Excerpt from William Gayley Simpson’s, “Which Way Western Man?” (1978)

Editor’s note: An interesting, heterodox take on the typical mainstream narrative of post-World War II Soviet anti-Semitism. This is Appendix 4 of Which Way Western Man (1978).

Previously on TOO: Robert S. Griffin’s “William Gayley Simpson on Christianity and the West.” Griffin gives a an account of  Simpson’s life and his relationship with William Pierce.

Appendix 4

‘Alleged Soviet Anti-Semitism’

Much has been made of a “Soviet anti-Semitism” that is alleged to have been initiated by Stalin. Those who hold to this view call attention to the Czech purge of 1953, the year of Stalin’s death, in which nine of the eleven men executed were Jews. In reply to this, and further, as a background for what I want to say about the years that have followed, I can hardly do better than to quote some comments from competent observers of that period. The first are taken from Gothic Ripples, Nos. 96, 97, and 98 of the year 1953, by Mr. Arnold S. Leese, whom I have found an exceedingly exact and reliable investigator. (Gothic Ripples has been defunct since Mr. Leese’s death, but I have a complete file of it.) In No. 96 he wrote:

“Recently in Czechoslovakia there has been a drastic purge of officials anxious to be their own bosses, like Tito in Jugoslavia. Now, you can’t purge Bolshevists without purging Jews; in Stalin’s great purges in Russia (1935-8) the victims were nearly all Jews, but there were always plenty of Jews left to carry on Bolshevism. To the alarm of world Jewry, it could not be hidden from the public that in this new Czechoslovakian purge, the officials arrested were nearly all Jews. Actually, we know for certain that twelve out of the fourteen were Jews. . .”

And then he lists the posts that these Jews held. One is struck at once by the fact that they were anything but Jewish nonentities. On the contrary, they included Rudolph Slansky, Vice-Premier of Czechoslovakia and Secretary-General of the Communist Party; and also the Deputy Secretary-General, numerous deputy Ministers (of Finance, National Defense, Foreign Trade and Foreign Affairs), a local secretary of the Communist Party, and a member of the editorial staff of Rude Pravo, the official organ of the Communist Party.

“In these facts,” resumes Mr. Leese, “not in the fact of their sentences, you have the proof that Bolshevism is Jewish in Czechoslovakia. But the most significant fact of all is that the Minister of Justice who ordered the execution of the condemned eleven men (of whom nine were Jews) was Stefan Reis, recognized by the Jewish Chronicle [one of the leading Jewish periodicals of England] of 5th May, 1950, as a Jew himself!”

How can anyone conceive that so many Jews could have attained posts of such eminence and influence in a Communist country and in the Communist Party if there had been any mounting feeling against Jews on the part of the Government?

In the next issue of Gothic Ripples (No. 97), Mr. Leese comments on the readiness with which gentiles the world over had swallowed the Jewish brainwash of Soviet anti-Semitism. “Let us just remind everyone that Stalin married a Jewess, whilst his daughter married in 1951 a Jew; that in the recent Czechoslovakian purge the Minister of Justice was the Jew, S. Reis; that two Jews, E. Pollak and Jaroslav Simon, have just been decorated in Soviet Russia for agricultural services; . . . while at the Jewish Board of Deputies meeting on the same date [1.18.53], a far-sighted Jew, A. Wolffe, who knew this lie of anti-Semitism in Russia would come back on the Jews like a boomerang, said to his fellow tribesmen, ‘You know, as I know, that there is no anti-semitism in Eastern Europe.’ The whole idea is puerile. Even in Rumania, the Jewess Anna Pauker has been replaced by another Jew, A. Bughici.”

And Gothic Ripples No. 98 records that the Jewish Chronicle, 2.13.53, had reported that Vol. 15 of the Soviet Encyclopaedia published that month, had declared that “the Jewish problem does not exist in the Soviet Union, where today Jews find the doors open to all professions.” It adds, after pointing to the Jewishness of the Government in Hungary, “you can only purge a Jewish Government by purging Jews from it.” A succinct note in Time magazine, March 2, 1953, confirmed this. In regard to the expected purge of Jews in Communist Hungary, it sifted down the reports to mean “that a Russian purge tribunal has gone to Hungary to root out ‘suspected Zionists’ from the strongly Jewish (90% in the top echelons) government of Communist Premier Matyas Rakosi, who is himself a Jew.”

Free Britain for March 15, 1953 (No. 135) brought out another side of the matter:

“For thirty-five years the Russian people have been exploited and pillaged by the Soviet Government

“Never has it been allowed to occur to the Russian masses that they have a Jewish Government, although this is known to be the case.” [With this compare Americans’ unawareness of the Jewishness of our Government for the past 50 years!]

“If once the Russian people were to awake to the fact they had been ruled for all these years by the one people whom they detest most of all, the Soviet Government would be faced with a domestic upheaval that might end the regime.

“The Russians have always detested the Jews, and the main reason for all the secrecy behind the Iron Curtain, for the secret police, for the censorship of the Press and for the concentration camps is to prevent the Russians learning that their country is ruled by Jews.

“That is why two years ago Free Britain pointed out that ‘the soft underbelly of the Soviet Monster is the Jewish Question.’

“Now in spite of all precautions the Russian people are beginning to learn the truth, and it has become an urgent matter for their Jewish masters to throw dust in their eyes. They have found it necessary to sacrifice some of their own people, as of old, and to give the widest publicity, in an effort to make their actions appear anti-Jewish.

“By its actions the Soviet Government has shown beyond any shadow of doubt the one thing it fears above everything else is that its Jewishness should become known to the Russian people.”

But there are those who claim that no matter what may have been the official Soviet attitude toward Jews 15 or 20 years ago, mounting evidence for the past decade has conclusively proved this to be hostile. In reply to this, I would submit such indications as the following:

1. On Sept. 30, 1960, the B’nai B’rith Messenger, official organ of one of the most powerful Jewish institutions in the world, published this “exclusive United Nations WUP report”:

“A.I. Mikoyan has officially denied that any form of anti-Semitism exists today in the Soviet Union, a Soviet Embassy revealed this week

“Take, for example, the list of members of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR. How many Jews are on it? There are most likely relatively more of them than representatives of other nationalities.

“My brother is an aircraft designer and he works with Gurevitch, a Jew by nationality. Their plan is called ‘MIG,’ that is, Mikoyan and Gurevich. I don’t consider this an instance of anti-Semitism.

“There are many Jews among the artists. . . . Talented Jews have wide opportunities for the development of their gifts. There are many Jews among the film directors, artists, screen players, composers, musicians, writers, and also in offices, in ministries, in the Army. They hold high posts. We have, for example, General of the Army Kreiser, a very respected man, a Jew by nationality. I know him personally.

“Engineer Dymshitz is likewise a Jew. He is minister in charge of all capital construction in the Soviet Union.”

  1. Mr. A.K. Chesterton, who has made it part of his business to be informed about all matters vitally pertaining to Jews, in a personal letter to me dated June 11, 1973, wrote:

 “The Soviet Union has always been anti-Zionist, and nonetheless so because it procured tens of thousands of Polish Jews for export to Palestine in 1946. . .

“Heaven knows that I am no champion of the Soviet regime, but it does have my sympathy in recognizing that dual loyalty in the eyes of Zionist Jews is a deceptive phrase to cover up single-minded loyalty to Israel. As far as I am aware, Russian Jews have no specific complaint against the regime except its discouragement of emigration.” [Emphasis added.]

Please note that this brings us up to a few months ago.

  1. The South African Observer (Box 2401, Pretoria, South Africa), in its issue for February 1973, had a significant note about the activities of Walter B. Kissinger, a brother of Henry Kissinger. Walter is a millionaire American industrialist, who is also the head of a West German firm, the Rohe Company, “which is negotiating a contract involving over $125 million with the Soviet Union to build and equip five hundred gasoline stations in and around Moscow.” This hardly supports the idea that Jews have any deep grievance against the Soviet Government.
  2. But to my mind what completely silences the idea that the Russian Government has done anything that has seriously alienated Jewish affections and support, is the well-established fact that, although the United States and all the other major nations of the West has been under steadily increasing Jewish control for the past fifty years, every one of them, and the U.S. most of all, has consistently done whatever was necessary to prevent Russian collapse. What organized Jewry can do, and leaps to do, when it really feels itself confronted by an enemy, was made fearfully plain by the vengeance it heaped upon Hitler and Germany. Beside this, any resentment Jews may feel toward Russia looks pretty pallid. And if at first one be disturbed by noticing, for instance, that the New York Times “every day seems to run a scheduled attack on the Russian Government,” one needs to remember that the Jews stand out in history as the great masters of deception. With their undisputed control of the mass media they are in a position to fabricate whatever reports they will, as a smokescreen to cover up their real designs: they can make us think they are about to move in one direction, when in fact they intend to move in the opposite. Above all, there is the fact, behind which Dr. Antony Sutton has put such mountains of indisputable evidence (as already detailed in my text), that since Stalin as much as before him, it has been the Jew-controlled U.S.A. that is chiefly responsible for having built up the Russian regime, prevented its collapse, and maintained it in power. Most recently, “when the last Soviet famine threatened as the result of yet another failure of collectivized agriculture, Dr. Kissinger [himself a Jew born abroad], whose power base is the international financial groups whose interests he has faithfully served, rushed to Moscow . . . to offer the necessary credits to enable American wheat to be shipped to the Soviet Union. 700 million dollars were provided.”[1] Russia got the wheat by American taxpayers’ having to go short of wheat for themselves. They got it without actually paying a cent for it. They got it “on the cuff,” by a mere promise to pay for it, a promise on which they may be counted to renege, as they reneged on their obligation to pay off their debt to the U.S. of 11 billion dollars for Lend Lease.

All this shows actual favoritism toward Communist Soviet Russia, and is inconceivable on the part of a Jew-controlled U.S. Government, except as the Soviet Union not only had the approval of American Jewry but enjoyed its active support.

This favoritism, as revealed in the apparent attitude of the U.S. Government to a recent Russian military move, was commented on in the London Financial Times of April 22, 1974:

“No one without access to the inner councils of the Kremlin can say, of course, that Russia would not have mounted this considerable new military effort if the U.S. had not been willing to act as its extremely indulgent international banker. But what cannot be denied is that, by granting the Soviet greatly extended access to American money and resources, President Nixon’s detente has made it very much easier than it would otherwise have been for Russia to cope with the additional stresses its intensified military effort must be imposing on the country’s external payments and domestic economic situation.”

And as a final observation bearing on the alleged anti-Semitism of the Russian Government, I must add a note about the so-called Dartmouth Conferences. Eight of these have been held since the first in 1960, half in the U.S., half in Russia. They have all been held in secret under extreme security precautions. Money to cover the expenses incurred has almost always been supplied by the large American tax-exempt foundations, notably the Ford Foundation. The delegates are exclusively from the U.S. and Russia. They are persons of very great power and influence in the worlds of finance, politics, science, education, and all the means for shaping the public mind. They manifestly work, like the Bilderberger Group, in close liaison with the Council on Foreign Relations, all of which further the same ends. They are obviously an instrument for bringing together in particular the U.S. and Russia, to combine their forces for the destruction of national sovereignties and to create a homogenized world most advantageous to money-making and favorable to the dominion of the Earth by bankers.

But the point of particular importance here is that a large number of the names of the Russian delegates to the Dartmouth Conferences have been Jewish. This, it would seem, makes it undeniable that “racial Jews still have great power and influence in the Soviet totalitarian dictatorship.” See Youth Action News, August 1974, at the bottom of page 7. (Box 312, Alexandria, Virginia 22313.)

I readily allow that there may be indications that do not fit in with the view that I have presented here. And perhaps I could not answer every such contrary indication. But I must heed my very painful awareness both of the fearful importance of our not being taken in, and of the Jews’ need of deception for the accomplishment of their ends, and of their genius for it. Our very existence as a nation, and as a people, may depend on our discerning clearly, beneath all appearances to the contrary, what is really going on. But let it be my final word that the danger, as I see it, is not so much from what apparently emanates from Russia, as from the Jewish International Money Power that works partly behind and through it, and always for the destruction of the White man everywhere—in the United States, in Russia, in Britain, in Europe, throughout Africa, in Australia, and in New Zealand. And nowhere has it ever been truer that if we don’t hang together, all of us White men, we shall certainly hang separately. And the hangman will be the Jew.

Part C, Section 38: ‘The Solution of the Jewish Problem’

I now set before my readers the conclusions to which twenty-five years of investigation and reflection have forced me. If there is anything about these conclusions that is unsupported by facts, or contrary to the spirit of fair play and justice, I shall be glad to have it pointed out to me how and where.

  1. The Jewish people, taken as a whole, are never to be trusted. It has been born in them, and drilled into them too deeply, that first of all and above all else they are Jews, and therefore their first loyalty is to Jewry, to their own kind anywhere and everywhere. That means loyalty to Zionism, to Israel or to any other center to which Jews can rally and which is working for their advancement as a people. There are, of course, exceptions, striking and moving exceptions, and they may be more numerous than I realize, but it is never possible to tell in advance which ones are going to be loyal to the country of their adoption, and which will not. In any case, it does not make sense to base a policy on what, it has to be admitted, is the exception.
  2. They will never be assimilated, never, anywhere. They have proved themselves to be very adaptable almost everywhere. But not assimilable. Their identity, and therefore their existence as a people, depends upon their never mixing their genes with those of another race. That individual Jews will do so does not alter the fact that to the Jewish community as a whole this must ever seem betrayal and treason, and that if most Jews followed suit, Jewry as a separate people would disappear.
  3. Even if they were ready for assimilation, we should reject it, and condemn and punish those of our people who marry Jews even as we should condemn and punish intermarriage of our people with Negroes. Admittedly, the potentialities of the Jews are, on the average, vastly superior to those of Blacks. Nevertheless, both are essentially alien to us. Most gentiles, with their easygoing tolerance, may not recognize this or may wish to ignore it. But Jews recognize it plainly enough. Let any gentile who doubts it spend half an hour looking through You Gentiles by Maurice Samuel, from which, in a note at the end of this chapter, I quote a few passages.[2] And if we are ever to attain that homogeneity and solidarity upon which our greatest cultural potency certainly depends, and even, ultimately, perhaps our survival, we must burn into our consciousness and forever heed that admonition of Goethe’s, “The alien element, we must not tolerate.”
  4. The Jews hate us, and they have long sought and waited for their chance to destroy us. And, as I have plainly enough indicated in these pages, they mean to do it so thoroughly, by racial mixture with Negroes and any and every sort of people who are genetically alien or inferior to us, and by inducing a dysgenic differential birthrate among us, that recovery may forever be impossible. Where does this leave us? Perhaps we can get a clue to the course that wisdom would dictate to us in the advice that Benjamin Franklin is said to have given to the Constitutional Convention in May 1787:

“In whatever country Jews have settled in any great numbers, they have lowered its moral tone, depreciated its commercial integrity, have segregated themselves and have not been assimilated, have sneered at and tried to undermine the Christian religion, have built up a state within a state, and have, when opposed, tried to strangle that country to death financially.

If you do not exclude them, in less than 200 years our descendants will be working in their fields to furnish the substance while they will be in the counting houses rubbing their hands. I warn you, gentlemen, if you do not exclude the Jews for all time, your children will curse you in your graves. Jews, gentlemen, are Asiatics; they will never be otherwise.”[3]

These words have been declared a sheer fabrication, though I have some reason to believe them to be genuine, but for my present purpose it does not greatly matter whether Franklin ever uttered them or not. Let that be as it may, in the light of my knowledge of the Jew and the injury he has inflicted on our people, it is undeniable that an incalculable amount of suffering, humiliation, degeneration, frustration and perversion would have been avoided if the course that these words laid down had been consistently followed from 1787 until this present hour. But at least, beginning now, we can take the words to heart. This, as I see it, would mean:

First. That all Jewish citizenship should be cancelled. Jews should be given protection against physical injury, and a reasonable amount of time should be allowed them to settle their affairs and get out. If the question came up about where they should go, it would doubtless be recalled that many years ago it was urged that some such piece of the Earth as Madagascar should be acquired by international action and by purchase, for Jewish settlement.

Second. Recognizing the suicidal folly of allowing Jews to hold any positions of public trust, responsibility or substantial influence anywhere in our country, they should in the future be admitted to our shores only on temporary visas.

[1] Eric Butler—“The Plotters Behind the World Crisis,” Spearhead, June 1974, p. 13.

[2] Simpson here quotes several passages from You Gentiles by Maurice Samuel, Harcourt, 1924:

[3] The full text of this may be seen in The New York Times for March 9, 1937, under the caption: “Nazis Say Franklin Urged Ban on Jews.” The case for the validity of this speech is more than I can take the space to present here.

18 replies
  1. Gerbils
    Gerbils says:

    Interesting. I have been starting to believe that the creation of Israel and the schism it created with international Bolshevism was the reason for the “Cold War”. At least until asset raping Russia became a higher priority for jews.

  2. Lady Strange
    Lady Strange says:

    ” some such piece of the Earth as Madagascar should be acquired by international action and by purchase, for Jewish settlement.”

    Hitler and many others also thought of this.
    I believe that it’s time to recognize that the Jews, being a parasitic people in need of a host, have absolutely no desire or ability to build a state like normal people, and certainly not in some far-off land. Otherwise, they would have done it a long time ago. Israel is nothing more than a symbolic project, dependent on resources stolen from gentile nations.

    The best solution, and one that has worked for centuries, seems to be religious discrimination. A pariah people forbidden to enjoy the rights of the community.

  3. James Perkins
    James Perkins says:

    Stalin killed the most prominent Jewish leaders of the Bolshevik revolution – Trotsky, Zinoviev, Kamenev, &c.

  4. Anna Cordelia
    Anna Cordelia says:

    –“Never has it been allowed to occur to the Russian masses that they have a Jewish Government, although this is known to be the case.” [With this compare Americans’ unawareness of the Jewishness of our Government for the past 50 years!]–

    What a revelation. And yet it is so obvious once you think about it. Thank you for pointing this out, Kevin.

    I have been struggling to understand why Ukrainians elected and (at least seem to) support Zelenskyy – a corrupt Jew of the first order, who is leading them to certain ruin. After the Red Terror and the Holodomor, both run by Jewish Bolsheviks, didn’t they learn anything?

    As far as I know, the Ukrainians the Germany army met during WWII were only too happy to be allowed to take vengeance on their Jewish overlords. But the generations since seem to have been thoroughly duped. This passage from the article helps me to understand why.

    The deception of Jewish innocence (to say nothing of victimhood, vis-a-vis the “Holocaust”) was orchestrated – and by the Masters of Deception themselves.

  5. Tom in LA
    Tom in LA says:

    It is astounding how intermarried Jews are with the elites. It almost seems they are lurking everywhere. In previous centuries they married into nobility. Now that the article mentioned Stalin, indeed he married a Jewess. Foreign minister Molotov also had a Jewish wife. In the US, the most obvious are the daughters of Donald Trump and Bill Clinton who married Jews. Then you have the husbands of Kamala Harris, Kari Lake, Maria Bartiromo of Fox News, Alina Habba one of Trump’s lawyers and so on. Of course the entertainment industry is full with them. Just heard that “Lady” Gaga is engaged to a Polansky. People are completely unaware of their influence.

    • Tim
      Tim says:

      The decaying, declining fool’s paradise “Occident” is populated by half-educated, mentally disturbed zoo inmates, such as overpaid Balkanesian freak Slavoj Zizek, who is both a symptom and cause of degeneration and mental devastation. A young compatriot parroted him. Not completely unfunny. Reminds of Zladko Vladcik. I’m about to watch his two-part “Pervert’s Guide”, there might be something to laugh about. https://linkmix.co/25951336

      • Tim
        Tim says:

        An early “film work” (1996) by two lesbians about the great “trash philosopher”, who sees himself in a line of ancestors with Kant, Hegel, Marx, Freud and a certain Lacan. Activate (existing) subtitles for the passages not spoken in English.


        In my opinion, this seemingly harmless guy is a nihilist. That is, at the end of his undermining work of destruction, nothing remains because he destroys all content. Most people will dismiss him as a harmless crank and windbag.

        But the elites court him and offer him great reach. His exultant offer to fulfill the longing of postmodern people to escape their entrenched thought patterns through provocative impulses proves to be a sobering fast-food effect.

        For Zizek is infested from top to bottom with that notorious Jewish nihilism that everything that was once erected with love and care must be overturned, indeed overthrown and pushed over (as are now literally all statues of the white man in the liberal West).

        These guys call this mindless word salad, this crypto-Marxist cacophony “art” (see also his “intellectual comrade” Schlingensief). He quickly found a following in the left-wing intellectual scene of the West, the heirs of the ’68 (not only “sexual”) revolution.

        Everything disgusting, repulsive, offensive, obscene, primitive and perverse is dragged into the public eye by such “personalities”, for whom nothing is sacred because their only principle is to be unprincipled. Operation successful, patient dead.

        Lifeless Marxist matter, inanimate theoretical ideology. Ultimately, the principle behind this is the negation of life. They declare illness, disability, deviation, disorder to be the norm and equal to health, as the Jewish “sexologist” Magnus Hirschfeld once did.

        But not in the sense of a life-changing, lasting, fundamental “aha” experience, but rather a hollow, trivial, quickly fizzling out bang effect that has to be fanned and fed again and again like a flame threatening to go out. These are confusion games that remain stuck at the preposterous level of Freudian theories.

        The supposed core of the liberalist, oh-so-progressive ideology is that it has no tangible core at all, just like Zizek himself. It has to dissolve everything and calls this “liberation”. “Liberalism” is childish defiance against all order and fictitious authority that parents never exercised.

        Works of art are there to be destroyed, because works of art are only constructs, concepts and abstractions, or so these people “think”. Peoples, borders, states, languages, customs, norms, values, traditions, habits and moral standards must also dissolve.

        Zizek is one of those emasculated (see Freud’s theories) figures who constantly speak from a strictly vaginal perspective, which is particularly popular with these feminists. The form determines the content, stands above it, the choice of words must be designed to sound “interesting” but have as little nutritional value as sugar or fast food.

        At the end of this mindless, cultureless regression, this non-development, this devolution, the monkeys rule the zoo, and the psychopaths terrorize the (few remaining) healthy. The desired state of affairs from the outset has almost been achieved. And anyone who voices criticism is themselves pathologized, psychatrized, psychologized and locked away.

        Cause is reinterpreted as effect, effect as cause. The anti-psychiatry movement did the groundwork for Zizek’s clientele. As with Freud, everything is explained by Oedipal and libidinal (“unconscious”) drives and “desires”, an idea that only a perverted psychopath like Freud himself could come up with.

        These people turn the world into a hell that is ultimately uninhabitable, and they were about to turn it into heaven on earth. Zizek senses an intention of sexual exploitation and power behind every male interest in women. A manic problematizer, autistic, unrelated, communicating purely through the mind.

        They talk absolute nonsense and give this non-content a seemingly scientific veneer and attitude. Here, reasoning becomes only questioning, an end in itself. Its aim is not to provide an adequate answer, but to generate an incessant stream of countless other pointless questions in its wake.

        Zizek as an enigma, a phenomenon that does not seek to decipher itself, but instead encourages its environment to tell it who it is, or rather, according to its own diction, who it is not. Ultimately, he is practicing reverse psychiatry, therapy, in that it is not a specialist who leads him to a cure, but a fictitious audience.

        However, as you would expect, all the answers that others give him are categorically blocked with “Yes, but” as misguided. Zizek claims that his flirtation with the human flaw and his reputation as a weirdo are not a masquerade, because the mask is his core. Dr. Kimble on the run from himself, the hectic, restless, eternally wandering Ahasuerus.

      • Tim
        Tim says:

        Only true love and understanding (but above all authenticity!) can defeat the evil Nazi virus! Even in the civilizationally underdeveloped, backward, desolate post-communist Balkans. There is hope on the horizon. Let’s follow the exciting and thrilling journey of Dolf’s transformation into Dajana, who emerges from the ugly Nazi pupa like a beautiful colorful butterfly. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bFtJtuX7TNY

  6. Fred Fingers
    Fred Fingers says:

    We may think the Soviet (and especially Stalin’s) antisemitism was “alleged”. However, the Jews in Russia seem to believe it was real.

    In his 2003 book Stalin’s Secret Policy: Power And Antisemitism, Gennady Kostyrchenko (the winner of “Man of the Year” award by the Federation of the Jewish Communities of Russia) concludes (page 703-704), “It came to the point where the dictator, unrestrained in his arbitrariness and possessing a pronounced tribal mindset—hence thinking in terms of collective guilt of entire ethnic groups—had subjected some of them to indiscriminate punishment. The historical juxtaposition of two factors: objective (totalitarianism) and subjective (Stalinism) played a decisive role in the situation where the formally condemned ethnic intolerance and discrimination towards Jews were secretly elevated to the rank of official policy.’

    Stalin is the only statesman that the liberal “Russian” Jews hate nearly as much as they do Hitler. There are virtually no monuments to Stalin in post-Soviet Chabad-dominated Russia (unlike the quarter Jew Lenin whose bald syphilitic skull ornaments every town square), no streets or towns are named after him, no politician, Communist or otherwise, has anything good to say about him or his short-lived successor, Beria. There’s even circumstantial evidence that Stalin might have been poisoned before his plan of deporting all the Soviet Jews to the Jewish Autonomous Oblast (basically, as far away from Moscow as possible) was carried out. Take it for what it’s worth.

  7. Wade Smith
    Wade Smith says:

    Tim’s references to Nietzsche on “morality” are most important.
    What about the German philosopher’s comments on the Jews, especially in “Beyond Good and Evil” and “Daybreak”, and diverse responses from (among others) Anthony Ludovici Crane Brinton, Robert Holub, Stephen Hicks, and notably Jacob Golomb (ed) “Nietzsche & Jewish Culture” [1997] and “Nietzsche & Zion” [2004]? More food for thought perhaps than a Gothic Ripple.

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