The greatest mass fear in the US is not Islamophobia. It’s not homophobia. It’s not even xenophobia. It’s Semitophobia. Fear of the Jewish Power Cabal. No other group comes close at provoking as much fear in almost the entirety of the population as Jews. Even the slightest suggestion that anyone is saying anything mildly questionable about Jews causes cold sweats, shortness of breath, hair to stand on end, muscles to clench, and all the other physical reactions that reveals the triggering of a psycho-social taboo. It’s actually a suppressed terror that amounts to a kind of paralysis.
So thoroughly has this fear reaction been implanted in the populace by means of Jewish Supremacist-owned and operated mass media, education curriculum, entertainment industries’ myth making apparatus, government propaganda, and other influences, that it is all but universal. Small pockets of people may express some ‘anti-semitism’ among themselves in private where it is relatively safe, but few dare publicly where they might be overheard. ‘Anti-semitism’ is almost thoroughly suppressed by Semitophobia.
Even plenty of Gentiles of Conservative, Liberal and of course Progressive orientation will express outrage and hate at anyone who vaguely criticizes Jews. These Gentiles are of course afraid of Jews themselves, but cover it with virtuous indignation and outrage. It’s safer that way.
A mere oblique question about the validity of the holocaust, such as that raised by Florida school principal William Latson in 2018 could lose a person his job, income, family, house, freedom (Alfred and Monika Schaefer) and sanity. Perhaps even his life. Pointing out that a particular Jew, such as Sheldon Adelson or Jeffrey Epstein, or a whole family of them such as the Sacklers behind the opiod epidemic, is responsible for causing enormous misery, cruelty and horror provokes a defensive reaction from certain Jews and their Gentile defenders of such righteous fury that fear can cause the critic to run for safety. Even pointing out the obvious atrocities the Israeli Likud Party government is inflicting on the helpless Palestinians in their Occupied Territories triggers outlashings of fury that would make a cornered bobcat proud.
It takes a strong character and profound courage to overcome Semitophobia and risk even the most gentle inquiry. Ilhan Omar as a freshman Muslim congresswoman spoke publicly about a ‘foreign lobby’ having inordinate influence on the Congress. Immediately everyone knew which Lobby she was talking about, and she was denounced as an ‘anti-semite’ and unjustly cruel on Jews and Israel, including by President Trump. Displaying more courage than most, though not sufficient for justice, she did not exactly apologize as most are forced to do, but diluted her statement by mentioning other lobbies that also have influence. This barely satisfied Jewish demands, and we have not heard any more complaints from Omar since.
In fact, perhaps no group in America is more Semitophobic than the US Congress. Such past examples as Gus Savage, James Trafficant and Cynthia Mckinney are more than enough to keep the others in line with Jewish demands. A more recent example is Iowa Republican Rep. Steve King, who has been denounced as an ‘anti-semite’ and ‘holocaust denier’, even though his main outrages against Jewish Supremacist power has been speaking up in favor of White people and Western civilization. King even went on a tour of holocaust sites in Poland sponsored by a Jewish group that educates US Congresspeople on seminal Jewish suffering, but King provoked outrage by also meeting with ‘actual fascists’ and asked them if the ‘Nazis’ or Soviets were worse. King lost his ability to attend Committees, but managed to retain his House seat in the last election.
Some analysis of the Jeffrey Epstein case suggests that he was collecting the worst kind of ‘dirt’ on politicians as a form of blackmail for the Israeli Mossad and Jewish power generally. Imagine the Semitophobia such grotesque material could evoke if a mainstream media figure was foolhardy enough to discuss it in public. Short of death threats, this kind of character assassination may evoke the strongest Semitophobia.
Sheldon Adelson donated at least $100 million to the Republican party for the 2016 election and more for the 2018 mid-terms. Semitophobia in this case is little more than fear that such massive funding will not go to certain candidates, but to their in-party opponents. In both parties, fear of losing Jewish funding is so breathless that candidates line up to attend the annual AIPAC meeting and express their avid support for Israel and Jews in America. The fact that this makes Omar, Savage, Trafficant, McKinney, King and relatively few others corrrect is not enough to overcome extreme Semitophobia. That takes more courage than most Congresspeople, and indeed most human beings, possess.
This year we see what appears to be a strange aversion to attending the AIPAC meeting by Democratic candidates for President, supposedly based on leftist denunciation of the policies of the right-wing government of Israel headed by PM Netanyahu, who will be a featured speaker at AIPAC, and the resistance of Israel to forming a two-state solution. It is more likely that campaign advisors realize American liberal voters have overcome a certain Semitophobia of their own, and candidates better make a show of complying. Most likely AIPAC has coordinated this ‘boycott’ of the lobby event with Democratic candidates, and wealthy Jews will certainly donate to presumptive nominee Joe Biden who is typical of old-line Democrats in his support for Israel.
Republicans have no problem with AIPAC and actually condemn Democrats as ‘anti-semitic’ for not attending. President Trump was particularly clear in calling them ‘anti-Jewish’.
In 2017, the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance produced a new five-hundred word definition of ‘anti-semitism’ with eleven examples, seven of them refering to Israel. Because of the fear of life being ruined should one be labeled an ‘anti-semite’ through making even the slightest violation of this definition, Semitophobia has most people in its clutches. To be called an ‘anti-semite’ is such a horrid fate for most that they simply will never risk it, even if they know in their minds and hearts that there are legitimate, fact-based critiques of Jewish power. Yet we are told by many Jewish sources that ‘anti-semitism’ is on the rise, and given various explanations why: Americans are increasingly discontent and looking for a weak vulnerable victim to dump it on—ironic to say the least; ‘White supremacism’ is on the rise, encouraged by the President; distorted perception of the Israel/Palestine ‘conflict’ (it is no ‘conflict’, but slow genocide) is provoking unjust criticisms and even BDS of poor Israel; and the like. The real reason for rising ‘anti-semitism’ is most likely the increasing knowledge of Jewish power and influence. Knowledge leads to outrage leads to overcoming fear and risking losses and hardship in asserting truth and justice.
The key leverage point is knowledge. Semitophobia is so acute on some online platforms such as Youtube, Facebook and Twitter that those risking ‘anti-semitism’ are using euphemisms in order to evade the thought police and avoid deplatforming, demonetization, prolonged bans and permanent banishment. We know from such heretical works as the US Lobby documentary produced by Al Jazeera, but distributed by Electronic Intifada, that Israel supporters are very well funded and diligent in hunting down ‘anti-semitism’ online and on campus using ruthless and dishonest tactics. Al Jazeera at first collapsed in Semitophobia and would not distribute the documentary (it since has posted it), but Electronic Intifada did. The more desperate one is when overwhelmed by Jewish Power, the easier it can be to overcome Semitophobia.
Two exemplars of different kinds who appear to be immune to Semitophobia (though I suspect it is partially appearances, no one is totally immune) are Pastor Charles Baldwin and tech entrepreneur and Jewish editor/producer of the Unz Review Ron Unz.
Baldwin awakened from the hypnotic influence of the Scofield Bible supplement and strives to educate Evangelicals (Christian Zionists) about US politics and how the real Bible perceives Jews. He openly denounces Jewish power in America. He expresses his gratitude for this awakening, even though it has cost him many friends, much money and certain comforts and support in his life. Perhaps it is his faith in Jesus that helps him cope with Semitophobia.
I have never read in any of Ron Unz’s many essays in his American Pravda series of his gratitude for his awakening into these hidden mysteries of the Jewish Question. He says he has faced only few and mild inconveniences for his flagrant ‘anti-semitism’. He expresses mild astonishment that the ADL has not attacked him more fiercely, and speculates that to do so might only draw more attention to Unz’s powerful articles exposing such taboo topics of Jewish Power as the JFK assassination, the Leo Frank case and origins of the ADL, 911 as an Israeli job, the holocaust, the Jewish role in the Bolshevik Revolution, ‘anti-semitism’ as weaponization, and others. Possibly Unz is some form of controlled opposition, or is it better for Jewish Power to let him continue exposing it to a relatively small but growing audience rather than draw more attention to him with public attacks? It’s hard to see how Unz could be CO, but also hard to imagine Jewish Power letting him continue. The Unz Review has after all surpassed the iconic Nation magazine in popularity, largely due to Unz’s writings on the Jewish Question along with other authors he features. Unz certainly appears immune to Semitophobia in any case, given the taboo topics he writes about boldly. Does it help that he himself is Jewish?
Entire nations are subject to Semitophobia. It goes without saying that Germany is completely prostrate to Semitophobia, but in his book The Holocaust Industry, Jewish author Normal Finkelstein recounts how the nation of Switzerland was frightened into paying enormous reparations to ‘holocaust survivors’ for not trying hard enough to find the rightful recipients of Swiss bank accounts established before or during the war by Jews.
When the nation of Poland was targeted to pay holocaust reparations, it refused, and passed an amendment to a former law, making it illegal to say any German prisons in Poland were ‘Polish’. The Polish government had established an Institute for National Remembrance, and ‘imposed fines of up to three years in prison for those who denied or belittled German or Soviet crimes during the holocaust and subsequent Soviet invasion.‘ The 2018 amendment makes it illegal to attribute responsibility for or complicity during the holocaust to the Polish nation or state. This provoked fierce criticism and outrage, and Poland was subject to enormous Semitophobia. It resisted however and enacted its new law.
Iceland was not so staunch. It proposed a law making circumcision of minors illegal, subject to up to 6 years in prison, citing the UN convention on the rights of the child and an earlier Icelandic law outlawing female circumcision. Jewish Power around the world, including in the US Congress, expressed outrage, and indirectly threatened boycott of Iceland’s essential tourism industry among other threats, such as association with ‘anti-semites’ and ‘neo-nazis’. Even though the bill had strong support among most of Iceland’s 336,000 population, of which only an estimated 250 were Jews, and most likely would have passed otherwise, the government’s own judiciary committee advised against passage, and Iceland’s parliament dropped the bill, celebrated in Jewish media. Unfortunately but understandably, Iceland caved to Semitophobia.
Though more can be named, yet they are relatively few. All have faced hardships for overcoming Semitophobia and confronting Jewish Power. Many many more have also whose names will never be known. They suffer hardships in their own families, communities, work places, online and in real life. They feel Semitophobia, but do it anyway. These are also real heroes of our times. Courage does not mean acting without fear. It is feeling fear, and acting anyway. The Jewish Power Cabal may make examples of them, and the hypnotized masses Jew and Gentile alike may confront them, denounce them, defame and demonize them, impoverish them, dehome them, deplatform them, and even physically assault and imprison them for being cruel to innocent victim Jews, but they do it anyway. Semitophobia has been made strong in America and around the world today, but the human drive for truth and justice can be stronger. As the grotesque excesses of Jewish Power in America grow worse, so too does the will to overcome Semitophobia and stand up and speak out.
It is likely to manifest as righteous outrage. Certain Jews have provoked such outrage many times in history, and suffered the consequences of expulsion in Europe, and many times more world-wide. They seem never to have learned, but continue to think that if they can just oppress and deceive and degrade and frighten their perceived racial opponents enough, they will be safe. It should be said that this refers primarily to the Jewish Power Elite, and Not All Jews, but sometimes the distinction gets lost and innocent—or at least less criminal—Jews suffer. The Jewish Power Elite has frightened the majority of the Jewish people itself in order to control and use it (for which the holocaust story is their greatest tool today), but that is a topic for another essay. Many—no, most—Gentiles succumb to Semitophobia and don’t dare speak out.
In increasing numbers and quality, more are speaking out. It is inevitable. Some White Americans feel they must secure the existence of their people and a future for White children. More are learning that certain Jews are primarily to blame for this existential threat. Semitophobia could be a weak dam to hold back this flood as the weight of the waters accumulate. New laws ‘combatting anti-semitism’ and suppressing BDS might only make the outrage stronger. The two forces—Semitophobia and legitimate ‘anti-semitism’—are increasing in strength and driving more fiercely against each other. Something has to give.
Or the Jewish Power Cabal could win this time. Fear, apathy, nihilism, hedonism, delusion could prevent the natural race reaction needed to protect Whites from eventual eradication. Could Semitophobia suppress that natural reaction even as excesses of Jewish power escalate beyond even today’s absurd levels? Would White people in America remain afraid and unresponsive, paralyzed by Semitophobia, as ‘White supremacists’ are herded into American gulags? Would Americans remain docile, limp with Semitophobia as their Second Amemdment rights were stripped piecemeal over time? Or would they take up arms and fight a civil war to retain that right of self-protection? Will Americans allow George Soros to fund Antifa to the point that it is a mass rampage vandalizing whole cities and marching as lynch mobs against ‘White supremacists’, a neo-communist revolution destroying America, or will they ovecome Semitophobia to take back the streets and make them safe again for right-wing Whites who love their country and people? Will Americans ever stop the subversive filthy mind rot that pours out of Hollywood and the porn industry , or stay stuck in Semitophobia and let it continue until all the youth have pink and purple hair, big gulps full of meth, sex change operations, and lack even a single thought in the head or impulse in the heart for responsibility and decency?
Semitophobia is strong, but it can’t be that strong. Surely the Power Jews will go too far at some point, and White Gentiles in America will react. It has happened in Europe 109 times before. But so did Jewish Soviet Communism for almost 75 years of mass horror.
It may be either Semitophobia forever or America 110.
Let’s end on a lighter note. Do any readers remember when ‘racism’ was more culturally acceptable, and people made little harmless jokes about the different types of folks, in an unconscious process of maintaining their ethnic, cultural, religious and racial identity? I remember my father calling himself and other Italians he knew ‘Guineas’, a racial slur. He also referred to other racial groups and individuals by common racial slurs, even though he played basketball in the schoolyard with them. It wasn’t scandalous, it wasn’t evil, it was simply honest and it served a function of identity.
So let’s recall a harmless and useful joke from a more innocent honest time:
“An ‘anti-semite’ is someone who dislikes Jews more than is absolutely necessary.” (Source unknown. Possibly printed in Hungary in the 1960, and an original variant in the US in 1939)
If we don’t at least dislike such Jews as Epstein, Soros, Adelson, Netanyahu and many others, and say so, then we don’t deserve to preserve our people. Break though Semitophobia and join the rising tide of voices confronting Jewish power. It is the honorable and decent thing to do.
Great article. The problem arises is that there’s strength in numbers. How does one connect with the like minded without risking life, limb and freedom?
“there’s strength in numbers”
There sure is. Jewish Supremacy Inc. certainly seems to think as much. Though their concerns are triggered more by their collective and insane addiction to persecution mania than to any real threat from non-Jews.
Still, It’s good to see more and more people begin to throw their words back at them by saying,
Treason Against Jewish Supremacy Is Loyalty To Humanity.
The foundation of Ethics is the ability to persue the good and the true from the widest possible frame of rerfence and be able to practice self-criticism WITHOUT anxiety while doing do.
From this perspective European man and his geographical extensions of the USA, etc. is the most ethical human being in world history – and everyone F***ing knows it!
Correspondingly, that makes JSI the most unethical in history. And everyone knows that too.
This would explain their need to be
1. place above criticism
2. loved unconditionally
3. blindly obeyed
So, of course, they have to crush freedom of speech and assembly. In fact, freedom period! Including and especially our basic freedoms to hear, feel, think, see, believe, imagine and create what WE hear, feel, think, see, believe, imagine and create, and not what the JSI psycho-mafia tells us to.
In regard to turning their words back on them, the only difference is that when we do it it makes perfect sense.
When they do it it’s a crazy and slanderous lie. Like when they say “You have no culture.”
What would they know about culture?
The repulsive and obnoxious pseudo-intellectual and ex-person Noel Ignatiev’s well known remark that “Treason against White Supremacy is loyalty to humanity”, is so laughably stupid and self-refuting coming as it did from the halls of Harvard University.
Harvard! Yet another one of the many institutions JSI completely destroyed. So much so that now an “A” at Harvard stands for “Average.”
But, to repeat, though their goal is Full Spectrum Dominance the consequences are obvisouly the destruction of the social-institutions that power controls.
Thereby making their victory Pyrrhic.
This explains why more people are saying what needs to be said.
Treason Against Jewish Supremacy Inc. Is Loyalty To Humanity.
“The foundation of Ethics is the ability to persue the good and the true from the widest possible frame of rerfence and be able to practice self-criticism WITHOUT anxiety while doing do.”
Should be
The foundation of Ethics is the ability to persue the good and the true from the widest possible frame of rerfence and be able to practice self-criticism WITHOUT anxiety while doing so.
Oh, and Hi JIDF Trolls 🙂
I believe Ignatiev said, “Treason against whiteness is loyalty to humanity.”
Ignatiev is typical of Jews who address “my fellow whites” in order to shame them for being white. They never tell those “fellow whites” that they are Jews. And they never acknowledge or talk about Jewish supremacy.
If you were to use income and wealth to determine “supremacy,” Jews would rank at the top in the United States — by far.
Only about 2% of the population (supposedly), they make up about 25% of America’s millionaires and billionaires. That’s an overrepresentation of 1,250%. They make up 25% of the entering class at Harvard — again, an overrepresentation of 1,250% (and not because they’re the best students; they make up only 6% of the National Merit Scholar semi-finalists; non-Jewish whites make up 70% according to Ron Unz).
In fact 1,250% overrepresentation is a pretty accurate estimate of their influence in law, medicine, academia, media, social media, publishing, banking, finance, the fine arts, entertainment, etc.
Far below the Jews, but still above white people in America, are Asian-Americans in terms of income and average wealth. Again, this is a group that is overrepresented at Harvard while claiming to be underrepresented. They do outperform white students on average, but not nearly enough to justify making up 23% of Harvard’s entering class while they are only 5% of the population.
Our leading universities cynically “diversified” (got rid of white students) by filling their entering classes with Jews and Asians. That enabled them to be “less white Anglo-Saxon” while keeping up their academic standards.
This process has actually been a boon to what were once considered lesser colleges. Smart whites went to them instead of Harvard, Stanford, etc., and raised their average SAT scores and selectivity.
Next come whites, but with white women earning more than white men and controlling more wealth (they outlive their husbands)
So white males — the ones who are supposed to rule America — only come in fourth. But I guess we’re “privileged” because security guards don’t follow us around when we’re shopping.
Of course, if other groups didn’t shoplift on a regular basis, security guards wouldn’t follow them around either.
How indeed does one connect with the like minded? I would suggest one starts locally. A connection with your neighbor or even folks in the same town is much, much more powerful than an internet contact between Oregon and Florida.
And, live honorably, be generous, be sober, be friendly, and be helpful. People are much less prone to pillory such an individual who has the courage to speak the truth. Also, employers find it much more difficult (in a small town anyway) to fire someone that everyone respects for politically incorrect expressions. If one is squared away in all other areas, their credibility is that much greater when they speak honestly of Jewish influence in the West.
Finally, have a sense of humor about the whole thing. Sometimes one can get more done by making people laugh than by making them think.
Yes, good ideas. Expressing on the JQ publicly inspires one to be more upstanding and responsible in other areas, which is a good thing. I have even pointed out to people–with references–that filth speech, porn, the dissolving of the family, committed relationship problems, drug and alcohol abuse, all have been increased by Jewish influence. So let’s resist. It is our responsibility and power to know and reject these influences. And then stop them.
I most often think of past successful models that we can adapt to our times. A new American SA for starters to confront Antifa in the streets and halls. A legal defense fund with brilliant lawyers and our own judges. Dissident Truth Public Assemblies in free-speech public libraries, gatherings of the awakened and based, planning organizing… A new political party with a charismatic genius giving speeches and presenting policy derived from genius experts in all areas of life. Or the best we got, it would not take much to put up a better showing than the cast of clowns both parties are showing.
” SA ” is an acronym for a variety of named things .
No clue what your SA stands for .
01 Brownshirts: the Party’s political color.
02 Sturm Abteilung: the Party’s first responders, taking on the Communists in sizeable street battles including heavy machine guns and light artillery in the traditionally red Berlin boroughs such as Moabit and Wedding; as well as other venues.
03 ” The Old Fighters “, competing with Hitler’s leadership, which cost their ” homosexual ” leader Ernst Roehm his life. Succeeded by the SS.
04 ” Raise the banner-clear the streets-SA is marching ! ” The rip-roaring Horst Wessel Lied, in honor of Horst, assassinated, if memory serves, in Davos, Switzerland, in opposition to what that venue has become.
My apologies if this is more than what you asked for.
Thanks for the respond . Too many times acronyms are thrown around as if they were self-explanatory or uniquely defined ( ie. only 1 meaning ) .
Was Roehm not a homosexual?
Charles, may I refresh your memory?
Horst Wessel was murdered by Communist thugs in Friedrichshain/Berlin in 1930, wheras Wilhelm Gustloff was murdered in Davos in 1936. Both were of course NS martyrs.
All we need to do is become an honorable group – both in word and deed – that such people would be proud to associate with.
” How does one connect with the like minded without risking life, limb and freedom? ”
There are 3 real answers __
1 ) very carefully
2 ) secretly
3 ) you cannot , in our totalitarian system of governmental surveillance
You anti-semite. I’m ascared to say anything else.😨
LOL. I suppose that joke was to be expected. Still funny.
Semitophobia is of course rather obvious to most readers at this site. Another description of it is: the Fear of the Jew Syndrome, or FOJ, for short. It has been covered in a book on the subject by Stan Rittenhouse, called FOR FEAR OF THE JEWS.
Thank you for pointing this out. I am not surprised that this topic has been covered before, of course. Have you read this book? My inspiration for this article was noticing how many words and terms are being used: ‘anti-semitism’, ‘philo-semitism’, ‘pro-Jewish’, etc. And then all the ‘phobias’ mentioned in the first sentence. I encourage the use of new terms in our fight to win the word war.
How about REPUBLIKUD ???
Same old, same old, same old stuff dished out here. The walking-on-eggshells author states plainly “the holocaust story is their greatest tool today.” But then quickly adds that further discussion is for another time. Hey, TOO readers, this “greatest tool” has been discussed deeply and at great length since around 1973 by a large number of very capable “revisionists” from around the world, but our White Nationalist academic community is too cowardly, and too arrogant (that’s an interesting mixture), to join in. They excuse themselves by making believe it will ruin their “credibility.” And all the followers and boosters of these sites automatically (like automatons, that is) repeat that excuse to people like me as though it had never occurred to me! Wow. The denial is so thick you can cut it with a knife.
This coronavirus pandemic gives a great opportunity to expose the insanity of the Holocaust story (see my recent post: There are many ways to approach it, if one has the will. I am not in favor of over-eager, under-educated “deniers” jumping into the fray, but I’m also not satisfied with those who can’t go any farther than criticizing the “Industry” that has grown up around what is war propaganda clamped down on us by the Western Allies. This extent of self-criticism of Anglo-America is what they won’t do. They won’t go there.
But that, my dear George Mackenzie, is what it will take.
According to revisionist Vincent Reynouard, the holocaust is the linchpin of globalism, consumerism, democracy and anti-racism, remove it and the whole thing comes apart.
According to revisionist Vincent Reynouard and to many other brave campaigners for Truth in History, including Carolyn Yeager above, the “Holocaust” is the lynchpin of Globalism: remove it and all the ghastly anti-White, anti-Civilisation post 1945 World Order forced upon us will come apart.
That’s right Pierre. When you look back at history and it’s the jews that are the bad guys, it changes everything. Not only that, all of the pieces fit. It all makes sense.
Then at least something good would come out of this scam George!
Alan Sabrosky said something similar, on that Guns and Butter rebroadcast of a conference. Sabrosky said holocaust truth and 911 truth were key to any hope of victory. Also that a US bloodbath war with Iran could overcome Jewish money power in Congress and bring some change. How about a global economic collapse based on a phony pretext of ‘pandemic’?
Yeager makes a scathing observation about ” walking on eggshells “.
However , if in fact ” the holocaust is the linchpin of globalism “, then that stands as a word to the wise since anyone with the power to start a WN movement to remove that linchpin would likely go the way of JFK .
I deliberately mentioned the name of the American woman, Carolyn Yeager, because she is precisely a campaigner, bravely and very publicly, attempting to remove that linchpin. And yes, she will have an understanding of the risks that she is running, with the possibility God forbid , that she could go “the way of JFK “.
On the continent of Europe, Historical Revisionists attempting to expose the truth of the propaganda-lie of the “Holocaust” have been assassinated (the French Revisionist, Francois Duprat); have spent years and decades in jail: Ernst Zundel, Horst Mahler, Gunter Deckert, Vincent Reynouard, Pedro Varela, Ursula Haverbeck, Sylvia Stolz, David Irving, Monika Schaefer and her brother Alfred Schaefer. Many others have been physically beaten by Zionist thugs, whilst simultaneously fined huge sums of money by the Judicial System. For example, the late French professor Robert Faurisson, The list of martyrs for cause of Truth in History is very long, and no doubt will get longer. The brave English campaigner, Lady Michele Renouf, has been summoned to appear in a German court later this year for her outspoken condemnation of this Blood-libel against the Honour of the German people.
What about Carlo Mattogno?
The observation that the “Shoah” has replaced “G-d” as the new Jewish communal religion, and the “Holocaust” has replaced the “Son of God” as the new Western secular religion, has also been expressed by people who could not be (fairly) classified as anti-Semites, including some liberals and some Jews.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts. I heartily agree. I have been studying your work recently and was impressed with your article on the 75th anniversary of the assassination attempt. I always want to study these incidents in depth and learn the truth so far as we can, and your work is a great contribution.
That is why I have studied holocaust revisionist material in depth, and have access to a full set of the 35 volume Holocaust Handbook series, which I am slowly working through. Recently finished Kollerstrom Breaking the Spell, which was a good summary, I even enjoyed the polemics and auto-biographical material. In a very humble way in comparison, I have made copies of Did 6 Million Really Die? by Harwood (Verrall) and hand it out whenever I can. Also made spiral bindings of Ron Unz ‘Holocaust Denial’ and offer it as well. A colleague and I have talked about holding a public ‘Meet Your Local Holocaust Revisionist (he wants to say ‘Denier’), but have not followed through. If I understand, you think this is now a good time to bring it forth? The library has shut down meeting rooms and the governor of Oregon has prohibited gatherings of over 10. Maybe we could start with that in a private residence, invite only.
I share this so that you know I do not avoid the discussion, but since I have the tendency to go into tangents, I had to stick to the topic. Our esteem editor would appreciate it of me. And if it looks like I walk on eggshells here, know that I used some stronger language which I find appropriate, but that was changed in the edit to appeal to a certain audience perhaps, or conform to certain parameters. I understand it did not appeal to you, nor to me, though I accept and understand the reason for the edits.
I also recognize that the Finkelstein reference is weak in that it does not challenge the holohaux narrative, only addresses the profiteering under its pretense. But in that section of the article, I was focused on whole nations that succumb–or resist–semitophobia, and Switzerland was a good example of a nation that caved.
My dear Carolyn Yeager, I am well aware of what it will take, and do my best in my small way to contribute. I was particularly impressed with the essay around Holocaust Remembrance Day by Eric Striker, pointing out how furiously the holocaust promoters are back-pedaling, conceding major points to the revisionists increasingly now.
I feel a growing confidence that any time now is a good time to press the holocaust hoax. And all denunciation of Jewish power. I hope to join with you if only ideologically if not moreso, to further out common goals against a common enemy.
In hearty agreement– GM
Here is the latest backpedal I’ve heard. An orthodox Jew on Luke Ford’s live stream suggested that, IF it is true that there were no gas chambers, then the 6 million must have died because of a Jewish genetic susceptibility to the typhus which Jews would have not been exposed to had they not been forced into the camps, His implication was that Germans would have been, and still would be, culpable and the body count would remain the same, Ford, a deracinated Anglo convert to Judaism strongly disagreed because he knows that, if Jews give up on the gas, it is over for Holicaustianity and the Jew will reemerge as history’s con man. But that guy did say it and he seems like a normal younger intelligent Zionist Orthodox. Then again I wouldn’t know.
Dear George,
The big news in your reply is that you began with: “stronger language which I find appropriate, but that was changed in the edit to appeal to a certain audience perhaps, or conform to certain parameters.”
While this is not unusual for an edited journal, it is the reason that all articles here have a similar stance and flavor. No surprises. The audience is (or has been anyway) made up largely of Canadians — who find the TOO stance and flavor particularly to their liking. Have you ever heard of a really active WN or HD movement in Canada?
People who want to say something stronger need to go elsewhere.
As to your reference to Eric Striker’s article on “Last Days of the Holocaust” at Unz Review, I panned that article in detail in the comment section there. (I encourage you to look for those and read them.) Yet you recommend it to me here, lol. I know you are well-intention-ed and are putting forth real effort to educate yourself, but the ‘Holocaust’ subject is a vast realm (made so by the Jews and their helpers; it never needed to be) that Germar Rudolf currently is probably the world’s foremost expert on. It is easy for amateurs like you and Eric Striker to get tripped up on it and do as much harm as good, following the dictum: “A little knowledge is a dangerous thing.” I’m saying it’s better not to recommend oddball opinions from here and there, but to stick with quoting from solid, proven revisionist authors and their books.
Feel free to contact me at my website for any commentary from me you’d like to have. For my article on the “last days of Auschwitz” see here:
“A little knowledge is a dangerous thing.”
Could be sometimes .
Suppose , as is often asserted , that knowledge is power . Then it stands to reason that a lot of knowledge is a lot of power . Therefore , according to the truism that ” Power corrupts “, we conclude that
[ a lot of knowledge is a dangerous thing ] .
So that it is a six-of-one or half-dozen of the other proposition .
You sound like Michael Hoffman. The contributors of TOO don’t delve into holocaust revisionism probably because 1. the holocaust is not of contemporary importance, so why would they give it the same artificial importance as the Jews do? and 2. it is not necessary to ethnonationalism. It is also not so cut-and-dried a subject as you might think. See this piece by David Cole.
I wonder if editorial policies have to do with topic focus here. Perhaps similar to Mark Weber phasing out focus on holocaust revision when he took over IHR. Afraid of being discredited, marginalized and bankrupt. It may be past time to review this policy and re-join the focus on holocaust revision. Now it may be less credible not to. Depends on the audience somewhat, as new generations are getting it. Many younger folks checking out TOO? How to attract them? Without devolving into stormer stupidity, though I heard KMac say some of the dark humor is indeed a healthy sign.
The crucial question that needs to be settled is whether
the holohoax is or is not ” the linchpin of globalism “.
I agree that would be a great topic. It will not be “settled” but it would bring out the crucial reasons pro and con, and be truly educational. I’m all for it.
You write:”The crucial question that needs to be settled is whether
the holohoax is or is not ” the linchpin of globalism ? “
If we can accept here that the allegation that the Germans murdered six million Jews during the Second World War, the “Holocaust”, is a propaganda-lie invented by the Allies to justify the war, the most bloody and destructive war in the history of Europe, that the Allies launched with Britain’s Declaration of War against Germany in 1939 and which they won in 1945 with the Germans utterly defeated (forced to surrender “unconditionally”) and with no other views or opinions or investigations permitted that did not suit the War’s victors, the USA, the Soviet Union , Britain and France and that anybody speaking up for the defeated Germans or wishing to question the Allies;’ version of the history of the Second World War liable to the most severe sanctions… ask Ernst Zundel for his experiences in Canada, in the USA and in Germany where this law-abiding German-Canadian patriot spent seven years in jail just for asking questions; and that anybody nowadays in the “democratic” West, the UK, France, Canada, Australia, the Netherlands, the USA who objects to “too much Immigration” is very likely to be denounced as a “Racist” or a “Nazi”, etc. and to suffer for his views Any main-stream politician who was bold enough to speak up on these “sensitive” questions would get the same treatment as that experienced by the very popular (in his time) British politician, Enoch Powell, Member of the British Parliament, who was expelled from holding any position in British politics and condemned as a “Racist” by the Prime Minister and leader of his own Conservative Party, and in addition condemned by another leading spokesman in British politics, as “Powell is walking on the road that leads to Auschwitz.”
Powell had had a fine war-record, had been a University Professor and Conservative Party Member of the Westminster Parliament. None of this did him any good: he was thrown into the political wilderness.
Those who won the Second World War, or should that be written, ((( Those who won the Second World War))) ?, are still ruling us today. See how in January of this year, the powerful world leaders, US Vice President Pence, Putin of Russia, Macron of France, Prince Charles of England plus the World Clown, the President of the Federal Republic of Germany (what’s in a name ?), Steinmeier, had to abase themselves like naughty school boys lining up outside the headmaster’s office in Jerusalem.
Quod erat demonstrandum.
Yes , without doubt it should be written
” ((( Those who won the Second World War))) “
What were these august personages, Michael Richard Pence, Vladimir Putin, Prince Charles, Emmanuel Macron, Frank-Walter Steinmeier doing in Jerusalem on the 27th. January ? They were commemorating “Holocaust” Day, the anniversary of the Soviet Red Army capture in 1945 of the German work-camp located at Auschwitz, a town in present day Poland, These representatives of powerful states, presidents, prime ministers, a prince, all lined up with kippa’s on their gentile heads shamelessly to pay public homage to an historic lie; an historic, unprecedented lie which any informed person would describe as the Hoax of the Twentieth Century (prof. Arthur Butz).
The key question is: Why did these powerful politicians of the world’s major states kow-tow in Israel to the “Holocaust” ? Answer because they are all guilty men.
The US Vice President, the Russian President, the French President and the British Prince are the current representatives of the politicians who in the years before the outbreak of the Second World , contrived , manoeuvred, cajoled, black-mailed, bribed, threatened, employed every under-hand trick know to Machiavelli and more, in order to bring about the Second World War. We know now that Churchill and Franklin Delano Roosevelt schemed and plotted for the War; we know now that at the very time that Roosevelt was seeking his re-election in the Autumn of 1940, and he was telling America mothers, “Your sons will not be sent to fight in foreign wars”, FDR was in secret communication with his pal Churchill in the UK., “Don’t worry, Winnie , I’ll soon be with you in the fight.” Meantime the bloody Bolshevic baboon ensconced in the Kremlin Josef Stalin (Churchill’s description of the Soviet leader at an earlier stage of the War), Stalin the cold-blooded butcher of the Polish officers at Katyn, saw the coming War as his chance to advance Bolshevic-Communism into Europe and across the world stage. France of course was dragged into the War by Britain’s Prime Minster, Neville Chamberlain
. These men launched the most bloody and destructive war in European History. They launched a war against Germany, which became a war against the whole of Europe and is now a war against the White man, his family and his civilisation. And anybody who questions the War, the Why. and the How will be subjected to the treatment described in the main article,
“A mere oblique question about the validity of the holocaust, such as that raised by Florida school principal William Latson in 2018 could lose a person his job, income, family, house, freedom (Alfred and Monika Schaefer) and sanity. Perhaps even his life”
We are ruled by an historic, obscene and obvious propaganda-lie invented by the criminally minded and murderous predecessors of the politicians named above. How to deal with this lie is obvious: one stands in the public arena and denounces it as such. And then these pathetic presidents Pence, Putin, Macron, Prince Charles etc. can in their turn slink away with their tails between their legs.
Tell the Truth and shame the Devil (Gerard Menuhin). To quote Jesus Christ: “The Truth will set you free.” St. John chapter 8, verse 32.
I understand that David Cole was beaten up by JDL (Jewish Defense League) thugs for exposing the gas chamber hoax at Auschwitz.
He went into hiding, changed his name to David Stein, got work in Hollywood, changed his name back to Cole (at least for limited purposes), got a gig at Takimag, and now says he believes that 2.4 million Jews were killed by the Nazis, mostly in camps in eastern occupied Poland (Treblinka, Sobibor, Chelmno, Majdanek).
I recommend that people read his ill-tempered reply to Ron Unz. The personal insults and accusations of idiocy directed at Unz are telling.
He treats Unz, who is Jewish, like a stupid goy — which, I guess, is the ultimate way for Jews to put each other down.
Just off hand, David Duke, E. Michael Jones, and Rick Wiles of True News have absolutely no fear of jews, Alain Soral from France was sued 65 times for antisemitism, also humorist Dieudonné and revisionnist Vincent Reynouard stand up to them all the time just by existing, the tide is turning, these people are emboldening the population. The most important thing is to never apologize or back down when confronted.
Duke is a courageous voice on the pro-White stage, without any doubt. But, even he wimps out on the subject of 9-11 and the overwhelming evidence that points to Israeli complicity.
Well said.
From your choice of names to credit (Duke, E. M. Jones, Wiles and Reynouard), one would assign to you a Christian preference. Except for Reynouard, the Christian path is stronger for these men than the holocaust denial path. This leaves them compromised. What we do not need is compromise! The compromise with Christianity is a requirement of what the author MacKenzie labels “semitophobia.”
Christianity is based on a universalism: all are one in Christ. This is actually our major weakness when it comes to Jews, who know how to play on that. They are masters of “Do as I say, not as I do.” Christianity encourages us to be sheep-like. I see that in my own relatives. At a certain point in the argument, it’s always religious beliefs that instruct them to remain tolerant of others’ bad behavior.
Adolf Hitler, the best and most true model for Western man’s attitudes and actions vis-a-vis organized Jewry, encouraged nationalized churches and only the Gospel of Christ (dropping the OT) as the way forward. This meant the Church had to share power with the people’s leaders–it could not be a separate, untouchable entity undermining the life of the nation for its own supranational goals.
I’d classify David Duke and E. Michael Jones as universalists who think in terms of ‘humanity’. Humanity is the Jews’ favorite word, when speaking to goyim, which should make it suspect for us. Humanity cannot actually be found in reality, but instead we only find folks who group themselves together and give themselves a name. ‘Universal humanity’ is a snow job.
Agreed, this is good to think about. Fear of god is one avenue of Semitophobia, though as another commenter pointed out, it is rooted in respect and love, strangely. ‘Fear of god’ = fear of the Jews, to some extent.
But not the only fear, of course. And we have exceptions, like Chuck Baldwin, mentioned in the essay.
Religious beliefs may encourage tolerance (even of Epstein?), and they also encourage resistance to Jewish culture-wrecking. Else why has religion, primarily Christianity, been a target of the Jewish Communists since the first French Revolution and even before?
NT only sounds like a great idea. The Chief and NS party were so insightful and thorough in disempowering their enemies–Freemasonry included–while empowering their own. Do you have a source for this policy of Hitler? I am less educated on the religious policy of the 3R.
Good additions, the first three. Now I’m annoyed at myself for not thinking of and including them. I welcome any additions in the comments, I am sure an entire book can be written. Indeed is has been, I see. I can only sample in these essays. Still, Jones, Duke and Wiles deserve to be mentioned.
Some of my best friends are Jews.- NOT.
“Semitophobia could be a weak dam to hold back this flood as the weight of the waters accumulate”
I certainly hope that in my lifetime there will be a point where this “dam” breaks.
To see the absolute adoration and power Jews enjoy in the West, one only has to view Netanyahu’s speech before Congress where he was interrupted by ecstatic applause 39 times. 23 of these were standing ovations.
A sight to behold that the likes of Stalin and Kim Jong-un would have been thrilled to receive.
you may be interested to know that E. Michael Jones reported on an article in the New York Times the day after Benny’s speech and Congress’ kowtowing. The Times reported that every member of Con gress was contacted by AIPAC and told to give those standing ovations or their donations would dry up!
Truly revolting that was. All anyone has to know, and the charade crumbles. So it is not knowledge that blocks much of the US response, it’s fear. I have heard only 5% or even less of the population has to know and overcome to enact change. Leadership is crucial too. Patrick Little appears not to be it, alas.
Those percentages ” 5% ” , 13% , 20% or any other percent are meaningless apart from the context of what you have to work with and what you are up against .
The meaning I derived from the 5% figure was from a speech by Erica Chenoweyth on non-violent revolution. I had some misgivings, as she was speaking at a podium with the words Rockefeller Foundation on it, but she made a compelling case. Only 5% of a population or so, almost no matter the context, was needed to effect change. So that is encouraging. Of course leadership, organization, quality not just quantity are factors, but it can be done with relatively small percentages so I’m told. Of course at other times, huge majorities cannot prevail, so I suppose it depends.
Stay with ” it depends ” since the historical evidence and sociological analysis strongly suggests it does depend on contexts . It is better to err on the side of caution when considering potentially lethal conflicts .
Kick the fucks out of flat earth sick liars disguisting people
Thank you for the great article, Mr. Mackenzie. I have not been to this site for quite a while but realize what a wealth of information and knowledge it truly is. TOO was important in my early formation on the JQ and intend to visit regularly again.
Welcome back. I’m relatively new to it myself, having visited occasionally over the last 5 years while studying the JQ from other sources, mainly books, though some websites too. Mostly through the historical perspective. it is truly impressive what one can learn on TOO. Should be a main go-to site for all the homeschoolers now.
All non-Jews in America, not just White people, are obliged to understand and confront Jewish supermacism – mentally and spiritually (history has shown that physical violence is ineffective against Yahwe’s chosen).
Some accounts say Muslims entering America now are noticing Jewish power here and denouncing it. Omar was an example, and it was interesting to watch how she responded. Blacks too might be getting it, though Secret Relationship was banned from Amazon a while back. Should make it more popular.
It’s true the Jewish power elite use ‘anti-semitism’ to their advantage in various ways. If its waning, they stoke it themselves. So it seems that violence against Jews, the ultimate ‘anti-semitism’ in some ways, must either be total or not at all. I actually shouldn’t say this, because I really don’t know what the ‘final solution’ is, since expulsion seems not to have worked either. I said USA 110 in the article, but that was somewhat flip. As I said, Hitler was willing to kick the Jews to palestine if that’s where the Zionists insisted they go, but he never wanted it to become an autonomous Jewish state, only remain under British control.
I was just re-reading Ingrid Weckert’s excellent article about Kristallnacht. It turns out the LICA–French for International League Against Anti-Semitism–was responsible for the assassinations of Von Rath and Gustloff before him, and anonymous phone calls to SA offices while their commanders were at the Remembrance Day ceremonies, commanding them to join the festivities of Kristallnacht. So Jews themselves instigated that supreme act of ‘anti-semitism’ in Germany that changed so much. Hitler ordered it stopped and they went into damage control thereafter.
Meant to include a Weckert link:
A very worthwhile link. My mother’s sister lived on a street, parallel to Oranienburgerstrasse, off Friedrichstrasse of Checkpoint Charlie fame. At the corner of Auguststrasse we can still find the re-consecrated largest synagogue in almost all of Europe.
My aunt, living there throughout the war, told me, that it remained untouched during Kristallnacht [ though only fifteen minutes on foot from the Reichskanzlei.] According to her, the local police prefect tolerated no disorder in his district.
Every night, when the sky was clear for the RAF bombers to find their targets, or multiple times during the day when the busier USAF visited, we would be awakened by the radio, set on a certain frequency, with: ” Attention ! Attention ! Enemy bombers approaching from the direction of Hannover Brunswick: approximate time of arrival 12 minutes ! ”
Said synagogue was burned out by phosphorous bombs but not structurally destroyed by high explosive bombs; in 1943.
There was also a Jewish Hospital operating in the area, until 1941. Jabotinsky’s Betar openly marched, with their Star of David banner, until 1938. [ Net photos ].
Mutzistrasse was also nearby, where, until Adolf took over, German women were lined up by their Jewish pimps, pursuant to their degree of pregnancy for their pervert Johns. Prostituting themselves to feed their children and often the remains of their men as they returned from the previous fronts: mutilated in mind, spirit and body.
I well remember a particularly disgusting, unadvisedly published photo in Berlin’s Juedische Allgemeine. A fat pig of a 400 lb Russian Jewish woman covering the entire bar stool on which she was perched, in a bar inside the recreational section of said Oranienburgerstrasse synagogue.
One of several hundred thousand Jews resettled in Germany to rebuild their community. Her meagre Russian pension augmented many times over by the German taxpayer.
The occasion of the bar celebration ? Germany’s defeat by the Red Army; with several million rape victims.
That was around the time the USA was also blessed with thousands upon thousands of Russian Jewish newcomers. Through the endeavors of Russian victim Nathan Sharansky and his wife Helena Bonner, sporting about in their private jet. Many settling in and near Brighton Beach, New York: the home of the prophylactically misnamed ” Russian ” Mafia: predominantly Jewish and incomparably more violent than the homegrown Italian variety. [ In 92 I personally checked them out; repeatedly ].
Mr. Frey, a friend, a Ukrainian, sent me a link to a review of a new book by one Gotz Aly, German historian. My friend was disgusted by the books premise, and I am skeptical, to say the least, but I was struck by bits of the biography of the author I found in a long interview he gave to Yad Vashem. He’s the son of a Stalingrad survivor, and I’m curious as to how and why he turned into an historian of the received version of the holocaust. Do you know of him and if so would you share your opinion of him?
BTW, you are a powerful witness to history and I am very grateful for your stunning stories.
I believe that people and organizations that avow conservative American values should come out with the truth about Jewish power. I’ll use Phyllis Schlafly as an example, because I am most familiar with her case. I spent many years as an Eagle member, attending Eagle conferences, reading their newsletters and books, and trusting that Mrs. Schlafly wasn’t holding back any important information. She wrote books on feminism and pornography, and never mentioned Jews! Could she not have known about their critical influence in these areas? Was she not permitted to name the Jews by the CNP, of which she was a member? Maybe she was afraid of a backlash from her mostly Christian fan base? I wonder if her conscience ever bothered her for what I believe to be a betrayal of trust to her followers. I think if more of such leaders had told the truth about Jews decades ago, we wouldn’t be nearly so far along the path as we are now. But it’s never too late, so anyone already established in the public eye who hasn’t done so should make a statement about Jewish power, or feel free to relinquish the title of “leader.”
Most conservatives and conservative organizations are either Jewish or financed by Jews, or both.
Jewish conservatives: Dennis Prager, Ben Shapiro, Stefan Molyneux, Michael Savage, Mark Levin, William Kristol, David Brooks, Joel Stein, John Podhoretz, Norman Podhoretz, the list goes on…
Then you have non-Jewish conservatives who either work with the Jews or are afraid to stand up to them. Examples have included William F. Buckley and Jordan Peterson.
Conservative evangelical Christians are pro-Jewish Zionists: Pat Robertson, Hagee, etc.
You would never find conservatives like John McCain, Mitt Romney, the Bushes, or Ted Cruz standing up to the Jews. Not one Republican in Congress will stand up to them.
Conservatives who are critical of Jews — directly or indirectly — are shown the door by the conservative movement: David Duke, Pat Buchanan, Michelle Malkin, Nick Fuentes. At best, they’ve been ignored: Ron Paul and his son, Rand Paul.
Primarily because of their selling out to the Jews, conservatives have conserved nothing. They are worse than useless.
The only political system that can work for white people in a democratic context is one that is both anti-liberal and anti-fake-conservative.
It would have to be opposed to both Jewish finance capitalism and Jewish cultural Marxism — the dominant trends in American politics today.
It would have to defend the white working class.
It would have to look something like Hitler’s national socialism — with a lot of libertarian tweaks once the Jew-free white ethnostate is formed.
Horus agrees with you, and gives some of the history. It was Fascism that was the great protagonist to the Jewish/Marxist antagonist. Fascism was infolded and all but eradicated as the only aspect of the Right became a softer form of leftism.
We are seeing a resurgence of self-defensive Fascism now, though necessarily under new names, and should eagerly join it.
Yes but let’s go easy on the libertarian tweaks, This is a white movement, not an
Anglo movement
Eric – a smart guy.
Almost all the feminazis of Schaffly’s era were obviously noticeably jews. But she never said a word about them. Many were heavily involved in leftist politics. Betty Friedan was head of a socialist Marxist club in college and was always involved in socialism Marxism until she wrote that book.
Schaffly never ever mentioned that feminazis were just tools of the employees either. The whole point was
1 wage stagnation
2 insane levels of inflation
3 equals all the middle class wives had to go back to work just to pay the property taxes, auto expenses, utilities and other necessities like food and health insurance premiums.
Schaffly the pro capitalist conservative ignored the vast amount of money in the feminazi movement by employer organizations wanting to lower wages for everyone and put White men out of work with yet another affirmative action benefit group.
Your speculations sound plausible. So many christians are avid about defending jews from any criticism, especially Christian Zionists, but not only. Still, the truth is part of God and Jesus, as Pastor Chuck Baldwin knows. I had to mention him in the article. A real champion.
Somehow, God telling Abraham — a Babylonian from Ur of the Chaldees — “I will bless those who bless thee and curse those who curse thee” got twisted in Christian minds into “I will bless those who bless Jews and curse those who curse Jews” (who didn’t even exist at the time, but have falsely claimed to be the “seed” of Abraham and heir to God’s unconditional promises).
It seems that most Christians, including their preachers, don’t read the New (Christian) Testament. Paul makes it clear that the “seed” referred to is Jesus Christ and that the Jews who reject Christ and His followers are enemies of God and Mankind.
Moreover, Christ’s coming was prophesied in the Old testament by men who the Jews murdered (which is why the Old Testament is a part of the Christian religion).
Christianity today hardly exists at all in the established churches in the West. To my knowledge, it only survives in the Eastern (Russian, Greek, etc.) Orthodox churches, which — in addition to being Christian — are nationalist like many of us.
Let me introduce myself. I have been enjoying this blog for a while now. This coronavirus craziness has shaken me out of my lethargic state where my interest in current events has been no more useful than the interest of sports fans in their favorite teams.
I recognized mainstream news as fake news about 1977 after listening to Walter Cronkite and observing to myself that not one of his parroted news items would have been even remotely on my list if I had been doing the choosing. So his “And that’s the way it is, June 13, 1977” was like a sledgehammer to the side of my head. It was an epiphany and I have hardly watched manstream news since. This of course also applies to NY Times, Washington Post, Time, Newsweek, etc., with The New Yorker being a bit of an exception due mainly to its cartoons. NEWS is an acronym for North, East, West, and South or so I have read – pretty neat.
So my interest has been there a long time regarding many subjects but my actions have been absent. My son has told me that he would take more interest in what I was saying if I were actually doing something. We’ll see. I will refrain from saying anything about Jewphobia but I am familiar with Kevin MacDonald’s work as well as the work of Michael Jones, Andrew Joyce, racial IQ’s, and cultural marxism and its devasting effects, etc.
I do have one request for help. If anyone has any suggestions concerning starting a local discussion group I am all ears I am starting to feel like one of the last survivors in the Body Snatchers movie.
We would need to have some idea as to your location, in order to assist you. It is often helpful to join conservative groups (book clubs, heritage organizations, political groups, etc.), and then to carefully sound out some of the members on their thinking. After you’ve done so, you can form a group of friends around you who are “woke” (in our sense of the word), and capable of speaking plainly about the issues discussed in this venue. As you know, lots of people in the aforementioned groups are brain dead lemmings, like much of the rank and file public. I have still managed over 20 years to connect with two dozen individuals in my own area, who comprehend how the world actually works. We refer to ourselves as “sane people.” And that description sums up the reality of things succinctly.
As you say, in the absence of having such people around you, life can be exactly like the ending scene of the most recent “Invasion of the Body Snatchers” movie, made in 1978, in which Veronica Cartwright, one of the last real human beings remaining in San Francisco, approaches Donald Sutherland, thinking he is a survivor, only to find out that he is not.
Our adversaries should get a standing ovation for the absolutely superb brain f*ck that they’ve done on most of our countrymen.
We’re beyond closed-door discussion groups, we’ve talked enough, we have to confront them directly by getting physically involved in municipal meetings, schools, friends, family, etc.
Make sure you have a powerful support group at your back when you confront them .
If it’s any help, you are part of a growing groundswell of people who know it’s all fake news. In 2018 the periodic poll of all kinds of Americans returned the results of a single question: What are your very serious problems? For the first time, a new item made the top 10. At #5 was Made Up News. 62% of American listed this in the top 10, if I understand the poll numbers. The only reason #7, Climate Change, was on the list at all was because of #5.
A friend and colleague of mine started to do monthly Dissident Truth Public Assemblies at the local library meeting room. We had different topics, showed short videos and held discussions. It was awesome, great folks showed up, though not big crowds. Promotion was the most work, but worth it since online is relatively easy, postering harder. You might try this, though it would have to be at home now with the silly shut-downs.
I show up at my local city council meetings and speak during the time set aside for “Those Wishing to be Heard”. I have a local rabbi upset. He’s using his connections with the local paper to discuss the fact that I have been exercising my 1st Amendment rights. This has the guy all hot and bothered. I thought the Jews were all in support of diversity? Does that not include diversity of thought? I’m getting a real kick out of renting space in this guys head. Go local. I highly recommend it. The Jews think the entire world revolves around them. I am going to point out their hypocrisy and hyperbole. Go for it.
Good for you. I admire you for it. A friend and I were featured for our FB posts in a presentation our local rabbi gave on ‘rising anti-semitism in the community’. Then it was in the paper with our names. We tried to attend but were prevented. We are sure the rabbi used is as fear targets for not just the Jewish congregation but the whole community, an old tactic. We did not care, it was good to get the word out and we know some people were made to think and some were impressed. We need holocaust deniers in every community, many fires are hard to extinguish.
‘Semitophobia’ is such that US is Semitophilic or Philosemitic.
Problem with terminology.
If US were truly ‘semitophobic’, it would call out on Jews. After all, ‘Islamophobes’ call out on Muslim faults. ‘Sinophobes’ blame China, China, China, just like ‘Russophobes’ blame Russia, Russia, Russia. And ‘homophobes’ call out on sodomites.
So, if US were truly ‘semitophobic’, it would call out on Jewish Power. If fear were the only or main factor of goy subservience to Jews, Jewish Power would vanish sooner than later. The problem is there is genuine reverence, admiration, and near-worship of Jews among the goy population.
There are two kinds of fear. Fear without respect, the kind of fear created by mere threat and violence. Such fear may freeze people in a state of terror, but it’s never long-lasting. You obey the robber only for so long as he has a gun to your head. Once the gun is no longer aimed at your head, you call the cops or try to get back at him.
There is another kind of fear. Fear of someone you truly revere and admire. You fear losing his approval. It’s the kind of fear that religious people have toward God. Or the kind of fear a student has of a teacher he looks up to. The student truly admires the teacher and fears losing the latter’s approval. Such fear is wrapped up with affection, love, and reverence.
When US was hit in 1941 at Pearl Harbor, many felt fear but also expressed their anti-Japanese hatred. During the Cold War, many felt fear but also denounced the Russkies and Commies.
But with Jews, it’s different. Via control of Media, the Jews created the holy holocaust cult and made whites look upon Jews as the new christs who died for the sins of the white Christian race. Also, Jews used the black issue to make whites feel guilty about slavery and etc. Whites came to worship the holy Jew and sacred negro. There is genuine reverence that whites feel about Jews and blacks. So, white fear of Jews is the flipside of white devotion to Jews. Whites love Jews so much that they fear losing the approval of Jews.
Sure, there is naked fear too. Many do fear Jewish legal power and financial means to destroy enemies. Many also fear black thuggery and criminality. But as both groups have been sacralized into holy icons, whites also grew up to honor them, serve them, revere them, feel sorry for them, feel guilty about them, and etc. So, whites are in genuine atonement mode as they’ve been told by media and academia BLACK SLAVERY and HOLOCAUST were the two worst sins in human history and, furthermore, WHITE CHRISTIANS are especially guilty.
Spirituality isn’t rational. It’s about blind faith and worship. It’s like those who believe in God never ever blame Him even when things go badly or even when He seems to do wrong. Even Job who got punished for nothing realized he was wrong to question God the wise. Same kind of mentality exists among whites about Jews and blacks. Jews and blacks are holy. So, even if Jews act like a**holes and even if blacks wreck cities, they must be praised, honored, and revered because they are holy. Were Jews Godophobic because they feared God? No, their fear of God was inseparable from their total love for God and subservience to Him. Likewise, white fear of Jews isn’t simply fear but fear of losing the blessing and approval of Jews, the Holy People.
It’s time to end Semito-worship. Perhaps, one reason why Jews pushed Globo-Homo Queertianity is because they figured they can’t push ‘muh holocaust’ forever. So, why not boost minority-elite supremacism by elevating homos, the group most closely associated with Jewish Power? Good way to destroy classic leftism too as Jews, now rich and powerful, have no use for workers movements and rights. With homos at the helm of new ‘leftism’, the new themes of progress is all about waving the ‘gay flag’ and symbols funded by Wall Street and Hollywood. It’s about fancy-pants neo-aristocratic homos working for the Deep State.
Great comment.
I overheard someone (a stranger in a bar) talking to his friend about how great the Jews are. I’m glad I had a strong drink in my hand. Alcohol makes unpleasant people bearable, and fools entertaining.
E. Michael Jones said that the leading (at the time) post-modern philosopher Michel Foucault — who was homosexual — made a deal with the corporate elite. Side with the gays, he said, and the Left will stop making an issue of workers’ rights.
I don’t think gays themselves knew about this negotiation. They’ve probably been as surprised as anyone else by their increased status in the corporate world. And the smart ones are probably aware that it could easily backfire.
The gay movement turned itself over to the Left a long time ago. And it decided to live with the inevitable consequences: e.g., lesbian feminists battling with male-born women (transsexuals) sharing their intimate spaces, blacks and Latinos voting against gay rights, and similar anomalies.
Now some of these intramural conflicts have expanded into society as a whole, with biological males (transsexuals) being encouraged to share bathrooms with biological females, and biological males (transsexuals) being allowed to compete against biological females in various sports.
The gay males want to party and have a good time — and maybe some committed relationships. But getting back to Foucault….a gay mayor of Berlin, addressing the working class issue, said, “We might be poor, but we’re sexy.”
The gay disco is open. And the straights love it. It’s an endless party. The gay single male is the perfect consumer. Lots of disposable income. Even more with a gay couple and no kids. A model for straight couples with no kids.
Feminism is the main reason why straights have lost their instinctive aversion to homosexuals.
Feminism destroyed heterosexuality. It drove a wedge between men and women and made the traditional family obsolete.
And of course, the leading feminists were Jews: Steinem, Friedan, Millett…
On your first point, I make it a policy to engage in such discussions. I continually refine the approach, but generally try to stay scholarly and present knowledge and facts. Sometimes it is good to get strategically on the offensive, morally speaking. For instance, if someone at the bar is expressing love of Jews generally, I might say ‘But not Epstein, right?’ And smile. From there I would look for opportunities to share other examples, always with facts and figures, names and dates. This kind of discourse is always hypnotic to people and they are impressed by knowledge and details they don’t have and can’t reply with, generally. Occasionally the opponent is well-versed, and then the debate is for the benefit of the listeners and lurkers. In the end the conclusion (which we should rarely start with) is for the opponent and listeners to draw: Jews are actually the most vile race on Earth and no morally decent person should ‘love’ them. In fact it is morally required to loathe and hate them, though not all of course. The Jewish elite use a victim portrayal to gain sympathy to hide their depravity and evil.
And smile. The key is to invert the accusation of ‘anti-semite’ to ‘pro-humanity’.
Good advice. I’ve followed it when I was a part of the conversation. But this was a case where I would have been “butting in.” They were having a private conversation. I just happened to overhear them.
I do remember one case where a Jew was subtly building up himself and Jews in general. It started with, “We were always a literate people with our Torah and Talmud” (unlike you goyim who didn’t read books). After some friendly back-and-forth, I said that there were two fields in which I would concede that the Jews on average outshined everyone else: classical music performance (violin, piano, and conducting) and comedy (but only if it isn’t political).
I think I took some of the wind out of his sails, because he stopped coming around to the bar.
Good points. I think there must be both kinds of fear of Jews throughout America. I only focused on the one in this essay, which I feel must be on the rise. Epstein did a lot to help it surge. How can anyone not hate that Jew? Someone tried to kill Leo Frank in jail In Georgia, by slitting his throat. Another criminal! They hate pedos just as much as anyone.
You should write an essay on philo-semitism and present it here. I don’t know as much about that, but you make a good case.
The one thing I might disagree with is that Jews have a loving fear of Yahweh. After reading Guyenot which I quote at the beginning, Yahweh is so terrifying and violent toward the Hebrews that it is like the fear a child has toward an abusive, drunken raging violent father. Nothing but fear, and hate later once they get away from him. But they never do.
According to Paul Gottfried it was H. L. Mencken who said in a moment of levity that “an anti-Semite is someone who dislikes Jews more than is absolutely necessary.”
In my first draft I attributed the quote to Menken, but when i went to research it I did not find a credible source. I put the link to my source in the article, it seemed the most detailed and reliable. If you have a Mencken source, can you link to it here?
The source you link to is indeed pretty comprehensive.
On the other hand Paul E. Gottfried is president of the H.L.Mencken Club! He mentions that the “more than is absolutely necessary” quote was a quip that Murray Rothbard was fond of repeating.
More than necessary – also attributed to Isaiah Berlin.
I’d be surprised if it were Isaiah Berlin, a Jew.
Rothbard is also Jewish.
And it was Joe Sobran who said, “An antisemite is someone whom Jews do not like.” Incidentally, this is one time when the newly fashionable “–phobia” suffix is used correctly. “For fear of the Jews . . .”
If I remember, the full quote was: ‘An anti-semite used to be someone who didn’t like Jews. Now it’s someone Jews don’t like.’
I don’t know Joe Sobran’s work.
Should you be interested:
This is like the story of the frog in the pot cooking, over low heat, there is a possibility that the frog will fall asleep and die cooked, or the flame rises too much, and the frog feels very hot, jumping out of the pot . I think in this case, the flame has increased too much and the whites are beginning to feel very hot, the brazen non-white mass immigration, anti-white propaganda, dispossession and persecution is already very evident.
Only the right white nationalist leaders are missing, without the semitophobia syndrome.
Follow the money. The first great wave of German Jews came to the U.S. around the mid-1800s, landed in New York, and quickly established the great Jewish banking houses, acting as agents for Rothschild, and financing the likes of Rockefeller and Morgan. As the nation industrialized, Jewish banks became a force that could not be challenged without serious consequences.
The next great wave of Jews came around 1880, mostly from Russia. It took them longer to assimilate because so many of them were fresh out of the shtetls, able to read and write, but still under the iron fist of their rabbis. But most eventually did assimilate, and they spread all over the country, many as communist revolutionaries (e.g., Emma Goldman, Emma Lazarus — whose poem on the Statue of Liberty invited the entire world to immigrate to America).
By 1917, Jews were a national political force, in addition to being a national economic force. President Woodrow Wilson’s inner circle was Jewish: Morgenthau, Schiff, Warburg, Baruch, Frankfurter, Brandeis, Meyer, Marshall, Untermeyer.
These Jews were instrumental in setting up the Federal Reserve, passing the federal income tax into law, getting us into WW I, financing the Bolshevik Revolution, negotiating the Versailles treaty that led to WW II, getting Britain to promise Palestine to the Jews, issuing World Jewry’s declaration of war against Germany in 1933, and taking complete control of the American war economy.
In 1924, the Jews tried to rewrite America’s immigration law to get it to stop favoring Aryan Germanic and Nordic people (immigrants from northwestern Europe). They failed, but later on got the job done with the immigration act of 1965.
By the time Henry Ford wrote “The International Jew” in the early 1920s, what the author calls “semitophobia” was universal in the United States. Any man who wanted to get ahead or prosper in his job or business knew that he could not afford to go against the Jews. No one talked about it. It was an unwritten rule.
On the other hand, the Jews were still only a power behind the scenes. They allowed the WASPS to rule as their “front men.” That all changed after WW II. The Great Depression had wiped out a lot of WASP wealth. Most of the “old money” was gone. As usurers, the Jews were relatively well off. Emboldened, they moved into the public sphere. Their rule over Hollywood expanded to include the mainstream media, publishing, academia, the arts, and entertainment in general.
All of this, plus their disproportionate representation in law, medicine, banking, finance, and Wall Street, allowed them to push the WASP rulers and America’s Main Street aside and totally take over America, turning it into Jewmerica — the Jewmerica of abortion on demand, casual hookups, welfare mothers, declining white fertility, broken families, drug addiction, porn, hedge fund traders, corporate raiders, cultural Marxism, open hatred of white people, political correctness, forced racial integration, transgender bathrooms, Desmond is Amazing, Drag Queen Story Hour, discrimination against white males, feminism, hatred of Christian Russia, the sidelining of Christian family values, mass Third World immigration (legal and illegal), and white genocide.
At the same time, Israel could do nothing wrong as far as America was concerned. Ethnic cleansing of Christian Palestinians? Christians in America: “No problem!”
Of course, as degeneracy became more prevalent, and it became more obvious that the Jews were behind it, some Americans began to speak out. The Jews, knowing this would happen, planned accordingly. Beginning with Simon Wiesenthal’s book “The Murderers Among Us” and the TV mini-series “Holocaust” in 1978, the Holocaust became Jewmerica’s new religion. What sort of a sick monster would even think of attacking the poor victims of this ultimate-in-evil event so touchingly portrayed by James Woods and Meryl Streep? And what about “Sophie’s Choice,” “Jacob the Liar,” Elie Wiesel’s “Night”?
So here we are today. How do we snap people out of this? I can think of only one way. Through humor. If Moliere could get away with mocking kings, nobles and priests, why can we not do the same with the Jews? Actually, we have to a large extent, through memes. We can meme, our opponents cannot.
Our great disadvantage, then, is not so much their power, but their control of the marketplace of ideas — mainstream media, social media, etc. They have been able to stop us from having a voice. But the internet is still a powerful tool that can work for us. It is less controllable than the mainstream media. If you were to apply the blockchain concept to the internet, then it wouldn’t be controllable at all. That’s what I hope will happen. The public either gets no internet, or they’re going to hear from us. That should be the choice.
Excellent summary. Almost says it all.
I can only think the solution today for America is the same as it was for Weimar. With modern adaptation.
Sometimes I wonder ‘if you can laugh at it you can live with it’. We can’t live with this.
Do you know of anything written on Jews in the Wiemar that wasn’t written by Jews or their collaborators?
What’s the prize for getting the answer right ?
Answer: Adolf Hitler’s Mein Kampf.
Very well said. Thanks.
This is a good opportunity to remind readers of the important two-volume work by the late Ratibor-Ray M. Jurjevich, Ph.D:
The Fear of the Jews Syndrome in America:
vol. A: Bamboozled Americans and their Vile Brainwashers
vol. B: Americans: A Nation of Dupes, Sheep, and Wimps
Well worth the acquisition should you be able to locate copies.
Bill Karenin: if you have a copy of those books scan them to PDF and upload them to and library genesis.
I am not an optimist. Usually I believe in the positive power of negative thinking. But in the case of Semitophobia, I think a turning point has been reached.
I’m an old boomer and well educated in social science. That means my mind was Jewed. Semophilia reined supreme throughout my life and the lives of my generation of intellectuals. People who couldn’t agree on lunch would agree that the Jews were a much maligned people and best just accepted as Americans who happened to be Jewish rather than what they really were = Jews who happened to be in America. Just to be respectful it was best not to even talk about “The Jews” except to say that they invented science or discovered motherhood. This is the way it was = at least among educated people. Between about 1960 and 2000, the Jews had the best racket in history – one where the rackets’ victims did not know about or talk about the racketeers. Imagine where we’d be if the Mafia had achieved such a status,
But that pinnacle of the rackets success – what the Tribe’s ideologues call Dynamic Silence – is over now. The cat is out of the bag. Now people can come to sites like this and Unz and CounterCurrents, etc and get real social science – socio biological scientific talk about The Jews. Now owing to sites like these, even some old brain washed Semophiles like me are coming to Euro Gentile life all over this country and the West. That is a remarkable change from the Judaical intellectual atmosphere I spent most of my life in.
OK, as Carolyn Yeager is want to tell us, the Holohoax along with Hollywood’s World War 2 is the fulcrum of the Jewish hustle and we are too often reluctant to call it what it is.
But change takes time and we should be patient. The thing about The Jews is that they have a long game, We the Euro gentiles have to have a long game too. I don’t expect to see Jewish Power eclipsed Maybe some of you Gen x ers should not expect to see it either. But it is coming. Right now we are breeding future generations of antisemites. And History shows that everybody throws the Jews out eventually, We whites will not be different
Whether we throw them out of the United States or a white ethnostate is another issue. But we will throw them out.
“110” refers to the Jews supposedly having been expelled from 109 countries, kingdoms, duchies, etc. — with the U.S. being the next country that will show them the door (we hope).
I agree. It won’t happen fast unless Jews are caught in the act of conspiring against the white majority (for as long as that lasts) in a dramatic and very damaging way (such as this COVID-19 lockdown?) and they can’t cover it up as they have in the past.
But it will happen eventually, because the situation is getting more and more intolerable for white people, and pain is a great teacher.
Thanks Eric
Your posts are very informative as always
110th expulsion.
The myth of Jewish power is highly exaggerated
To analyse the Jewish power, we can see is not manifested by forceful or military means, but by financial, political and controlled media tools, that are not life threatening or physical enforcement of how to behave, and by the fact that the Jews constitute a very small fraction of the population in every country they live, therefore to talk about their power over the vast majority of non Jewish is ridiculous, unless the majority are worsts of cowards.
The real power of the Jewish lobbies in America and western Europe ( in my opinion) is applied through corruption, sexual & scandalous blackmail, monetary bribes, of governments &politicians, media and influential personalities in every branch of society, and turn them all to slaves to the Jewish control, and those slaves are not semitophobes, they are bought or/ and threatened with some destructive scandal{s}, otherwise, if a congress member criticized Israel or any Jewish organization, there is no need for Trump, the entire Congress and the MSM to jump instantly to attack their fello American,the offender of the sacred Jewish masters with all the slur ammunition of antisemitism, they should leave it to AIPAC, ADL, AJC, and the Jewish community to reply, unless they are servants of the Jews & Israel first, not America, they’re traitors & corrupt blackmailed cowards, and that’s what make the Jewish “power” so destructive & effective.
It’s not the semitophobia of the masses that let the Jewish control keep going. If the governments and the elite were honest, clean & incorruptible, the Jewish financial political & cultural power will be under the laws & legislation that equally rules all people of any race or religion.
This is a complex phenomenon. Agreed, power Jews control levers of power through basically bribes and threats. And increasingly, placing their own into the levers. I do think that populist sentiment is important in challenging this grip, and could even force those controlled by Jews to honor their voting constituents rather than their handlers–at some point. That point could be Easter this year, let’s say. It goes both ways, I mean to say.
What prevented the campaign of Patrick Little from gaining strong support among the based People? Semitophobia, I would say. He had other challenges, but his platform was a strong response to Jewish power. Why no groundswell of support? Fear of the Jews. Still his campaign continued and he got some votes. Next time…
You sound like a foolish dreamer who has a narrative he’s decided upon and dismisses all facts to the contrary.
I agree with Wael. The people he mentions hold the power.
Your belief that there are enough of the “population” waking up to force change on the elites is backed up by what exactly? Your wishful thinking? It goes back to your idea that the Holocaust is in it’s last days, because to say so makes a good headline.
Fact: Adolf Hitler’s National Socialist regime was among the least corrupt governments historically, and so the intense effort to paint it as corrupt alongside it being evil. Just being evil is not enough because corruption itself leads to great evil.
The eastern European nations have always been more corrupt than the Western, following the fact that lower IQ groups are more prone to corruption than higher IQ. And in turn, the corruption in their society makes them poorer countries which then affects their ability to raise their average IQ’s.
Fact: Corruption (disregarding law) is one of the most serious evils in society. The Democrat party is pushing hard for just that in the U.S.
What “prevented the campaign of Patrick Little from gaining strong support among the based People”, as you asked, was Little’s over-confident affirmations and lies. He never had the support he pretended to have. Personally, I found him repulsive even as I wished he could be for real. Was he just stupid? Or perhaps not real.
I don’t blame Patrick Little for not getting more support (and he did get an amazing amount of support in the California senate race). Nobody who called for the expulsion of Jews from the United States would get a lot of support at this point in the game.
I liked him for “putting it out there” and engaging the opposition. We learned more about their tactics and the extent to which people can be persuaded. He was valuable in the sense that he publicly said what so many people think but dare not say. That gives courage to other people. It has the effect of breaking the ice. The same could be said about Andrew Anglin.
Was he a plant? Maybe. There’s no way of knowing for sure, at least as of now. From what I’ve seen in the last two or three years, we tend to fight each other and discredit potential leaders more than we tend to unite. There’s a lot of (understandable) distrust because we know that there are likely to be “agents” and FBI plants in our midst.
I still might write Patrick in for president.
Okay, Eric, now I have to take back what I said about you being a smart guy. This sounds like the usual young WN talk. “If we just stuck together and accepted everything “White-appearing” or anti-Jewish that comes down the pike we would be stronger. I remind you of all the phony “Nazi” leaders/movements in this country, and the time and energy that was wasted on them — the purpose being to divert the energies of those ‘believers’ from something more useful that was actually going somewhere. (Not to say they were all plants; sometimes just attention seekers.)
Patrick Little was going nowhere. He was *too* outspoken; he put himself into a fringe category and was unpleasantly arrogant on top of it.
As I said I tried to like him and never said anything against him, but I lost confidence in him long before the election. Where is he now? As far as I know, he’s disappeared.
My opinion: You’re hurting the cause of White America if you don’t vote for Trump against the communist takeover of the Democrat Party with Joe (sold-out senator) Biden. [Donald Trump has no history as a politician, which is good.] You don’t like voting for the least harmful choice? It’s always going to be that way; it always has.
Think of the fanatic Sanders supporters – what they’re facing. Not very nice for them but what good does it do them to write in Che Guevara?
Well, it’s true that what I say is the “usual young (I wish) white nationalist talk.”
I am a white nationalist. Whites need a country, or confederation of countries, of their own, free of non-whites and Jews.
I admire David Duke and George Lincoln Rockwell. Especially Rockwell.
If you reject Jewish finance capitalism and cultural Marxism (which rule the United States today), then you are a fascist/national socialist/third positionist.
That’s what I am, and I don’t apologize for it.
Of course, the fascism and national socialism of 1930s Italy and Germany are not directly applicable to our situation today. We are freedom loving people.
So a white ethnostate for us would be different. Authoritarian only in the sense that the rich couldn’t screw the poor, the poor couldn’t just be layabouts contributing nothing, and non-whites/Jews would be excluded.
What has Trump done for whites? Nothing. What will Biden do for whites? Nothing.
America can’t be saved. Its entire structure, from the very beginning, was guaranteed to be harmful to white people.
We need to plan for the possibility of a white ethnostate, which might develop in the wake of a financial collapse, civil war, or similar calamity.
William Latson’s firing spread through the grapevine. The Black Hebrew shootings may have been revenge.
Do you have a source?
Most of us come to the “Truth” through a series of small epiphanies. I remember as a youngster, feeling nauseated by the “Jew worship” manifested by evangelical Christians in my family. It didn’t matter to them how many Gazan civilians were slaughtered by Israel, the Arabs always deserved to be punished “for opposing God’s holy people.” I recall looking at films of German rallies prior to World War Two, and seeing huge banners that read “The Jews are Our Misfortune.” In that moment, I began to ask myself: “Why would this level of animosity and resentment exist, if it had no basis in real grievances?” I remember reading about Nixon and Billy Graham, commiserating with one another on the exaggerated and detrimental influence of Jews in American society. (And what a shame it didn’t translate into some actual pushing back by them.) I remember Marlon Brando commenting angrily about the absence of any negative portrayals of Jews by Hollywood, even though it presented lots of negative stereotypes about members of other ethnic groups. I remember some author commenting that he was never exposed to full frontal nudity as a child — except through Holocaust film footage, which portrayed bulldozers burying naked bodies in concentration camps. And the MSM was just fine with full frontal nudity on daytime TV in that context.
After enough small epiphanies, I began to do my own research, and came to my own more solid conclusions about “the tribe,” as they are often called.
Yes. What a gift that research materials are available. Let’s spread them and contribute to them.
“Apotheosis Of the Lie” – Or what it is, to be dominated by jewish thought.
RIP Joe Sobran
Any people who, through fear or apathy, refuse to rid their country of nation-wreckers (as jews have surely proven themselves to be over the course of the last 100 years), do not deserve to have a country. It is really that simple. Either white patriots will do what needs to be done (and soon) or our people will become extinct.
The American Dream for Whites has been long-declared DEAD . Whites did not have the wherewithal to keep it alive and more certainly do not have the wherewithal to resurrect it . The only remaining hope is for Whites to form a WN ethno-state or accept virtual total extinction .
Do you know how many Whites want to live in a WN ethno state at the present time? I would venture to say – very few. Maybe there should be count of the number before there is any more talk of that as a solution.
You are likely correct — ” too few ” .
I stand by the post . Furthermore , getting enough Whites to discourse anything about the JQ or any other political existential threat to them is a major project and at this point probably should not be restricted in scope .
Any “homeland” we establish will also be quickly overrun. Inevitably and quickly. In any event, we should not give up on keeping the house that our ancestors built for us. Think of the Irish drive for independence from their British overlords; they fought against overwhelming odds, against a vastly superior force until they forced it to the negotiating table. What they did was inconceivable, even to most of the Irish. They did it anyway.
We don’t need a big ethnostate.
Take Iceland as an example: It has about 350,000 people.
I read a fiction book this winter about how a white ethno-state could form. I forget the title. It seemed that increasing desperation and threat of genocide in various forms drove the movement to a separate ethno-state. We have that desperation now, but not enough whites understand it or appreciate the severity. That can be improved with more reporting. The NS combined honest depiction of the threat to their nation and its people with honest depiction of the real enemy, we can do the same.
“It takes a strong character and profound courage to overcome Semitophobia and risk even the most gentle inquiry.” It does indeed, and thank you Sir for this superb article. SUPERB.
Thank you. A colleague and I have conduced about 20 direct actions of various kinds over the past two years. We write up pamphlets and hand them out on the sidewalk before various events. The ‘Nuremberg’ play and ‘Good German’ play, the ‘Diary of Anne Frank’ play, the ‘Unite for Justice’ event with a huge turn-out to see our federal senator speak, holding our own 911 truth presentations with Bollyn, attending public meetings and events and speaking to the Jewish question and white rights, including the ‘hate crimes’ hearing our state legislators held, and our latest, attending and asking pointed questions at the book signing of a Jewish professor selling his mother’s ‘survivor’ memoires, and many others.
Every time it is edgy, anxious, we get people shouting at us, police are called, someone threatens us, a small crowd gathers and denounce us, we show up in the paper the next day… But also always someone expresses appreciation, though not too publicly. Sometimes someone comes back for more pamphlets, they want to show it to someone. We even attended a large circle which I called a lynch circle, where it was debated whether my colleague would be allowed back into the rural community town where he was thought to be a ‘holocaust denier’ and ‘anti-semite’, ‘neo-nazi’. Threats were spoken and celebrated.
If this all could have been documented it would make an awesome video montage.
We persist. We are testing and educating. We have not been struck by lightning yet. Onward.
This is a good opportunity to remind readers of the important two-volume work by the late Ratibor-Ray M. Jurjevich, Ph.D:
The Fear of the Jews Syndrome in America:
vol. A: Bamboozled Americans and their Vile Brainwashers
vol. B: Americans: A Nation of Dupes, Sheep, and Wimps
Well worth the acquisition should you be able to locate copies.
Love the titles. Thank you.
Thank you for a very good article Mr. MacKenzie.
Even though I am usually pretty open about putting it out there; “you know, the bolsheviks were predominantly jewish, they slaughtered well over 50 million ethnic Russian Christian’s during their invasion of Russia in 1917. So, why is the focus always on the white European guy?” I’ll say things like this when I can. On social media or other such discussion when they come up anywhere.
But I myself am currently going through, Semitophobia.
I made the mistake of going to a predominantly jewish college when I was a kid (what did I know? I was a teenager at the time.) They saw me coming. I was bullied, abused, harassed, and sexually harassed by my jewish professor. Much of it done in front of my classmates. I was also blackmailed by him to change his professor review. We would have this same professor for four years. This college was a very prestigious art school and the faculty could throw you out at anytime. There was a lot of pressure on me at the time from my parents and friends and family and all so, I stuck it out and did not leave. But I can tell you from experience, the jews are the most viscous race ever put on the earth. Lying, cheating, stealing, sexual depravity. And not all of them. But a lot of them. In his book, “The Jews and Their Lies,” Martin Luther refers to the jews as ‘venomous’ throughout.
Anyway, these past few years I have taken what actions I can to get closure on what happened to me in college. I now want to write to my former classmates and tell them of these actions and also the professor who is still alive. I also want to tell them what I’ve learned about the jews and the dark side of their history. I want to tell them that I tell everyone and write on social media and all, and hope to have a book out soon about what happened. I also want to tell them that I tell everyone who will listen the truth about the talmud, the bolsheviks, political correctness, its origins and so on. I am afraid to do this! But I feel it is something I must do. I’m now in my 50’s and I don’t want to carry around with me what happened to me in college for the rest of my life. It has always bothered me.
There are absolutely no physical threats in the letter. And I’m not even concerned about being sued. But I live in Nyc. I am afraid of being arrested or, going to jail. Can I? For ‘hate speech?’ I’m pretty sure that under the First Amendment that I would be o.k. I know I might sound paranoid but in today’s world you never know.
If any of you are First Amendment experts or attorney’s that might have some insight, and be pleased to hear your thoughts.
I’m sorry you had to go through that. I just heard a young Jewish man disclose the brutal depravity and sexual abuse and trauma he suffered from his own Jewish family and community as a child. So they abuse their own too. Circumcision is essentially abuse, of course, but it can get worse.
‘Hate speech’. Whatever that is. I think we must test it. Be prepared for a legal battle. Look into those who have engaged in such things before. Sometimes I think we should coordinate a mass ‘hate speech’ campaign, where everyone everywhere commits the offense at once ,or in rapid sequence, and they can’t deal with all the little fires everywhere.
Thanks George. I’ve been doing a lot of research on the ‘hate speech’ subject and the 1st amendment and it looks like I’ll be o.k. I kind of don’t care if the bastards sue me, and I don’t think they will. I just don’t want to spend any time in the slammer; I live in commie Nyc lol… It seems that you can write anything you want you just can’t make any violent threats or incite others to violence. Our country is the only country in the world that legally still does not recognize hate speech as far as my research anyway. I have chatted with a few lawyers about it also and hope to consult with some more.
Welcome back. I’m relatively new to it myself, having visited occasionally over the last 5 years while studying the JQ from other sources, mainly books, though some websites too. Mostly through the historical perspective. it is truly impressive what one can learn on TOO. Should be a main go-to site for all the homeschoolers now.
It is, of course, counter-semitism not anti-semitism.
I like this term. I use it often. I used it in my first article with TOO, Not All Jews! We should use it more.
‘Counter-Semitism’ is a good term because it puts the aggression and antagonism on the Semites, and the counter-semites are just defending themselves. As they always have, eventually. It can be catastrophic if they wait too long though.
I use the term “anti-Jewism.” Palestinians are Semites.
People who are critical of Jews are not anti-Semites. If anything, they’re pro-Semites (pro-Palestinian).
Most Jews today are Ashkenazim, with hardly a trace of Semitic blood. Or so I understand.
You should not trust Unz. That site has some kind of connection to the Chinese state, as very obviously proven by the outrageously blatant pro-PRC propaganda they post. The omnipresence of Unz in dissident right/white nationalist circles and the complete silence around their ties to the PRC is very worrying. Jewish dominance should not be replaced with Chinese dominance.
I’ve wondered about Unz, as I do in the essay. I have not seen PRC-philic content on Unz Review. Can you show some?
I know for a fact, that Ron gets an 11.457 % discount from his favorite local Chinese takeout. Mossad further informs me, that delivery to his office is entirely free of charge, and he doesn’t tip.
There are many of these.
It’s not like everything Unz claims about China must be wrong, but these articles go way over the top to the point of satire. And that is because they were written by someone with little to no knowledge of how to craft propaganda for a Western audience.
I only had to randomly visit a few times to see some of these articles and write off the entire site as a PRC psyop, yet for some reason Unz keeps being the most popular and important site in this entire blogosphere that’s at least said to be fighting for white interests.
Thanks for providing those links and backing up your claim. It is strange that Unz would give a platform for such obvious propaganda.
Still, I don’t see what relevance any of it has to what I take to be the main thrust of Unz’s website, which is criticism of Jewish activities in the West.
Maybe someone else can figure that out.
“I don’t see what relevance any of it has to what I take to be the main thrust of Unz’s website, which is criticism of Jewish activities in the West.” -Eric
I don’t see Unz’s main thrust to be criticism of Jewish activities in the West. That’s what I pay attention to, and maybe you also, but there is a whole lot of very different concerns expressed there that I don’t pay any attention to. I was also surprised at all the pro-China articles recently. There are hard-core communists and anti-Europeans-Americans writing there regularly, and plenty of commenters of the same opinion. It’s a real free-for-all which can get disconcerting and discouraging at times, made especially bad by all the anonymous and odd-ball screen names.
The problem is that everything on the site becomes untrustworthy by association. If they’re aligned with the CCP and publishing propaganda on their behalf, then how can I trust anything they say about anything? How much is the Chinese government influencing their content beyond the obvious propaganda pieces? Or does the site perform this kind of work for just anyone as long as the price is right? Or do they simply publish whatever people send to them? Whatever the case, nothing on the site can be trusted as far as I’m concerned.
Sorry for the late reply.
At least the American Pravda series is criticism of Jewish activities. Maybe the site has strayed, or maybe it was steered.
I look at Unz’s website quite often. No pro-Chinese Communist propaganda there that I can see.
Even if one considers oneself somewhat an expert on the JQ I recommend the viewing of the British program INTELLIGENCE SQUARED: ANTI-ZIONISM IS ANTI-SEMITISM.
Watched a debate, “0n Intelligence Squared” titled, “Blame the Elites for the Trump Phenomenon” with the risible Bret Stephens and Jennifer Rubin – these two clowns hijacked the debate by turning it into a poor suffering Jew festival.
In my disgust and rage at their reprehensible behaviour and the the panel for not calling them out, caused my laptop to levitate and almost go the window. What the hell!
Almost all media is Jewmedia. Want some good content? Highly recommend.
I did watch part of the show you referenced. Pretty hard to take!
FTN I find good at times, sometimes the profanity and polemics seems unprofessional. I am disappointed that they seem to believe the disease scare.
88 comments. Oh, I just changed it.
The other 88, as in millimeters, was also superb.
“We persist. We are testing and educating. We have not been struck by lightning yet. Onward.”
Thank you for all you do. The world has never needed heroes more.
I does take courage to do these actions. But we have always found that the consequences are far less than feared, and most often we also get appreciation and agreement. Even when we don’t, we expect it is there, only unexpressed. We feel it is past time to test the Semitophobia. We are finding it is less than it used to be. Maybe crumbling, and only needs a little push.
We are not heroes though. We wonder if by our actions, we can evoke someone who really is a leader and powerful organizer, and join their groundswell movement.
I am looking at front page of LA Times- “Mask order spurs fraud probe”. . .the State [California] healthcare workers’ union said it would buy 39,000,000 N95 models. . .none were delivered. . .
The 109 number is expulsions from Europe. As Eric says, it includes various regions, municipalities, towns and cities as well as whole countries. Sometimes from the same place more than once. What race of people would continue to sneak back in to a place where they are not wanted? And then deliberately damage and exploit and impoverish and destroy it all over again?
The number of expulsions world-wide is somewhere over 359. A link in the essay goes to Andrew Anglin who documents this, and says the number is probably much higher since Jews try to hide such historical evidence.
Of course the responsibility should fall on the host country to do what is right to protect their populations. But Jews have learned how to squirm their way into alliances with the powerful in many places, thereby making the ‘leaders’ of many places, whether elected or appointed or self-imposed, traitors. Any ‘leader’ who allows Jews to operate in any place on Earth in any way that damages or harms the host population is a traitor and should be impeached and imprisoned. This is the real reason to impeach Trump.
One can understand why the National Socialists used discontent and even outrage at Jews in the population as a campaign platform. One wonders if the awareness and sentiment is strong enough in the US today to give the right candidate and platform a real chance of electoral victory. But of course, he would have to follow through. He would need something like an SA bodyguard, means of bypassing or using the Jew Stream Media, ways to reach funding sources, and some method of displacing electoral fraud and vote-rigging.
Hey, this essay is also now posted at the new Charles Bausman website Truth to Power. Wild change in title.
I invite you to read this forty page article in La Civiltà Cattolica, Series XIV, Vol. VII, Fascicule 961, 23 October 1890 (Italian for Catholic Civilization) First publication in 1850 by the Jesuits in Rome and still publish in our time.
In this particular publication, written in 1890 – on the 100 year anniversary of the french revolution – the authors catalogue the problems that have arisen from the liberation of the Jews in France and the consequences of the French Revolution.
Here is a teaser – prescient was it not?
“Celebrating, in 1889, the first 100 year anniversary of the French Revolution, the Grand Orient Lodge of Paris held a Congress composed of representatives from two hemispheres, so that it could be called a World Congress. The acts of this clandestine council have sufficiently come to light with the speeches and toasts that were made there. On what point did most of the speakers dwell upon for their auguries, or better, their prophecies? Here it is: That the Christian world, 100 years after the upheavals of 1789, was lying in death’s agony and, by the year 2000, would be finished off; that the destruction of monarchies and religious in those countries still immune to the benefits of 1789 ecstasies was imminent; that finally this universal republic would arise, whose arrival was drunk with wild enthusiasm.28”
@ Rod
The Jesuit origin of this material, like various books attacking masonry and communism by Jesuits in subsequent decades, puts a question mark against the notion that Grand Orient and the Society of Jesus have been partners in a world conspiracy. This 1889 Paris Masonic Congress also seems a much more likely target than the 1897 Basel Zionist Congress for the composers of the “Protocols” who produced this clever “satire” probably directed against Adolphe Cremieux and/or his associates.
La Civilta Cattolica in 1890 was — I understand — an official publication of the Vatican, not the Jesuits.
Prescient indeed. They must have stopped at the year 2000 so as not to give away their foreknowledge of 911. But that certainly would have been more appropriate for the prescience of the WZC of 1897.