TOO Site

Ending post emails, moving to Twitter and Facebook

Due to some technical issues that would make the service unsustainably expensive, we are discontinuing our email alerts for newly posted articles. I hope that people currently subscribed for posts by email will move to Twitter or Facebook for the alerts. All new articles are posted on Twitter and Facebook. We have always had buttons for both Twitter and Facebook in the right-most column for TOO (about halfway down the page), or click below:

Twitter: @TOOEdit

I should say that I am very involved with Twitter (>6200 followers) and send a lot of tweets besides alerts for articles, typically commenting on things of interest in the media. Twitter is a great way to keep in touch with pretty much everything of interest to the Alt Right.

The normal site FEED is in the uppermost far right black menu bar – subscribe there as well to get notified of new posts. Read more

Subscribe to Posts

There is now a widget on TOO which enables readers to receive new posts by email. It is right below the Amazon Ad (buying from Amazon after clicking on this link is a painless way to help TOO) and Video Archive links. Subscribing makes it easier to keep abreast of what we are up to. No need to give out your name.