Entries by Francis Carr Begbie

Immigrant flood unleashes moral status competition, emotional incontinence and hypocrisy

The status war has finally broken out in earnest over the Syrian refugees. The first shot was fired by the glamorous blonde Icelandic blogger who offered to adopt a Syrian child and encouraged her countrymen to let out their spare rooms to the refugees. Around 10,000 Icelanders have responded positively to her Facebook campaign and […]

Ethnic Nepotism, Incompetence and Parasitism at Britain’s National Health Service

With a dazzling smile and expensively-styled long hair, glamorous Dr Ola Orekunrin is a walking advertisement for the new multi-ethnic Britain. Not only was she — at 21 — the youngest person ever to qualify as a doctor but she has since held down important posts at a string of prestigious hospitals. A shining example, then, […]

David Cameron règle le problème des “extrémistes non-violents”

Original article: David Cameron takes on “non-violent extremists” Article d’origine publié le 26 juillet 2015 Poursuivant sa longue carrière très productive, l’historien David Irving vient d’ajouter une nouvelle plume à son chapeau: le gouvernement britannique l’a en effet choisi comme emblème de sa nouvelle campagne contre l’extrémisme, une distinction qu’il partage avec le bourreau d’internet […]