About James Murray
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Entries by James Murray
Charles Kingsley: Books for Boys
/17 Comments/in White Racial Consciousness and Advocacy/by James MurrayThe Politically Correct abstract below describes the books of Charles Kingsley, who wrote in the later 1800s. It notes that his books remained popular for a long time with children after adult history reading had removed on, and that “many a second-hand bookstore groans under the weight of the Macmillan’s blue-bound edition of the works” […]
9/11: Burning Bibles, Burning Qurans and the Victory Monuments at Ground Zero
/58 Comments/in Anti-White Attitudes, Featured Articles/by James MurraySeptember 11 has become a milestone in modern America and is both the symbol of the War on Terrorism, the symbol of America attacked, and of the Cordoba Mosque, a symbol of the Muslim triumph over both Spain and the United States. September 11 is a monument to the comprehensive defeat of the Euroepan-American people, […]
Bernie Madoff’s Ethno-Nepotistic Ponzi Scheme
/1 Comment/in Featured Articles/by James MurrayHaaretz has run an article claiming that anti-Semites will jump on Madoff’s $56 billion fraud against Jewish investors to besmirch the good name of Jews. Some Jews have proclaimed Madoff’s fraud to be a new Kristallnacht. The Jewish Journal connects Madoff to the perpetrators of the Holocaust. Some Jews eveninsist that “Christmas came early” for anti-Semites because of […]
Comments on Katrine Fangen’s “Breaking Up the Different Constituting Parts of Ethnicity: The Case of Young Somalis in Norway” (Acta Sociologica, December 2007. pp. 401-414).
/1 Comment/in Featured Articles/by James MurrayThis article examines five case studies of Somalis living in Norway: Norwegian-Muslims who are Norwegian-Somalis. None of the five Somalis see Norwegian identity as desirable, except in so far as it grants them opportunities and welfare. None of Somalis respect Norwegian culture. None of the Somalis feel “stigmatized” by Norwegians because of their skin color, […]