Mind Wars: Raising Healthy White Children in a Subversive Environment
Above all, a White child must be raised to exhibit White behavior: to strive towards truth, honor, and a virtuous life. Exemplary White men and White women from the past and present provide guidance for behavior expected in the future. Familiarity with admirable White role models will help protect a developing mind from poisonous, nonsensical, cowardly, and traitorous ideas. The alternative is the loss of yet another young White mind and spirit, overwhelmed from all sides in today’s twisted and subversive society.
Popular music and professional sports are teeming with African themes of criminality, cruelty, misogyny, egotism, and debased and debauched behavior. Television, movies, and advertising are infected with a virulent strain of anti-White propaganda. Academia, mainstream news, politicians, and pundits provide a persistent message of White guilt, racial nihilism, and shrill condemnation of any manifestation of White pride or White identity. Jewish ownership and control of the media is so pervasive that Jewish media figures feel secure enough to boast thereof. Yet to an untrained observer, the subversion towards Jewish interests or anti-White propaganda can be difficult to spot because it is designed to permeate the unconscious brain. The viewer, or victim, is supposed to feel and absorb, not think and reflect. Conscientious White parents must prepare their children with the analytical tools to see through the façade. Read more