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39 search results for: Zemmour


Éric Zemmour on the Great Replacement and Civic Nationalism

The conservative French-Jewish pundit Éric Zemmour may well become France’s next president. The centerpiece of his campaign is opposition to the Great Replacement. The latter means the ongoing trend of substitution of the indigenous populations of France and Europe by non-European immigrants, in particular by Africans and Muslims. In his most recent book, Zemmour writes […]


Guillaume Durocher on Éric Zemmour

Editor’s note: I recently posted an article by Daniel Barge on the candidacy of Éric Zemmour, foregrounded by some comments by me based on excerpts from Guillaume Durocher’s work on Zemmour posted in TOO  in 2015. Guillaume, who now writes for The Unz Review (alas!), has written a new article on Zemmour (“a polarizing but popular figure […]


Éric Zemmour: SOS Racisme, a case study in anti-nationalist Jewish activism

By Éric Zemmour, from his Le Suicide français, translated by Guillaume Durocher SOS Racisme’s famous logo: “Don’t touch my pal,” urging Europeans and Jews (somewhat patronizingly) to protect their Black or Muslim “pal.” Translator’s note: It is common among American readers to suppose that although Jewish groups are quite powerful and are a critical force for […]


Éric Zemmour: The Rise of the Shoah as the Official Religion of the French Republic

Translation by Guillaume Durocher Translator’s note: Éric Zemmour is a Sephardic Jewish French journalist and pundit, no doubt the “most nationalist” voice allowed on French television, all but telling people to vote for the Front National. I found his bestselling book Le Suicide français, while sometimes false or circumspect, surprisingly frank on certain issues. The […]


Towards ‘Kosher Nationalism”? (4): The Rise of Éric Zemmour and the Case of France

Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 The Jewish dilemma on immigration is perhaps most apparent in France. The French situation is unique in many respects: The largest Jewish population outside of Israel and the United States (about 600,000 people or 1% of the population). A staggering Jewish intellectual/cultural presence, perhaps more influential politically than in […]


AfD co-leader slams Italy’s Meloni, says she has allowed open borders and supports pro-war policies with Ukraine

TOO has posted quite a bit on Meloni, most quite negative, but some hopeful. This one is pretty much the end of all hope: “Migration has actually doubled there under Prime Minister (Giorgia) Meloni. Open borders instead of blockades.” From Remix: “I want to make it clear that this Melonization will not happen with us” Tensions […]


O que é a Nova Direita

Javier Ruiz Portella: O que é a Nova Direita  O diretor de El Manifiesto, Javier Ruiz Portella, estreou-se como colaborador da seção “Ideas” de La Gaceta de la Iberosfera. O artigo abaixo foi a primeira entrega dele. Confira! Corria o ano de 1968. Os jovens eram franceses, ousados, rebeldes… Não, não me refiro àqueles que, […]