The Reason for the Season: Following the Followers But Failing the Faith
Secretary to an anti-Pope. I’m not among the very few people on earth who can claim to be one. But I am among the few who can claim to have corresponded with one. It was by email around the turn of the century, after I came across the website for a tiny schismatic Catholic sect in Montana. As I’ve said before at the Occidental Observer, I’m fascinated by islands, both real ones and metaphorical ones. An anti-Pope, or rival to the generally accepted Pope, is like an island of self-assertion in a sea of hostility, ridicule and indifference.
Core to Christianity
The anti-Pope for the sect in question was Lucian Pulvermacher (1918–2009), who was elected as Pope Pius XIII by the True Catholic Church in 1998. I can’t remember the name of his secretary, but I can remember that I was impressed by that secretary. He genuinely seemed to possess something that is supposedly central to Christianity but seems rarely practised by Christians. What is it? Humility. Christ urged it on His followers, but my experience is that they often turn a deaf ear to that and much else urged upon them by their Lord. The anti-Pope’s humble secretary gave me a good example of Christians ignoring Christ when he told me that he used to get mocking emails from staff at the Vatican. They found him and his master supremely ridiculous. After all, they were working for a continent-spanning colossus at Rome, where all roads lead, and he was working for a tiny schismatic sect in Kalispell, Mt. And yet he had the spirit of the Christ-child and they didn’t.
The Virgin of the Lilies (1899) by William-Adolphe Bouguereau (image from Wikipedia)
The Christ-child is, of course, the reason for the season of Christmas. He was born of a virgin after a miraculous conception by the Holy Ghost. According to true Christians, that is, but I’m not one of them. Like Hell, the Resurrection and Transubstantiation, the Virgin Birth of Christ is one of the scandals that prevent me from becoming a Christian. Skandalon, σκάνδαλον, is a New Testament word and literally means “stumbling-block.” I stumble and fall when I try to believe that Christ was born of a virgin and rose from the dead. And yet I once believed in something far more supernaturally extravagant than those two doctrines in Christianity. That is, I once believed in the Psychic Unity of Mankind, namely, that all races, from Swedes to Somalis, from Tibetans to Tongans, have the same fundamental psychology and cognitive potential. According to leftists, it’s nurture, not nature, that explains why, for centuries, tiny numbers of Jews have effortlessly outperformed vast numbers of Blacks in cognitively demanding fields like science, mathematics and chess.
A risible superstition
The same leftists will usually reject the Virgin Birth of Christ with scorn. And yet accepting the Virgin Birth of Christ demands belief only in the miraculous conception of a single child in Palestine two thousand years ago. Accepting the Psychic Unity of Mankind demands belief in the miraculous conception of billions of children for thousands of years in places as wildly different in climate and geography as the icy, oxygen-starved plateau of Tibet and the sea-clasped, sun-kissed island of Tonga. In other words, those who believe that all races are cognitively equal must believe that the human brain was miraculously exempt from the evolutionary forces that have shaped all other aspects of human physiology, from skin-color to blood-chemistry to lung-function to bone-structure.
The brain isn’t exempt from evolution, of course, and the Psychic Unity of Mankind is a risible superstition. But my brain was once one of the millions that housed that risible superstition, while rejecting the Virgin Birth of Christ and being thoroughly hostile to Christianity. Fortunately, my brain was also capable in time of recognizing the contradictions and absurdities of leftism. And of becoming much less hostile to true Christianity. I sometimes feel as though my small feet are treading in the giant prints of C.S. Lewis, who wrote this in his spiritual autobiography Surprised by Joy (1955):
Then I read Chesterton’s Everlasting Man and for the first time saw the whole Christian outline of history set out in a form that seemed to me to make sense. Somehow I contrived not to be too badly shaken. You will remember that I already thought Chesterton the most sensible man alive “apart from his Christianity”. Now, I veritably believe, I thought — I didn’t of course say; words would have revealed the nonsense — that Christianity itself was very sensible “apart from its Christianity”. (Surprised by Joy, chapter XIV)
I feel about Lewis what Lewis felt about Chesterton: that he is a very wise and insightful writer “apart from his Christianity.” But what if his wisdom and insight had brought him to Christianity and been nourished and strengthened by his Christianity? I ask the same question about the more forbidding figure of Hilaire Belloc (1870–1953), the great Catholic writer who published these powerful words in 1938:
[T]here is (as the greatest of the ancient Greeks discovered) a certain indissoluble Trinity of Truth, Beauty and Goodness. You cannot deny or attack one of these three without at the same time denying or attacking both the others. Therefore with the advance of this new and terrible enemy against the Faith and all that civilization which the Faith produces, there is coming not only a contempt for beauty but a hatred of it; and immediately upon the heels of this there appears a contempt and hatred for virtue. (The Great Heresies, chapter 6, “The Modern Phase”)
Belloc was right. Christianity in the true sense welcomes, nurtures and creates Truth, Beauty and Goodness. Leftism — and Christianity when corrupted by leftism — hates all of those things. Among the beauties nurtured by Christianity is the poetry of John Betjeman (1906–84). He didn’t create anything to rival the music of Bach or the architecture of the Gothic masters, but he did — and does — move the heart with verses like these:
And is it true? And is it true,
This most tremendous tale of all,
Seen in a stained-glass window’s hue,
A Baby in an ox’s stall?
The Maker of the stars and sea
Become a Child on earth for me?
And is it true? For if it is,
No loving fingers tying strings
Around those tissued fripperies,
The sweet and silly Christmas things,
Bath salts and inexpensive scent
And hideous tie so kindly meant,
No love that in a family dwells,
No carolling in frosty air,
Nor all the steeple-shaking bells
Can with this single Truth compare —
That God was man in Palestine
And lives today in Bread and Wine. (“Christmas,” 1954)
Betjeman believed but had doubts. I have doubts and can’t believe. The doctrines are too much for me. I can’t believe in the Virgin Birth and I can’t believe that the flesh and blood of Christ are literally, but undetectably, the bread and wine taken by Christians at Eucharist. But again I can see that the Christian belief in transubstantiation is much less irrational and superstitious than the leftist belief in transgenderism. Christians believe that Christ becomes bread and wine because God so wills it. Leftists believe that men become women because the men in question so will it. The men might have beards and balls and ten-inch todgers, but they’re fully female all the same. Only heretical haters deny this great and glorious truth.
“A slender elf-woman”
Okay, leftists don’t call the deniers “heretics” or “witches” or “blasphemers.” But it’s clear that religious psychology is at work in leftism, which is an ugly parody of Christianity rather as transgenderism is an ugly parody of transubstantiation. Tolkien put it like this: “The Shadow … can only mock, it cannot make: not real new things of its own.” Tolkien is another great Christian writer whom I revere but can’t follow into Christianity. The Virgin Mary appears in Tolkien’s masterpiece, The Lord of the Rings (1954–5), but under another name: Galadriel. She’s the awe-inspiring Elven lady who nevertheless has the humility to resist the golden temptation of supreme power:
She lifted up her hand and from the ring that she wore there issued a great light that illuminated her alone and left all else dark. She stood before Frodo seeming now tall beyond measurement, and beautiful beyond enduring, terrible and worshipful. Then she let her hand fall, and the light faded, and suddenly she laughed again, and lo! she was shrunken: a slender elf-woman, clad in simple white, whose gentle voice was soft and sad.
“I pass the test,” she said. “I will diminish, and go into the West and remain Galadriel.” (The Fellowship of the Ring, 1954, Book II, chapter 7)
That is Tolkien’s portrayal of the Virgin Mary, who bore God but did not aspire to godhead herself. The Star of Bethlehem appears in Lord of the Rings too. I think so anyway. I think it’s the hope-lifter and heart-raiser seen by the humble hobbit Sam from the ash-choked death-land of the Dark Lord Sauron:
Far above the Ephel Dúath in the West the night-sky was still dim and pale. There, peeping among the cloud-wrack above a dark tor high up in the mountains, Sam saw a white star twinkle for a while. The beauty of it smote his heart, as he looked up out of the forsaken land, and hope returned to him. For like a shaft, clear and cold, the thought pierced him that in the end the Shadow was only a small and passing thing: there was light and high beauty for ever beyond its reach. (The Return of the King, 1955, Book VI, chapter 3)
But where is the Christ-child in Tolkien’s masterpiece? Nowhere and everywhere, I would say. Tolkien could not have created the Truth, Beauty and Goodness of his trilogy without believing in the Christ-child and the Virgin Birth. But beliefs can do good, can inspire great art and literature, without being true. And I think one thing is more certain about Christianity than the Virgin Birth or the Resurrection. In its highest, best, and most inspiring forms, Christianity is a White religion, indissolubly bound to the pale-skinned folk of Europe and her diaspora. Whites created Christianity and Christianity created Whites by influencing their evolution. Belloc put it like this, perhaps with deeper meaning than he intended: “Europe is the Faith and the Faith is Europe.” That’s why the enemies of Whites, like Jews and leftists, are also the enemies of Christ. And why there’s a war on Christmas. In this war, we should side with Belloc, Tolkien, Lewis and Betjeman. And they all followed the Christ-child, Maker of the stars and sea.
True Christianity is beautifully White: Madonna of the Magnificat (c. 1483) by Sandro Botticelli (image from Wikipedia)
Except that there is no God, let alone a Trinity of distinct persons, unfortunately. Nor is there a Christ in “heaven” at the “right hand” of his Father, and waiting to send whole nations into an eternal furnace, fortunately. His “virgin birth” was impossible because without a human father he lacked the essential SRY gene, but was nevertheless described as of the tribe of Judah, circumcised into Jewry and given a Jewish burial, with his followers commissioned to convert all nations (black, white, khaki, whatever). The old apologetics of Chesterton and Lewis have been refuted by the modern “theologians” and exegetes. Sadly, the rock on which the RC was supposedly built is turning into sand, with the present Nincompope relying on simple and superstitious Africans to fill the pews. Mosques are booming in Britain while churches close. “UNhappy Holidays” as tills jingle, cards arrive late, booze and bunting combine with TV smut and drivel, and then presents go (back) to charity shops.
“There is tragedy in the spectacle,” said the atheist philosopher-novelist Ayn Rand (aka D. N. Aryan), but then she was a Jewish immigrant from Russia, and said this with regret not delight, although Mr Langdon might not think so.
Even if Jesus was no longer a jew Mary certainly was. I have had enough of Christianity I think. Martin Luther was cool tho.
Every time you said BRAIN, you really meant MIND.
We always enjoy appreciate and deeply
respect Tobias…so dear Tobias..and fabulous Prof.KM….**Merry Christmas.! Yes…we love
to read your fine commentary . Tobias ,of course is coming from an empirical relativistic potentially scientific materialists dogma.mindset..not an experientially fulfilled mentality…but when any man is truly alone..he will remember ..perhaps in trepidation…that ..truth is Lasting.” It may also not nesecerily be true that there are no atheists in foxholes…but for all intensive purposes..imagine this..think on anything too hard for The Heavenly.Father..?…who..believe it or
not….every 80 to 125 years.seems to…and .will yet turn around all the declensions..abominations. desecrations…tyrannies.. imposed on the late great planet earth by the Synagogue of Satan….certifiably The Jews* A great deal of information streams indicate that Charles Darwin was a Freemason.”Freemasonry is mere “judiasm for non Jews.”such a horrific problem in the Jew–K..
so many homosexual Freemason Cyborgs”…..not only here in the colonies..or..Jew super parasited scorched earth america..or “.jewmerica”. Kabala..talmud..the communist manifesto..the revolution in France….Noahide law satanism..etc ..all these that most fine writers here at magnificent TOO…. diametrically rightly oppose., correctly excoriate…these are Antichrist jewdevil theofacistic pablum. The incarnation down from Paradise of AllMighty Jesus Christ who was not . and is Not A,Jew..but fulfilled their first pharisaical bloodlusting barbaric covenant law and forever disrupted Judiasm talmudism.kabala ..and communism..forever.Note that even with Jewish jewdevilish always burns itself out..and ultimately can be overthrown. .In this season it is easy for us who know The Risen Christ to say..He Lives! He loves all but has strictly forbidden any iteration of evil…consequently we all have free will with consequences with Him..but the “world”destroys most who seek truth and move outside of the lock step conformity.. the world demands ..gentrifies in a trillion ways.Be advised. this is not written to offend..convert or preach but to welcome all to open their minds..not wall themselves in to nihilist futility…to continue searching ..studying..and remember…it is never wise to make enemies of potential great allies…in this tremendous article many fine distinctions with personal negative..frustrated unreconciled biased themes stand for now..but Beware the Jew inculcated atheist hopelessness… no one at TOO, would intentionally side with the Jewdevils on a pretense of unfulfilled
experiences…” many atheists serve only The Jew*
.. .lies last only for a moment..truth lasts forever*One more time…Merry Christmas…fabulous Tobias and stentorian prof. KM. **Great article by Prof.KM on the horrifying Jewish afterbirth from hell known as “critical race theory””..critical to…whom?”…more preternatural Jew race supremacist pseudo ideological pablum agitprop.”Merry Christmas. He lives. * Let all decent folk Rearm Now*
@ Alan
Two comments (for now) on this somewhat crazy jumble: (i) Darwin’s masonic membership makes no difference to theories of evolution; (ii) the “synagogue of Satan” at Revelation 3.9 are NOT Jews.
Merry Christmas Arnold.@….Perhaps we can borrow your coinage..*somewhat crazy jumble*fun verbiage for sure…..we wish all at the occidental observer..well…never forgetting so many fine advised dear Sir..we have been called much worse than crazy! Some say* we are..crazy as a fox *…,we don’t care so much what people’s what they do …and. most respectfully ..congenially..your subjective view of possible..khazars…or……..good or bad Jews..or The Synagogue of Satan reference from ch.2and 3.of Revelations…is your own.*All the best..but we despise freemasonry..we think it’s an inverted form of psychosis.
Christians and jews that ridiculed Catholic Christian “mysteries” such as Resurrection/Virgin Birth. they accept without questions that God only chose less than 1% of his Human/creation..that sounds irrational.illogical, absurd.God can NOT love all humanity only the jews?? that would make God Racist. The Christian Religious MYTHS are primitive fantasies. BUT MYTHS in the Torah are never questioned: God created the Universe in 6days, Abraham fathered children after being more than 75th years old, that Moses talked to a “BURNING BUSH”…I find it impossible to believe that God told the Pharisees in the Talmud that they must killed all goyim, or that It is ok to rape babies/children..or that they can sacrifice animals in place for their sins (Komoros). Jewish MYTHS are never questioned even though there is NO Historical/archeological, anthropological EVIDENCE…and even when Science contradicts jewish Zio MYTHS..Most jews in Israel have NO jewish DNA…and how an they claim to be the same jews/people that lived in PALESTINE more than 3Kyrs ago.??? Humans evolve constantly…more so after 3Kyrs…
@ Jaime Jonas
The myths in the Torah and in the NT are both questioned. The latter to some extent depend on the former. The Talmud does not advocate the murder of all Gentiles. It does say that Jesus is in hell. The NT says that unbelievers will go to hell. References on request.
Arnold you have ignited a firestorm..,! reminded that The Talmud says *the best of the gentiles should be killed*and a multiplicity of Talmudic references say as much in a satanic kaleidoscope of ways as well..- ..Jaime is correct to question anything and everything as a free man who may yet find the Magnificent absolute Divinity of Jesus..- no one has to be Roman Catholic to be saved..even that apostate fool bergoglio revealed his personal idiocy stating the believer should Not have a personal relationship with AllMighty Jesus Christ!what an idiotic degenerate perverted fool and a betrayer to all the best of what pre Vatican 2,.stood that as it is…we are Not Catholic..we are Slavic American Non sectarian Christian…We have no problem with the virgin birth..**we don’t worship Mary or pray to her or try to have “saints intercede for us.”as most Roman Catholics do.*No problem for us.We merely say there is one mediator between Man and God..Jesus Christ.*He is more than enough for all things*..Jaime is absolutely right to oppose all the Talmudic Jewish most Catholic s and Christians do.Merry Christmas to all in the strictest spiritual..Orthodox classical sense. We stated what we did not to give or receive offense..but when the connection between freemasonry and Darwin came up we were reminded of the satanic scientific materialists failures of the last 200years ..we *don’t trust the science. from the Jews *
The Talmud is a collection of rabbinic opinions, discussions and disagreements. The well-known passage cited refers to a particular war situation. Other passages include Gentiles in the prohibition against murder. Not to say that this stuff is not weird and unsavoury, and alien to non-Jewish minds.
Many important scientists have been Roman Catholics, and many evolutionists have been Christians. Some Jews have been prominent in modern research in physics and medicine. These matters are more complicated and nuanced than you think.
It was a virgin birth, because Mary was impregnated by geneticists. If you would read a summary of Sumerian cuneiform and then read a book by Mauro Biglino, you would understand this. Then you would not be in disbelief. That is if you can accept that humans had help from an advanced civilization and the advanced beings from that civilization, which the people at that time wrongly thought were gods.
I have read “The Genius of the Few” by the O’Briens on this theme. I find it much more down to earth, and likely, to posit the view that the mother of Jesus was impregnated by another ordinary human, probably as part of a mission to start the expected new dispensation prophesied by Daniel and Zoroaster in ancient Persia, and widely expected in the ancient world, especially after Halley’s Comet in 12 BCE. The biological father usually cited was a Roman soldier named Tiberius Abdes Pantera, the name “Abdes” meaning in Old Persian “Servant of Jesus” and portrayed as the angel Gabriel, in line with the precedent at Judges 13.2-24. Hitler held a similar view; cf. Walter Grundmann, “Jesus der Galilaer und das Judentum” (1940).
If this terrestrial fool dare rush in to a debate about angels from outer space or ancient civilizations, may I first draw attention to the difference between the two genealogies and infancy stories of NT, both of which have been scrutinised carefully by qualified scholars, from Raymond Brown to Geza Vermes. Both bloodlines there appear ironically to be those of Jesus not Mary, though the Lukan version which goes back to the imagined progenitor of all humans, not just the Hebrews, could possibly be a slanted reference to his virgin mother. Otherwise, one could presume, for example, that Mary personally was wholly or partly of Levi, not Judah, like her priestly cousins.
Secondly, I consider the writings of Mauro Biglino (an “ex-“mason, incidentally) as misguided as those of predecessors like Hans Schindler and Claude Vorilhon, who take scriptural texts more or less literally as given, but re-interpret them to suit an imposed fantasy, rather than the combination of fact and fiction they really are. Into this mix go flying saucers, lost civilizations and conspiracy “theories”. The result contributes to a collection of competitive cults as alternative religions, largely filling the gap left by traditional Christianity, Papal or Protestant, which has lost conviction in the western world. There are regrettably few published refutations of some of this nonsense, such as Ronald Story’s “Guardians of the Universe” (1981). which evangelical Christians unsurprisingly see as an end-time Satanic manifestation, and I see as a product of a decline in intelligence and education.
Many British Roman Catholics and Anglicans have embraced
all manner of occult nonsense..trendy oatmeal hamburger new age stupidification….homosexuality.neoliberal pablum and have condescended to preach their nihilist gospel to the rest of the unwashed. “.Useful cowardly idiots that stand for nothing and fall for anything..cannon fodder for the already gentrified scientific Dictatorship.*Finally ..for them and sneering bovine easily disarmed pontificating pseudo science atheists who swear up and down .idiotically this the science..””.don’t let Jewish covid get you down .
@ Alan
Well, we appear to agree on something, objecting to the crackpot superstitions embraced by some “Christians” and the woke “neoliberal pabulum”, from sodomy to mass-immigration, dispensed with whining pulpit sanctimony by others.
racist Christians, racist pagans, racist evolutionists. They only consist thing is their racism.
There is no racism, that is a word invented by communist Trotsky, as a way to divide people. When the Nations are respected, meaning the fact that we are indeed different, then such an idea does not exist. It’s jews who do not respect the Nations, and jews who pit us against each other. There is one enemy of all of human kind. When all humanity realizes this and unites against the common enemy, instead of playing into their divisive lies, we will all win.
The debate among gormless goyim can now be settled, as Legendary Psychic and CIA Consultant Uri Geller reveals in detail from Tel Aviv: “Aliens gave Jesus his power to perform miracles…because the same thing happened to me – and here is the proof,” DAILY MAIL (UK), December 21, 2024 CE/Kislev 19, 5785.
So Happy Hanukkah to all you lovely people, without whose antisemitism the ADL, AIPAC, WZO, IHRA and many more institutions would lose much justification – and considerable income!
Yes it is true, Christianity is white. And just as Jesus defied death we shall defy death by this mind virus that currently infects us. Then shall the world see what revenge by humility looks like.