Pleas for Support

The Occidental Observer Year-End Fundraiser — Including Observations on the Current Political Scene

ChristmasFrame-199x300rTHANK YOU to those who have contributed during 2020. I’m not sure you really realize your support is critical to our success and our ability to fulfill our unique niche of providing fact-based, well-written articles on White identity and White interests.

We also present honest discussions of the critical importance of Jewish influence in the decline of the West and on Jewish and Israeli influence on the disastrous US foreign policy in the Middle East. The topic of Jewish influence is more or less missing from many sites that emphasize White identity and interests.

Your gifts of any amount are welcome. The best (and easiest) way of giving is to subscribe for a recurring monthly amount that fits for you. The page with information on donations is here. (We now accept Bitcoin, Monero, Z-Cash and DASH.)

Your support is important for many of our writers, and it’s safe to say that we are now competitive with other Alt Right websites in paying them. As always, the financial base for projects like TOO is dwarfed by the financial resources of our enemies. Nobody is getting rich here, or even making a living by writing for TOO, but your support is a huge psychological and financial boost for many.

We are living in very dangerous times. The looming Biden-Harris presidency could very well be a disaster for the dissident right. The left is now completely dedicated to eradicating free speech on issues related to race, immigration, and anti-Semitism. Just recently the journal Personality and Individual Differences retracted a paper co-authored by J. Philippe Rushton linking skin color to aggression, not because it was factually wrong, but because it was “harmful.” There’s no doubt in my mind that websites like TOO will be in their crosshairs if they ever manage to abrogate the First Amendment. I don’t think such laws could pass SCOTUS muster now, but they have already promised to pack SCOTUS, and the legal infrastructure rationalizing such actions is well in place via liberal-left law professors.

Christmas-bell-36ccThere’s little doubt that the left is determined that a populist with Trump’s rhetoric will never become president again. They aim to do this by massively increasing immigration, by adding D.C. and Puerto Rico as states, and by institutionalizing their ability to commit fraud in elections. Like millions of other Americans, I firmly believe that the election was stolen but obviously the courts are unwilling to do anything about it. If the courts reversed the election, there would be massive violence and media outrage like no one’s ever seen, and the courts simply have no stomach for such a scenario. The fact is that, with the exception of a few conservatives on FoxNews, the entire establishment opposed Trump, including all the legacy media, the big newspapers, and the social media companies, Wall St, Silicon Valley, and academia. Web searches were biased, and negative stories about Trump were censored, most notably the well-documented Hunter Biden scandal that clearly compromises Joe Biden and makes the president of the United States beholden to Chinese interests via lucrative financial ties and the possibility of blackmail. So after four years of hatred and investigations and impeachment attempts that went nowhere, Trump is finally out.

And for what? Trump really didn’t manage to change much of anything despite all the bleating about him destroying democracy (how?? by allowing the Democrats to steal the election?). His administration slowed down immigration and the refugee industry, but that’s very temporary given Democrats are back in power. Whatever Trump’s intentions — and we might have seen some very beneficial effects on domestic policy if he got a second term, his administration didn’t manage to accomplish many of the promises that attracted the dissident right.

But his anti-globalist rhetoric and promises terrified the establishment while attracting tremendous enthusiasm from a very large swath of Americans. His stump speeches while campaigning terrified the establishment, not only because of his rhetoric and promises, but because of his charisma — the fact that his demeanor and his slogans had vast crowd appeal. For our hostile elite, this is a stark reminder of 1930s’ Germany when a spell-binding orator managed to get a very modern, well-educated populace to be enthusiastic followers.

With their power in the media, the academic world, and as political donors, Jews from the far left to the neoconservative right were central to the continuous vilification of Trump from the moment he announced his intentions to run for president — the negative comments on Mexican immigrants and Europe not being Europe any longer because of immigration infuriated them.  This is now the end game that began with the Immigration Act of 1965, accompanied by incessant propaganda about the benefits of multiculturalism and, in recent decades, the evils of White America. I always thought that they would just let it happen gradually. GOP candidates and presidents like the Bushes were just fine—gradual was okay, like upping the temperature little by little while cooking the proverbial frog until it’s too late. But Trump gave a glimmer of hope that all this could be reversed. It had to be stamped out and prevented from ever happening again. That’s the game, and I’m not at all sure we or our civilization are going to survive this.

And the surest way to ensure that something like Trump never happens again is to ensure a permanent Democrat majority, as has already happened in states like California. But I also believe that they will ramp up the security state via the possibilities of technology for control. Covid is providing a golden opportunity to impose authoritarian restrictions and increased invasions of privacy. Websites that offend establishment sensibilities continue to be deplatformed from financial companies — lately VDARE has joined sites like TOO in being victimized in this manner. And there are proposals to limit air travel if people refuse vaccinations. The great reset is upon us.

Again, the page with how to donate is here. This page has been updated to provide greater clarity. There are two sections, the top section for tax deductible donations and the bottom section for non-tax deductible donations respectively.

Let me know if any of the instructions are unclear. Another (painless) way to contribute is to shop at Amazon using this link. We get a small percentage of your purchase, and it doesn’t cost you anything.Donate to TOO

Thanks for thinking of TOO.
and Merry Christmas!

Kevin MacDonald


Time to Subscribe to The Occidental Quarterly

The Summer issue was loaded into subscribers’ area on TOQonline 6/16.
Print journals were mailed 6/15 and will take somewhat longer to arrive than they have in the past.

The Occidental Quarterly
6/16: Summer 2016–Vol. 16, No. 2

The Occidental Quarterly - Summer 2016
(Click image to enlarge it.)

The Occidental Quarterly fills a unique niche  in bringing together scholarly articles on a wide range of topics that are mired in political correctness elsewhere.

There are quite a few reasons for the precarious state of our civilization and our people. But one of the main ones is that we have lost the intellectual and moral high ground to a cultural elite that is hostile to our people and our culture.

A main purpose of TOQ is to change the attitudes of White people so that they will feel confident identifying as White and explicitly asserting their interests as Whites. Politically aware Whites must understand that the elites that dominate culture and the political process in the West are intellectually and morally bankrupt.

The domination of the mass media and the academic world by elites that are hostile to White identity and interests is a major barrier for educated Whites to act on behalf of their interests. White people cower in fear of being called a racist for believing and acting in ways that are absolutely normal and natural for all the other peoples of the world. While other peoples defend themselves, their culture and their borders, societies in Europe, North America, Australia, and New Zealand that have been controlled by Whites for hundreds of years are the only ones to accept their demise as a moral imperative. We view this outcome as the result of competition over the construction of culture in which the legitimate interests of Whites have been compromised.

All of the scientific data are on our side. Increased ethnic diversity is associated with a host of societal ills, including decreased support for social welfare programs and lack of public trust. Those who argue that Western societies have a unique moral obligation to cede cultural and political control to non-Whites completely ignore the legitimate interests of Whites. No one argues that countries like Korea or Uganda have a moral obligation to allow other peoples to swamp the native population.

Digital download subscriptions are only $30/year for four issues; subscriptions by mail are only $60/year. Go to and click on ‘SUBSCRIBE TO TOQ’.

You will not only find the articles fascinating and informative, you will also be supporting the work of scholars who are part of a community defending our people and our culture with the highest level of integrity and intellectual sophistication.

The (very handsome) cover for the Spring 2016 issue can be accessed by clicking here. This issue will be mailed out around March 21.

Ending post emails, moving to Twitter and Facebook

Due to some technical issues that would make the service unsustainably expensive, we are discontinuing our email alerts for newly posted articles. I hope that people currently subscribed for posts by email will move to Twitter or Facebook for the alerts. All new articles are posted on Twitter and Facebook. We have always had buttons for both Twitter and Facebook in the right-most column for TOO (about halfway down the page), or click below:

Twitter: @TOOEdit

I should say that I am very involved with Twitter (>6200 followers) and send a lot of tweets besides alerts for articles, typically commenting on things of interest in the media. Twitter is a great way to keep in touch with pretty much everything of interest to the Alt Right.

The normal site FEED is in the uppermost far right black menu bar – subscribe there as well to get notified of new posts. Read more

Site Update and Funding Appeal

Back in March TOO was being deluged with huge numbers of bogus service requests, basically shutting down the site. With the help of our new web person, this has been brought under control, and the site is running fine. Although the site doesn’t look any different (yet), from a technical point of view it is virtually all new. We replaced ancient, non-functional programming and got rid of a low-level site trojan infection which had allowed spammers to log into the the site (but, thankfully, not post their articles). New security software was installed. Because of increased traffic, both legitimate and malicious, we upgraded our site to a dedicated (rather than shared) server with larger capacity.

Importantly, new software now blocks IP addresses that attempt to overrun the site. For example, an IP address in Israel recently attempted to access the site 13,125 times within the span of three days. These attacks are now being blocked. We all know who are the enemies of this site.

All this required an investment in the services of a web person, software purchases, and expenses in upgrading our servers. These expenses have cut into the funds on hand to pay our writers, all of whom certainly deserve to be compensated at least somewhat for what inevitably remains for them mainly a labor of love.

Please help us out. We are of course very grateful to those who are continuing to support us and have helped us in the past.

Our Donation Page gives instructions on tax-deductible and non-tax-deductible donations, as well as the mailing address for money orders and checks.


2017 Fundraising Appeal: Thanks

We are winding up our annual year-end fundraising appeal—our only appeal of the year (but that may change depending on how things go). I’d like to thank those who have contributed during 2017. (The donation button at the top of the page on the far right — the one with the coins in the logo — works. The other one doesn’t, at least for some people.) Your support is much appreciated. With your generous support, we have been able to put out well over 300 articles, blogs, and translations in the past year. Our video archive, established on January 1, 2013, now has dozens of videos. the comments section is open once again, responding to the need to feel part of an intellectual community.

Your support is important for many of our writers, and we are trying our best to be competitive with other websites in paying them. Donations of all amounts are welcome. As always, the financial base for projects like TOO is dwarfed by the financial resources of our enemies. Nobody is getting rich here, or even making a living by writing for TOO, but your support is a huge psychological boost for many.

This is an exciting time. As we have pointed out many times, politics throughout the West is becoming ever more racialized. White people are increasingly concerned about the changes they see all around them, and Whites are definitely worried about becoming a minority. We know that politicians are forced to toe the line when it comes to issues like immigration, multiculturalism, and Jewish power and influence. However, the presence of intelligent, well-written commentary on contemporary issues may well seep into their consciousness even though they can’t discuss issues the way we do. We are the conscience of White America in an age when there are vast temptations to give in to the system.

As these changes continue to accelerate, White people will increasingly identify as White and support causes that advance the interests of Whites. It is therefore critical to maintain an intellectually honest critique of the current regime. TOO is one of the few websites that deals explicitly with all of the enemies of our people and does so in a fact-based, rational manner.

The page with information on donations is here. This page has been updated to provide greater clarity. There are two sections, the top section for tax deductible donations and the bottom section for non-tax deductible donations respectively. Let me know if any of the instructions are unclear.

Another (painless) way to contribute is to shop at Amazon using this link. We get a percentage of your purchases, and it doesn’t cost you anything.

Thanks for thinking of TOO. And Merry Christmas!

Kevin MacDonald

Why support the Occidental Observer?

  1. There are political reasons to support TOO:
    • Survival: Western societies, including the USA, are rapidly dissolving under the twin attacks of mass Third World immigration and domestic ethnic competition (“multiculturalism”, “political correctness”, “affirmative action”, “equal opportunity”).
    • Pride: Whites have been kicked around for too long. It’s time to stop white flight and to reclaim our cities, our schools, and our jobs.
    • Truth and Justice: There are also matters of principle. In a liberal democracy good policies result from the truth being told. Lies are not only a vexation to the spirit, they result in the sort of bad governance that is dragging down America.
  2. There are also operational reasons:
    • Euro-Americans need to build activist organizations able to rival the large minority agencies such as the American Jewish Committee, the ADL, the NAACP, and La Raza. We also need to challenge the academic orthodoxy that has smothered White concerns for generations. TOO is your champion. We are willing to step forward on your behalf. But the website can only be as strong as you allow it to be.
    • TOO needs to professionalize. We have set up TOO on a shoe-string budget. We are determined to do much more, with new departments and in-depth analysis of the issues that concern white Americans. There are skilled and knowledge professionals willing to join the TOO team. But volunteer labor can only go so far.
    • Small donations make a difference when multiplied hundreds of times. Donations are more effective when made regularly because this allows us to forecast revenue and plan new projects accordingly. That is why an automatic credit card deposit of $10 per month is more valuable to us than a lump-sum payment of $120 per year. (However, we will accept lump sums . . .)
    • Ultimately we want White majority organizations to be so strong that politicians feel that they have no choice but to listen to their concerns. The results of the 2014 election show that Whites are increasingly voting on the basis of their racial identity. This will continue as Whites feel threatened by the rising tide of non-Whites imported by our hostile elites. Even when we are excluded from the mainstream media, we give confidence to politicians who oppose the present policies such as massive non-White immigration.

TOO Annual Fundraiser for 2013: Much to be optimistic about

It’s time for our annual year-end fundraising appeal—our only appeal of the year. I’d like to first thank those who have contributed during 2013. Much appreciated. With your generous support, we have been able to put out well over 200 articles and blogs in the past year.

A very promising trend is that we are attracting many excellent writers—people like Domitius Corbulo whose review of Filipe Fernandez-Armesto’s Pathfinders is has recently been our featured article. Armesto’s book is typical of the cultural Marxism that pervades the academic world: lack of concern for the empirical evidence and seething with hostility to Europeans, their history and their culture. The good news is that we now have a critical mass of writers on this site and on other like-minded sites—writers who are on board with our issues and are willing and able to write articles that provide insight into our malaise and provide the sort of cultural confidence that is necessary for long-term success. One of the exciting things about the present state of the Internet is that there are quite a few excellent outlets for White advocacy and other sites opposed to the constant barrage of propaganda from the mainstream media on all things related to immigration and multiculturalism.

Read more

Last Day: 2012 TOO Fundraising Appeal

It’s time for our annual year-end fundraising appeal—our only appeal of the year. I’d like to first thank those who have contributed during 2012.  Much appreciated . With your generous support, we have been able to put out close to 300 articles and blogs in the past year.

A very promising trend is that we are attracting some very smart new writers—people like Domitius Corbulo, Andrew Joyce, and Brenton Sanderson and Cooper Sterling. And we continue to post articles from long term stalwarts like Edmund Connelly and Tom Sunic. We now have a critical mass of writers on this site and on other like-minded sites—writers who are on board with our issues and are willing and able to write articles that provide insight into our malaise and provide the sort of cultural confidence that is necessary for long term success.

We are doing pretty well financially—we are definitely not going away, but we could certainly do better. Several of our stalwarts are providing material gratis, and others are underpaid in terms of their situation in life and need for income.

The page with information on donations is here. This page has been updated to provide greater clarity. There are two sections, the top section for tax deductible donations and the bottom section for non-tax deductible donations respectively. Let me know if any of the instructions are unclear.

One of the exciting things about the present state of the Internet is that there are quite a few outlets now for White advocacy as well as sites that are critical of Jewish influence and Israel. In fact, one has the feeling that Jewish organizations are on the defensive, particularly about Israel. Israel is increasingly showing its Jewish character as a hostile, aggressive, ethnonationalist state with all of the characteristics that make organized Jewish Diaspora communities in the West such formidable foes.

Thanks for thinking of TOO. And Merry Christmas!

Kevin MacDonald