Entries by Kevin MacDonald

Christopher Donovan: Spinning Illegal Immigration: How the Anti-White Media Does It

Christopher Donovan: ABC News’ report on Arizona’s latest illegal immigration legislation is juicy example of extreme anti-white bias in the MSM. Correspondent “Huma Khan” loads up five — count ’em, five — anti-legislation sources:  two Hispanic women who feel aggrieved, a spokesman for MALDEF, another spokesman whose group is described as seeking “comprehensive immigration reform”, and no less […]

A Tale of Two Rich Guys, Haim Saban and Charles T. Munger

A Sacramento Bee op-ed by Dan Morain points out that the motives for all the money going into a California ballot proposition on redistricting are hidden from the public. The two men couldn’t be more different. Haim Saban, the billionaire media tycoon, wants the politicians to redraw boundaries so that the Congressional seat of Howard […]

Kevin MacDonald: The Violent Anti-White Left Puts On a Show

Kevin MacDonald: You really have to wonder what’s going on when a bunch of White guys from Detroit decide to hold a protest on the lawn of the LA City Hall carrying Nazi banners. The LA Times article mentions  “a bare-chested middle-aged man with Nazi insignias tattooed on his chest and back.” The counter-protesters beat […]

Edmund Connelly on Faux Conservatives

Edmund Connelly’s current TOO article explores the topic of faux conservatives. Particularly interesting is Michael Savage’s question “Who assaulted the White race? Who set out to destroy the White people?” This is a huge improvement on other MSM conservatives. I have never heard anything like that from the likes of Limbaugh, Hannity, Coulter, or your […]

More on Dual Loyalty — Dr. Lani Kass and Gen. Norton Schwartz

Dual loyalty issues have once again arisen, this time in conjunction with Philip Giraldi’s astonishing essay on antiwar.com. Giraldi discusses the curious career of Dr. Lani Kass — formerly a senior military officer in the Israeli Defense Force, and now the  senior Special Assistant to the Chief of Staff of the United States Air Force […]


We are still trying to get back to normal after getting bounced by PayPal. The biggest problem is that it was easy to set up recurrent donations with PayPal. Many people who formerly made recurrent payments in this manner no longer do so. There are two ways to get around this. One is to use […]