influence, and power.  Individual bits and pieces of this picture are known, but a comprehensive assessment has yet to be made.  A close look at this situation makes clear, once again, […]

On White Genocide: A Reply to Critics

My recent TOO essay A Rejoinder on White Genocide generated a relatively large number of comments, some positive but mostly critical.  Editor Kevin MacDonald has kindly allowed me to publish this follow-up essay to address some of the many issues raised.  It’s an important topic for the alt-right, and it deserves more discussion than short […]

A Rejoinder on White Genocide — and its Cure

Of late, much has been made in the alt-right press of the idea of “White genocide” as an existential threat posed by mainstream society, aimed at the obliteration of Whites in their formerly dominant homelands in Europe and North America.  This movement—conceived and implemented by Jews and their leftist lackeys—is said to portend the virtual […]

A Brief Look at Jewish Wealth

Throughout history, the power and influence of the Jewish Lobby has been legendary.  This power in turn derives not from political might, nor from popular support, nor from moral rectitude, nor from God.  It is, simply, the power of money.  The wealthy have always held disproportionate influence in their societies, typically to the benefit of […]

What is “Nazism”?

For an intelligent and well-educated man, Barack Obama says some incredibly stupid things.  Speaking to a college campus on September 7, on the topic of the many failings of the Trump presidency, and in particular his response to the alt-right, white nationalist Charlottesville rally in 2017, Obama denounced Trump for not clearly and unconditionally denouncing […]

Nietzsche and the Origins of Christianity, Part 2

Part 2 But Nietzsche’s main contention, and his most controversial conjecture, was this: Christianity as Jewish revenge.  He paints the following picture, to which I have added factual details as we understand them today. Paul could see the growing oppression of the Jews.  They had only limited ability to fight back militarily.  They were increasingly […]