No Biggie, Just the End of Civilization
Whatever you had planned to do for the rest of the day, please drop it and read this right now: Heather Mac Donald’s new book, “When Race Trumps Merit: How the Pursuit of Equity Sacrifices Excellence, Destroys Beauty, and Threatens Lives.”
It seems that in the hysteria that followed George Floyd’s death in 2020, we agreed to destroy all of Western civilization — law, music, art, education, policing, science and medicine — to make up for Black people not doing well on standardized tests.
Mac Donald cites not hundreds but thousands of institutions that have flung aside standards in order to more fully dedicate themselves to the sole, driving purpose of our nation: boosting Black people’s self-esteem.
To consider just one arena, I don’t think you’re going to like the medical care you’ll be getting under the new regime. Just like in the wildly successful Soviet Union, science must be subordinated to politics, specifically “racial justice.”
The American Medical Association, the American Association of Medical Colleges and the American Association of Pediatrics (AAP) have all agreed that medicine is racist.
The New England Journal of Medicine “presents a nonstop stream of articles on such topics as the ‘Pathology of Racism,’ ‘Toward Antiracist Allyship in Medicine,’ and ‘How Structural Racism Works — Racist Policies as a Root Cause of U.S. Racial Health Inequities,’” Mac Donald writes.
And “Scientific American produced a ‘special collector’s edition’ on ‘The Science of Overcoming Racism.’”
(It’s fantastic that scientific organizations are finally dedicating themselves to something important like racism, and not something boring, like cancer or Alzheimer’s disease — Unpack your privilege!)
The Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) aired a podcast in 2021 in which the deputy editor, Edward Livingston, suggested that inequities in medical care be addressed without accusing doctors of “racism.” Both he and JAMA’s editor in chief were promptly denounced and fired, the editor replaced with a Black woman.
Black leaders now head the Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, the Cleveland Clinic Taussig Cancer Center, the University of Chicago Comprehensive Cancer Center, the University of Pittsburgh Division of Medical Hematology/Oncology, the Wake Forest School of Medicine, Virginia Commonwealth University’s School of Pharmacy, the Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences, the Massey Cancer Center at VCU, the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine and the Department of Medicine at UCLA’s medical school.
What could go wrong? Most of America’s largest cities have Black mayors, and everything is fine.
But at least your doctor will be able to diagnose your disease correctly and you won’t die on the operating table, right? … RIGHT? (Anybody else remember the affirmative action doctor who took Allan Bakke’s place at the University of California Medical School at Davis and ended up killing his patients?)
In 2021, Mac Donald writes, “the average score for white applicants on the Medical College Admission Test was in the 71st percentile. … The average score for black applicants was in the 35th percentile — a full standard deviation below the average white score.” [KM: Same for average Black-White differences on IQ tests, which are highly heritable. But of course, that won’t be mentioned here.]
Naturally, therefore, medical schools responded by dropping the MCAT for Black and Hispanic students, offering them admission on the basis of their “strong appreciation of human rights and social justice,” as the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai puts it.
Things don’t get better at medical school, where Black students again score a full standard deviation below white and Asian students on Step One of the United States Medical Licensing Exam (USMLE). This is the test given after the second year of medical school to evaluate students’ knowledge of anatomy, biochemistry, pharmacology, physiology and so on. It is multiple-choice and graded by computer.
Conclusion: The computer is racist. In January 2022, the USMLE dropped grades for Step One altogether and converted it to pass/fail.
On one hand, no one will get a bad grade. On the other hand, there will be no way to distinguish one medical student from another, whether Black, White or Asian. Research laboratories, residencies, hospitals and medical centers, like the Mayo Clinic, will just have to roll the dice. (Playing hide-and-seek with the most promising scientific minds should turbo-charge medical discoveries!)
Luckily, learning to identify and treat disease isn’t such a big deal at today’s medical schools, anyway. Instead, the faculty are charged with teaching about “systems of power, privilege and oppression.” More than half of the top 50 medical schools now require students to take courses in systemic racism, Mac Donald notes. I’m sure that will be a huge relief when doctors miss your brain tumor.
In 2021, the Howard Hughes Medical Institute announced that it would spend $2 billion … to find a cure for brain cancer? Parkinson’s disease? Heart disease? NO!!! The $2 billion would go to promoting “diversity and inclusion in science.”
In 2022, the National Cancer Institute, funded by you, taxpayer, decided to change its mission from conquering cancer — and really, who cares about that? FIRST WORLD PROBLEMS! — to guess what? Yes!!! Promoting diversity! Instead of Outstanding Investigator Awards being granted solely on the basis of merit, the gender and race of the researchers would have to be considered.
All this has done wonders for the morale of doctors. Mac Donald quotes one cancer researcher: “It’s the end of the road for me as a Jewish male doctor.” A UCLA doctor told her that the smartest undergraduates in science labs are saying, “Now that I see what is happening in medicine, I will do something else.”
In response to this dystopic future, Mac Donald asked an oncologist, “When would white and Asian male scientists fight back? How much longer would they continue to allow their hard work and accomplishments to be disparaged and sidelined?”
He emailed back: “We value our jobs. We need our jobs. Our peers will turn on us. Speak out, lose job forever, be quickly forgotten and abandoned.”
That’s why, Mac Donald says, it falls to the rest of us to never shut up about the tearing down of standards, to put forth “unapologetic defense(s) of color-blind standards,” [but see Thaddeus Z. Imas’s “The Conservative Commitment to Color Blindness Is Cowardice, Not Principle] and to “relentlessly provide the data that explain the lack of racial proportionality in meritocratic institutions.”
To paraphrase Orwell: If there is hope, it must lie in the uncancelable.
Excellent review and discussion, Ann.
A future honest historian/social psychologist, if there ever is one, maybe a White Martian, will have an interesting time in explaining how one regrettable event in an American city, exposed independently by the anti-Nazi David Horowitz and the neo-Nazi Arthur Kemp, should have transformed the western world almost over night, with such bizarre results as television advertising far across the Atlantic devoting over 80% of its advertising to less than 5% of its registered population by pigmentation, nasal orifice and lip protrusion.
I visited Canada and taught Physics to earn my bread and cheese for a while. One of my students of colour was promoted although he had never passed any of the necessary Physics exams, but he had been told he would be admitted to a medical school. He said he didn’t need to pass exams. He promised to stay away from me when he became a doctor.
Some frank race talk for a change by a mainstream writer.
TOO is frank too.
How about some other American writers be frank, too, and stop coddling certain minorities?
Ann Coulter has the wisdom and courage to bring to our attention another women, Heather MacDonald, with wisdom and courage.
Standards are the most important issue of our time. You can’t have civilization without them.
Maybe so .
However , there is [ one and only one ]
{ PRIME Concern }
for humanity at any given time ;
and it is currently designated as
{{ The Solar TOTAL Extinction Event }}
which commences
as Helios-the-Sun BURNS-OUT
below the threshold of its capacity
to sustain a net positive elevation
in a progressive standard-of-living
and thereby ALL extant humanity
here on planet earth
will be exterminated
and perish forever into the abyss of
Assume that
” Standards are the most important issue of our time.”
and that cancelling them would destroy civilization ;
and also assume that Armageddon ,
as a final world war of total destruction ,
may be an urgent and grave concern of humanity .
Both assumptions combined are NOT a
{ PRIME Concern } for humanity
since there is NO GUARANTEE ,
especially for all non-Christianized humanity worldwide ,
that both of those assumptions combined would exterminate ALL humanity worldwide .
Furthermore ,
the combined simultaneous occurrence
of these most salient catastrophic events :
1) a final world war between Christians
and others
2) a devastating climate calamity
3) an all-out worldwide nuclear war
4) an extremely deadly global pandemic
5) an unknown global black swan catastrophic event
would exterminate ALL humanity worldwide ;
especially for the non-Christian majority worldwide
even if ALL Five of those calamities
occurred simultaneously ;
long-winded discourse
( also includes comments )
by religious zealots
and endless repetition
from one generation to the next
does NOT constitute a GUARANTEE
of complete extermination
of ALL humanity worldwide .
The current [ one and only one ]
{ PRIME Concern }
for ALL humanity worldwide
{{ Solar TOTAL Extinction Event }}
as described above .
Only sufficient adherence to
{{{ The PRIMAL-PRIME Directive }}}
would enable humanity to maintain
a pragmaticly realistic potential
( not a faith-based belief )
to thrive-n-survive beyond any
extermination event
at any future time anywhere
in an infinite universe .
It is essential to understand
a fundamental reality about the world and life
( besides knowing about worthy mundane facts such as this one noted by author Whitney Webb ___
” The Sordid Union between
Intelligence [agencies] and Organized Crime ”
in the Westernworld )
which underpins any possibility ,
for humanity and especially for Nordics/Whites ,
in order for humanity to maintain
a pragmaticly realistic potential
for survival beyond any extermination event
at any future time anywhere
in an infinite universe
is that sufficient adherence to this simplified
{{{ PRIMAL-PRIME Directive }}}
( which is to
create / develop / employ
new sciences / new technologies / new arts
that are needed now by humanity
and that will be needed by their progeny
for them to escape perishing forever
into the abyss of the DOOM of OBLIVION
which awaits ALL future humanity worldwide )
is the only pragmaticly realistic way
for progeny to thrive-n-survive
beyond the inevitable
{{ Solar TOTAL Extinction Event }}
which currently is the [ one and only one ]
{ PRIME Concern }
for ALL humanity worldwide
1 ) it is GUARANTEED to commence at some not yet determined , by astro-physicists , definite time in the future
2 ) there is no other extermination event
that is GUARANTEED to occur before
the current { PRIME Concern } as designated above
3 ) no other specified event or process
is GUARANTEED to exterminate as it commences
ALL of humanity
extant here on planet earth .
This quoted excerpt below is from a comment by
January 29, 2023 at 7:39 am
at this TOO article link below
” Historical Christianity’s record against Jews isn’t perfect, but what is better? ”
Realism is better since Christian faith has lost it to “the jews” .
It is a virtual certainty
that a new religion based on true realities
( such as authentic scientific realities or any other credible democraticly established verifiable realities )
and not based on fantasy beliefs
would be required
( for humanity to escape
an inevitable extermination )
to facilitate and accommodate efforts
to sufficiently adhere to
{{{ The PRIMAL-PRIME Directive }}} .
An event can become the [ one and only one ]
{ PRIME Concern } for ALL humanity worldwide
[ if and only if ] these three conditions are satisfied ___
1 ) the event is GUARANTEED to occur at some definite time in the future
2 ) the event is GUARANTEED to occur
BEFORE the current [ one and only one ]
{ PRIME Concern }
3 ) the event is GUARANTEED
to exterminate as it commences
ALL of humanity worldwide
What’s that photo supposed to be? It’s not real. Why illustrate w/ a fake scene?
I wondered the same. It’s obviously some movie set, or filming on a street location, as a little boy in face paint is visible in the photo. It’s just bizarre.
I believe the photo represents a botched operation.
So in the future we will have Doctor Ma Bogo the witch doctor to diagnose us with a pouch of bones he will spill out on the floor to read after shaking his rattle over us. Doctors who go along with this idiocy should be forced to use the new class of bone rattling witch doctors when they need emergency medical treatment. I have no respect for the medical establishment.
Dr. Mengele wasn’t a real doctor either…his family sells farm equipment…he knows alot about animals
All you really need are carpenters skills like HH Holmes or Jesus
Aha, evil evil “Danegeld” (instead of Shekels)
I am in favor of paying them in the most valuable “African art”. We couldn’t care less what they do with it. Allegedly, the scrap metal comes from the Rhineland. The stupid white female politicians who like to give them gifts should be given to them at the same time.
Are “African Americans” the descendants of a “species of humanoids” totally alien to us?
By entering the war against Germany, the Anglo-Americans have ultimately signed their own death warrant. Since then, they have been sitting on death row without realizing it.
” By entering the war against Germany, the Anglo-Americans have ultimately signed their own death warrant. Since then, they have been sitting on death row without realizing it.”
Superb observation .
Jewish author Ayn Rand proclaimed the second political truism known to humanity in her 1950s book ” Atlas Shrugged ” ; this is an interpretive paraphrase of her intended meaning of it ___
{{ You can ignore politics ;
and you can also ” ignore ” the consequences ;
but you cannot [ avoid ] the consequences }} .
Ignorance , such as …
” sitting on death row without realizing it.”
is not a crime ;
especially not for notoriously politicly retarded Nordics/Whites
( includes Anglo-Americans ) ;
but it can have dire consequences
such as both individual and racial or collective extinction .
Many thanks.
Yes, there is this meme, where the stupid goy sits imprisoned in a cage and believes the Jew, who now and then hands him a few nonnutritive morsels through the bars, so that he doesn’t die completely, is “the dear God himself”.
However, the goy considers this pathetic existence to be completely normal, since he has not known anything else, and even believes that he is “the freest person on earth that ever existed”.
The shadow play on the cave wall is virtually equivalent to the Juden Hollywood cinema.
That’s a great quote. I’ll put that up in gay clubs for everyone to see.
Btw., could it be that your favorite “clubs” are not at home here in the West at all, but in the (allegedly) “Holy Land”? That would also explain your specific knowledge of such Old Testament fairy tales, (which, however, seems to be one of the few of your specific knowledge).
I initially thought your photo was of “philosopher doc-
tor” Jordan Peterson after he fell from the Wailing Wall
or Temple Mount in Jerusalem, or during a visit to Gaza.
Nah. Jordy, who follows a 100% meat diet, ran out of red meat so started stabbing and carving himself up. You can see from the blood around his mouth that he was eating his own self. That photo was him on the way to the hospital. It does look a lot like him doesn’t it.
Lol, yeah. Although he always seems a bit anemic (perhaps it is because he consumes only 100% “kosher” meat?). Listening to his falsetto voice, you’d think the guy lives exclusively on soy & sesame seeds. His extraordinary fine-limbed agility even allows him to hide in a drinking straw in the face of any imminent danger! A slight gust of wind is enough to drop him on his flat bottom. If you put an umbrella in his hand during a storm, you have to be careful that he doesn’t fly away with it!
Witnesses who know Morrissey say he eats fish and is not actually a strict vegan like he claims
About your “Morrissey” I only know that he is a homo. Therefore, my interest in him is extremely rudimentary.
Jordy’s role with women has always been kinda “ambivalent”. While on one hand his great advantage was that the ladies could slip him under the door or through a crack in the window when the apartment key was missing, so that he could open from the inside, they regularly missed more physical presence in the things that actually mattered. This often manifested itself in the ladies saying, “Jordan, where are you, I miss you, are you finally coming over to me?”, he was forced to make himself finally noticed: “I’m already here with you, darlin’, on top of you, even in you!”
Well, Shabbos goy “Doctor” Jordan P. may (sooner or
later) once fall quite low, TOO, however, continues to
climb inexorably in the ranking of popularity, congrats!
Tucker Carlson invited Heather MacDonald to his show many times and let her speak. I don’t think she’s likely to be seen on Fox anymore now.
He used to mention having talked to her and his other guests before the show. I have often wondered if he cautioned her/them about having to avoid certain explosive words like “White” and make the point by saying “Western” instead.
“Hochschild” (what else could you expect from
someone with this name). Via their “American
Metal Company” his family was connected to
another of such “shields” named Rothschild.
The “documentary” to which Henrik first refers can be seen in full here.
The Jews are completely averse to finally
taking a closer look at their own misdeeds.
As an example, the plundering of African mi-
neral resources by the Jewish De Beers clan.
Aha, well, I see what the problem is here: Madness (or malice, which is synonymous with certain representatives of this world) makes itself felt, among other things, through gratuitous “laughter” (whereby with vocabulary like “Lol” it cannot be assumed that the person who knows nothing else to write is actually laughing).
What were they waiting for to get those minerals, Christmas on a cracker?