Entries by Andrew Joyce, Ph.D.

Nacionalisté, Židé a ukrajinská krize – historický exkurz

Nationalists, Jews and the Ukrainian Crisis: Some Historical Perspective by Andrew Joyce Nacionalismus je touha po svobodě (ne kolaborace s Židy s cílem získat režimní posty) Autor: Andrew Joyce V minulých dnech a týdnech se objevila řada komentářů zabývajících se údajnými fašistickými či antisemitskými sklony ukrajinských nacionalistů zapojených do revolučních událostí. Nejnověji je Vladimir Putin […]

Nationalists, Jews and the Ukrainian Crisis: Some Historical Perspective

Recent days have seen several comments touching on the allegedly fascist or anti-Semitic leanings of Ukrainian nationalists involved in the revolution. Most recently, Vladimir Putin has stated that the revolutionaries are a band of “fascists” and “reactionary anti-Semitic forces” that have gone “on a rampage.” Commentators remain divided on whether Putin truly believes Ukraine to […]

Karl Pearson, Immigration, and the War over Jewish Intelligence, 1925–1935

I often take great pleasure from looking into the past and finding, among persons and works of great genius, ideas that we very closely share. Recently I’ve been looking into the life and work of Karl Pearson (1857–1936), a man commonly considered to be one of the founders of modern statistical science. Born in London, […]

Making “America as user-friendly to Jews as possible.” The Anti-Defamation League and the Indoctrination of our Youth.

I’ve recently been occupying my spare time with careful study of the ADL’s “Anti-Bias Lesson Plans and Resources for K-12 Educators.” On the ADL’s website, it is said that these lesson plans, which target children in grades three through twelve, have been designed to help “educators” “integrate multicultural, anti-bias, and social justice themes into their […]