Entries by Tom Sunic, Ph.D.

How to Survive Communism in the USA?

Editor’s Note: This is Tom Sunic’s article in one piece. Still having technical problems, but we’ll survive! The fundamental mistake made by most American conservatives, both old and new, is to think of communism solely as a violent ideology designed to abolish private property. During the so-called Cold War, they imagined that by mimicking some […]

How to Survive Communism in the USA? Part 2

The antifa mindset Apart from the Gulag system and the topography of its countless killing fields, Communism must first and foremost be analysed as an anthropology, or better yet as a widespread social pathology, albeit savored and craved subconsciously by a very large number of its future victims. The obsession with the idea of equality […]

How to Survive Communism in the USA? Part 1

Editor’s note: There is some kind of processing glitch in our software. I will try to post Tom Sunic’s article in several parts.  Go to Part 2. Go to Part 3. Go to Part 4. The fundamental mistake made by most American conservatives, both old and new, is to think of communism solely as a […]