Entries by Alexander Dugin

Dugin: Greater Israel and the Conquering Messiah

From Arktos A profound shift in the global perception of Israel — and perhaps of the Jewish people as a whole — is underway. After the catastrophe European Jews endured under Hitler during World War Two, they evoked widespread pity, compassion, and sincere sympathy on a global scale. This moral capital facilitated the establishment of […]

The Trump Factor and Our Victory in Ukraine

​Alexander Dugin asserts that Russia’s survival depends on victory in Ukraine and navigating the geopolitical shifts under Trump amid globalist and neoconservative challenges. Russia’s entire future hinges on victory in Ukraine. Whether Russia will continue to exist at all depends on this outcome. Thus, no topic is more important than this war. It is sacred. […]

The Ukraine Question and the Trump Administration

I have to say that I am surprised by Dugin’s idea that all of Ukraine should be under Russian control, and I assume that he is tuned into what the Russian government wants. If Trump agreed to that, it would be widely seen as surrender. I had assumed that it was only the predominantly Russian […]

Nasrallah’s Death Marks Israel’s Apocalyptic Rise

Dugin getting Biblical: This is being done in anticipation of the coming and enthronement of the Messiah, who will subject all countries and peoples of the world to Israel (in the Christian and Muslim understanding, this figure is the false messiah, the Antichrist, or Dajjal). One can imagine what is happening now in the minds […]

Liberation of the Kursk Region or Nuclear Armageddon

Reposted from Arktos It’s long been clear that the Ukraine-Russia war is seen as existential by both sides, and since Ukraine is a proxy for the West, that means that the stakes are very high—so high that it can’t be any surprise that the use of nuclear weapons is on the table.  “In the case […]